Does The Military Have Authority to Annihilate A President In Life Threatening Situations?

If she doesn't want to control us then why has she threatened to take away our guns?
What a stupid non-sequitur. Harris does not want to take your guns away and the idea that any gun control would lead to concentration camps is beyond absurd and into the realm of insanity.
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LOL! No, just read the books and watched the movies. But that saying's older than I am.

It sounded like a Harry Potter spell. Actually it sounded like the one that brought back Harry's parents out of Voldemort's wand. 😆
That's another thing that could be highly dangerous. Kamala Harris turning the military against us. I'm really hoping and praying that Trump wins the election but all of this is really starting to scare me.

I know this is going to sound doomsdayish (or crazy, to some) but I have to say it. Ultimately it doesn't matter who wins the election. Globalists have been planning and working towards their goal of global government for ages. So the "Great Reset", or NWO, or whatever you want to call it, IS going to happen, eventually. The only question is when. It's biblical. :dunno:

But don't forget, we know who wins in the end.
I never said anything about camps, because she didn't.

But she has discussed raiding homes with no warrant to look for weapons. And the government knows where every gun purchased through an FFL is at.
You didn’t mention concentration camps but the OP did. Nice to see that you don’t buy into that load of BS.

There are nearly 400,000,000 guns in the US. I seriously doubt that any US government could confiscate every gun even if it wanted to, which no serious politician would advocate anyway.
What a stupid non-sequitur. Harris does not want to take your guns away and the idea that any gun control would lead to concentration camps is beyond absurd and into the realm of insanity.
Harris wants to ban assault weapons, of which there are 20 million legally owned by Americans. None of Harris' proposals would limit criminals obtaining firearms in any way; they would only affect the law-abiding.

As far as the number of crimes with rifles is concerned, more people are assaulted by asphyxiation than by rifles.

An assault weapons ban only serves to disarm the people who would resist tyranny.
You didn’t mention concentration camps but the OP did. Nice to see that you don’t buy into that load of BS.

There are nearly 400,000,000 guns in the US. I seriously doubt that any US government could confiscate every gun even if it wanted to, which no serious politician would advocate anyway.
BREAKING NEWS ALERT: I am responsible ONLY for the things I say.

Harris wants to ban assault weapons.
Harris wants to ban assault weapons, of which there are 20 million legally owned by Americans. None of Harris' proposals would limit criminals obtaining firearms in any way; they would only affect the law-abiding.

As far as the number of crimes with rifles is concerned, more people are assaulted by asphyxiation than by rifles.

An assault weapons ban only serves to disarm the people who would resist tyranny.
There was a ban on assault weapons for nearly 10 years and no tyrants arose because of the ban.

I don’t think a ban would get anywhere in Congress and is DOA.
According to what somebody just told me, the military hasn't really been doing their duty lately though but I'm not sure how true it is.

Doesn't the constitution give us a nation to defend ourselves against evil tyrants who want to destroy us though?

So it sounds like if Kamala Harris wins the presidency we're all toast with no means to protect ourselves. The military isn't allowed to protect us and if Kamala Harris has her way then nobody else will have guns anyways.
What has caused your concern suddenly (it appears)? Of the two candidates I can't help but think that Trump would be the one far more likely to do something unconstitutional or unlawful against the people of the United States considering that she's already tried to keep the results of a presidential election from being certified.

Here are a half dozen times in history that the military has been used against U.S. citizens, as you can see, the circumstances were extraordinary:

6 Times Martial Law Was Declared and the Constitution Suspended in the United States​

martial law
An 1862 engraving of the Baltimore Riots of 1861. | By Blake Stilwell
Published March 21, 2022​
Martial law is basically what it sounds like: an armed force taking over for law enforcement. In the United States, martial law means the U.S. military or National Guard is tasked to take over, typically in a limited region or part of the country.​
There's a lot of legislation governing martial law in the U.S., because when it's used, things like "constitutional rights" tend to get tossed out the window. Most often, these are rights like gathering in groups, owning guns and protection from unreasonable searches and seizures. At least historically, the truth is that during martial law, the military officer in command can pretty much rule by decree and detain anyone for any reason.​
For better or worse, martial law has been declared 68 times in the U.S. and its territories, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, a nonpartisan law and policy institute. Natural disasters, riots and even Mormons have all resulted in the civilian government temporarily ceding its power to the military. Here are a few notable examples from throughout U.S. history.​

6 Times Martial Law Was Declared and the Constitution Suspended in the United States
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What if they fill the military with foreign troops?

