Doesn't Trump realize the stupidity of focusing on Bill's past affairs?

Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Sexual assaults and over twenty visits to Jeffrey Epstein's "Pedophile Island" where he has portraits of naked, under-aged girls plastered all over his mansion? Are you "down" with that????
What you're too dense to understand is that Trump is doing absolutely nothing to focus on what he would actually DO as president. It's so insane that he would focus on character assignation of her husband based on his personal life. It's not like there is any actual evidence Bill raped a minor. It's just bullshit that gives the intowars audience boners. No one else cares.

Dude, I would dance circles around you blindfolded when it comes to what is really going on here in USA.INC. The "president" is nothing but a face of the franchise of this incorporated federal "gubermint" that was a successor to contract to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services per their corporate charter which is the "constitution" that was written with the Act of 1871
As far as Bill "drop trou" having raped a minor? Twenty plus trips to Pedophile Island and given Bill "drop trou's" proclivity to take advantage of women he believed he had power over???? I would bet my life that he was banging underaged prostitutes procured for him by Jeffy.......
Poor, deranged Dale. There's no evidence Clinton had 20+ trips to pedophile island. You are truly insane. :cuckoo:

Because Fran was with Bill "drop trou" alllll the time! Yeah, I have seen enough proof that indicts him. He kept ditching his secret service team....gee, I wonder why. (snicker)
Despite your terminal dementia, flight logs indicate Clinton never flew to pedophile island. Sucks to be as crazy as you to where your hallucinations dictate your "reality."
You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch.

His victims are "side bitches"? Nice!

All about demeaning the rape victims. So much for believing women who report rape. They were just in the way of Hillary's career. She needed Bill to stay afloat so she could continue riding his coattails.

Did one of Bill's accusers ever go to the fucking police department to file a rape charge against him? NO

Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS. You won't find his name on any ballot in this country. Donald Trump's name will be on the ballot and that's a very serious problem for you Trumpet's.

Donald Trump acted like he was running against Bill Clinton, and his dumbass supporters obviously think the same.


The one who accuses rape did run to court to testify under oath in a deposition saying Bill Clinton DID NOT rape her. She signed that sworn deposition.

Yes, she did because she wanted to be left alone and wanted to put it behind her. Would you want to have to take the stand and testify as to how you had the bottom part of your lip nearly bitten off while you were being raped and then intimidated into keeping your mouth shut? Bill "drop trou" is a fucking predator and he has been protected by the media, used goons to intimidate, threaten, assault and even murder those that had the goods on him and hitlery.

Gary Johnson, an attorney for Larry Nichols (former Clinton insider) had video of Bill "drop trou" using his own key to get into Gennifer Flowers apartment multiple times. Clinton sent his goons to beat the shit out of him until he gave up the tapes and then they resumed the assault. What if that was your father, uncle or son or someone you cared about? How would you feel about these slime balls?

One of the biggest problems this country has is that we look the other way instead of standing up for each other when one of us is attacked by the system and it's controllers believing that it's fine as long as it happens to someone else. People that have come forward to plead for justice for some of the heinous crimes committed against them by the elites that run this criminal enterprise are demonized and mocked by their citizens and we will end up paying for it in the end. I believe that very, very bad shit is on the horizon of Biblical proportions and the dumbed down public will not have the slightest clue on what to do because they have become dependent little slaves. God help us.
Riiiight... she wanted to be left alone. That's why she changed her story after her deposition, right? That's why she showed up at the presidential debate last week with a 100 million viewers, right? To be left alone.


You're as crazy as they come, demented dale.
Sexual assaults and over twenty visits to Jeffrey Epstein's "Pedophile Island" where he has portraits of naked, under-aged girls plastered all over his mansion? Are you "down" with that????
What you're too dense to understand is that Trump is doing absolutely nothing to focus on what he would actually DO as president. It's so insane that he would focus on character assignation of her husband based on his personal life. It's not like there is any actual evidence Bill raped a minor. It's just bullshit that gives the intowars audience boners. No one else cares.

