Does the GOP wish Obama left the country the way Bush left it.

. I never ever thought the bad loans were bundled with normal mortgages.

And that was never done until this occurred. It took a few people to understand the money to be made by following this underhanded practice.

But unless you were auditing these loans, it was hard to know. Until the payments stopped coming in. Then those bad Loans stood out. Lol.
Oh, anyone paying attention knew the subprime loans were worthless. Ten years ago, we knew banks were simply making loans with balloon payments to either make money through re-writing notes or foreclosing on property to be able to resell it in a foreclosure sale. So, the loan practice was well understood.

What was not understood was how subprime loans were bundled with regular loans and sold as the very best of all bonds.

The fed had the power and duty to stop the subprime lending. But Greenspan chose not to because he literally believed that markets self-regulate. They eventually do, only after catastrophe ensues. Greenspan thought that bankers were prudent enough to avoid having the market behave as we know all unregulated markets behave. THAT is what the GOP has to repent. How will they accept some mortgage market regulation? Some posters choose to avoid that truth. I think they've lost the argument badly.

My question was a little different. Who regulates bundling of mortgage debt into bonds?
Oh, cite all the statistics you think are worse now than they were in January, 2009...

We have Obamacare, more illegals, a sluggish economy, illegal refugees that could be terrorists, rampant racism, and we are more divided than we ever were.
Let's start with the low hanging fruit to demonstrate what an idiot you are...

You claim.... there are more illegals in the country now than when he became president....


U.S. illegal immigrant population falls below 11 million, continuing nearly decade-long decline, report says

Hey idiot, let me clue you in on something since you seem to be devoid of any clue at all.

When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture. The number of immigrants, the number of unemployed, the GDP, the debt, plus just about anything you want to look at taken together and we are way worse than in 2008. You can but pick the minutiae all you want to, 0ba is an unmitigated failure.
When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture.

Why don't you offer 3 meaningful metrics by which we were " better off" in 2008 than now..

Already done moron, can't read?
Bullshit. How do you measure, "illegal refugees that could be terrorists?"

Hell, you can"t even name one.
We have Obamacare, more illegals, a sluggish economy, illegal refugees that could be terrorists, rampant racism, and we are more divided than we ever were.
Let's start with the low hanging fruit to demonstrate what an idiot you are...

You claim.... there are more illegals in the country now than when he became president....


U.S. illegal immigrant population falls below 11 million, continuing nearly decade-long decline, report says

Hey idiot, let me clue you in on something since you seem to be devoid of any clue at all.

When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture. The number of immigrants, the number of unemployed, the GDP, the debt, plus just about anything you want to look at taken together and we are way worse than in 2008. You can but pick the minutiae all you want to, 0ba is an unmitigated failure.
When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture.

Why don't you offer 3 meaningful metrics by which we were " better off" in 2008 than now..

Already done moron, can't read?
Bullshit. How do you measure, "illegal refugees that could be terrorists?"

Hell, you can"t even name one.

Look, your stubborn stupidity is starting to boor me. In your desperate struggle to defend 0bama, you are trying to change the rule of the discussion. Things can go bad that cannot be measured. That does not mean those things don't exist. You are trying everything but actually debating and it's too stupid for me to continue to be involved in. Dismissed.
What was not understood was how subprime loans were bundled with regular loans and sold as the very best of all bonds.

Who is it that you believe didn't understand what was going on? I assure you that the people who filled the commitment made by Countrywide (for instance) to deliver x millions of A paper mortgages knew they were selling junk instead.

There is a.good reason auditors were bribed and appraisers were threatened. Lenders needed both to play along to make the scam work.
Let's start with the low hanging fruit to demonstrate what an idiot you are...

You claim.... there are more illegals in the country now than when he became president....


U.S. illegal immigrant population falls below 11 million, continuing nearly decade-long decline, report says

Hey idiot, let me clue you in on something since you seem to be devoid of any clue at all.

When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture. The number of immigrants, the number of unemployed, the GDP, the debt, plus just about anything you want to look at taken together and we are way worse than in 2008. You can but pick the minutiae all you want to, 0ba is an unmitigated failure.
When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture.

Why don't you offer 3 meaningful metrics by which we were " better off" in 2008 than now..

Already done moron, can't read?
Bullshit. How do you measure, "illegal refugees that could be terrorists?"

Hell, you can"t even name one.

