Doesn't Trump realize the stupidity of focusing on Bill's past affairs?

Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Trump and his Chumps have NO idea how much this is backfiring on them.

It's the argument of a five year old.

"Billy did it, too!"

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger!™'
Liberal logic : Vote vagina.
That vagina is 10x smarter than you'll ever be.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Trump and his Chumps have NO idea how much this is backfiring on them.

It's the argument of a five year old.

"Billy did it, too!"

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger!™'
Liberal logic : Vote vagina.
That vagina is 10x smarter than you'll ever be.
Uh, No.
Shrewd and unscrupulous, yes.
I presume you don't watch the Annual Victoria Secrets Fashion Show.

What does a televised commercial for women's underwear have to do with the Presidential Debate? This is supposed to be a serious debate.
Mrs. Clinton spoke to the issues, and responded to the questions asked. When asked about his policies, Trump launched personal attacks against Mrs. Clinton. When the commentators again asked Trump the question, he immediately deflected to lie-filled personal attacks.

Trump thought if he made it personal, it would unhinge Hillary Clinton like it did Rubio and Cruz. Hillary's been worked over by the entire Republican Caucus for 25 years, withstood 11 hours of questioning in House and Senate Hearings, and negotiated with world leaders. Clinton was simply better prepared, and prepared to speak to the issues than Trump was. It seems the only thing he prepared were ways to attack Clinton, and none of them worked.
Standing by her husband is her choice. Taking the lead on publicly assaulting his victims a second time is sick. The stink for that is on her, you and the rest of her supporters

It's no worse than the "stink" that is on Melania. I do not "support" Hillary. I do not vote for democrats. I will not vote for Trump either. He is not a republican. It has been getting harder and harder to find a republican to support for president over the last 4 decades. I tried to get excited about Bush 1..I voted for him. I couldn't vote for Reagan. He was a former democrat. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with. I voted for Bush 2 twice and he turned out to be a huge disappointment. I haven't voted for a president since him.

If you fools think Trump will make a good president then by all means cast your votes for him. I like to think I have more sense than to let someone with his obvious character flaws draw me in. Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote.

Then why are you voting for HIllary, douche bag? Do you actually believe she has no character flaws?

I'm sorry for you and those that know you. You are an idiot. " Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote."

That's the same as voting for Clinton, moron.

Obviously he's going to vote for Clinton. But he would never vote for Trump. I get when you say it to me you think if I was forced to pick between the two of them I'd pick Trump. But obviously he's going to pick Hitlary if he has to choose. So in the unlikely event he isn't going to vote for either, why would you want to push him to actually vote for Clinton?

I don't "have to choose".

Some of you talk like little children. You think by ganging up on me on this MB I should take you seriously? Christ you morons, when I was in grade school and Jr High I got my kicks kicking the asses of people like you. Then I discovered it was a waste of time doing it at school. In high school I would follow pathetic bullies like you off school grounds and kick your asses when you got off the bus or in one case ran a bully's ass off the road while he was trying to get my attention on his motor cycle. He ended up in the hospital. Sometimes crybabies like you would show up at my door with your daddies in tow and I would laugh a you and your daddy when my dad asked me if I beat up sonny boy and I would say "yes". Then your daddy would kick your ass in our driveway because I was only 5'6" and a buck fifty till I was a senior and your bully daddy was embarrassed his 6' 200 lb son got his butt kicked by someone my size. I never got in trouble handing out justice to punks like you.

Trump followers are the population that picked on people and couldn't get away with it. You morons think voting for Trump will give you license to act out your racist and bullying ways. It will not. Her will lose and you will still go on in life losers.

Now Trump is in his last throws as a candidate. His own statements towards women are sinking any chances he and you thought he had. Now all that is left is how you will explain supporting such an awful candidate.

Yes it appears the sneaky lying caniving Hillary Clinton will be elected. She will no doubt spend her term getting back at those that opposed her. She will do little if anything to advance the U S. She will probably do everything she can to take jobs away from white men and give them to muslims and women. I really don't care as I am my own boss. Hillary doesn't scare me as she does you.

Trump will likely go back to being a celebrity on television and you all can worship him by joining his fan club.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Trump and his Chumps have NO idea how much this is backfiring on them.

It's the argument of a five year old.

"Billy did it, too!"

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger![emoji769]'
Liberal logic : Vote vagina.