Dude, I would dance circles around you blindfolded when it comes to what is really going on here in USA.INC. The "president" is nothing but a face of the franchise of this incorporated federal "gubermint" that was a successor to contract to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services per their corporate charter which is the "constitution" that was written with the Act of 1871
As far as Bill "drop trou" having raped a minor? Twenty plus trips to Pedophile Island and given Bill "drop trou's" proclivity to take advantage of women he believed he had power over???? I would bet my life that he was banging underaged prostitutes procured for him by Jeffy.......
Poor, deranged Dale. There's no evidence Clinton had 20+ trips to pedophile island. You are truly insane. :cuckoo:

Because Fran was with Bill "drop trou" alllll the time! Yeah, I have seen enough proof that indicts him. He kept ditching his secret service team....gee, I wonder why. (snicker)
Despite your terminal dementia, flight logs indicate Clinton never flew to pedophile island. Sucks to be as crazy as you to where your hallucinations dictate your "reality."

Yeah, Bill "drop trou" took chartered flights...probably got a seat in coach as to be incognito (insert sarcasm here). The fact of the matter is that if he went more than once, it's just as despicable that he went twenty times (verified) or a 100 times because Epstein (pedophile provider for the wealthy and elite) had pedophile porn all over the walls of his palatial estate. Trump may have been involved as well with Epstein....details are sketchy. Do you have a daughter? Would you donate her to a disgusting pedophile like Bill "drop trou"? I bet you would because it would serve the (snicker) "greater good" and you would probably brag about it.
You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch.

His victims are "side bitches"? Nice!

All about demeaning the rape victims. So much for believing women who report rape. They were just in the way of Hillary's career. She needed Bill to stay afloat so she could continue riding his coattails.

Did one of Bill's accusers ever go to the fucking police department to file a rape charge against him? NO

Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS. You won't find his name on any ballot in this country. Donald Trump's name will be on the ballot and that's a very serious problem for you Trumpet's.

Donald Trump acted like he was running against Bill Clinton, and his dumbass supporters obviously think the same.


The one who accuses rape did run to court to testify under oath in a deposition saying Bill Clinton DID NOT rape her. She signed that sworn deposition.

Yes, she did because she wanted to be left alone and wanted to put it behind her. Would you want to have to take the stand and testify as to how you had the bottom part of your lip nearly bitten off while you were being raped and then intimidated into keeping your mouth shut? Bill "drop trou" is a fucking predator and he has been protected by the media, used goons to intimidate, threaten, assault and even murder those that had the goods on him and hitlery.

Gary Johnson, an attorney for Larry Nichols (former Clinton insider) had video of Bill "drop trou" using his own key to get into Gennifer Flowers apartment multiple times. Clinton sent his goons to beat the shit out of him until he gave up the tapes and then they resumed the assault. What if that was your father, uncle or son or someone you cared about? How would you feel about these slime balls?

One of the biggest problems this country has is that we look the other way instead of standing up for each other when one of us is attacked by the system and it's controllers believing that it's fine as long as it happens to someone else. People that have come forward to plead for justice for some of the heinous crimes committed against them by the elites that run this criminal enterprise are demonized and mocked by their citizens and we will end up paying for it in the end. I believe that very, very bad shit is on the horizon of Biblical proportions and the dumbed down public will not have the slightest clue on what to do because they have become dependent little slaves. God help us.
Riiiight... she wanted to be left alone. That's why she changed her story after her deposition, right? That's why she showed up at the presidential debate last week with a 100 million viewers, right? To be left alone.


You're as crazy as they come, demented dale.

And you have read the story of Juanita Broaddrick....right? I mean, you have done some in depth reading of where she is coming from and came to that conclusion, eh? I would hazard to guess that you read the lamestream media version and closed the case in that tiny little mind of yours. (snicker)
What you're too dense to understand is that Trump is doing absolutely nothing to focus on what he would actually DO as president. It's so insane that he would focus on character assignation of her husband based on his personal life. It's not like there is any actual evidence Bill raped a minor. It's just bullshit that gives the intowars audience boners. No one else cares.

