Does this mean foreign military police will be policing the USA soon?

Does this mean foreign military police will be policing the USA soon? It is from 2015.

You are in a cult.jpg
pretty soon, we'll even be rid of Donnie.
Only if you are planning on moving out of country, because DT will be President again when all is said & done.
My only question is if you have anything left in your cities to burn down?
Donnie is outta here come Jan 20.
Ours didn't burn. I live in a normal state. You really need to decide if you are raising your family in the right place.
pretty soon, we'll even be rid of Donnie.
Only if you are planning on moving out of country, because DT will be President again when all is said & done.
My only question is if you have anything left in your cities to burn down?
Donnie is outta here come Jan 20.
Ours didn't burn. I live in a normal state. You really need to decide if you are raising your family in the right place.
We know how to deal with that where I live.
You're gonna be awfully disappointed but it will be over before Jan 20. You all can't stop what's coming & denial won't help.
You got caught & it's just too big to ignore when the future of the country is at stake.
Can't say I'm sorry, it's about time

Does this mean foreign military police will be policing the USA soon? It is from 2015.

Wake up, Flash. The UN Strong Cities Initiative has been in effect here, in the USA, for years. Among participating U.S. Cities are ones where Antifa/BLM has been the most active and crime and homelessness have surged out of control. Must be a coincidence huh?

Some Participating United States "Strong" Cities:

Los Angeles
Montgomery County, Maryland (imagine that)
New York (city)

My, my . . . how revealing . . .

Does this mean foreign military police will be policing the USA soon? It is from 2015.
“The Strong Cities Network will serve as a vital tool to strengthen capacity-building and improve collaboration,” said Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch. “As we continue to counter a range of domestic and global terror threats, this innovative platform will enable cities to learn from one another, to develop best practices and to build social cohesion and community resilience here at home and around the world.” Launch of Strong Cities Network to Strengthen Community Resilience Against Violent Extremism
Where was this Strong Cities Network when Burn Loot Murder & amifa were burning down the Dem cities? If that doesn't qualify as violent extremism, IDK what does. Sounds like more leftist double speak for subjugation.
Could it be just another tool to unleash against opponents of marxism and fascism? NAH, Barry would never do that

BLM/Antifa ARE part of the Strong Cities Initiative. Jesus H, man . . . do some research.

Does this mean foreign military police will be policing the USA soon? It is from 2015.

It took you five years to get your panties in a bunch over this? And in five years it hasn't happened? And you're asking what it means?

Here, learn something:


Does this mean foreign military police will be policing the USA soon? It is from 2015.
“The Strong Cities Network will serve as a vital tool to strengthen capacity-building and improve collaboration,” said Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch. “As we continue to counter a range of domestic and global terror threats, this innovative platform will enable cities to learn from one another, to develop best practices and to build social cohesion and community resilience here at home and around the world.” Launch of Strong Cities Network to Strengthen Community Resilience Against Violent Extremism
if the UN or foreign troops go into the inner cities they will get robbed and mugged .

LMAO I agree. Those blue helmets will be great targets. Wonder how long they would last in Chicago??

Does this mean foreign military police will be policing the USA soon? It is from 2015.

It took you five years to get your panties in a bunch over this? And in five years it hasn't happened? And you're asking what it means?

Here, learn something:

All they see is Obama II coming at them with high beams on and no shoulder on the road.

Does this mean foreign military police will be policing the USA soon? It is from 2015.
Force will not stop or get ride of extremism. Force cannot convict the conscience mind. There is no wisdom or knowledge in force. Jesus did what no human could do controling when he died, and when he lived again. Muslims Allah cannot call that beings self the Father God. Jesus prayed to the Unseen Father in his mind, without ceasing. That should be enough. We need to be reborn, not calling death giving sweet. They that are born will not be born of fornication. The church wants violently minded people. I am here to stop that. Yip, yip, yep.
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They would have to disarm us first. Don't see that going over well....
Doesn't matter. Biden will never get the chance. He's going down & taking the whole corrupt bunch with him

That is a fantasy to think Americans would revolt. They won't.

A lot will give up their guns, and most of the rest will hide them.

I only have one registered gun. If they came for it I'd give it up because I have a dozen more I bought for cash at out of state gun shows.

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