Look, your stubborn stupidity is starting to boor me. In your desperate struggle to defend 0bama, you are trying to change the rule of the discussion. Things can go bad that cannot be measured. That does not mean those things don't exist. You are trying everything but actually debating and it's too stupid for me to continue to be involved in. Dismissed.
Defend obama? From what?? You haven't given me anything that needs defending. You mentioned only one quantifiable thing and you got it wrong as there are fewer illegal immigrants here than there were when he became president. And saying there might be more illegal immigrants who are terrorists is nothing but your imagination that maybe there are more. But like yiu were dead wrong about there being more illegal immigrants now, yiu could be just as wrong about them being terrorists too. You can't say because you don't know.

That's your idea of us being worse now than 7.5 years ago.

My question was a little different. Who regulates bundling of mortgage debt into bonds?

They are called Mortgage Backed Securities (MBSs for short).
Regulated by the markets to an extent. Used to be the reputation of Fannie Mae was so good that a lender who originated loans under their guidelines was the best you could get. Defaults low, returns steady. Fannie is a government entity now, was a quasi government entity for a long time.

So by lenders originating Fannie quality loans the government was helping to assure quality loans for the secondary markets.

That all got thrown out the window when greed took over.
Oh, cite all the statistics you think are worse now than they were in January, 2009...

We have Obamacare, more illegals, a sluggish economy, illegal refugees that could be terrorists, rampant racism, and we are more divided than we ever were.
Let's start with the low hanging fruit to demonstrate what an idiot you are...

You claim.... there are more illegals in the country now than when he became president....


U.S. illegal immigrant population falls below 11 million, continuing nearly decade-long decline, report says

Hey idiot, let me clue you in on something since you seem to be devoid of any clue at all.

When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture. The number of immigrants, the number of unemployed, the GDP, the debt, plus just about anything you want to look at taken together and we are way worse than in 2008. You can but pick the minutiae all you want to, 0ba is an unmitigated failure.
When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture.

Why don't you offer 3 meaningful metrics by which we were " better off" in 2008 than now..

Already done moron, can't read?
One of them was GDP. ..

Q4 2007 - 14,997 trillion

Q4 2007 - 14,577 trillion

-2.8% for the year

You're a fucking dumbass.
We have Obamacare, more illegals, a sluggish economy, illegal refugees that could be terrorists, rampant racism, and we are more divided than we ever were.
Let's start with the low hanging fruit to demonstrate what an idiot you are...

You claim.... there are more illegals in the country now than when he became president....


U.S. illegal immigrant population falls below 11 million, continuing nearly decade-long decline, report says

Hey idiot, let me clue you in on something since you seem to be devoid of any clue at all.

When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture. The number of immigrants, the number of unemployed, the GDP, the debt, plus just about anything you want to look at taken together and we are way worse than in 2008. You can but pick the minutiae all you want to, 0ba is an unmitigated failure.
When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture.

Why don't you offer 3 meaningful metrics by which we were " better off" in 2008 than now..

Already done moron, can't read?
One of them was GDP. ..

Q4 2007 - 14,997 trillion

Q4 2007 - 14,577 trillion

-2.8% for the year

You're a fucking dumbass.

Hey dumbass, want to try again?
The Fed is now $4.5 Trillion in debt supporting the Obama economic Biggest Bubble Ever. Yes, I wish Obama would have left it like is was $14Trillion ago

Never forget that you are a moron..

The Fed is now $4.5 Trillion in debt supporting the Obama economic Biggest Bubble Ever.

The Fed picked up part of the tab for The Wages of Supply Side Idiocy Part Deux.....if you don't like that, consider desisting from being a Recidivist Supply Side Voting Imbecile...

How is the Fed voluntary bond buying program, "The Wages of Supply Side Idiocy Part Deux"?
SSI,P2 left banks with rotten assets on their balance sheets....the Fed bought that paper so that banks could meet their capitalization requirements....this also provided liquidity in markets devastated by the excesses attendant to the laissez-faire regulatory attitude of the Administration of the worst POTUS of the modern era..
Let's start with the low hanging fruit to demonstrate what an idiot you are...

You claim.... there are more illegals in the country now than when he became president....


U.S. illegal immigrant population falls below 11 million, continuing nearly decade-long decline, report says

Hey idiot, let me clue you in on something since you seem to be devoid of any clue at all.

When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture. The number of immigrants, the number of unemployed, the GDP, the debt, plus just about anything you want to look at taken together and we are way worse than in 2008. You can but pick the minutiae all you want to, 0ba is an unmitigated failure.
When someone says "worse off" with out a qualifier like "economically", intelligent people take the whole picture.