Dude, I would dance circles around you blindfolded when it comes to what is really going on here in USA.INC. The "president" is nothing but a face of the franchise of this incorporated federal "gubermint" that was a successor to contract to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services per their corporate charter which is the "constitution" that was written with the Act of 1871
As far as Bill "drop trou" having raped a minor? Twenty plus trips to Pedophile Island and given Bill "drop trou's" proclivity to take advantage of women he believed he had power over???? I would bet my life that he was banging underaged prostitutes procured for him by Jeffy.......
Poor, deranged Dale. There's no evidence Clinton had 20+ trips to pedophile island. You are truly insane. :cuckoo:

Because Fran was with Bill "drop trou" alllll the time! Yeah, I have seen enough proof that indicts him. He kept ditching his secret service team....gee, I wonder why. (snicker)
Despite your terminal dementia, flight logs indicate Clinton never flew to pedophile island. Sucks to be as crazy as you to where your hallucinations dictate your "reality."

Yeah, Bill "drop trou" took chartered flights...probably got a seat in coach as to be incognito (insert sarcasm here). The fact of the matter is that if he went more than once, it's just as despicable that he went twenty times (verified) or a 100 times because Epstein (pedophile provider for the wealthy and elite) had pedophile porn all over the walls of his palatial estate. Trump may have been involved as well with Epstein....details are sketchy. Do you have a daughter? Would you donate her to a disgusting pedophile like Bill "drop trou"? I bet you would because it would serve the (snicker) "greater good" and you would probably brag about it.
You're simply too fucking deranged to hold a normal conversation. Again, despite your lunatic imagination....

Virginia Roberts, 32, who claims she was pimped out by Epstein at age 15, has previously claimed she saw Clinton at Epstein’s getaway in 2002, but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane. They do show Clinton flying aboard Epstein’s plane to such destinations as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa.

Flight Logs Show Bill Clinton Flew On Sex Offender's Jet Much More Than Previously Known
All about demeaning the rape victims. So much for believing women who report rape. They were just in the way of Hillary's career. She needed Bill to stay afloat so she could continue riding his coattails.

Did one of Bill's accusers ever go to the fucking police department to file a rape charge against him? NO

Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS. You won't find his name on any ballot in this country. Donald Trump's name will be on the ballot and that's a very serious problem for you Trumpet's.

Donald Trump acted like he was running against Bill Clinton, and his dumbass supporters obviously think the same.


The one who accuses rape did run to court to testify under oath in a deposition saying Bill Clinton DID NOT rape her. She signed that sworn deposition.

Yes, she did because she wanted to be left alone and wanted to put it behind her. Would you want to have to take the stand and testify as to how you had the bottom part of your lip nearly bitten off while you were being raped and then intimidated into keeping your mouth shut? Bill "drop trou" is a fucking predator and he has been protected by the media, used goons to intimidate, threaten, assault and even murder those that had the goods on him and hitlery.

Gary Johnson, an attorney for Larry Nichols (former Clinton insider) had video of Bill "drop trou" using his own key to get into Gennifer Flowers apartment multiple times. Clinton sent his goons to beat the shit out of him until he gave up the tapes and then they resumed the assault. What if that was your father, uncle or son or someone you cared about? How would you feel about these slime balls?

One of the biggest problems this country has is that we look the other way instead of standing up for each other when one of us is attacked by the system and it's controllers believing that it's fine as long as it happens to someone else. People that have come forward to plead for justice for some of the heinous crimes committed against them by the elites that run this criminal enterprise are demonized and mocked by their citizens and we will end up paying for it in the end. I believe that very, very bad shit is on the horizon of Biblical proportions and the dumbed down public will not have the slightest clue on what to do because they have become dependent little slaves. God help us.
Riiiight... she wanted to be left alone. That's why she changed her story after her deposition, right? That's why she showed up at the presidential debate last week with a 100 million viewers, right? To be left alone.


You're as crazy as they come, demented dale.

