Does the GOP wish Obama left the country the way Bush left it.

Really? Assholes like you blame EVERYTHING that has gone wrong in this country on Obama. That is asinine. Right?

...and assholes like you blame "Booosh" for everything that's wrong.
What's not to blame? Bush left a crater in the country's economy just like he left a crater in lower Manhattan.


Your "Magic Negro" has dome nothing to "save" the economy.
He has added 2 wars to the two already ongoing. (Which by he way tells you e is part of the Military Industrial Complex).
So is Hillary.
Suuure, uh-huh. Typical conservative [il]logic ... when the president is a Democrat, they get the blame for a bad economy but a good economy is just in spite of them. When the president is a Republican, the last Democrat gets the blame for a bad economy and all the credit if the economy's good. Too bad conservatives are ineducable; I've been hearing this same [il]logic for decades.

Tell me son, what part of that was wrong?
It's delusional; but thanks for confirming my point. :thup:
...and assholes like you blame "Booosh" for everything that's wrong.
What's not to blame? Bush left a crater in the country's economy just like he left a crater in lower Manhattan.


Your "Magic Negro" has dome nothing to "save" the economy.
He has added 2 wars to the two already ongoing. (Which by he way tells you e is part of the Military Industrial Complex).
So is Hillary.
Suuure, uh-huh. Typical conservative [il]logic ... when the president is a Democrat, they get the blame for a bad economy but a good economy is just in spite of them. When the president is a Republican, the last Democrat gets the blame for a bad economy and all the credit if the economy's good. Too bad conservatives are ineducable; I've been hearing this same [il]logic for decades.

Tell me son, what part of that was wrong?
It's delusional; but thanks for confirming my point. :thup:

Deflection kid.
You lose.
Record foreclosures were a result of Barney Frank and Co.
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?
Record foreclosures were a result of Barney Frank and Co.
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?

You people might have a point if not for the struggle that Obama and the Democrats had for passing ACA when Democrats dominated the White House, Senate, and House. Should have been a slam dunk.
WTF does that have to do with the stark reality that the minority Democrat party was not running the Congress during the years leading up to the record breaking foreclosures in 2006?
It has nothing to do with it. He's flailing and talking in circles.

"WTF does that have to do with the stark reality that the minority Democrat party was not running the Congress during the years leading up to the record breaking foreclosures in 2006?"

The foreclosures have/had nothing to with whoever had control of congress.
Surely you are more intelligent than that?
The failure to legislate regulation of the shadow banking industry lays the feet of the Republican majority in Congress and the Republican president who, as top Republican, presumably directs his party as to effect necessary legislation.
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?

You people might have a point if not for the struggle that Obama and the Democrats had for passing ACA when Democrats dominated the White House, Senate, and House. Should have been a slam dunk.
WTF does that have to do with the stark reality that the minority Democrat party was not running the Congress during the years leading up to the record breaking foreclosures in 2006?
It has nothing to do with it. He's flailing and talking in circles.

"WTF does that have to do with the stark reality that the minority Democrat party was not running the Congress during the years leading up to the record breaking foreclosures in 2006?"

The foreclosures have/had nothing to with whoever had control of congress.
Surely you are more intelligent than that?
The failure to legislate regulation of the shadow banking industry lays the feet of the Republican majority in Congress and the Republican president who, as top Republican, presumably directs his party as to effect necessary legislation.

Ok. You aren't intelligent.
It is not the business of Government to bail out people who never should have been given loans to start with.

It has nothing to do with it. He's flailing and talking in circles.

The indisputable truth is that up until the Democrats took over Congress in 2007 the economy was doing OK despite the trillion dollar hit caused by 911.

The stupid and uneducated greedy Moon Bats will never admit it but the trickle down economics of the Bush tax cuts prevented the economy from failing.

The real fact is the chickens from the Democrat initiated and supported ACA finally came home to roost and it did great damage to the economy and Barney Queerboy, who was the Chairman of the House Finance Committee, did nothing to stop it when he had the chance.

The Democrats made the economy fail when they took over the Congress and that incompetent affirmative action piece of shit Obama did nothing but failed at a recovery.

Last quarter we had a dismal 1.1% growth rate and this is after almost eight years of Obama's administration. He has done nothing but increase poverty, increase welfare, astronomically grow the debt, decrease family income and had dismal economic growth.

The time is long past for the shithead Libtards to blame Obama's failure on Bush or somebody else. That shit is getting old by now.

If (heaven forbid) that asshole Crooked Hillary gets elected who are the stupid Libtards going to blame her failures on? Still try to blame it on Bush?
You people might have a point if not for the struggle that Obama and the Democrats had for passing ACA when Democrats dominated the White House, Senate, and House. Should have been a slam dunk.
WTF does that have to do with the stark reality that the minority Democrat party was not running the Congress during the years leading up to the record breaking foreclosures in 2006?
It has nothing to do with it. He's flailing and talking in circles.

"WTF does that have to do with the stark reality that the minority Democrat party was not running the Congress during the years leading up to the record breaking foreclosures in 2006?"