Liberal logic: Vote for the sane, reasonable candidate, not the racist sexist pig who has no experience, is a lousy business man, whose business record is abyssmal at best, and who has no ethics.
Neither Liberals nor Neo-Conservatives use logic when it comes to supporting their candidates.

We were talking about that today in the office, a D or an R, and you get idiots that give you an automatic vote. Pretty stupid reason to vote for someone.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Trump and his Chumps have NO idea how much this is backfiring on them.

It's the argument of a five year old.

"Billy did it, too!"

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger!™'
Liberal logic : Vote vagina.
That vagina is 10x smarter than you'll ever be.
Uh, No.
Shrewd and unscrupulous, yes.
You misunderstand. Her vagina by itself is 10x smarter than you'll ever be.
It's no worse than the "stink" that is on Melania. I do not "support" Hillary. I do not vote for democrats. I will not vote for Trump either. He is not a republican. It has been getting harder and harder to find a republican to support for president over the last 4 decades. I tried to get excited about Bush 1..I voted for him. I couldn't vote for Reagan. He was a former democrat. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with. I voted for Bush 2 twice and he turned out to be a huge disappointment. I haven't voted for a president since him.

If you fools think Trump will make a good president then by all means cast your votes for him. I like to think I have more sense than to let someone with his obvious character flaws draw me in. Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote.

Then why are you voting for HIllary, douche bag? Do you actually believe she has no character flaws?

I'm sorry for you and those that know you. You are an idiot. " Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote."

That's the same as voting for Clinton, moron.

Obviously he's going to vote for Clinton. But he would never vote for Trump. I get when you say it to me you think if I was forced to pick between the two of them I'd pick Trump. But obviously he's going to pick Hitlary if he has to choose. So in the unlikely event he isn't going to vote for either, why would you want to push him to actually vote for Clinton?

I don't "have to choose".

Some of you talk like little children. You think by ganging up on me on this MB I should take you seriously? Christ you morons, when I was in grade school and Jr High I got my kicks kicking the asses of people like you. Then I discovered it was a waste of time doing it at school. In high school I would follow pathetic bullies like you off school grounds and kick your asses when you got off the bus or in one case ran a bully's ass off the road while he was trying to get my attention on his motor cycle. He ended up in the hospital. Sometimes crybabies like you would show up at my door with your daddies in tow and I would laugh a you and your daddy when my dad asked me if I beat up sonny boy and I would say "yes". Then your daddy would kick your ass in our driveway because I was only 5'6" and a buck fifty till I was a senior and your bully daddy was embarrassed his 6' 200 lb son got his butt kicked by someone my size. I never got in trouble handing out justice to punks like you.

Trump followers are the population that picked on people and couldn't get away with it. You morons think voting for Trump will give you license to act out your racist and bullying ways. It will not. Her will lose and you will still go on in life losers.

Now Trump is in his last throws as a candidate. His own statements towards women are sinking any chances he and you thought he had. Now all that is left is how you will explain supporting such an awful candidate.

Yes it appears the sneaky lying caniving Hillary Clinton will be elected. She will no doubt spend her term getting back at those that opposed her. She will do little if anything to advance the U S. She will probably do everything she can to take jobs away from white men and give them to muslims and women. I really don't care as I am my own boss. Hillary doesn't scare me as she does you.

Trump will likely go back to being a celebrity on television and you all can worship him by joining his fan club.
It's no worse than the "stink" that is on Melania. I do not "support" Hillary. I do not vote for democrats. I will not vote for Trump either. He is not a republican. It has been getting harder and harder to find a republican to support for president over the last 4 decades. I tried to get excited about Bush 1..I voted for him. I couldn't vote for Reagan. He was a former democrat. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with. I voted for Bush 2 twice and he turned out to be a huge disappointment. I haven't voted for a president since him.

If you fools think Trump will make a good president then by all means cast your votes for him. I like to think I have more sense than to let someone with his obvious character flaws draw me in. Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote.

Then why are you voting for HIllary, douche bag? Do you actually believe she has no character flaws?

I'm sorry for you and those that know you. You are an idiot. " Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote."

That's the same as voting for Clinton, moron.

Obviously he's going to vote for Clinton. But he would never vote for Trump. I get when you say it to me you think if I was forced to pick between the two of them I'd pick Trump. But obviously he's going to pick Hitlary if he has to choose. So in the unlikely event he isn't going to vote for either, why would you want to push him to actually vote for Clinton?

