Does the Media Lie About Donald Trump?

Disagreeing with a premise doesn't show bias. Although I won't claim I'm not. I will claim I'm honest before biased. Dismissing someone and accusing them of bias because they do disagree, shows cowardice. So, do you want to go through the clip and its statements and examine its veracity and prove my bias and dishonesty?
If you are going to admit your bias what’s the point?

If for one minute you could admit Biden was cognitively impaired before the 2020 election, you might be able to question President Trump…

In today’s world you can’t even acknowledge Harris has no business running for POTUS, when the DNC pushes a Kennedy to support the GOP candidate, you have nothing to stand on…

Again, next…
If you are going to admit your bias what’s the point?
The point is that the OP is not about me. It's about whether or not the media lies about Trump. Giving certain examples and asserting that they are lies because of certain conditions. I'm willing to examine that premise using those conditions, and I'm asking you if you are?

You are obviously biased yourself. In fact, since we are on an opinion board I would suggest every single person here is. I'm willing to test my bias against reality, and I'm asking if you are willing to do the same.

Claiming bias, is an easy way to get out of actually engaging with another person. Something I suspect is what you're attempting too accomplish.
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The point is that the OP is not about me. It's about whether or not the media lies about Trump. Giving certain examples and asserting that they are lies because of certain conditions. I'm willing to examine that premise using those conditions, and I'm asking you if you are?

You are obviously biased yourself. In fact, since we are on an opinion board I would suggest every single person here is. I'm willing to test my bias against reality, and I'm asking if you are willing to do the same.

Claiming bias, is an easy way to get out of actually engaging with another person. Something I suspect is what you're attempting too accomplish.
I admitted my bias, there are countless examples of media bias towards President Trump.

The truth is that, he has said several things that get him scrutinized, but his actions far outweigh his gaffes, when you have trouble recognizing the truth, why should we continue this discussion between ourselves?
I admitted my bias, there are countless examples of media bias towards President Trump.

The truth is that, he has said several things that get him scrutinized, but his actions far outweigh his gaffes, when you have trouble recognizing the truth, why should we continue this discussion between ourselves?
Well, the only way to recognize the truth is by testing your own preconceptions. I'm willing to do so. Hence my challenge. The only thing you seem to be doing is finding excuses to avoid doing so. This tells me that the trouble is not recognizing truth... it's being willing to face it.
I, as a rule, purposely try to avoid any media when posting on this board. On the rare occasions that I do, I make it a point to post the entire interview since that's when I have no choice in the matter. Precisely so I can avoid the accusation of "biased media". Instead, I use primary sources whenever possible. Often going to great lengths to provide them and actually read them.

I've yet to see anything to paint a "far different picture" of the person or politician named Trump. Journalistic bias does exist... on both sides by the way. In my opinion however, it takes a whole lot of motivated reasoning to not come to the conclusion that Trump is a horrible person and is (and would be) a horrible person/president.

So, I'll offer you the same deal. I'm willing to go through every single example brought up in this clip. If you are willing to examine the honesty of this person under his stated conditions, and the truth of what Trump actually said and the context of him saying it.

If you are confident that I'm wrong this should not be a problem.
If you aren't reading, listening, watching media, how do you know anything? If the clip you mention is the video in the OP, go for it. Show how anything said regarding the MSM version of the truth vs the actual truth re Trump is in error. I personally have previously over the years checked out every example he used and in my opinion, based on full context and situation, he is spot on accurate.

You are welcome to show any credible source to dispute anything in that video. But if the source is not using or is distorting the complete context, it is not credible no matter who it is.
So I looked at your video. It claims that "the media" takes what Trump says out of context to stir up antipathy towards him.

So let's examine that claim.

First off, who's "the media"? Is it MSNBC, Reuters, Huff post, CNN? It seems to me that he purposely keeps it vague to lay the accusation at the feet of all media in all instances for all things Trump has said... ever. While in reality he's cherry picking certain instances for things HE considers lies. Often by simply interpreting what Trump said in the most positive light even when Trump said those things to RETRACT previous statements. Thereby changing the original context.

If you want, I'm more than willing to go through the examples. I saw one that I would consider taking Trump out of context. (The bloodbath statement) All the rest, is solely this guy doing the exact thing he accuses the amorphous media off.

Only though if you are willing to address what I consider the lies by the guy in the clip under the same standards he holds the media to.
Don't bother. You're not acting in good faith. Just screech NUH UH like the rest of the leftist sheep.
Well, the only way to recognize the truth is by testing your own preconceptions. I'm willing to do so.
There is no need to test my preconceptions, Charlottesville was a total misrepresentation of what he actually said, but you know this or you’re not sincere in your research.
Hence my challenge.
What challenge? There are so many irrefutable facts about him you could never challenge anyone.
The only thing you seem to be doing is finding excuses to avoid doing so.
I have been on this board for many years and arguing about the media coverage of President Trump with you is a waste of time, your opinion is worthless because you ignore the facts.
it's being willing to face it.
I have no problem facing this issue or any other, you’re welcome to search the facts and do your own research, but I doubt it will ever happen and if it did happen you’re in denial.

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