Doesn't Trump realize the stupidity of focusing on Bill's past affairs?

Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Hillary is the most corrupt politician ever, stealing money from Haiti, pay to play, Rigging elections against Bernie and now Trump. This is unbelievable how any person can vote for this establishment,lying trash. Say what you want about Trump but he does not have a history of stealing the countries money while impoverishing the minorities. She is real trash.
It doesn't matter, the point is, Trump did not take Newt Gingrich's advice, he brought Bill Clinton into the debate over affairs= and it backfired on the DUMBASS.

1. Trump attacked the victim of an affair (Hillary Clinton.)
2. Everyone knows about Trump's affairs.

You just can't stand up there and throw rocks at anyone for doing the exact same they did, and get away with it. Only an IDIOT does that. Trump not only had affairs, he left his wife and children for other women.

Trump is the only one that stated "My personal Viet Nam was sleeping around with married women".
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ‘Personal Vietnam’

I knew these tapes were out there when he jumped in the race, why didn't you? They haven't even released the public radio (Howard Stern) interviews yet. Be assured they will.

This isn't about "affairs," douche bag. This is about rape and sexual assault, which Hillary tried to cover up. Do you actually believe people are stupid enough to fall for your attempt to make Hillary look like the victim? Unfortunately, the answer is "yes." There are plenty of dumbasses who will fall for it. We call these people "Democrats."

Ha.Ha. there's not too many "rape" victims that will hang around their attackers, and then claim rape 20 years later. Good Luck with that one.

How did any of Bill's victims "hang around?"

Again, the only VICTIM of any extra marital affair is the SPOUSE that is being cheated upon. FACT. There is no such thing as the perpetrators of an extra marital affair that can be considered a "victim." They were BOTH willing accomplices. You can try all you want but that is American public perception.

And that's why your ass clown made a total ASS out of himself. Newt Gingrich advised Trump not to drag Bill Clinton's extra marital affairs into this, and Trump took a dive right right into the shit hole anyway.


Nice attempt to avoid answering the question. Again, this isn't about infidelity. It's about rape and sexual assault and attacking the victims to keep them from talking.

Now answer the question: How did any of Bill's victims "hang around" after the crime?

Hillary married Bill Clinton. She agreed to back him then and never went back on her commitment. Unfortunately who she married turned out to be a piece of shit. She wasn't responsible for the shitty things her husband did. She was dealt a bad hand and played it the best she could. I do admire her standing by her man. Too bad her loyalty was wasted on Bill. There is a reason why wives cannot be forced to testify against their husbands and vice verse. Any man would be lucky to have such a loyal wife. That doesn't mean she would be a good president.
How is Bill Clinton being a rapist going to generate sympathies from women?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think you are in full denial mode personally. You can't believe how badly Trump defeated Clinton on that debate... and neither can Bill.


Clinton started the sleazy politics by releasing Trump's locker room style banter. Now... it's Trump's time to end it, with a bang!

Bill isn't running for anything. Hillary standing by her husband won't hurt her... no more than Trumps wife standing by him.

Standing by her husband is her choice. Taking the lead on publicly assaulting his victims a second time is sick. The stink for that is on her, you and the rest of her supporters

It's no worse than the "stink" that is on Melania. I do not "support" Hillary. I do not vote for democrats. I will not vote for Trump either. He is not a republican. It has been getting harder and harder to find a republican to support for president over the last 4 decades. I tried to get excited about Bush 1..I voted for him. I couldn't vote for Reagan. He was a former democrat. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with. I voted for Bush 2 twice and he turned out to be a huge disappointment. I haven't voted for a president since him.

If you fools think Trump will make a good president then by all means cast your votes for him. I like to think I have more sense than to let someone with his obvious character flaws draw me in. Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote.

With all the times we discussed it and you read my anti-Trump threads, how do you not remember I'm voting for Gary Johnson. Alcohol in repeated excess does a number on your long term memory, doesn't it?

While you love to blast Trump, you sure do it in a pro-Hillary way for someone who claims to not be voting for her

I don't drink or take illegal drugs including pot. I can't keep track of everyone's preferences. I don't remember you and I discussing Gary Johnson. I believe you are thinking of someone else.

