Does the GOP wish Obama left the country the way Bush left it.

Oh, cite all the statistics you think are worse now than they were in January, 2009...

We have Obamacare, more illegals, a sluggish economy, illegal refugees that could be terrorists, rampant racism, and we are more divided than we ever were.
Let's start with the low hanging fruit to demonstrate what an idiot you are...

You claim.... there are more illegals in the country now than when he became president....


U.S. illegal immigrant population falls below 11 million, continuing nearly decade-long decline, report says

Hey idiot, let me clue you in on something since you seem to be devoid of any clue at all.

When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture. The number of immigrants, the number of unemployed, the GDP, the debt, plus just about anything you want to look at taken together and we are way worse than in 2008. You can but pick the minutiae all you want to, 0ba is an unmitigated failure.
Minutiae?? What minutiae?

I used the citation you offered.

I didn't just pluck that statistic out of thin air. YOU said one of the things we are worse off today than when Obama became president is that there are "more illegals."

Now you throw a hissy fit, rather than just accept the fact that you're a moron, when I showed you there are actually fewer illegals here than when Obama became president.

Don't blame me for exposing your idiocy. Blame yourself for being an idiot. Show some personal responsibility for once in your life.

True Dat. However, I don't recall any dems who were sounding the warning. A lot of us knew the subprime loans ... and balloon notes ... would eventually crash the run up in home prices ... but I never suspected all the toxic loans were bundled with "real" mortgages to create make believe blue chip bonds.
I think you replied to the wrong post. As far as what you did write.... you don't recall Democrats sounding any warnings because they didn't. They were on the absolute wrong side of the issue. But they weren't in charge. Republicans were. I'd be holding Democrats for being responsible had they been in control -- but they weren't. Republican leadership in the Senate wouldn't allow a single GSE reform bill get voted on by the full Senate.
Dems held congress the last 6 years.
A lot longer than that, depending on what period of our history you're referring to. Could you be more vague?

If you mean these past six years, we're talking about Frank-Dodd now, a work in progress, still incompletely written as the powerful banking lobby constantly interjects its special interest positions. That bill goes a long way towards reestablishing the framework and safeguards that kept the wolf from the door for 70 years, since the last time the Republicans damn near destroyed our economy.
Bush had a dem congress the last 6 years but dems forget that when talking about the economy during his term in office. But yes, there's a real problem with the establishment system on both sides of the aisle. That's what this election is largely about.
This is as close as an Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voting Imbecile will come to repenting..
Do Republicans remember how the country was when Obama became president. The economy, the stock market, the wars, employment and so on? The car industry, the steel industry, the rubber industry and so on?

Credit card companies? Health care?

Do they wish he had done nothing?

How would things be different?
If you mean leave and STFU, then yes.
Bush left behind a disaster, and no amount of spin, deflection or denial can change that fact.
Unfortunately for you FACTS can.

Liberals all concede that the economy began to decline the last 2 years under bush. Hmmmm, what could have happened to cause that those last 2 years? Oh yeah, THE DEMOCRATS TOOK OVER CONGRESS....which means THEY took over the budget, took over the spending, took over the economy. The economy Barry inherited was the one his fellow Democrats created for him!

(Funny how BUSH is to blame for HIS economy run by Democrats but libs say Obama's economy belongs to the GOP CONGRESS. :p Ya can't have it both ways, Mac.)

Bush added $2.5 Trillion to the debt over 6 years, that included 9/11/01, the economic aftermath, and 2 wars. After the Democrats took over Congress they added $1.5 Trillion in only 2 years. When Barry walked into office he added nearly $1 Trillion himself in one shot with the (Non-)Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork.

Barry called Bush Un-Patriotic for adding $4 Trillion over 8 years ($2.5 Trillion over 6 years) then added nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 years.

When you - IF you - ever decide to be honest with yourself you will see your current opinion / excuse is BS.
Bush added $2.5 Trillion to the debt over 6 years, that included 9/11/01, the economic aftermath, and 2 wars.