And you have read the story of Juanita Broaddrick....right? I mean, you have done some in depth reading of where she is coming from and came to that conclusion, eh? I would hazard to guess that you read the lamestream media version and closed the case in that tiny little mind of yours. (snicker)
Of course I've read her account. She claims Bill raped her during a time in her life while she was cheating on her husband. She swore under oath Bill didn't rape her and then while not under oath, said he did. Then she makes up the excuse it was because she wanted to be left alone but then last week, makes an appearance before 100 million people.

I have no doubt that to someone as insane as you, she appears credible. :eusa_doh:
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Sexual assaults and over twenty visits to Jeffrey Epstein's "Pedophile Island" where he has portraits of naked, under-aged girls plastered all over his mansion? Are you "down" with that????
20 visits? And not one of the girls ever said he slept with them, Epstein's girlfriend who is singing like a canary on Epstein and others, said Bill came to see Jeffrey, BUT NEVER ENGAGED himself with any of the girls even on their trips on the Airplane and island, never touched them, it confused her, so much so that she asked Jeffrey, why is Clinton here, if not for the girls? Epstein said it was business, Clinton owed him a favor....or something like his response to Virginia, his main young squeeze.

So he was there, knew what was going on and said nothing to anyone?
Doesn't Trump realize the stupidity of focusing on Bill's past affairs?

He does now.
Dude, I would dance circles around you blindfolded when it comes to what is really going on here in USA.INC. The "president" is nothing but a face of the franchise of this incorporated federal "gubermint" that was a successor to contract to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services per their corporate charter which is the "constitution" that was written with the Act of 1871
As far as Bill "drop trou" having raped a minor? Twenty plus trips to Pedophile Island and given Bill "drop trou's" proclivity to take advantage of women he believed he had power over???? I would bet my life that he was banging underaged prostitutes procured for him by Jeffy.......
Poor, deranged Dale. There's no evidence Clinton had 20+ trips to pedophile island. You are truly insane. :cuckoo:
The plane log says Slick took a ride on the Lolita express 26 times. 5 of those times he ditched his Secret Service detail. Why would Slick want to ditch his Secret Service detail?
Moron... those same logs indicate he flew to destinations all over the globe but not to pedophile island.

Do any of you rightards have a functioning brain?

We already knew he flew to pedophile Island. Epstein admitted it.
Virginia Roberts, 32, who claims she was pimped out by Epstein at age 15, has previously claimed she saw Clinton at Epstein’s getaway in 2002, but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane. They do show Clinton flying aboard Epstein’s plane to such destinations as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa.

Flight Logs Show Bill Clinton Flew On Sex Offender's Jet Much More Than Previously Known

Epstein's girlfriend placed him on the island.
Did one of Bill's accusers ever go to the fucking police department to file a rape charge against him? NO

Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS. You won't find his name on any ballot in this country. Donald Trump's name will be on the ballot and that's a very serious problem for you Trumpet's.

Donald Trump acted like he was running against Bill Clinton, and his dumbass supporters obviously think the same.


The one who accuses rape did run to court to testify under oath in a deposition saying Bill Clinton DID NOT rape her. She signed that sworn deposition.

Yes, she did because she wanted to be left alone and wanted to put it behind her. Would you want to have to take the stand and testify as to how you had the bottom part of your lip nearly bitten off while you were being raped and then intimidated into keeping your mouth shut? Bill "drop trou" is a fucking predator and he has been protected by the media, used goons to intimidate, threaten, assault and even murder those that had the goods on him and hitlery.

Gary Johnson, an attorney for Larry Nichols (former Clinton insider) had video of Bill "drop trou" using his own key to get into Gennifer Flowers apartment multiple times. Clinton sent his goons to beat the shit out of him until he gave up the tapes and then they resumed the assault. What if that was your father, uncle or son or someone you cared about? How would you feel about these slime balls?

One of the biggest problems this country has is that we look the other way instead of standing up for each other when one of us is attacked by the system and it's controllers believing that it's fine as long as it happens to someone else. People that have come forward to plead for justice for some of the heinous crimes committed against them by the elites that run this criminal enterprise are demonized and mocked by their citizens and we will end up paying for it in the end. I believe that very, very bad shit is on the horizon of Biblical proportions and the dumbed down public will not have the slightest clue on what to do because they have become dependent little slaves. God help us.
Riiiight... she wanted to be left alone. That's why she changed her story after her deposition, right? That's why she showed up at the presidential debate last week with a 100 million viewers, right? To be left alone.