Ya..I do enjoy picking on Donald. I can't help it. He is such a horrible person and a worse candidate. Saying I am "pro Hillary" is untrue. What I don't like about her is rarely talked about. All that BS about emails and Benghazi is just ridiculous hyperbole. I don't really care what the dems want to do. It is the GOP that left me stranded...not the dems. Just because I hate what the GOP has become doesn't mean I support the dems.
Yeah, it pretty much does, and no one believes you ever voted Republican.
How is Bill Clinton being a rapist going to generate sympathies from women?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think you are in full denial mode personally. You can't believe how badly Trump defeated Clinton on that debate... and neither can Bill.


Clinton started the sleazy politics by releasing Trump's locker room style banter. Now... it's Trump's time to end it, with a bang!

Bill isn't running for anything. Hillary standing by her husband won't hurt her... no more than Trumps wife standing by him.

Standing by her husband is her choice. Taking the lead on publicly assaulting his victims a second time is sick. The stink for that is on her, you and the rest of her supporters

It's no worse than the "stink" that is on Melania. I do not "support" Hillary. I do not vote for democrats. I will not vote for Trump either. He is not a republican. It has been getting harder and harder to find a republican to support for president over the last 4 decades. I tried to get excited about Bush 1..I voted for him. I couldn't vote for Reagan. He was a former democrat. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with. I voted for Bush 2 twice and he turned out to be a huge disappointment. I haven't voted for a president since him.

If you fools think Trump will make a good president then by all means cast your votes for him. I like to think I have more sense than to let someone with his obvious character flaws draw me in. Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote.

Then why are you voting for HIllary, douche bag? Do you actually believe she has no character flaws?

I'm sorry for you and those that know you. You are an idiot. " Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote."

That's the same as voting for Clinton, moron.
How is Bill Clinton being a rapist going to generate sympathies from women?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think you are in full denial mode personally. You can't believe how badly Trump defeated Clinton on that debate... and neither can Bill.


Clinton started the sleazy politics by releasing Trump's locker room style banter. Now... it's Trump's time to end it, with a bang!

Bill isn't running for anything. Hillary standing by her husband won't hurt her... no more than Trumps wife standing by him.

Standing by her husband is her choice. Taking the lead on publicly assaulting his victims a second time is sick. The stink for that is on her, you and the rest of her supporters

It's no worse than the "stink" that is on Melania. I do not "support" Hillary. I do not vote for democrats. I will not vote for Trump either. He is not a republican. It has been getting harder and harder to find a republican to support for president over the last 4 decades. I tried to get excited about Bush 1..I voted for him. I couldn't vote for Reagan. He was a former democrat. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with. I voted for Bush 2 twice and he turned out to be a huge disappointment. I haven't voted for a president since him.

If you fools think Trump will make a good president then by all means cast your votes for him. I like to think I have more sense than to let someone with his obvious character flaws draw me in. Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote.

With all the times we discussed it and you read my anti-Trump threads, how do you not remember I'm voting for Gary Johnson. Alcohol in repeated excess does a number on your long term memory, doesn't it?

While you love to blast Trump, you sure do it in a pro-Hillary way for someone who claims to not be voting for her

I don't drink or take illegal drugs including pot. I can't keep track of everyone's preferences. I don't remember you and I discussing Gary Johnson. I believe you are thinking of someone else.

Ya..I do enjoy picking on Donald. I can't help it. He is such a horrible person and a worse candidate. Saying I am "pro Hillary" is untrue. What I don't like about her is rarely talked about. All that BS about emails and Benghazi is just ridiculous hyperbole. I don't really care what the dems want to do. It is the GOP that left me stranded...not the dems. Just because I hate what the GOP has become doesn't mean I support the dems.

Bullshit, it's a stupid game Democrats play. I'm not a Democrat, ergo I'm a Republican and a Trump supporter. Partisanship wastes a mind just like alcohol.

BTW, it's not just discussing it. You're a regular poster and I've started like a dozen anti-Trump threads. You know I oppose both Trump and Hillary, the Democrat in you forces you to say it though
Bill isn't running for anything. Hillary standing by her husband won't hurt her... no more than Trumps wife standing by him.

Standing by her husband is her choice. Taking the lead on publicly assaulting his victims a second time is sick. The stink for that is on her, you and the rest of her supporters

It's no worse than the "stink" that is on Melania. I do not "support" Hillary. I do not vote for democrats. I will not vote for Trump either. He is not a republican. It has been getting harder and harder to find a republican to support for president over the last 4 decades. I tried to get excited about Bush 1..I voted for him. I couldn't vote for Reagan. He was a former democrat. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with. I voted for Bush 2 twice and he turned out to be a huge disappointment. I haven't voted for a president since him.

If you fools think Trump will make a good president then by all means cast your votes for him. I like to think I have more sense than to let someone with his obvious character flaws draw me in. Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote.

