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Does the Church Belong to Caesar?

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
I thought it was a good read.


I'm not sure which is more sad, that American pastors are being arrested for having public worship services or that most Christians seem to be perfectly fine with that travesty. While I always assumed the American “church” would fold at the first sign of persecution, it turns out that many have folded far easier than that. They didn't have to be beaten, shot, or tortured; they merely had to be commanded by the government to stop meeting; and most squeamishly complied...

...Technically, Jesus was not answering a question about paying taxes in general, but rather explaining whether or not it was “lawful” for a Jew to do it; since some Jews saw it as an act of idolatry to grant Caesar such payments. Jesus's answer put the question to rest from a Jewish perspective, in telling them to “render unto Caesar” the taxes he demanded. The more telling aspect of Jesus's statement is the second half of the verse, which is often overlooked; and seems to be have been largely forgotten by Christians today. Jesus said, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, AND TO GOD THE THINGS THAT ARE GOD'S.” (Luke 20:25 emphasis added)...

Don't claim that a “national emergency” renders the Constitution moot; because the document was written in the midst of a “national emergency” (or revolution) with the intent of protecting liberty. And liberty is most under fire during “emergencies.” Moreover, if our liberties can be squelched at such a time as this; whose to say that future administrations cannot do likewise over far lesser “emergencies?” Who gets to decide when an emergency is serious enough to take our freedom? And why should anyone be allowed to decide that for someone else?

Pastors are being arrested in America today, for the crime of “unlawful assembly.” And most Christians seem perfectly fine with that disturbing reality. But once upon a time Christians didn't fold their tents so easily. Once upon a time, Christians were willing to be arrested for their beliefs. They were willing to oppose unbiblical mandates against their faith. Indeed they were willing to die for the cause. Not so today. They're too busy “rendering unto Caesar” the things that AREN'T CAESAR'S TO TAKE. While forgetting to render unto GOD.... the things that belong to God.

And liberty is most under fire during “emergencies.” Moreover, if our liberties can be squelched at such a time as this; whose to say that future administrations cannot do likewise over far lesser “emergencies?” Who gets to decide when an emergency is serious enough to take our freedom? And why should anyone be allowed to decide that for someone else?

This pinpoints the problem. I hate to keep repeating myself, but this is so important for everyone to understand. What many people still don't realize is that "emergencies" and "crises" are constantly used as pretexts for the powers-that-be to bring about their agendas. It's their best tool. It's the Hegelian Dialectic. Problem-Reaction-Solution. That is the way that corrupt powers operate. I talked about this on another thread, but I'll say it again here. When the PTB have a particular agenda that they otherwise would not be able to achieve, they create a "problem." Then comes the "reaction" (fear, panic, "help us! do something!!!") and then the government comes to the rescue with the "solution" which just so happens to be their agenda in the first place.

I think the reason that many people simply don't believe that or think it's crazy is because so many people don't understand that the powers who run this world are corrupt to the core. They don't care about us. They only care about maintaining power, total control and bringing about THEIR agendas for the world. Which are not good for anyone except those at the very top. Sadly, many Christians fall for the same things that others fall for (whatever they're told by the idiot box) instead of remembering that from a biblical perspective, the temporary powers of this world are evil, and their ultimate agenda (global government) was prophesied in the bible, and some of us can see that unfolding, right before our eyes.
This pinpoints the problem. I hate to keep repeating myself, but this is so important for everyone to understand. What many people still don't realize is that "emergencies" and "crises" are constantly used as pretexts for the powers-that-be to bring about their agendas. It's their best tool. It's the Hegelian Dialectic. Problem-Reaction-Solution. That is the way that corrupt powers operate. I talked about this on another thread, but I'll say it again here. When the PTB have a particular agenda that they otherwise would not be able to achieve, they create a "problem." Then comes the "reaction" (fear, panic, "help us! do something!!!") and then the government comes to the rescue with the "solution" which just so happens to be their agenda in the first place.

I think the reason that many people simply don't believe that or think it's crazy is because so many people don't understand that the powers who run this world are corrupt to the core. They don't care about us. They only care about maintaining power, total control and bringing about THEIR agendas for the world. Which are not good for anyone except those at the very top. Sadly, many Christians fall for the same things that others fall for (whatever they're told by the idiot box) instead of remembering that from a biblical perspective, the temporary powers of this world are evil, and their ultimate agenda (global government) was prophesied in the bible, and some of us can see that unfolding, right before our eyes.

Yep. Pretty much.
The Church is my shepherd, I shall empart
They maketh me lie down great fortunes , and leadeth me to the best 501C3 tax breaks
They restoreth my self righteousness, and leadeth me to paths in mammons name sake

Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of deficit, I will fear no 4th evil, for thou art depreciating me , thy rod and staff comfort me (especially thy rod!)
Thou preparest a tax break before me ,with presents from my enemies, thou anointest my head with aluminum foil

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days I blow chunks in public, and I will dwell in the house of Gitmo forever

~S~w apologies to any local liquor store
The Catholic Church was man made- IMS, there was a guy who translated the bible for the NKJV which begs the questions how and what was left out?- not sure about jewry but I'm pretty sure man was around to exploit human frailty- don't care. There's not a lot of difference in people who believe themselves better than others, including Godvernment servants or Christians or Jews- the religious don't practice what they preach, but, by God gov't servants are above the law, no matter who made it- and obviously considers itself omnipotent. So, yeah, man made.
You better look at it with a different angle of view.

Check the case of Captain Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Aram, was sent Israel to be cured of a skin disease. The king of Israel sent the captain to Elisha, the prophet

The servant of prophet Elisha told him to wash his body seven times in the Jordan river and the skin disease will disappear. At the beginning the Captain refused to follow the instructions but finally conceded because he was advised to do so by his own people. After all, he was there already, close to the Jordan river.

After washing himself a few times in the river the skin disease disappeared.

The captain went back looking for the prophet and he told him that he now believes in the God of Israel. Apparently the "miracle" caused him to recognize the power of the biblical God.

However, the captain had some concerns. He had a duty as commander of the army of his kingdom, and told the prophet... for your servant will never again make burnt offerings and sacrifices to any other god but YHWH. 18 But may YHWH forgive your servant for this one thing: When my master enters the temple of Rimmon to bow down and he is leaning on my arm and I have to bow there also—when I bow down in the temple of Rimmon, may YHWH forgive your servant for this.”

The prophet told him that will be fine. "Go in peace"

This is what is render to Caesar what is Caesar's.

The captain will obey the law of his king, he will knee in front of the god of his land because is a duty, but his heart will only praise the God of the prophet Elisha.

The captain will give to Caesar what is Caesar's: his duty as captain of the army of his kingdom, but to God what is God's: his soul, his beliefs, his heart.

Jesus applied the same principle when he made the play with the coin and Caesar's face in it.
BTW, our "money" belongs to the fed reserve, hence Federal Reserve Notes for all (direct quote) This Note is legal Tender for all debts public and private- so, all debts = omnipotent, right? We pay (render) user fees on it so we are rendering to- you guessed it- jews, the chosen.

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