The foreclosures have/had nothing to with whoever had control of congress.
Surely you are more intelligent than that?
The failure to legislate regulation of the shadow banking industry lays the feet of the Republican majority in Congress and the Republican president who, as top Republican, presumably directs his party as to effect necessary legislation.

Ok. You aren't intelligent.
It is not the business of Government to bail out people who never should have been given loans to start with.
How'd we get to bailout? I'm talking about legislating fiduciary responsibility because professionalism went completely out the window when the $$$ got too tempting.

Industry does not self-regulate out of self-interest. It goes crazy with greed and implodes, taking a lot of innocent, uninvolved people down with it.
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?

You people might have a point if not for the struggle that Obama and the Democrats had for passing ACA when Democrats dominated the White House, Senate, and House. Should have been a slam dunk.
Interesting statement, and unrelated to the post you're responding to.

The refute was about a majority party struggling trying to push through legislation. Relevant.
Perhaps, if you'll identify what legislation the GOP struggled with while they had the country by the short hairs.

Democrats were the majority. Had to cut a deal with fellow Democrats to get it through while still maintaining an absolute majority. Should have been a slam dunk.....but the people behind the legislation and mandates exempted themselves.
Now imagine it hadn't passed .... how fucking retarded would it sound to blame minority party Republicans? You're really not scoring any points with this line of reasoning.
WTF does that have to do with the stark reality that the minority Democrat party was not running the Congress during the years leading up to the record breaking foreclosures in 2006?
It has nothing to do with it. He's flailing and talking in circles.

"WTF does that have to do with the stark reality that the minority Democrat party was not running the Congress during the years leading up to the record breaking foreclosures in 2006?"

The foreclosures have/had nothing to with whoever had control of congress.
Surely you are more intelligent than that?
The failure to legislate regulation of the shadow banking industry lays the feet of the Republican majority in Congress and the Republican president who, as top Republican, presumably directs his party as to effect necessary legislation.

Ok. You aren't intelligent.
It is not the business of Government to bail out people who never should have been given loans to start with.
How'd we get to bailout? I'm talking about legislating fiduciary responsibility because professionalism went completely out the window when the $$$ got too tempting.

Industry does not self-regulate out of self-interest. It goes crazy with greed and implodes, taking a lot of innocent, uninvolved people down with it.

In the interest of truth and integrity you should go back to Bill's second term.
The failure to legislate regulation of the shadow banking industry lays the feet of the Republican majority in Congress and the Republican president who, as top Republican, presumably directs his party as to effect necessary legislation.

There is a lot of blame to go around. But to say the housing bubble and collapse was entirely Bush's (or the Republicans) fault is just insane. Just because you have leadership doesn't make that leadership unstoppable:


It has nothing to do with it. He's flailing and talking in circles.

The indisputable truth is that up until the Democrats took over Congress in 2007 the economy was doing OK despite the trillion dollar hit caused by 911.

The stupid and uneducated greedy Moon Bats will never admit it but the trickle down economics of the Bush tax cuts prevented the economy from failing.

The real fact is the chickens from the Democrat initiated and supported ACA finally came home to roost and it did great damage to the economy and Barney Queerboy, who was the Chairman of the House Finance Committee, did nothing to stop it when he had the chance.

The Democrats made the economy fail when they took over the Congress and that incompetent affirmative action piece of shit Obama did nothing but failed at a recovery.

Last quarter we had a dismal 1.1% growth rate and this is after almost eight years of Obama's administration. He has done nothing but increase poverty, increase welfare, astronomically grow the debt, decrease family income and had dismal economic growth.

The time is long past for the shithead Libtards to blame Obama's failure on Bush or somebody else. That shit is getting old by now.

If (heaven forbid) that asshole Crooked Hillary gets elected who are the stupid Libtards going to blame her failures on? Still try to blame it on Bush?
The economy was not doing ok, you steaming pile of shit. Many states were recording record numbers of foreclosures in 2006. The damage to the real estate markets was already done and there probably was nothing that could be done at that point to prevent the housing markets to collapse entirely.
You people might have a point if not for the struggle that Obama and the Democrats had for passing ACA when Democrats dominated the White House, Senate, and House. Should have been a slam dunk.
Interesting statement, and unrelated to the post you're responding to.

The refute was about a majority party struggling trying to push through legislation. Relevant.
Perhaps, if you'll identify what legislation the GOP struggled with while they had the country by the short hairs.

Democrats were the majority. Had to cut a deal with fellow Democrats to get it through while still maintaining an absolute majority. Should have been a slam dunk.....but the people behind the legislation and mandates exempted themselves.
Now imagine it hadn't passed .... how fucking retarded would it sound to blame minority party Republicans? You're really not scoring any points with this line of reasoning.
Because it's not reason, it's petulence.

It has nothing to do with it. He's flailing and talking in circles.

The indisputable truth is that up until the Democrats took over Congress in 2007 the economy was doing OK despite the trillion dollar hit caused by 911.