With all the times we discussed it and you read my anti-Trump threads, how do you not remember I'm voting for Gary Johnson. Alcohol in repeated excess does a number on your long term memory, doesn't it?

While you love to blast Trump, you sure do it in a pro-Hillary way for someone who claims to not be voting for her

I don't drink or take illegal drugs including pot. I can't keep track of everyone's preferences. I don't remember you and I discussing Gary Johnson. I believe you are thinking of someone else.

Ya..I do enjoy picking on Donald. I can't help it. He is such a horrible person and a worse candidate. Saying I am "pro Hillary" is untrue. What I don't like about her is rarely talked about. All that BS about emails and Benghazi is just ridiculous hyperbole. I don't really care what the dems want to do. It is the GOP that left me stranded...not the dems. Just because I hate what the GOP has become doesn't mean I support the dems.

Bullshit, it's a stupid game Democrats play. I'm not a Democrat, ergo I'm a Republican and a Trump supporter. Partisanship wastes a mind just like alcohol.

BTW, it's not just discussing it. You're a regular poster and I've started like a dozen anti-Trump threads. You know I oppose both Trump and Hillary, the Democrat in you forces you to say it though

Truth is just ridiculous hyperbole... but Trump is mean so he is the worse candidate.
Bill isn't running for anything. Hillary standing by her husband won't hurt her... no more than Trumps wife standing by him.

Standing by her husband is her choice. Taking the lead on publicly assaulting his victims a second time is sick. The stink for that is on her, you and the rest of her supporters

It's no worse than the "stink" that is on Melania. I do not "support" Hillary. I do not vote for democrats. I will not vote for Trump either. He is not a republican. It has been getting harder and harder to find a republican to support for president over the last 4 decades. I tried to get excited about Bush 1..I voted for him. I couldn't vote for Reagan. He was a former democrat. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with. I voted for Bush 2 twice and he turned out to be a huge disappointment. I haven't voted for a president since him.

If you fools think Trump will make a good president then by all means cast your votes for him. I like to think I have more sense than to let someone with his obvious character flaws draw me in. Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote.

Then why are you voting for HIllary, douche bag? Do you actually believe she has no character flaws?

I'm sorry for you and those that know you. You are an idiot. " Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote."

That's the same as voting for Clinton, moron.

Obviously he's going to vote for Clinton. But he would never vote for Trump. I get when you say it to me you think if I was forced to pick between the two of them I'd pick Trump. But obviously he's going to pick Hitlary if he has to choose. So in the unlikely event he isn't going to vote for either, why would you want to push him to actually vote for Clinton?
Standing by her husband is her choice. Taking the lead on publicly assaulting his victims a second time is sick. The stink for that is on her, you and the rest of her supporters

It's no worse than the "stink" that is on Melania. I do not "support" Hillary. I do not vote for democrats. I will not vote for Trump either. He is not a republican. It has been getting harder and harder to find a republican to support for president over the last 4 decades. I tried to get excited about Bush 1..I voted for him. I couldn't vote for Reagan. He was a former democrat. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with. I voted for Bush 2 twice and he turned out to be a huge disappointment. I haven't voted for a president since him.

If you fools think Trump will make a good president then by all means cast your votes for him. I like to think I have more sense than to let someone with his obvious character flaws draw me in. Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote.

With all the times we discussed it and you read my anti-Trump threads, how do you not remember I'm voting for Gary Johnson. Alcohol in repeated excess does a number on your long term memory, doesn't it?

While you love to blast Trump, you sure do it in a pro-Hillary way for someone who claims to not be voting for her

I don't drink or take illegal drugs including pot. I can't keep track of everyone's preferences. I don't remember you and I discussing Gary Johnson. I believe you are thinking of someone else.

Ya..I do enjoy picking on Donald. I can't help it. He is such a horrible person and a worse candidate. Saying I am "pro Hillary" is untrue. What I don't like about her is rarely talked about. All that BS about emails and Benghazi is just ridiculous hyperbole. I don't really care what the dems want to do. It is the GOP that left me stranded...not the dems. Just because I hate what the GOP has become doesn't mean I support the dems.

Bullshit, it's a stupid game Democrats play. I'm not a Democrat, ergo I'm a Republican and a Trump supporter. Partisanship wastes a mind just like alcohol.

BTW, it's not just discussing it. You're a regular poster and I've started like a dozen anti-Trump threads. You know I oppose both Trump and Hillary, the Democrat in you forces you to say it though

Truth is just ridiculous hyperbole... but Trump is mean so he is the worse candidate.