You're as crazy as they come, demented dale.

And you have read the story of Juanita Broaddrick....right? I mean, you have done some in depth reading of where she is coming from and came to that conclusion, eh? I would hazard to guess that you read the lamestream media version and closed the case in that tiny little mind of yours. (snicker)
Of course I've read her account. She claims Bill raped her during a time in her life while she was cheating on her husband. She swore under oath Bill didn't rape her and then while not under oath, said he did. Then she makes up the excuse it was because she wanted to be left alone but then last week, makes an appearance before 100 million people.

I have no doubt that to someone as insane as you, she appears credible. :eusa_doh:

No, you obviously didn't read the whole story. In your narrow world view, anyone that dares to against the leftard clown posse isn't credible and those that don't buy into the ways of the leftard clown posse are simply "crazy"......pretty damn funny as well as amusing.

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch.

His victims are "side bitches"? Nice!

All about demeaning the rape victims. So much for believing women who report rape. They were just in the way of Hillary's career. She needed Bill to stay afloat so she could continue riding his coattails.

Did one of Bill's accusers ever go to the fucking police department to file a rape charge against him? NO

Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS. You won't find his name on any ballot in this country. Donald Trump's name will be on the ballot and that's a very serious problem for you Trumpet's.

Donald Trump acted like he was running against Bill Clinton, and his dumbass supporters obviously think the same.


The one who accuses rape did run to court to testify under oath in a deposition saying Bill Clinton DID NOT rape her. She signed that sworn deposition.

Yes, she did because she wanted to be left alone and wanted to put it behind her. Would you want to have to take the stand and testify as to how you had the bottom part of your lip nearly bitten off while you were being raped and then intimidated into keeping your mouth shut? Bill "drop trou" is a fucking predator and he has been protected by the media, used goons to intimidate, threaten, assault and even murder those that had the goods on him and hitlery.

Gary Johnson, an attorney for Larry Nichols (former Clinton insider) had video of Bill "drop trou" using his own key to get into Gennifer Flowers apartment multiple times. Clinton sent his goons to beat the shit out of him until he gave up the tapes and then they resumed the assault. What if that was your father, uncle or son or someone you cared about? How would you feel about these slime balls?

One of the biggest problems this country has is that we look the other way instead of standing up for each other when one of us is attacked by the system and it's controllers believing that it's fine as long as it happens to someone else. People that have come forward to plead for justice for some of the heinous crimes committed against them by the elites that run this criminal enterprise are demonized and mocked by their citizens and we will end up paying for it in the end. I believe that very, very bad shit is on the horizon of Biblical proportions and the dumbed down public will not have the slightest clue on what to do because they have become dependent little slaves. God help us.

I tried to read your post but couldn't get past the lie in the first sentence. Once I read lies I stop reading.

If she wanted to be left alone then why did she come out later saying she was raped by Bill Clinton? Then why did she come out again this past weekend to say she was raped by Bill Clinton?

If she wanted to be left alone and get this behind her she wouldn't have spoken out in the 90s and she wouldn't have been with trump this past weekend.

Logic. It works.

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch.

His victims are "side bitches"? Nice!

All about demeaning the rape victims. So much for believing women who report rape. They were just in the way of Hillary's career. She needed Bill to stay afloat so she could continue riding his coattails.

Did one of Bill's accusers ever go to the fucking police department to file a rape charge against him? NO

Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS. You won't find his name on any ballot in this country. Donald Trump's name will be on the ballot and that's a very serious problem for you Trumpet's.

Donald Trump acted like he was running against Bill Clinton, and his dumbass supporters obviously think the same.


The one who accuses rape did run to court to testify under oath in a deposition saying Bill Clinton DID NOT rape her. She signed that sworn deposition.