I don't "have to choose".

Some of you talk like little children. You think by ganging up on me on this MB I should take you seriously? Christ you morons, when I was in grade school and Jr High I got my kicks kicking the asses of people like you. Then I discovered it was a waste of time doing it at school. In high school I would follow pathetic bullies like you off school grounds and kick your asses when you got off the bus or in one case ran a bully's ass off the road while he was trying to get my attention on his motor cycle. He ended up in the hospital. Sometimes crybabies like you would show up at my door with your daddies in tow and I would laugh a you and your daddy when my dad asked me if I beat up sonny boy and I would say "yes". Then your daddy would kick your ass in our driveway because I was only 5'6" and a buck fifty till I was a senior and your bully daddy was embarrassed his 6' 200 lb son got his butt kicked by someone my size. I never got in trouble handing out justice to punks like you.

Trump followers are the population that picked on people and couldn't get away with it. You morons think voting for Trump will give you license to act out your racist and bullying ways. It will not. Her will lose and you will still go on in life losers.

Now Trump is in his last throws as a candidate. His own statements towards women are sinking any chances he and you thought he had. Now all that is left is how you will explain supporting such an awful candidate.

Yes it appears the sneaky lying caniving Hillary Clinton will be elected. She will no doubt spend her term getting back at those that opposed her. She will do little if anything to advance the U S. She will probably do everything she can to take jobs away from white men and give them to muslims and women. I really don't care as I am my own boss. Hillary doesn't scare me as she does you.

Trump will likely go back to being a celebrity on television and you all can worship him by joining his fan club.

OOOoooooooo, uh oh, an Internet tough guy. And wow, if you were bullied by everyone who became a Trump supporter, you got your ass kicked a lot, that's almost half your class.

Did the girl Trump supporters kick your ass too or just the guys?
It's no worse than the "stink" that is on Melania. I do not "support" Hillary. I do not vote for democrats. I will not vote for Trump either. He is not a republican. It has been getting harder and harder to find a republican to support for president over the last 4 decades. I tried to get excited about Bush 1..I voted for him. I couldn't vote for Reagan. He was a former democrat. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with. I voted for Bush 2 twice and he turned out to be a huge disappointment. I haven't voted for a president since him.

If you fools think Trump will make a good president then by all means cast your votes for him. I like to think I have more sense than to let someone with his obvious character flaws draw me in. Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote.

Then why are you voting for HIllary, douche bag? Do you actually believe she has no character flaws?

I'm sorry for you and those that know you. You are an idiot. " Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote."

That's the same as voting for Clinton, moron.

Obviously he's going to vote for Clinton. But he would never vote for Trump. I get when you say it to me you think if I was forced to pick between the two of them I'd pick Trump. But obviously he's going to pick Hitlary if he has to choose. So in the unlikely event he isn't going to vote for either, why would you want to push him to actually vote for Clinton?

I don't "have to choose".

Some of you talk like little children. You think by ganging up on me on this MB I should take you seriously? Christ you morons, when I was in grade school and Jr High I got my kicks kicking the asses of people like you. Then I discovered it was a waste of time doing it at school. In high school I would follow pathetic bullies like you off school grounds and kick your asses when you got off the bus or in one case ran a bully's ass off the road while he was trying to get my attention on his motor cycle. He ended up in the hospital. Sometimes crybabies like you would show up at my door with your daddies in tow and I would laugh a you and your daddy when my dad asked me if I beat up sonny boy and I would say "yes". Then your daddy would kick your ass in our driveway because I was only 5'6" and a buck fifty till I was a senior and your bully daddy was embarrassed his 6' 200 lb son got his butt kicked by someone my size. I never got in trouble handing out justice to punks like you.

Trump followers are the population that picked on people and couldn't get away with it. You morons think voting for Trump will give you license to act out your racist and bullying ways. It will not. Her will lose and you will still go on in life losers.

Now Trump is in his last throws as a candidate. His own statements towards women are sinking any chances he and you thought he had. Now all that is left is how you will explain supporting such an awful candidate.

Yes it appears the sneaky lying caniving Hillary Clinton will be elected. She will no doubt spend her term getting back at those that opposed her. She will do little if anything to advance the U S. She will probably do everything she can to take jobs away from white men and give them to muslims and women. I really don't care as I am my own boss. Hillary doesn't scare me as she does you.