Great, something else to give me nightmares about but there is one thing that is helping me though. If Trump was meant to lose this election then why did God spare his life not just once but twice so far?
True but the liberals have been getting me to lose my temper on here lately so right now unfortunately I'm afraid that God probably isn't too happy with me so I'm afraid to go to Him about it.

I sure hope and pray that you're right.
This is what I came up with when I was living in constant fear after having survived a major earthquake as well as other challenges in my life sense:

1. The reason for the fear felt is the feeling that you have no control over what's going to happen, which is true, but subsequently makes you feel vulnerable.
2. Worrying, panicking, being miserable over something that has not yet happened and MAY NEVER HAPPEN, is pointless, so STOP.
3. Think of the worse case and best case scenarios, then make a plan to handle anything that is causing your worry. Think everything through now, BEFORE you have to deal with any of it. You'll be able to think more clearly and come up with better solutions if you do the work and planning now while you're not actually in the situation you that's stressing you out and that you fear.

If it's something that you need more information on or are not very knowledgeable of, do some research. For me, taking any steps in the direction of becoming more informed so that I can take action, even if it's just baby steps at least allows my body to relax and fall asleep, if thinking about these things are keeping me awake.

I hope this helps but I also think you have a bit less to worry about than you may fear. And lastly, at least we don't have a hurricane bearing down on us at the moment...
If she doesn't want to control us then why has she threatened to take away our guns?
Our government(s) are ALWAYS doing that. In 2014, Washington State had on its ballot a very bad piece of legislation that if passed would virtually make criminals out of citizens who lawfully keep and bear arms.

You know what was REALLY insulting and frustrating? Michael Bloomberg, who is NOT a resident of Washington state kept checking in on the status (standing) of one of our bills and contributed a million dollars to help get it passed.

A billionaire from New York who can use his money to influence votes here where I live while and were these laws will not impact him personally. AND on top of that he has armed bodyguards and has even taken guns into countries in the Caribbean where they're not allowed or lawful.

Vote NO I-594

I attended this protest, it was fun :)
Over 1,000 Gun Owners Violate Washington’s I-594 - In Front Of Police!

And from the perspective of the Second Amendment Foundation:
The Bellevue-based gun-rights group, Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, sees the Everytown donation as an example of wealthy elites throwing their weight around to sway an election.​
“It looks more like ‘Every Billionaire for Gun Control’ wants to buy this election,” wrote Alan Gottlieb, the committee’s chair, who earlier this week publicly challenged Gates to debate him over I-594. “Voters should be very concerned that their rights are for sale.”​

$1M from Bloomberg group to Washington’s gun background-check campaign
I never said anything about camps, because she didn't.

But she has discussed raiding homes with no warrant to look for weapons. And the government knows where every gun purchased through an FFL is at.
Maybe in California, the city of Seattle has already tried that here and it went NOWHERE.

Jenny Durkan, the former U.S. Attorney General was mayor at the time they passed this law and then had it watch it eviscerated.
NewsVine_Mariyam That's ridiculous as Trump would never call for martial law.
Why do you think he wouldn't?

These are his own words:

CNN —​
President Donald Trump pledged a crackdown on the protests that arose from the police killing of George Floyd, sparking concerns from some Democrats and Republicans that his response to the crisis further deepens the divide in a country already unnerved by a pandemic, distressed economy and racial unrest.​
Mayors from at least 25 cities issued curfews for Saturday night, as police responded with rubber bullets, tear gas and arrests to disperse occasionally violent crowds. In the nation’s capital, more than 1,000 demonstrators hit the streets, including some who threw bricks and dispersed only early Sunday morning when the Secret Service began to fire tear gas.​
The President tweeted on Saturday that if protesters breached the White House’s fence, they would “have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen.” And he called on Democratic officials to “get MUCH tougher” or the federal government “will step in and do what has to be done, and that includes using the unlimited power of our Military and many arrests.”​
On Sunday, Trump tweeted his thanks to the National Guard and the job they did in Minneapolis Saturday night before calling for the National Guard to be used in “Other Democrat run Cities and States.”​
continued at hyperlink before​ pledged a crackdown on the protests that

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