Does The Military Have Authority to Annihilate A President In Life Threatening Situations?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I've been saying for a while now that they should, but considering the fact that it's never actually happened before in our country then I'm not sure what the law would say. Obviously I'm talking about if Kamala Harris becomes president and she sends the government after us to take us into concentration camps or the threat of illegal immigrants raping us and murdering us or something along those lines. I just never thought to ask but I'm curious now.
If ordered to fire upon fellow Americans, the enlisted troops will shoot their officers.

That's another thing that could be highly dangerous. Kamala Harris turning the military against us. I'm really hoping and praying that Trump wins the election but all of this is really starting to scare me.
I've been saying for a while now that they should, but considering the fact that it's never actually happened before in our country then I'm not sure what the law would say. Obviously I'm talking about if Kamala Harris becomes president and she sends the government after us to take us into concentration camps or the threat of illegal immigrants raping us and murdering us or something along those lines. I just never thought to ask but I'm curious now.

When all safeguards have failed...military was our last line of defense against the commies. But dems own them. You have had a taste of what is to come. Has anyone ever stepped up to stop the evil doers? They just follow orders. No one to save you, bub. Everyone is on their own.

Bub, it all boils down to dems too strong...reps too weak. There is no integrity in American politics anymore. Once integrity evaporated, all was lost. If you Trump lovers had any integrity, you'd say what I always tell you...Trump is a lying conman, a despicable POS...but he is better than a filthy commie dem. Trump won't fix America. Trump and reps had DC under full control for 2 years and did nothing material to turn America around. The reps could have done all sorts of great things - changing the asylum laws being number one. But they did squat. Just lowered taxes for the rich and tried to legalize silencers and failed. We are in the worst shape as a country since the Civil War.

Here is a good example. Remember the J-6 investigation? The black guy that ran it would not give the key to unlock the hard drives that were encrypted once the reps requested it. Said he didn't know what they were talking about. Anything ever come of that?? Bub, J-6 were behind enemy lines. We can't expect any breaks from the commie dems. We should expect the exact opposite. But they didn't know that at the time. No one knew it until it was too late.

Bub...harken back to the Mondale era. He carried MN and DC, that is it. Now see what states the commie dems carry. The citizens aka 'the vote' were our last line of defense, once the government, courts and military have failed us. You know, in the last 12 presidential elections, a rep has NEVER won DC. A rep has never got more than 16.51% of the vote in DC. If you go back 60 years, then the most a rep has got was 21.56%. Recent presidential races are in the 4% - 7% area for the rep candidate. Does that tell you anything?

Here is the record for how D.C. voted in presidential elections over the last 60 years from Wikipedia:

Goldwater 14.5% 1964

Nixon 18.8%

Nixon 21.56%

Ford 16.51%

Reagan 13.3%

Reagan 13.73%

Bush (G.W). 14.3%

Bush (G.W). 9.1%

Dole 9.34%

Bush (G.H). 8.95%

Bush (G.H). 14.3%

McCain 6.53%

Romney 7.28%

Trump 4.09%

Trump 5.4% 2020


Better start coming up with a 'Plan B' to save something of America. Reps have no hope or plan to save America. No god/s to save us, blissninnys. Praying harder won't fix this. It is all lies that are used to control you and give you hope. Heaven and hell is what humans make it to be right here on earth.

Personally, I don't believe America can be has gone past the point of no return. But I'm no genius, I can only outline some of the problems. If you disagree, what do you base America's salvation on? Hopium?

Leftists have this Soviet-style fantasy about using the American military on Americans. That's because they don't know much about military members.

If ordered to fire upon fellow Americans, the enlisted troops will shoot their officers.
That's why the Americans are being replaced by criminal aliens who will relish killing them.
Plus Kamala Harris wants to revoke the second amendment. If we have no means to defend ourselves as a nation we're toast and quite honestly I'm terrified right now.
I've been saying for a while now that they should, but considering the fact that it's never actually happened before in our country then I'm not sure what the law would say. Obviously I'm talking about if Kamala Harris becomes president and she sends the government after us to take us into concentration camps or the threat of illegal immigrants raping us and murdering us or something along those lines. I just never thought to ask but I'm curious now.
The person in charge of the military is the President... so... for them to do it, it would always be illegal because the C-in-C isn't going to give that order.
The movie Civil War gives some structure. California, Texas and Florida have seceded. We are never told why. The movie follows a group of photo journalists. At the end, the Army finds the president hiding in his office. He was shot. The end of the movie.
That's another thing that could be highly dangerous. Kamala Harris turning the military against us.

Most of the military would refuse to do so on grounds of posse comitatus.

But I expect a few of the younger officers would follow her, which is why since Obama, they have been trying to reformulate the military.
I've been saying for a while now that they should, but considering the fact that it's never actually happened before in our country then I'm not sure what the law would say. Obviously I'm talking about if Kamala Harris becomes president and she sends the government after us to take us into concentration camps or the threat of illegal immigrants raping us and murdering us or something along those lines. I just never thought to ask but I'm curious now.
Every soldier swears an oath to the Constitution of The United States.
You must obey the constitution.....and that means you're supposed to uphold the law.
That means not firing on enemy troops or civilians that have surrendered.
Anyone who does so would be committing murder.
Most of the military would refuse to do so on grounds of posse comitatus.

But I expect a few of the younger officers would follow her, which is why since Obama, they have been trying to reformulate the military.
The first thing Obama did was purge the military.

Biden used the vaccine to do the same thing.

That's why active-duty units are so screwed up.
Do they own the police and FBI too?

the police isn't a single unified body. The FBI is part of the DOJ which is part of the executive branch of government, the director is appointed by the President, though it needs the Senate to ratify this. The director can be removed by the President.
Most of the military would refuse to do so on grounds of posse comitatus.

According to what somebody just told me, the military hasn't really been doing their duty lately though but I'm not sure how true it is.

Every soldier swears an oath to the Constitution of The United States.
You must obey the constitution.....and that means you're supposed to uphold the law.
That means not firing on enemy troops or civilians that have surrendered.
Anyone who does so would be committing murder.

Doesn't the constitution give us a nation to defend ourselves against evil tyrants who want to destroy us though?

the police isn't a single unified body. The FBI is part of the DOJ which is part of the executive branch of government, the director is appointed by the President, though it needs the Senate to ratify this. The director can be removed by the President.

So it sounds like if Kamala Harris wins the presidency we're all toast with no means to protect ourselves. The military isn't allowed to protect us and if Kamala Harris has her way then nobody else will have guns anyways.
Oh and one other thing, if I'm worried about this for nothing, then why does Kamala want to take away the guns of civilians? She's already plotting. You can guarantee it.
So it sounds like if Kamala Harris wins the presidency we're all toast with no means to protect ourselves. The military isn't allowed to protect us and if Kamala Harris has her way then nobody else will have guns anyways.

I'm not sure where you're getting that from.

The President is the executive, they execute the laws. (In theory).

The legislature is the one who makes the laws. The President wouldn't make a law, let alone a law to ban guns.
Also the Constitution would need to be changed.

It's called separation of powers.

All presidents have had this power and the military hasn't taken over anything.

Trump is the one pushing the boundaries of what the president can do, because he doesn't understand the precedent of the presidency. With the pushing of the boundaries, it gives future presidents more leeway. It creates a "new normal".
Oh and one other thing, if I'm worried about this for nothing, then why does Kamala want to take away the guns of civilians? She's already plotting. You can guarantee it.
It's what all dictators do. They disarm their population because they know what they are about to do to them would cause a civil war.

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