Does Trump need this $#!t?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
Trump says he should serve more time in office because of how the FBI has treated him

Trump suggests he should have extra time as president, in rant over ‘dishonest fool’ Comey’s leaks

Lets pretend Trump never did anything in his life before running for President, like that meat puppet faggot we got rid of 3 years ago.

Lets pretend he needs the pathetic $400K salary he gives away or that it's more money than he could ever have made before being a commie agitator like that meat puppet faggot.

Let's pretend the majority of the "journalists" and media are even remotely unbiased in what they report about him, rather than sycophantic whores like they were for the moonbat messiah.

Let's pretend that Trump would not be making a fuck load more money if he donated to hitlery, helped it win and secured government contracts building shit for international criminals and despots.

Let's pretend that he is NOT SERVING the country.

He does not need this sort of shit in his life. If you asked me 3 years ago, and if you look at my threads and posts 3 years ago, you would know I was not at all a Trump supporter in any way at all. I called him The Ultimate RINO and The World's Richest Professional Clown. I was certain that he was only in the game to fuck up the GOP and secure power for global collectivists by making hitlery a shoe in for POTUS.

I have never been more delighted to be wrong in my life. I'm now a %100 believer in the character and intentions of this man. He does not need this job. It's literally costing him money to be in the position he is in. You can argue all you like about his policies and what the results will be, but none of these repulsive leftist pieces of shit that paste bullshit agitprop on this forum are doing so out of any sort of positive motivation.

It's not out of a sense of patriotism, they constantly denigrate the country. It's not out of sense of truth because they parrot lies endlessly. It's not out of a sense of justice because they support sociopaths and deliberately ignore the crimes we all know have been committed by their beloved political messiahs.

If the culture war being waged in this country is won by those who value truth, ethics, morality, liberty and virtue the history books will judge Trump as one of the greatest human beings that ever lived.

If the commies win I hope a comet wipes out all life on the planet in order to end the slavery and human suffering, but I will remain eternally hostile to those malevolent pieces of shit with all of my soul.

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Trump has a point. if he wins reelection (he should easily) then we should remove term limits for the president if he's the incumbent.
The ultimate irony, a President that ran on a platform of draining the swamp and placing stricter term limits on politicians, wants to get extra time in office...
Trump has a point. if he wins reelection (he should easily) then we should remove term limits for the president if he's the incumbent.
That would destroy the country almost as badly as getting rid of the electoral college.

Trump is way too old to be having 3 or more terms as president anyway.
Trump says he should serve more time in office because of how the FBI has treated him

Trump suggests he should have extra time as president, in rant over ‘dishonest fool’ Comey’s leaks

Lets pretend Trump never did anything in his life before running for President, like that meat puppet faggot we got rid of 3 years ago.

Lets pretend he needs the pathetic $400K salary he gives away or that it's more money than he could ever have made before being a commie agitator like that meat puppet faggot.

Let's pretend the majority of the "journalists" and media are even remotely unbiased in what they report about him, rather than sycophantic whores like they were for the moonbat messiah.

Let's pretend that Trump would not be making a fuck load more money if he donated to hitlery, helped it win and secured government contracts building shit for international criminals and despots.

Let's pretend that he is NOT SERVING the country.

He does not need this sort of shit in his life. If you asked me 3 years ago, and if you look at my threads and posts 3 years ago, you would know I was not at all a Trump supporter in any way at all. I called him The Ultimate RINO and The World's Richest Professional Clown. I was certain that he was only in the game to fuck up the GOP and secure power for global collectivists by making hitlery a shoe in for POTUS.

I have never been more delighted to be wrong in my life. I'm now a %100 believer in the character and intentions of this man. He does not need this job. It's literally costing him money to be in the position he is in. You can argue all you like about his policies and what the results will be, but none of these repulsive leftist pieces of shit that paste bullshit agitprop on this forum are doing so out of any sort of positive motivation.

It's not out of a sense of patriotism, they constantly denigrate the country. It's not out of sense of truth because they parrot lies endlessly. It's not out of a sense of justice because they support sociopaths and deliberately ignore the crimes we all know have been committed by their beloved political messiahs.

If the culture war being waged in this country is won by those who value truth, ethics, morality, liberty and virtue the history books will judge Trump as one of the greatest human beings that ever lived.

If the commies win I hope a comet wipes out all life on the planet in order to end the slavery and human suffering, but I will remain eternally hostile to those malevolent pieces of shit with all of my soul.


I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, I voted for our Governor which I now deeply regret. However I did vote for Trump in the general because I couldn't stomach Obama II.