Yes, she did because she wanted to be left alone and wanted to put it behind her. Would you want to have to take the stand and testify as to how you had the bottom part of your lip nearly bitten off while you were being raped and then intimidated into keeping your mouth shut? Bill "drop trou" is a fucking predator and he has been protected by the media, used goons to intimidate, threaten, assault and even murder those that had the goods on him and hitlery.

Gary Johnson, an attorney for Larry Nichols (former Clinton insider) had video of Bill "drop trou" using his own key to get into Gennifer Flowers apartment multiple times. Clinton sent his goons to beat the shit out of him until he gave up the tapes and then they resumed the assault. What if that was your father, uncle or son or someone you cared about? How would you feel about these slime balls?

One of the biggest problems this country has is that we look the other way instead of standing up for each other when one of us is attacked by the system and it's controllers believing that it's fine as long as it happens to someone else. People that have come forward to plead for justice for some of the heinous crimes committed against them by the elites that run this criminal enterprise are demonized and mocked by their citizens and we will end up paying for it in the end. I believe that very, very bad shit is on the horizon of Biblical proportions and the dumbed down public will not have the slightest clue on what to do because they have become dependent little slaves. God help us.

I tried to read your post but couldn't get past the lie in the first sentence. Once I read lies I stop reading.

If she wanted to be left alone then why did she come out later saying she was raped by Bill Clinton? Then why did she come out again this past weekend to say she was raped by Bill Clinton?

If she wanted to be left alone and get this behind her she wouldn't have spoken out in the 90s and she wouldn't have been with trump this past weekend.

Logic. It works.

How do you get past the first line of a Clinton speech?
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Trump and his Chumps have NO idea how much this is backfiring on them.

It's the argument of a five year old.

"Billy did it, too!"

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger!™'
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Trump and his Chumps have NO idea how much this is backfiring on them.

It's the argument of a five year old.

"Billy did it, too!"

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger!™'
Liberal logic : Vote vagina.
Democrats instigated the sleaze. That's what happens when your candidate can't run on her record and can't run on the issues.

Weren't you the guy before the first debate who announced that Trump had invited Gennifer Flowers to sit in the first row of the first debate. Trump opened this Pandora's Box and it bit him in the ass.

Then he went on a week long tirade of belittling and bullying Alicia Machado, trying to victimize her yet again. You have to be terminally stupid to do that.

Clinton didn't release that tape. Access Hollywood did. Nobody likes your asshole candidate. Women are coming out of the woodwork to talk about him grabbing them, walking into the dressing room of the Miss Teen USA pageant when the girls were changing into bikinis.

Your candidate is a pig.
Democrats instigated the sleaze. That's what happens when your candidate can't run on her record and can't run on the issues.

Weren't you the guy before the first debate who announced that Trump had invited Gennifer Flowers to sit in the first row of the first debate. Trump opened this Pandora's Box and it bit him in the ass.

Then he went on a week long tirade of belittling and bullying Alicia Machado, trying to victimize her yet again. You have to be terminally stupid to do that.

Clinton didn't release that tape. Access Hollywood did. Nobody likes your asshole candidate. Women are coming out of the woodwork to talk about him grabbing them, walking into the dressing room of the Miss Teen USA pageant when the girls were changing into bikinis.

Your candidate is a pig.
I presume you don't watch the Annual Victoria Secrets Fashion Show.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Trump and his Chumps have NO idea how much this is backfiring on them.

It's the argument of a five year old.

"Billy did it, too!"

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger!™'
Liberal logic : Vote vagina.

Liberal logic: Vote for the sane, reasonable candidate, not the racist sexist pig who has no experience, is a lousy business man, whose business record is abyssmal at best, and who has no ethics.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Trump and his Chumps have NO idea how much this is backfiring on them.

It's the argument of a five year old.

"Billy did it, too!"

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger!™'
Liberal logic : Vote vagina.

Liberal logic: Vote for the sane, reasonable candidate, not the racist sexist pig who has no experience, is a lousy business man, whose business record is abyssmal at best, and who has no ethics.
Neither Liberals nor Neo-Conservatives use logic when it comes to supporting their candidates.

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