Trump will likely go back to being a celebrity on television and you all can worship him by joining his fan club.
Another internet tough guy.

Then why are you voting for HIllary, douche bag? Do you actually believe she has no character flaws?

I'm sorry for you and those that know you. You are an idiot. " Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote."

That's the same as voting for Clinton, moron.

Obviously he's going to vote for Clinton. But he would never vote for Trump. I get when you say it to me you think if I was forced to pick between the two of them I'd pick Trump. But obviously he's going to pick Hitlary if he has to choose. So in the unlikely event he isn't going to vote for either, why would you want to push him to actually vote for Clinton?

I don't "have to choose".

Some of you talk like little children. You think by ganging up on me on this MB I should take you seriously? Christ you morons, when I was in grade school and Jr High I got my kicks kicking the asses of people like you. Then I discovered it was a waste of time doing it at school. In high school I would follow pathetic bullies like you off school grounds and kick your asses when you got off the bus or in one case ran a bully's ass off the road while he was trying to get my attention on his motor cycle. He ended up in the hospital. Sometimes crybabies like you would show up at my door with your daddies in tow and I would laugh a you and your daddy when my dad asked me if I beat up sonny boy and I would say "yes". Then your daddy would kick your ass in our driveway because I was only 5'6" and a buck fifty till I was a senior and your bully daddy was embarrassed his 6' 200 lb son got his butt kicked by someone my size. I never got in trouble handing out justice to punks like you.

Trump followers are the population that picked on people and couldn't get away with it. You morons think voting for Trump will give you license to act out your racist and bullying ways. It will not. Her will lose and you will still go on in life losers.

Now Trump is in his last throws as a candidate. His own statements towards women are sinking any chances he and you thought he had. Now all that is left is how you will explain supporting such an awful candidate.

Yes it appears the sneaky lying caniving Hillary Clinton will be elected. She will no doubt spend her term getting back at those that opposed her. She will do little if anything to advance the U S. She will probably do everything she can to take jobs away from white men and give them to muslims and women. I really don't care as I am my own boss. Hillary doesn't scare me as she does you.

Trump will likely go back to being a celebrity on television and you all can worship him by joining his fan club.
Then why are you voting for HIllary, douche bag? Do you actually believe she has no character flaws?

I'm sorry for you and those that know you. You are an idiot. " Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote."

That's the same as voting for Clinton, moron.

Obviously he's going to vote for Clinton. But he would never vote for Trump. I get when you say it to me you think if I was forced to pick between the two of them I'd pick Trump. But obviously he's going to pick Hitlary if he has to choose. So in the unlikely event he isn't going to vote for either, why would you want to push him to actually vote for Clinton?

I don't "have to choose".

Some of you talk like little children. You think by ganging up on me on this MB I should take you seriously? Christ you morons, when I was in grade school and Jr High I got my kicks kicking the asses of people like you. Then I discovered it was a waste of time doing it at school. In high school I would follow pathetic bullies like you off school grounds and kick your asses when you got off the bus or in one case ran a bully's ass off the road while he was trying to get my attention on his motor cycle. He ended up in the hospital. Sometimes crybabies like you would show up at my door with your daddies in tow and I would laugh a you and your daddy when my dad asked me if I beat up sonny boy and I would say "yes". Then your daddy would kick your ass in our driveway because I was only 5'6" and a buck fifty till I was a senior and your bully daddy was embarrassed his 6' 200 lb son got his butt kicked by someone my size. I never got in trouble handing out justice to punks like you.

Trump followers are the population that picked on people and couldn't get away with it. You morons think voting for Trump will give you license to act out your racist and bullying ways. It will not. Her will lose and you will still go on in life losers.

Now Trump is in his last throws as a candidate. His own statements towards women are sinking any chances he and you thought he had. Now all that is left is how you will explain supporting such an awful candidate.

Yes it appears the sneaky lying caniving Hillary Clinton will be elected. She will no doubt spend her term getting back at those that opposed her. She will do little if anything to advance the U S. She will probably do everything she can to take jobs away from white men and give them to muslims and women. I really don't care as I am my own boss. Hillary doesn't scare me as she does you.

Trump will likely go back to being a celebrity on television and you all can worship him by joining his fan club.

OOOoooooooo, uh oh, an Internet tough guy. And wow, if you were bullied by everyone who became a Trump supporter, you got your ass kicked a lot, that's almost half your class.

Did the girl Trump supporters kick your ass too or just the guys?