The results are now in. The lowest unemployment in (soon) 50 years, the strongest consumer confidence in nearly 20 years, the removal of Commie Care fines and some regulations, the lowest unemployment rate recorded for all minorities, more jobs than Americans to do them, and many attempts to curtail our immigration problem which the Democrats fight against if not by Congress, by commie activist judges.

But I think he may need more to totally secure a win, and here is my proposal: Moving the US to a four day work week. That's it in a nutshell. We already travel to work 8 hours a day. What's 2 hours more? It would give most Americans a three day weekend every weekend, and for those that work six days a week, a two day weekend.

We could get some Democrats on board because losing one day of working every week means one less day of rush hour traffic, school busses, and trucks that consume a lot of fuel. The reduction in fuel would send fuel prices lower, and this weekend would be a four day weekend instead of a three.
Trump says he should serve more time in office because of how the FBI has treated him

Trump suggests he should have extra time as president, in rant over ‘dishonest fool’ Comey’s leaks

Lets pretend Trump never did anything in his life before running for President, like that meat puppet faggot we got rid of 3 years ago.

Lets pretend he needs the pathetic $400K salary he gives away or that it's more money than he could ever have made before being a commie agitator like that meat puppet faggot.

Let's pretend the majority of the "journalists" and media are even remotely unbiased in what they report about him, rather than sycophantic whores like they were for the moonbat messiah.

Let's pretend that Trump would not be making a fuck load more money if he donated to hitlery, helped it win and secured government contracts building shit for international criminals and despots.

Let's pretend that he is NOT SERVING the country.

He does not need this sort of shit in his life. If you asked me 3 years ago, and if you look at my threads and posts 3 years ago, you would know I was not at all a Trump supporter in any way at all. I called him The Ultimate RINO and The World's Richest Professional Clown. I was certain that he was only in the game to fuck up the GOP and secure power for global collectivists by making hitlery a shoe in for POTUS.

I have never been more delighted to be wrong in my life. I'm now a %100 believer in the character and intentions of this man. He does not need this job. It's literally costing him money to be in the position he is in. You can argue all you like about his policies and what the results will be, but none of these repulsive leftist pieces of shit that paste bullshit agitprop on this forum are doing so out of any sort of positive motivation.

It's not out of a sense of patriotism, they constantly denigrate the country. It's not out of sense of truth because they parrot lies endlessly. It's not out of a sense of justice because they support sociopaths and deliberately ignore the crimes we all know have been committed by their beloved political messiahs.

If the culture war being waged in this country is won by those who value truth, ethics, morality, liberty and virtue the history books will judge Trump as one of the greatest human beings that ever lived.

If the commies win I hope a comet wipes out all life on the planet in order to end the slavery and human suffering, but I will remain eternally hostile to those malevolent pieces of shit with all of my soul.


You are dead on Pete. Trump has been a success in every sense of the word and certainly did not need the shit show the Democrats and their Media have created. He probably knew it would be tough, but no one could have anticipated the level of outright hatred we are seeing now toward him and his family. He stepped up big time and America owes him a huge, excuse me, a YUGE debt of gratitude.
Trump has a point. if he wins reelection (he should easily) then we should remove term limits for the president if he's the incumbent.


I agree, and I seriously doubt Trump really WANTS to do a second term. If he could have accomplished the goals he had, which only a true enemy of the republic would have opposed in the first couple years he could have resigned after 2 years and gone back to a normal life.

He is making a sacrifice by being president. If it wasn't for globalist traitors running amok in DC, we could have colonized Titan by now. Instead we have sniveling leftist pieces of shit electing autistic lawyers to political offices.

Trump needs to be voted out of office next year.

Trump has a point. if he wins reelection (he should easily) then we should remove term limits for the president if he's the incumbent.


I agree, and I seriously doubt Trump really WANTS to do a second term. If he could have accomplished the goals he had, which only a true enemy of the republic would have opposed in the first couple years he could have resigned after 2 years and gone back to a normal life.

He is making a sacrifice by being president. If it wasn't for globalist traitors running amok in DC, we could have colonized Titan by now. Instead we have sniveling leftist pieces of shit electing autistic lawyers to political offices.


Absolutely. For professional politicians, getting into the White House is not only the highest step of a political career, but the highest standard of living. For Trump, living in the White House is a step down from the life he had.

Whether he takes 2020 or not, the rest of his remaining years on this planet will be filled with agents following him and his wife around wherever they go. He can never regain the freedom he once had.

Unlike all the other past Presidents, he doesn't need to do speaking engagements and write books to make money from his tenure in the White House. He doesn't expect or want repayments from political favors granted. A billionaire doesn't need this chump change that others have relied on once out of service.

In short, Trump took this job because he felt he could make a change, and also made sacrifices in that decision.
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