Why is mean worse than completely and utterly amoral like Clinton?

I'm not voting for either, they both are unacceptable
It's no worse than the "stink" that is on Melania. I do not "support" Hillary. I do not vote for democrats. I will not vote for Trump either. He is not a republican. It has been getting harder and harder to find a republican to support for president over the last 4 decades. I tried to get excited about Bush 1..I voted for him. I couldn't vote for Reagan. He was a former democrat. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with. I voted for Bush 2 twice and he turned out to be a huge disappointment. I haven't voted for a president since him.

If you fools think Trump will make a good president then by all means cast your votes for him. I like to think I have more sense than to let someone with his obvious character flaws draw me in. Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote.

With all the times we discussed it and you read my anti-Trump threads, how do you not remember I'm voting for Gary Johnson. Alcohol in repeated excess does a number on your long term memory, doesn't it?

While you love to blast Trump, you sure do it in a pro-Hillary way for someone who claims to not be voting for her

I don't drink or take illegal drugs including pot. I can't keep track of everyone's preferences. I don't remember you and I discussing Gary Johnson. I believe you are thinking of someone else.

Ya..I do enjoy picking on Donald. I can't help it. He is such a horrible person and a worse candidate. Saying I am "pro Hillary" is untrue. What I don't like about her is rarely talked about. All that BS about emails and Benghazi is just ridiculous hyperbole. I don't really care what the dems want to do. It is the GOP that left me stranded...not the dems. Just because I hate what the GOP has become doesn't mean I support the dems.

Bullshit, it's a stupid game Democrats play. I'm not a Democrat, ergo I'm a Republican and a Trump supporter. Partisanship wastes a mind just like alcohol.

BTW, it's not just discussing it. You're a regular poster and I've started like a dozen anti-Trump threads. You know I oppose both Trump and Hillary, the Democrat in you forces you to say it though

Truth is just ridiculous hyperbole... but Trump is mean so he is the worse candidate.

Why is mean worse than completely and utterly amoral like Clinton?

I'm not voting for either, they both are unacceptable

You should always vote for the lesser of the two evils, otherwise you are enabling evil...
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Sexual assaults and over twenty visits to Jeffrey Epstein's "Pedophile Island" where he has portraits of naked, under-aged girls plastered all over his mansion? Are you "down" with that????
What you're too dense to understand is that Trump is doing absolutely nothing to focus on what he would actually DO as president. It's so insane that he would focus on character assignation of her husband based on his personal life. It's not like there is any actual evidence Bill raped a minor. It's just bullshit that gives the intowars audience boners. No one else cares.

Dude, I would dance circles around you blindfolded when it comes to what is really going on here in USA.INC. The "president" is nothing but a face of the franchise of this incorporated federal "gubermint" that was a successor to contract to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services per their corporate charter which is the "constitution" that was written with the Act of 1871
As far as Bill "drop trou" having raped a minor? Twenty plus trips to Pedophile Island and given Bill "drop trou's" proclivity to take advantage of women he believed he had power over???? I would bet my life that he was banging underaged prostitutes procured for him by Jeffy.......
Poor, deranged Dale. There's no evidence Clinton had 20+ trips to pedophile island. You are truly insane. :cuckoo:
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Sexual assaults and over twenty visits to Jeffrey Epstein's "Pedophile Island" where he has portraits of naked, under-aged girls plastered all over his mansion? Are you "down" with that????
20 visits? And not one of the girls ever said he slept with them, Epstein's girlfriend who is singing like a canary on Epstein and others, said Bill came to see Jeffrey, BUT NEVER ENGAGED himself with any of the girls even on their trips on the Airplane and island, never touched them, it confused her, so much so that she asked Jeffrey, why is Clinton here, if not for the girls? Epstein said it was business, Clinton owed him a favor....or something like his response to Virginia, his main young squeeze.
I wonder if these women who went on stage with his press conference and put in the stadium of the debate, realize now, how USED they were by Trump? Have seen the video of Trump calling Jones a LOSER.....back in 1998....?
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Sexual assaults and over twenty visits to Jeffrey Epstein's "Pedophile Island" where he has portraits of naked, under-aged girls plastered all over his mansion? Are you "down" with that????
What you're too dense to understand is that Trump is doing absolutely nothing to focus on what he would actually DO as president. It's so insane that he would focus on character assignation of her husband based on his personal life. It's not like there is any actual evidence Bill raped a minor. It's just bullshit that gives the intowars audience boners. No one else cares.