Yeah.... .because after 2006, Iraqnam, Medicare Part D, and Scrub's tax cuts paid for themselves..

The Fed is now $4.5 Trillion in debt supporting the Obama economic Biggest Bubble Ever. Yes, I wish Obama would have left it like is was $14Trillion ago

Never forget that you are a moron..

The Fed is now $4.5 Trillion in debt supporting the Obama economic Biggest Bubble Ever.

The Fed picked up part of the tab for The Wages of Supply Side Idiocy Part Deux.....if you don't like that, consider desisting from being a Recidivist Supply Side Voting Imbecile...
Dems held congress the last 6 years.
A lot longer than that, depending on what period of our history you're referring to. Could you be more vague?

If you mean these past six years, we're talking about Frank-Dodd now, a work in progress, still incompletely written as the powerful banking lobby constantly interjects its special interest positions. That bill goes a long way towards reestablishing the framework and safeguards that kept the wolf from the door for 70 years, since the last time the Republicans damn near destroyed our economy.
Bush had a dem congress the last 6 years but dems forget that when talking about the economy during his term in office. But yes, there's a real problem with the establishment system on both sides of the aisle. That's what this election is largely about.
How many "Democratic" bills did President Bush sign into law those two years, significant bills capable of damn near destroying the world economy?

And why in the world did he sign them into law???
It's all really old news at this point. Spending went way up when Pelosi and Reid were able to hold his feet to the fire. Some he went along with very willingly. Bush was not a fiscal conservative by any stretch but I have to laugh when dems hammer him for it and have no problem with obama.

Prescription meds was a huge expense. Education. Pushing for low income mortgage loans, etc. I don't know what you are trying to massage with the destroying the world's economy reference. If it was Bush's fault, support it and explain why today's spending is not a problem.
Spending went way up when Pelosi and Reid were able to hold his feet to the fire.

You got numbers, or anything?

Bigoted and Racist, but no doubt she will deny these facts.

Many a criminal will deny they had their hand in the cookie jar, even when shown a photograph of that specific fact. Not doubt SIL will too, if she has sufficient intelligence (which I doubt) and my post is not too abstract for her to understand.
"Does the GOP wish 0bama left the country the way Bush left it?"

That isn't ideal but yes, because it's way worse now.
Oh, cite all the statistics you think are worse now than they were in January, 2009...

We have Obamacare, more illegals, a sluggish economy, illegal refugees that could be terrorists, rampant racism, and we are more divided than we ever were.
Let's start with the low hanging fruit to demonstrate what an idiot you are...

You claim.... there are more illegals in the country now than when he became president....


U.S. illegal immigrant population falls below 11 million, continuing nearly decade-long decline, report says

Hey idiot, let me clue you in on something since you seem to be devoid of any clue at all.

When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture. The number of immigrants, the number of unemployed, the GDP, the debt, plus just about anything you want to look at taken together and we are way worse than in 2008. You can but pick the minutiae all you want to, 0ba is an unmitigated failure.
When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture.

Why don't you offer 3 meaningful metrics by which we were " better off" in 2008 than now..
We have Obamacare, more illegals, a sluggish economy, illegal refugees that could be terrorists, rampant racism, and we are more divided than we ever were.
Let's start with the low hanging fruit to demonstrate what an idiot you are...

You claim.... there are more illegals in the country now than when he became president....


U.S. illegal immigrant population falls below 11 million, continuing nearly decade-long decline, report says

Hey idiot, let me clue you in on something since you seem to be devoid of any clue at all.

When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture. The number of immigrants, the number of unemployed, the GDP, the debt, plus just about anything you want to look at taken together and we are way worse than in 2008. You can but pick the minutiae all you want to, 0ba is an unmitigated failure.
Minutiae?? What minutiae?

I used the citation you offered.