The stupid and uneducated greedy Moon Bats will never admit it but the trickle down economics of the Bush tax cuts prevented the economy from failing.

The real fact is the chickens from the Democrat initiated and supported ACA finally came home to roost and it did great damage to the economy and Barney Queerboy, who was the Chairman of the House Finance Committee, did nothing to stop it when he had the chance.

The Democrats made the economy fail when they took over the Congress and that incompetent affirmative action piece of shit Obama did nothing but failed at a recovery.

Last quarter we had a dismal 1.1% growth rate and this is after almost eight years of Obama's administration. He has done nothing but increase poverty, increase welfare, astronomically grow the debt, decrease family income and had dismal economic growth.

The time is long past for the shithead Libtards to blame Obama's failure on Bush or somebody else. That shit is getting old by now.

If (heaven forbid) that asshole Crooked Hillary gets elected who are the stupid Libtards going to blame her failures on? Still try to blame it on Bush?
The economy was not doing ok, you steaming pile of shit. Many states were recording record numbers of foreclosures in 2006. The damage to the real estate markets was already done and there probably was nothing that could be done at that point to prevent the housing markets to collapse entirely.

Tell us where Sub-Prime loans originated child.
It has nothing to do with it. He's flailing and talking in circles.

"WTF does that have to do with the stark reality that the minority Democrat party was not running the Congress during the years leading up to the record breaking foreclosures in 2006?"

The foreclosures have/had nothing to with whoever had control of congress.
Surely you are more intelligent than that?
The failure to legislate regulation of the shadow banking industry lays the feet of the Republican majority in Congress and the Republican president who, as top Republican, presumably directs his party as to effect necessary legislation.

Ok. You aren't intelligent.
It is not the business of Government to bail out people who never should have been given loans to start with.
How'd we get to bailout? I'm talking about legislating fiduciary responsibility because professionalism went completely out the window when the $$$ got too tempting.

Industry does not self-regulate out of self-interest. It goes crazy with greed and implodes, taking a lot of innocent, uninvolved people down with it.

In the interest of truth and integrity you should go back to Bill's second term.
Of course. He was the most recent Democratic president. If Bill hadn't been elected, you'd be blaming Jimmy Carter.
Record foreclosures were a result of Barney Frank and Co.
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?
Record foreclosures were a result of Barney Frank and Co.
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?

You people might have a point if not for the struggle that Obama and the Democrats had for passing ACA when Democrats dominated the White House, Senate, and House. Should have been a slam dunk.
WTF does that have to do with the stark reality that the minority Democrat party was not running the Congress during the years leading up to the record breaking foreclosures in 2006?
It has nothing to do with it. He's flailing and talking in circles.

"WTF does that have to do with the stark reality that the minority Democrat party was not running the Congress during the years leading up to the record breaking foreclosures in 2006?"

The foreclosures have/had nothing to with whoever had control of congress.
Surely you are more intelligent than that?
More bullshit. GSE reform could have staved off the real-estate market collapse.
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?
How did members of the minority party in Congress cause that while majority party Republicans were in charge?

You people might have a point if not for the struggle that Obama and the Democrats had for passing ACA when Democrats dominated the White House, Senate, and House. Should have been a slam dunk.
WTF does that have to do with the stark reality that the minority Democrat party was not running the Congress during the years leading up to the record breaking foreclosures in 2006?
It has nothing to do with it. He's flailing and talking in circles.

"WTF does that have to do with the stark reality that the minority Democrat party was not running the Congress during the years leading up to the record breaking foreclosures in 2006?"

The foreclosures have/had nothing to with whoever had control of congress.
Surely you are more intelligent than that?
More bullshit. GSE reform could have staved off the real-estate market collapse.

Where did the Sub-Prime loans originate child?
Why is it the responsibility of the Gov to use Tax Payer money to bail out people who should never have been given a loan?
Do Republicans remember how the country was when Obama became president. The economy, the stock market, the wars, employment and so on? The car industry, the steel industry, the rubber industry and so on?

Credit card companies? Health care?

Do they wish he had done nothing?

How would things be different?
Nah...More like the way JFK left America
"This legislation established an "affordable housing" loan purchase mandate for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and that mandate was to be regulated by HUD. Initially, the 1992 legislation required that 30% or more of Fannie's and Freddie's loan purchases be related to "affordable housing" (borrowers who were below normal lending standards). However, HUD was given the power to set future requirements, and HUD soon increased the mandates. This encouraged "subprime" mortgages. (See HUD Mandates, below.)"

Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In 1999, President Bill Clinton signed into law Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed portions of the Glass-Steagall Act. Economist Joseph Stiglitz criticized the repeal of the Act. He called its repeal the "culmination of a $300 million lobbying effort by the banking and financial services industries..." He believes it contributed to this crisis because the risk-taking culture of investment banking dominated the more risk-averse commercial banking culture, leading to increased levels of risk-taking and leverage during the boom period.[17]"

You lose son.
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