Dude, I would dance circles around you blindfolded when it comes to what is really going on here in USA.INC. The "president" is nothing but a face of the franchise of this incorporated federal "gubermint" that was a successor to contract to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services per their corporate charter which is the "constitution" that was written with the Act of 1871
As far as Bill "drop trou" having raped a minor? Twenty plus trips to Pedophile Island and given Bill "drop trou's" proclivity to take advantage of women he believed he had power over???? I would bet my life that he was banging underaged prostitutes procured for him by Jeffy.......
Poor, deranged Dale. There's no evidence Clinton had 20+ trips to pedophile island. You are truly insane. :cuckoo:
The plane log says Slick took a ride on the Lolita express 26 times. 5 of those times he ditched his Secret Service detail. Why would Slick want to ditch his Secret Service detail?
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Sexual assaults and over twenty visits to Jeffrey Epstein's "Pedophile Island" where he has portraits of naked, under-aged girls plastered all over his mansion? Are you "down" with that????
What you're too dense to understand is that Trump is doing absolutely nothing to focus on what he would actually DO as president. It's so insane that he would focus on character assignation of her husband based on his personal life. It's not like there is any actual evidence Bill raped a minor. It's just bullshit that gives the intowars audience boners. No one else cares.

Dude, I would dance circles around you blindfolded when it comes to what is really going on here in USA.INC. The "president" is nothing but a face of the franchise of this incorporated federal "gubermint" that was a successor to contract to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services per their corporate charter which is the "constitution" that was written with the Act of 1871
As far as Bill "drop trou" having raped a minor? Twenty plus trips to Pedophile Island and given Bill "drop trou's" proclivity to take advantage of women he believed he had power over???? I would bet my life that he was banging underaged prostitutes procured for him by Jeffy.......
Poor, deranged Dale. There's no evidence Clinton had 20+ trips to pedophile island. You are truly insane. :cuckoo:
The plane log says Slick took a ride on the Lolita express 26 times. 5 of those times he ditched his Secret Service detail. Why would Slick want to ditch his Secret Service detail?
Moron... those same logs indicate he flew to destinations all over the globe but not to pedophile island.

Do any of you rightards have a functioning brain?
Sexual assaults and over twenty visits to Jeffrey Epstein's "Pedophile Island" where he has portraits of naked, under-aged girls plastered all over his mansion? Are you "down" with that????
What you're too dense to understand is that Trump is doing absolutely nothing to focus on what he would actually DO as president. It's so insane that he would focus on character assignation of her husband based on his personal life. It's not like there is any actual evidence Bill raped a minor. It's just bullshit that gives the intowars audience boners. No one else cares.

Dude, I would dance circles around you blindfolded when it comes to what is really going on here in USA.INC. The "president" is nothing but a face of the franchise of this incorporated federal "gubermint" that was a successor to contract to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services per their corporate charter which is the "constitution" that was written with the Act of 1871
As far as Bill "drop trou" having raped a minor? Twenty plus trips to Pedophile Island and given Bill "drop trou's" proclivity to take advantage of women he believed he had power over???? I would bet my life that he was banging underaged prostitutes procured for him by Jeffy.......
Poor, deranged Dale. There's no evidence Clinton had 20+ trips to pedophile island. You are truly insane. :cuckoo:
The plane log says Slick took a ride on the Lolita express 26 times. 5 of those times he ditched his Secret Service detail. Why would Slick want to ditch his Secret Service detail?
Moron... those same logs indicate he flew to destinations all over the globe but not to pedophile island.

Do any of you rightards have a functioning brain?

We already knew he flew to pedophile Island. Epstein admitted it.
What you're too dense to understand is that Trump is doing absolutely nothing to focus on what he would actually DO as president. It's so insane that he would focus on character assignation of her husband based on his personal life. It's not like there is any actual evidence Bill raped a minor. It's just bullshit that gives the intowars audience boners. No one else cares.

Dude, I would dance circles around you blindfolded when it comes to what is really going on here in USA.INC. The "president" is nothing but a face of the franchise of this incorporated federal "gubermint" that was a successor to contract to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services per their corporate charter which is the "constitution" that was written with the Act of 1871
As far as Bill "drop trou" having raped a minor? Twenty plus trips to Pedophile Island and given Bill "drop trou's" proclivity to take advantage of women he believed he had power over???? I would bet my life that he was banging underaged prostitutes procured for him by Jeffy.......
Poor, deranged Dale. There's no evidence Clinton had 20+ trips to pedophile island. You are truly insane. :cuckoo:
The plane log says Slick took a ride on the Lolita express 26 times. 5 of those times he ditched his Secret Service detail. Why would Slick want to ditch his Secret Service detail?
Moron... those same logs indicate he flew to destinations all over the globe but not to pedophile island.