Why don't you offer 3 meaningful metrics by which we were " better off" in 2008 than now..

Already done moron, can't read?
One of them was GDP. ..

Q4 2007 - 14,997 trillion

Q4 2007 - 14,577 trillion

-2.8% for the year

You're a fucking dumbass.

Hey dumbass, want to try again?

I've made my point... . you're an imbecile...
Number of unemployed (thousands)

BLS Household Survey

Aug 2008 - 9,438

Aug 2016 - 7,849

Any questions, Predouche?
If you don't understand what he said, obviously you don't know what "full employment" means. He told you in his sentence both what it means and what's misleading about it
Stop kazzing. The labor force participation rate has nothing to do with full employment.
Your post proves the government can dupe you, and you don't even know it.

Do you believe "full employment" means a U3 at 0%?

A Labor Force Participation Rate of 100%?

People giving up looking for work is different than a mother staying home with her kids, Larry
Not in any practical way. Neither is competing for work, and neither is available for work. What someone wants or says they want doesn't change likelihood of getting a job.

"neither is available for work"

Wrong, that's the exact difference. One wants a job and is just not looking out of frustration, the mother isn't available for work. That's the whole point, Holmes
In the last 55 years there have been 7 recessions. The 6 worst recessions were caused by Republicans. One minor one caused by Carter. Democrats have beaten Republicans hands down on job creation!
You're referring to S Corps and LLCs. They are mostly the small corps, they aren't 60% of the market
Seventy percent of partnership and S corporation revenue goes to big

Seventy percent of partnership income comes from the financial industry and
holding companies.

Seventy percent of partnership and S corporation income goes to the top 1
percent of U.S. households by income.

Um ... how is that money not being taxed? It goes through to owners INCOME statements. They have to pay massive taxes on that. The top 1% pay 40% of all taxes and the top 5% pay 60%. And you're claiming that's tax free? Geez, Al Jazzera, you have to pay more attention
No need to lie about what I said, which was that 60% of our corporations pay no corporate income tax, nothing more.

You are lying, their owners pay income tax for the corporate earnings as well as a plethora of other taxes

Corporate Income Tax: Most Large Profitable U.S. Corporations Paid Tax but Effective Tax Rates Differed Significantly from the Statutory Rate

What GAO Found
In each year from 2006 to 2012, at least two-thirds of all active corporations had no federal income tax liability.

The corporate tax is ONE of the many taxes we pay, and it's a double tax. Try to keep up
I'm not showing you that labor participation is going down because people can't find jobs. I don't do research for lazy asses like you, particularly ones who aren't debating in good faith., If you cared, you'd Google it yourself like I do all the time. I always have two tabs open when I post, the second is to do research before posting anything like you just did
You are in no way "debating in good faith".
It's your assertion and your burden to cite proof. If you can't then I will assume you are unable. I believe the colloquial term is "Kazzing".

That's fauns term. He has a gay obsession with me. He follows me around all the time mindlessly repeating that. This is your chance to go on my ignore list. Say kazzing one more time. Come up with your own material. This isn't a playground no matter how much you miss those. As stupid as liberals are, only two other liberals took up his obsession with that particular playground chant. The true dumbest of the dumb
Apparently you've earned it and I can see why.
The burden is still yours.

I don't Google what is in the news every day for people just because you don't like it because it doesn't help Democrats. People are dropping out of the work force and labor participation is low. Here's what you do. Open a tab and Google. Again, I keep a tab open all the time for that reason. I've never asked a question like you did without searching myself first, ever.

But that's why I'm a self supporting libertarian and you're a greedy collectivist

Then link from your open tab dope. You make dumb assertions and never cite a source when called on it. That means you have no credibility.

Bull. There is no reason I have to link to basic news. That's just stupid
Seventy percent of partnership and S corporation revenue goes to big

Seventy percent of partnership income comes from the financial industry and
holding companies.

Seventy percent of partnership and S corporation income goes to the top 1
percent of U.S. households by income.

Um ... how is that money not being taxed? It goes through to owners INCOME statements. They have to pay massive taxes on that. The top 1% pay 40% of all taxes and the top 5% pay 60%. And you're claiming that's tax free? Geez, Al Jazzera, you have to pay more attention
No need to lie about what I said, which was that 60% of our corporations pay no corporate income tax, nothing more.

You are lying, their owners pay income tax for the corporate earnings as well as a plethora of other taxes

Corporate Income Tax: Most Large Profitable U.S. Corporations Paid Tax but Effective Tax Rates Differed Significantly from the Statutory Rate

What GAO Found
In each year from 2006 to 2012, at least two-thirds of all active corporations had no federal income tax liability.