I didn't just pluck that statistic out of thin air. YOU said one of the things we are worse off today than when Obama became president is that there are "more illegals."

Now you throw a hissy fit, rather than just accept the fact that you're a moron, when I showed you there are actually fewer illegals here than when Obama became president.

Don't blame me for exposing your idiocy. Blame yourself for being an idiot. Show some personal responsibility for once in your life.

True Dat. However, I don't recall any dems who were sounding the warning. A lot of us knew the subprime loans ... and balloon notes ... would eventually crash the run up in home prices ... but I never suspected all the toxic loans were bundled with "real" mortgages to create make believe blue chip bonds.
I think you replied to the wrong post. As far as what you did write.... you don't recall Democrats sounding any warnings because they didn't. They were on the absolute wrong side of the issue. But they weren't in charge. Republicans were. I'd be holding Democrats for being responsible had they been in control -- but they weren't. Republican leadership in the Senate wouldn't allow a single GSE reform bill get voted on by the full Senate.

Oh no disagreement. I agreed with you as to the debacle. And Greenspan explicitly said the Fed had no role in regulating bank loans ... which was hogwash. They had the authority, and the crash ushered in deflation, necessitating not just the fed doing QE under the Bernank but also Porkulus.

There were warnings from dems, though I don't recall their names. I may google it, but didn't really want to hijack the thread. But, what I tried to say, without hijacking the thread, was that while the gop was in charge and failed to act, I don't think anyone on either side really understood the magnitude of the debacle. I never ever thought the bad loans were bundled with normal mortgages. I think we need to ask Hillary what she would do to make sure that doesn't happen again. Asking Two Tone Donnie would be waste of time.
The Fed is now $4.5 Trillion in debt supporting the Obama economic Biggest Bubble Ever. Yes, I wish Obama would have left it like is was $14Trillion ago

Never forget that you are a moron..

The Fed is now $4.5 Trillion in debt supporting the Obama economic Biggest Bubble Ever.

The Fed picked up part of the tab for The Wages of Supply Side Idiocy Part Deux.....if you don't like that, consider desisting from being a Recidivist Supply Side Voting Imbecile...

How is the Fed voluntary bond buying program, "The Wages of Supply Side Idiocy Part Deux"?

Bigoted and Racist, but no doubt she will deny these facts.

Many a criminal will deny they had their hand in the cookie jar, even when shown a photograph of that specific fact. Not doubt SIL will too, if she has sufficient intelligence (which I doubt) and my post is not too abstract for her to understand.

Sometimes criminals take a hammer to their cellphones and Bleach Bit emails they're supposed to hand over to the FBI
ct, I don't think anyone on either side really understood the magnitude of the debacle. I never ever thought the bad loans were bundled with normal mortgages

I get a laugh when I read how people didn't understand what was happening in the mortgage debacle. Like it was a.mystery.

I wrote mortgage loans for 19 years. When the really loose loans and shaky practices started gaining market, we (my colleagues and I) knew what was going to happen in the not to distant future. They (all the junk loans) were all going to default. And mostly they did. But it wasn't a mystery that prudent, sound mortgage banking guidelines had been thrown out the window when the investment banking money hit the streets.
There were a lot of good middle sized banks that never got in trouble. Their loans were sound and their defaults manageable.
They made what was known as A paper loans. What Fannie was known for. When they (FAnnie) started buying junk loans, Franklin Raines should have gone to jail.

Gee wonder how that happened?
think we need to ask Hillary what she would do to make sure that doesn't happen again.

It won't repeat itself for years. For one, the equity in homes is nowhere close to what it was then. Underwriting guidelines have reverted to the old, good ways. Which means you need good debt to income, job stability, reserves, down payment etc. And lots of people don't have that anymore.
. I never ever thought the bad loans were bundled with normal mortgages.

And that was never done until this occurred. It took a few people to understand the money to be made by following this underhanded practice.