I thought we were talking about Trump and his pathetic supporters. All that shit about me was over 50 years ago.
I'm sorry for you and those that know you. You are an idiot. " Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote."

That's the same as voting for Clinton, moron.

Obviously he's going to vote for Clinton. But he would never vote for Trump. I get when you say it to me you think if I was forced to pick between the two of them I'd pick Trump. But obviously he's going to pick Hitlary if he has to choose. So in the unlikely event he isn't going to vote for either, why would you want to push him to actually vote for Clinton?

I don't "have to choose".

Some of you talk like little children. You think by ganging up on me on this MB I should take you seriously? Christ you morons, when I was in grade school and Jr High I got my kicks kicking the asses of people like you. Then I discovered it was a waste of time doing it at school. In high school I would follow pathetic bullies like you off school grounds and kick your asses when you got off the bus or in one case ran a bully's ass off the road while he was trying to get my attention on his motor cycle. He ended up in the hospital. Sometimes crybabies like you would show up at my door with your daddies in tow and I would laugh a you and your daddy when my dad asked me if I beat up sonny boy and I would say "yes". Then your daddy would kick your ass in our driveway because I was only 5'6" and a buck fifty till I was a senior and your bully daddy was embarrassed his 6' 200 lb son got his butt kicked by someone my size. I never got in trouble handing out justice to punks like you.

Trump followers are the population that picked on people and couldn't get away with it. You morons think voting for Trump will give you license to act out your racist and bullying ways. It will not. Her will lose and you will still go on in life losers.

Now Trump is in his last throws as a candidate. His own statements towards women are sinking any chances he and you thought he had. Now all that is left is how you will explain supporting such an awful candidate.

Yes it appears the sneaky lying caniving Hillary Clinton will be elected. She will no doubt spend her term getting back at those that opposed her. She will do little if anything to advance the U S. She will probably do everything she can to take jobs away from white men and give them to muslims and women. I really don't care as I am my own boss. Hillary doesn't scare me as she does you.

Trump will likely go back to being a celebrity on television and you all can worship him by joining his fan club.
I'm sorry for you and those that know you. You are an idiot. " Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote."

That's the same as voting for Clinton, moron.

Obviously he's going to vote for Clinton. But he would never vote for Trump. I get when you say it to me you think if I was forced to pick between the two of them I'd pick Trump. But obviously he's going to pick Hitlary if he has to choose. So in the unlikely event he isn't going to vote for either, why would you want to push him to actually vote for Clinton?

I don't "have to choose".

Some of you talk like little children. You think by ganging up on me on this MB I should take you seriously? Christ you morons, when I was in grade school and Jr High I got my kicks kicking the asses of people like you. Then I discovered it was a waste of time doing it at school. In high school I would follow pathetic bullies like you off school grounds and kick your asses when you got off the bus or in one case ran a bully's ass off the road while he was trying to get my attention on his motor cycle. He ended up in the hospital. Sometimes crybabies like you would show up at my door with your daddies in tow and I would laugh a you and your daddy when my dad asked me if I beat up sonny boy and I would say "yes". Then your daddy would kick your ass in our driveway because I was only 5'6" and a buck fifty till I was a senior and your bully daddy was embarrassed his 6' 200 lb son got his butt kicked by someone my size. I never got in trouble handing out justice to punks like you.

Trump followers are the population that picked on people and couldn't get away with it. You morons think voting for Trump will give you license to act out your racist and bullying ways. It will not. Her will lose and you will still go on in life losers.

Now Trump is in his last throws as a candidate. His own statements towards women are sinking any chances he and you thought he had. Now all that is left is how you will explain supporting such an awful candidate.

Yes it appears the sneaky lying caniving Hillary Clinton will be elected. She will no doubt spend her term getting back at those that opposed her. She will do little if anything to advance the U S. She will probably do everything she can to take jobs away from white men and give them to muslims and women. I really don't care as I am my own boss. Hillary doesn't scare me as she does you.

Trump will likely go back to being a celebrity on television and you all can worship him by joining his fan club.

OOOoooooooo, uh oh, an Internet tough guy. And wow, if you were bullied by everyone who became a Trump supporter, you got your ass kicked a lot, that's almost half your class.

Did the girl Trump supporters kick your ass too or just the guys?

I thought we were talking about Trump and his pathetic supporters. All that shit about me was over 50 years ago.

And ... you brought it up ...

