Does the GOP wish Obama left the country the way Bush left it.

Again I'm a Republican. You're just flaming too much for me right now. Maybe some psychiatric help?
27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes

20% of big companies pay zero corporate taxes

The rest of them don't pay the full amount. They pay somewhere near zero and the full amount. I suspect it's much closer to zero, don't you?
Approximate 60% of our corporations are pass-through corporations and pay no corporate income tax.

You're referring to S Corps and LLCs. They are mostly the small corps, they aren't 60% of the market
Seventy percent of partnership and S corporation revenue goes to big

Seventy percent of partnership income comes from the financial industry and
holding companies.

Seventy percent of partnership and S corporation income goes to the top 1
percent of U.S. households by income.

Um ... how is that money not being taxed? It goes through to owners INCOME statements. They have to pay massive taxes on that. The top 1% pay 40% of all taxes and the top 5% pay 60%. And you're claiming that's tax free? Geez, Al Jazzera, you have to pay more attention

That would then be personal income tax, not corporate tax.
Again professor, what market remains nearly flat for three decades? What market forces act on wages?

The US from 1929 until the 1950s for one. Again, repeating your lie that it's been "three decades" doesn't make it so. It started in the late 90s when the dot com bubble burst. That isn't "nearly three decades" it's a little over 1 and a half

You didn't answer the question in any way.

It's an ambiguous question. A lot of forces act on wages

Not ambiguous in any way. If there are many then give your best summary as you believe it.

So you ask a simplistic question and I point out it's more complicated than that, you want me to do the work to define the variables that make up your point. Pass, do your own work

That's right. It's so simplistic but you are unable to give a brief summary. I believe you're dodging and really have no idea or no good answer.
Perhaps Trump's wall would make the Border Patrol's job more of a desk one than out on the field......But, the endorsement is short-sighted since a wall and additional technology would probably also precipitate the firing of many on the Patrol.

I don't think so. Once you have a government job, you have a job for life in most cases. Even with a wall, that will not dismiss border agents. They will still be there, just looking for wall jumpers instead of people ducking behind rocks and trees.

Without a doubt, the wall will make their job much safer and less active. I've read several articles throughout this administration how agents felt like they were being told to virtually stand-down. They felt like they were being handcuffed. I never kept the articles because it didn't surprise me and I didn't think I would need them in the future for discussion.

I believe these agents (and the union) don't feel like DumBama is on their side; just like many of our police officers across this country. remain a moron......I demonstrated that businesses did not manifest any reluctance to hire following the passage of ACA.....this is entirely different from asserting that "ACA was the ONLY factor affecting job growth"....

That you are saying "business did not manifest any reluctance to hiring following the passage of the ACA" is saying EXACTLY that it's the only factor. My God, how do you even sell financial securities when you can't follow what you even said yourself? Don't your clients just sit there and stare at you and say you just contradicted themselves?

And BTW, you overstated what you think you showed, all you did was compare hiring under Obama to under Bush. They both sucked
is saying EXACTLY that it's the only factor. possess the reading comprehension of the product of a third rate university....which explains your affinity for Bear's tragic ignorance....

Yes, it is saying that's the only factor. You pointed to one factor, one outcome, and drew a conclusion. That is exactly saying there is exactly one factor. Which is a fallacy of the single cause


What did I suggest that it was the single cause of?

Please spare me your "interpretations" and quote me.....
The best thing is that the economy would return to how it was was before Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that jackass Obama took over Congress in 2007.

The economy was doing fine until the American people had a brain fart and elected Democrats.

Lets just hope they don't have another brain fart and elect this Crooked Hillary bitch in November. All we need is four more years of the disaster we got from Obama to seal the fate of this country to be a shithole.
Record foreclosures in 2006 is flush's idea of everything was just peachy before Democrats took over in 2007.


Record foreclosures were a result of Barney Frank and Co.
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?
The best thing is that the economy would return to how it was was before Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that jackass Obama took over Congress in 2007.

The economy was doing fine until the American people had a brain fart and elected Democrats.

Lets just hope they don't have another brain fart and elect this Crooked Hillary bitch in November. All we need is four more years of the disaster we got from Obama to seal the fate of this country to be a shithole.
Record foreclosures in 2006 is flush's idea of everything was just peachy before Democrats took over in 2007.


Record foreclosures were a result of Barney Frank and Co.
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?

You people might have a point if not for the struggle that Obama and the Democrats had for passing ACA when Democrats dominated the White House, Senate, and House. Should have been a slam dunk.
They are counted and reported the same, that's my point, Kenneth. However, the former wants a job and the second isn't getting a job (right now) no matter what. Hence my point that entirely different economic circumstances are treated the same. They are both considered part of the labor force, neither is considered unemployed even though the guy who gave up looking for work wants one.

I mean duh

So you're saying the participation rate is down simply because people who wish to work are unable to find a job?

Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner! Actually economists are the ones saying that, but I did repeat them so I'll accept that answer

You're full of shit per usual. Please provide a link.

I'm not showing you that labor participation is going down because people can't find jobs. I don't do research for lazy asses like you, particularly ones who aren't debating in good faith., If you cared, you'd Google it yourself like I do all the time. I always have two tabs open when I post, the second is to do research before posting anything like you just did
You are in no way "debating in good faith".
It's your assertion and your burden to cite proof. If you can't then I will assume you are unable. I believe the colloquial term is "Kazzing".

Now you've done it.....
That doesn't address the point......there is no dispute that Scrub failed to provide the means to pay for Medicare Part D and the War in fact, Iraqnam funding was outside the regular budget process which meant that the costs weren't reflected in the "reported deficit".....this changed in FY 2010.

Thank you...You explained better than I did but, rest assured, that right wingers will STILL deny it.

They're idiots.....
15,000,000 jobs Obama has created instead of 850,000 per month lost? The answer is easy and this is why we should elect Hillary.
There is no shortage of part time fry cook jobs in the Obama economy
When has there ever been a shortage of part time fry cooks?
Reread my post
Why reread it? It was stupid the first time you posted it. You're implying that Obama's economy is so bad that many jobs went to part time fry cooks. Aside from the idiocy that many jobs at all went to part timers since we have fewer part timers now than we had at the end of Bush's Great Recession, I'm not aware that there's ever been a shortage of part time fry cooks. So such an example doesn't actually reflect on the health of the economy if it's no worse now than ever before.

Still want to ignore that part time jobs are at a 30 year low prick?
Still want to ignore that part time jobs are at a 30 year low prick?
Are they at 30 year HIGHS, or 30 year LOWS?
The best thing is that the economy would return to how it was was before Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that jackass Obama took over Congress in 2007.

The economy was doing fine until the American people had a brain fart and elected Democrats.

Lets just hope they don't have another brain fart and elect this Crooked Hillary bitch in November. All we need is four more years of the disaster we got from Obama to seal the fate of this country to be a shithole.
Record foreclosures in 2006 is flush's idea of everything was just peachy before Democrats took over in 2007.


Record foreclosures were a result of Barney Frank and Co.
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?
The best thing is that the economy would return to how it was was before Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that jackass Obama took over Congress in 2007.

The economy was doing fine until the American people had a brain fart and elected Democrats.

Lets just hope they don't have another brain fart and elect this Crooked Hillary bitch in November. All we need is four more years of the disaster we got from Obama to seal the fate of this country to be a shithole.
Record foreclosures in 2006 is flush's idea of everything was just peachy before Democrats took over in 2007.


Record foreclosures were a result of Barney Frank and Co.
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?

You people might have a point if not for the struggle that Obama and the Democrats had for passing ACA when Democrats dominated the White House, Senate, and House. Should have been a slam dunk.
Interesting statement, and unrelated to the post you're responding to.
The best thing is that the economy would return to how it was was before Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that jackass Obama took over Congress in 2007.

The economy was doing fine until the American people had a brain fart and elected Democrats.

Lets just hope they don't have another brain fart and elect this Crooked Hillary bitch in November. All we need is four more years of the disaster we got from Obama to seal the fate of this country to be a shithole.
Record foreclosures in 2006 is flush's idea of everything was just peachy before Democrats took over in 2007.


Record foreclosures were a result of Barney Frank and Co.
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?
The best thing is that the economy would return to how it was was before Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that jackass Obama took over Congress in 2007.

The economy was doing fine until the American people had a brain fart and elected Democrats.

Lets just hope they don't have another brain fart and elect this Crooked Hillary bitch in November. All we need is four more years of the disaster we got from Obama to seal the fate of this country to be a shithole.
Record foreclosures in 2006 is flush's idea of everything was just peachy before Democrats took over in 2007.


Record foreclosures were a result of Barney Frank and Co.
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?

You people might have a point if not for the struggle that Obama and the Democrats had for passing ACA when Democrats dominated the White House, Senate, and House. Should have been a slam dunk.
Interesting statement, and unrelated to the post you're responding to.

The refute was about a majority party struggling trying to push through legislation. Relevant.
Do Republicans remember how the country was when Obama became president. The economy, the stock market, the wars, employment and so on? The car industry, the steel industry, the rubber industry and so on?

Credit card companies? Health care?

Do they wish he had done nothing?

How would things be different?

Do you remember that Pelosi and Reid ran congress ?

Can you remember that you are not supposed to reveal that you never graduated from the 5th grade ?

So tell me what you believe the 109th Congress contributed to The Wages of Supply Side Idiocy, Parte Deux....
I'm quite sure it's not a coffee shop but it's indisputable that they are and have been mysteriously operating on the same page for quite some time.

Please explain what market forces act on wages. No one will answer that question except to say what employers are willing to pay what employees are willing to take which is exactly my point. They decide and so far they have let overall compensation decrease over time.