The corporate tax is ONE of the many taxes we pay, and it's a double tax. Try to keep up

Keep up? :laugh:

You're the one behind.
Stop kazzing. The labor force participation rate has nothing to do with full employment.
Your post proves the government can dupe you, and you don't even know it.

Do you believe "full employment" means a U3 at 0%?

A Labor Force Participation Rate of 100%?

People giving up looking for work is different than a mother staying home with her kids, Larry
Not in any practical way. Neither is competing for work, and neither is available for work. What someone wants or says they want doesn't change likelihood of getting a job.

"neither is available for work"

Wrong, that's the exact difference. One wants a job and is just not looking out of frustration, the mother isn't available for work. That's the whole point, Holmes
If someone doesn't fill out any applications, doesn't respond to any ads, doesn't place any ads or send out any resumes, doesn't bid on any contracts, doesn't even ask any friends or family if they know of anything and isn't on the union rolls...then how is he available to be hired? He isn't. No one can hire him until he actually tries to get a job.
You're referring to S Corps and LLCs. They are mostly the small corps, they aren't 60% of the market
Seventy percent of partnership and S corporation revenue goes to big

Seventy percent of partnership income comes from the financial industry and
holding companies.

Seventy percent of partnership and S corporation income goes to the top 1
percent of U.S. households by income.

Um ... how is that money not being taxed? It goes through to owners INCOME statements. They have to pay massive taxes on that. The top 1% pay 40% of all taxes and the top 5% pay 60%. And you're claiming that's tax free? Geez, Al Jazzera, you have to pay more attention

That would then be personal income tax, not corporate tax.

Exactly, which shows that the statement that corporations don't pay taxes is a lie. I've owned three corporations, still own one. All were S corps. I pay taxes up the wazoo

WTF are you talking about? They're two different things dope. If you truly ever owned a corp you would know the difference quite clearly.

You need to read the nested quotes. The claim that liberals keep making that corporations don't pay taxes is a lie. So your leftist brother turned it to they don't all pay one tax specifically called a "corporate tax." All my corps were S corps, sure, I didn't pay a "corporate" tax. But I paid massive taxes through the income taxes. To tell me I wasn't taxed is just to be a liar and frankly a complete dick
You are in no way "debating in good faith".
It's your assertion and your burden to cite proof. If you can't then I will assume you are unable. I believe the colloquial term is "Kazzing".

That's fauns term. He has a gay obsession with me. He follows me around all the time mindlessly repeating that. This is your chance to go on my ignore list. Say kazzing one more time. Come up with your own material. This isn't a playground no matter how much you miss those. As stupid as liberals are, only two other liberals took up his obsession with that particular playground chant. The true dumbest of the dumb
Apparently you've earned it and I can see why.
The burden is still yours.

I don't Google what is in the news every day for people just because you don't like it because it doesn't help Democrats. People are dropping out of the work force and labor participation is low. Here's what you do. Open a tab and Google. Again, I keep a tab open all the time for that reason. I've never asked a question like you did without searching myself first, ever.

But that's why I'm a self supporting libertarian and you're a greedy collectivist

Then link from your open tab dope. You make dumb assertions and never cite a source when called on it. That means you have no credibility.

Bull. There is no reason I have to link to basic news. That's just stupid

That's how it works dope. It's up to you to prove your own points lest they and you be ridiculed.
It's an ambiguous question. A lot of forces act on wages

Not ambiguous in any way. If there are many then give your best summary as you believe it.

So you ask a simplistic question and I point out it's more complicated than that, you want me to do the work to define the variables that make up your point. Pass, do your own work

That's right. It's so simplistic but you are unable to give a brief summary. I believe you're dodging and really have no idea or no good answer.

I said your question was simplistic, can't you even read? Government schools, huh?

I see now. You get yourself cornered and rather than just drop it or find a solid answer, you hem and haw and argue. In other words, "Kazzing". It's a very apt description.

OK, so here's how my ignore list works. My birthday is in April. Every April I review my ignore list and decide who to give another shot. So there is no way to come off before April. And there is no guarantee you will in April. If you don't, you get reconsidered the next April and so on. Given how quickly you decided to go with the pre-pubescent playground chant, I'm guessing you won't be coming off any time soon. Life is to good to waste it on pubies who never grow up.

Have a good one. Hope you have a good elementary school teacher this year

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