That's the same as voting for Clinton, moron.

Obviously he's going to vote for Clinton. But he would never vote for Trump. I get when you say it to me you think if I was forced to pick between the two of them I'd pick Trump. But obviously he's going to pick Hitlary if he has to choose. So in the unlikely event he isn't going to vote for either, why would you want to push him to actually vote for Clinton?

I don't "have to choose".

Some of you talk like little children. You think by ganging up on me on this MB I should take you seriously? Christ you morons, when I was in grade school and Jr High I got my kicks kicking the asses of people like you. Then I discovered it was a waste of time doing it at school. In high school I would follow pathetic bullies like you off school grounds and kick your asses when you got off the bus or in one case ran a bully's ass off the road while he was trying to get my attention on his motor cycle. He ended up in the hospital. Sometimes crybabies like you would show up at my door with your daddies in tow and I would laugh a you and your daddy when my dad asked me if I beat up sonny boy and I would say "yes". Then your daddy would kick your ass in our driveway because I was only 5'6" and a buck fifty till I was a senior and your bully daddy was embarrassed his 6' 200 lb son got his butt kicked by someone my size. I never got in trouble handing out justice to punks like you.

Trump followers are the population that picked on people and couldn't get away with it. You morons think voting for Trump will give you license to act out your racist and bullying ways. It will not. Her will lose and you will still go on in life losers.

Now Trump is in his last throws as a candidate. His own statements towards women are sinking any chances he and you thought he had. Now all that is left is how you will explain supporting such an awful candidate.

Yes it appears the sneaky lying caniving Hillary Clinton will be elected. She will no doubt spend her term getting back at those that opposed her. She will do little if anything to advance the U S. She will probably do everything she can to take jobs away from white men and give them to muslims and women. I really don't care as I am my own boss. Hillary doesn't scare me as she does you.

Trump will likely go back to being a celebrity on television and you all can worship him by joining his fan club.
That's the same as voting for Clinton, moron.

Obviously he's going to vote for Clinton. But he would never vote for Trump. I get when you say it to me you think if I was forced to pick between the two of them I'd pick Trump. But obviously he's going to pick Hitlary if he has to choose. So in the unlikely event he isn't going to vote for either, why would you want to push him to actually vote for Clinton?

I don't "have to choose".

Some of you talk like little children. You think by ganging up on me on this MB I should take you seriously? Christ you morons, when I was in grade school and Jr High I got my kicks kicking the asses of people like you. Then I discovered it was a waste of time doing it at school. In high school I would follow pathetic bullies like you off school grounds and kick your asses when you got off the bus or in one case ran a bully's ass off the road while he was trying to get my attention on his motor cycle. He ended up in the hospital. Sometimes crybabies like you would show up at my door with your daddies in tow and I would laugh a you and your daddy when my dad asked me if I beat up sonny boy and I would say "yes". Then your daddy would kick your ass in our driveway because I was only 5'6" and a buck fifty till I was a senior and your bully daddy was embarrassed his 6' 200 lb son got his butt kicked by someone my size. I never got in trouble handing out justice to punks like you.

Trump followers are the population that picked on people and couldn't get away with it. You morons think voting for Trump will give you license to act out your racist and bullying ways. It will not. Her will lose and you will still go on in life losers.

Now Trump is in his last throws as a candidate. His own statements towards women are sinking any chances he and you thought he had. Now all that is left is how you will explain supporting such an awful candidate.

Yes it appears the sneaky lying caniving Hillary Clinton will be elected. She will no doubt spend her term getting back at those that opposed her. She will do little if anything to advance the U S. She will probably do everything she can to take jobs away from white men and give them to muslims and women. I really don't care as I am my own boss. Hillary doesn't scare me as she does you.

Trump will likely go back to being a celebrity on television and you all can worship him by joining his fan club.

OOOoooooooo, uh oh, an Internet tough guy. And wow, if you were bullied by everyone who became a Trump supporter, you got your ass kicked a lot, that's almost half your class.

Did the girl Trump supporters kick your ass too or just the guys?

I thought we were talking about Trump and his pathetic supporters. All that shit about me was over 50 years ago.

And ... you brought it up ...


That was just to let you know that juvenile ganging up bullying activity won't work. Several of you resort to it and I have too much experience to be swayed by it. Calling me a liar when I say I have never voted democrat is where this got derailed. If you cannot take me for my word then don't bother to respond to my posts.

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