Do any of you rightards have a functioning brain?

We already knew he flew to pedophile Island. Epstein admitted it.
Virginia Roberts, 32, who claims she was pimped out by Epstein at age 15, has previously claimed she saw Clinton at Epstein’s getaway in 2002, but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane. They do show Clinton flying aboard Epstein’s plane to such destinations as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa.

Flight Logs Show Bill Clinton Flew On Sex Offender's Jet Much More Than Previously Known
"Doesn't Trump realize the stupidity of focusing on Bill's past affairs?"

I don't know - HILLARY seems to think it is a pretty effective-over-time strategy that could turn voters against her, as some of the headlines stated yesterday:


Americans constantly reminded that her husband is a sexual predator and that she was his Enabler definitely would wear on people after a time.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

So, pointing out Bill's decades long history of sexual abuse of women and Hillary's (who BTW is the Democrat nominee) involvement in the systematic destruction of his accusers, after saying that "all women must be heard" is "sleazy".

You're absolutely nuts Billy.
With all the times we discussed it and you read my anti-Trump threads, how do you not remember I'm voting for Gary Johnson. Alcohol in repeated excess does a number on your long term memory, doesn't it?

While you love to blast Trump, you sure do it in a pro-Hillary way for someone who claims to not be voting for her

I don't drink or take illegal drugs including pot. I can't keep track of everyone's preferences. I don't remember you and I discussing Gary Johnson. I believe you are thinking of someone else.

Ya..I do enjoy picking on Donald. I can't help it. He is such a horrible person and a worse candidate. Saying I am "pro Hillary" is untrue. What I don't like about her is rarely talked about. All that BS about emails and Benghazi is just ridiculous hyperbole. I don't really care what the dems want to do. It is the GOP that left me stranded...not the dems. Just because I hate what the GOP has become doesn't mean I support the dems.

Bullshit, it's a stupid game Democrats play. I'm not a Democrat, ergo I'm a Republican and a Trump supporter. Partisanship wastes a mind just like alcohol.

BTW, it's not just discussing it. You're a regular poster and I've started like a dozen anti-Trump threads. You know I oppose both Trump and Hillary, the Democrat in you forces you to say it though

Truth is just ridiculous hyperbole... but Trump is mean so he is the worse candidate.

Why is mean worse than completely and utterly amoral like Clinton?

I'm not voting for either, they both are unacceptable

You should always vote for the lesser of the two evils, otherwise you are enabling evil...

What if as in this case there is no "lesser" evil?

If you think Hillary is a lesser evil, you're deluding yourself. She's certainly not a lesser evil in terms of her policies that are going to continue to both erode our economic freedom and bankrupt us
I don't drink or take illegal drugs including pot. I can't keep track of everyone's preferences. I don't remember you and I discussing Gary Johnson. I believe you are thinking of someone else.

Ya..I do enjoy picking on Donald. I can't help it. He is such a horrible person and a worse candidate. Saying I am "pro Hillary" is untrue. What I don't like about her is rarely talked about. All that BS about emails and Benghazi is just ridiculous hyperbole. I don't really care what the dems want to do. It is the GOP that left me stranded...not the dems. Just because I hate what the GOP has become doesn't mean I support the dems.

Bullshit, it's a stupid game Democrats play. I'm not a Democrat, ergo I'm a Republican and a Trump supporter. Partisanship wastes a mind just like alcohol.

BTW, it's not just discussing it. You're a regular poster and I've started like a dozen anti-Trump threads. You know I oppose both Trump and Hillary, the Democrat in you forces you to say it though

Truth is just ridiculous hyperbole... but Trump is mean so he is the worse candidate.

Why is mean worse than completely and utterly amoral like Clinton?

I'm not voting for either, they both are unacceptable

You should always vote for the lesser of the two evils, otherwise you are enabling evil...

What if as in this case there is no "lesser" evil?

If you think Hillary is a lesser evil, you're deluding yourself. She's certainly not a lesser evil in terms of her policies that are going to continue to both erode our economic freedom and bankrupt us
You're delusional if you think Johnson is better than Trump. They guy is an imbecile.

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