Now, in a world where record profits, record productivity have been the norm for several decades and yet have not moved wages, what forces do?

I thought I already explained that: you are only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same job with the same quality.

If employers can't find workers to do X job, then they have no choice but to increase their wage offer. It keeps going up until they at least get some takers.

I think we all feel we are worth more money; I know I do. But if you can be replaced, then your labor is not worth more money.

It's not just monkey jobs either. Years ago my company wanted me to attend electronics school. It was tough because I had to go at night to keep my full time income. After a few months I really started to get burned out. So I asked my teacher what kind of money I would be looking at once I got my FCC license. He told me about 16K a year. Shocked, I asked what I would be making if I stayed two years instead of one to get my associates degree? He told me about 18K a year.

I went home and scoured the want ads to see what kind of money people in that field were offered. I was surprised to see that there were not many job offerings period.

Electronics is very hard. It's mostly math. But why such little pay? Because everybody and their mother were getting into electronics at the time. Way too much supply and little demand.
To blame that mess entirely on Bush is asinine

Really? Assholes like you blame EVERYTHING that has gone wrong in this country on Obama. That is asinine. Right?

...and assholes like you blame "Booosh" for everything that's wrong.

Is there any element of The Lost Decade for which you DO hold Pretzeldunce Innocent Bystander responsible?

(smile) Yup. Our po white boy leader pretty much fucked up everything he touched.
Jus like our Magic Negro" has.
Record foreclosures in 2006 is flush's idea of everything was just peachy before Democrats took over in 2007.


Record foreclosures were a result of Barney Frank and Co.
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?
Record foreclosures in 2006 is flush's idea of everything was just peachy before Democrats took over in 2007.


Record foreclosures were a result of Barney Frank and Co.
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?

You people might have a point if not for the struggle that Obama and the Democrats had for passing ACA when Democrats dominated the White House, Senate, and House. Should have been a slam dunk.
Interesting statement, and unrelated to the post you're responding to.

The refute was about a majority party struggling trying to push through legislation. Relevant.
Perhaps, if you'll identify what legislation the GOP struggled with while they had the country by the short hairs.
To blame that mess entirely on Bush is asinine

Really? Assholes like you blame EVERYTHING that has gone wrong in this country on Obama. That is asinine. Right?

...and assholes like you blame "Booosh" for everything that's wrong.

Is there any element of The Lost Decade for which you DO hold Pretzeldunce Innocent Bystander responsible?

(smile) Yup. Our po white boy leader pretty much fucked up everything he touched.
Jus like our Magic Negro" has.

I'll take this...

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes

20% of big companies pay zero corporate taxes

The rest of them don't pay the full amount. They pay somewhere near zero and the full amount. I suspect it's much closer to zero, don't you?
Approximate 60% of our corporations are pass-through corporations and pay no corporate income tax.

You're referring to S Corps and LLCs. They are mostly the small corps, they aren't 60% of the market
Seventy percent of partnership and S corporation revenue goes to big

Seventy percent of partnership income comes from the financial industry and
holding companies.

Seventy percent of partnership and S corporation income goes to the top 1
percent of U.S. households by income.

Um ... how is that money not being taxed? It goes through to owners INCOME statements. They have to pay massive taxes on that. The top 1% pay 40% of all taxes and the top 5% pay 60%. And you're claiming that's tax free? Geez, Al Jazzera, you have to pay more attention
No need to lie about what I said, which was that 60% of our corporations pay no corporate income tax, nothing more.

You are lying, their owners pay income tax for the corporate earnings as well as a plethora of other taxes
Huh.....a post from a Federal Reserve source.....color me unimpressed.
Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner! Actually economists are the ones saying that, but I did repeat them so I'll accept that answer

You're full of shit per usual. Please provide a link.

I'm not showing you that labor participation is going down because people can't find jobs. I don't do research for lazy asses like you, particularly ones who aren't debating in good faith., If you cared, you'd Google it yourself like I do all the time. I always have two tabs open when I post, the second is to do research before posting anything like you just did
You are in no way "debating in good faith".
It's your assertion and your burden to cite proof. If you can't then I will assume you are unable. I believe the colloquial term is "Kazzing".

That's fauns term. He has a gay obsession with me. He follows me around all the time mindlessly repeating that. This is your chance to go on my ignore list. Say kazzing one more time. Come up with your own material. This isn't a playground no matter how much you miss those. As stupid as liberals are, only two other liberals took up his obsession with that particular playground chant. The true dumbest of the dumb
Apparently you've earned it and I can see why.
The burden is still yours.

I don't Google what is in the news every day for people just because you don't like it because it doesn't help Democrats. People are dropping out of the work force and labor participation is low. Here's what you do. Open a tab and Google. Again, I keep a tab open all the time for that reason. I've never asked a question like you did without searching myself first, ever.

But that's why I'm a self supporting libertarian and you're a greedy collectivist

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