But unless you were auditing these loans, it was hard to know. Until the payments stopped coming in. Then those bad Loans stood out. Lol.
We have Obamacare, more illegals, a sluggish economy, illegal refugees that could be terrorists, rampant racism, and we are more divided than we ever were.
Let's start with the low hanging fruit to demonstrate what an idiot you are...

You claim.... there are more illegals in the country now than when he became president....


U.S. illegal immigrant population falls below 11 million, continuing nearly decade-long decline, report says

Hey idiot, let me clue you in on something since you seem to be devoid of any clue at all.

When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture. The number of immigrants, the number of unemployed, the GDP, the debt, plus just about anything you want to look at taken together and we are way worse than in 2008. You can but pick the minutiae all you want to, 0ba is an unmitigated failure.
Minutiae?? What minutiae?

I used the citation you offered.

I didn'tvjust pluck that statistic out of thin air. YOU said one of the things we are worse off today than when Obama became president is that there are "more illegals."

Now you throw a hissy fit, rather than just accept the fact that you're a moron, when I showed you there are actually fewer illegals here than when Obama became president.

Don't blame me for exposing your idiocy. Blame yourself for being an idiot. Show some personal responsibility for once in your life.

Calling it a hissy fit is your way of deflecting so that you don't have to hear what a moron you are.
Spits the 3 year old girl who actually said there are more illegals in this country than tbere were 7.5 years ago; when in fact, there are fewer.

Lol, I'm your mind, insults are preferable to thinking. No one is surprised, least of all me.
"Does the GOP wish 0bama left the country the way Bush left it?"

That isn't ideal but yes, because it's way worse now.
Oh, cite all the statistics you think are worse now than they were in January, 2009...

We have Obamacare, more illegals, a sluggish economy, illegal refugees that could be terrorists, rampant racism, and we are more divided than we ever were.
Let's start with the low hanging fruit to demonstrate what an idiot you are...

You claim.... there are more illegals in the country now than when he became president....


U.S. illegal immigrant population falls below 11 million, continuing nearly decade-long decline, report says

Hey idiot, let me clue you in on something since you seem to be devoid of any clue at all.

When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture. The number of immigrants, the number of unemployed, the GDP, the debt, plus just about anything you want to look at taken together and we are way worse than in 2008. You can but pick the minutiae all you want to, 0ba is an unmitigated failure.
When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture.

Why don't you offer 3 meaningful metrics by which we were " better off" in 2008 than now..

Already done moron, can't read?
ct, I don't think anyone on either side really understood the magnitude of the debacle. I never ever thought the bad loans were bundled with normal mortgages

I get a laugh when I read how people didn't understand what was happening in the mortgage debacle. Like it was a.mystery.

I wrote mortgage loans for 19 years. When the really loose loans and shaky practices started gaining market, we (my colleagues and I) knew what was going to happen in the not to distant future. They (all the junk loans) were all going to default. And mostly they did. But it wasn't a mystery that prudent, sound mortgage banking guidelines had been thrown out the window when the investment banking money hit the streets.
There were a lot of good middle sized banks that never got in trouble. Their loans were sound and their defaults manageable.
They made what was known as A paper loans. What Fannie was known for. When they (FAnnie) started buying junk loans, Franklin Raines should have gone to jail.

Gee wonder how that happened?
True story....

I had a friend who I talked out of buying a property. The lender, I don't know who, I never got all the details, was trying to sell him the property. Not a real estate agent, the lender. The deal they were offering him was they would pay him thirty thousand dollars to purchase a property of their selection, no money down, make no payments, just let the property go into default. His credit wasn't great to begin with and he cared more about the $30K than he did having a foreclosure on his record. I was able to convince him that it was unethical if not illegal and he never did go through with it. I can only imagine how many people did though. In retrospect, with what we know today, the lender probably sold that property immediately, knowing full well the loan was going to default, but they made enough profit from selling the loan, they could afford to pay out $30K to get someone to purchase it.

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