Doesn't Trump realize the stupidity of focusing on Bill's past affairs?

is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton.

Women are often sympathetic toward those who attack sexual assault victims. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch.

His victims are "side bitches"? Nice!

His "victims" are accusers and they've never been shown to be a victim

Well I accuse you of being a Communist. BAM! You're a communist!
is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton.

Women are often sympathetic toward those who attack sexual assault victims. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch.

His victims are "side bitches"? Nice!

His "victims" are accusers and they've never been shown to be a victim

His "victims" are accusers and they've never been shown to be a victim

Hillary Clinton Says, "Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported"

Was she lying?
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Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.
Affairs? The hell with his affairs. That's the Clinton's problem. Rape is altogether another problem.
Oh what the fuck ever. Did you really think Hillary wouldn't have brought it up? Of course she would. This is his biggest scandal by far. That's how politics work. If the roles were reversed, do you honestly think Trump would NOT bring it up? Fucking of course he would have.

It doesn't matter, the point is, Trump did not take Newt Gingrich's advice, he brought Bill Clinton into the debate over affairs= and it backfired on the DUMBASS.

1. Trump attacked the victim of an affair (Hillary Clinton.)
2. Everyone knows about Trump's affairs.

You just can't stand up there and throw rocks at anyone for doing the exact same they did, and get away with it. Only an IDIOT does that. Trump not only had affairs, he left his wife and children for other women.

Trump is the only one that stated "My personal Viet Nam was sleeping around with married women".
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ‘Personal Vietnam’

I knew these tapes were out there when he jumped in the race, why didn't you? They haven't even released the public radio (Howard Stern) interviews yet. Be assured they will.

This isn't about "affairs," douche bag. This is about rape and sexual assault, which Hillary tried to cover up. Do you actually believe people are stupid enough to fall for your attempt to make Hillary look like the victim? Unfortunately, the answer is "yes." There are plenty of dumbasses who will fall for it. We call these people "Democrats."

Ha.Ha. there's not too many "rape" victims that will hang around their attackers, and then claim rape 20 years later. Good Luck with that one.

How did any of Bill's victims "hang around?"

Again, the only VICTIM of any extra marital affair is the SPOUSE that is being cheated upon. FACT. There is no such thing as the perpetrators of an extra marital affair that can be considered a "victim." They were BOTH willing accomplices. You can try all you want but that is American public perception.

And that's why your ass clown made a total ASS out of himself. Newt Gingrich advised Trump not to drag Bill Clinton's extra marital affairs into this, and Trump took a dive right right into the shit hole anyway.

Again, the only VICTIM of any extra marital affair is the SPOUSE that is being cheated upon. FACT.

How long did Bill's affair last with Paula Jones?
How long did Bill's affair last with Juanita Broaddrick?
Yup and it just shows what a loser she is. Imagine. Staying with a man who's been going out on her since the day they married. Just shows what an absolute idiot she is.

Of course being married to Bill has done well for her politically. Guess politics trump a happy marriage in her view. She's a waste of oxygen.

I definitely think it's more of a business arrangement than a real marriage. Chelsea looks just like Hubbel, Hillary's old partner. I think Bill is just a tool for honing her own career.
is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton.

Women are often sympathetic toward those who attack sexual assault victims. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch.

His victims are "side bitches"? Nice!

All about demeaning the rape victims. So much for believing women who report rape. They were just in the way of Hillary's career. She needed Bill to stay afloat so she could continue riding his coattails.
It doesn't matter, the point is, Trump did not take Newt Gingrich's advice, he brought Bill Clinton into the debate over affairs= and it backfired on the DUMBASS.

1. Trump attacked the victim of an affair (Hillary Clinton.)
2. Everyone knows about Trump's affairs.

You just can't stand up there and throw rocks at anyone for doing the exact same they did, and get away with it. Only an IDIOT does that. Trump not only had affairs, he left his wife and children for other women.

Trump is the only one that stated "My personal Viet Nam was sleeping around with married women".
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ‘Personal Vietnam’

I knew these tapes were out there when he jumped in the race, why didn't you? They haven't even released the public radio (Howard Stern) interviews yet. Be assured they will.

This isn't about "affairs," douche bag. This is about rape and sexual assault, which Hillary tried to cover up. Do you actually believe people are stupid enough to fall for your attempt to make Hillary look like the victim? Unfortunately, the answer is "yes." There are plenty of dumbasses who will fall for it. We call these people "Democrats."

Ha.Ha. there's not too many "rape" victims that will hang around their attackers, and then claim rape 20 years later. Good Luck with that one.

How did any of Bill's victims "hang around?"

Again, the only VICTIM of any extra marital affair is the SPOUSE that is being cheated upon. FACT. There is no such thing as the perpetrators of an extra marital affair that can be considered a "victim." They were BOTH willing accomplices. You can try all you want but that is American public perception.

And that's why your ass clown made a total ASS out of himself. Newt Gingrich advised Trump not to drag Bill Clinton's extra marital affairs into this, and Trump took a dive right right into the shit hole anyway.

Again, the only VICTIM of any extra marital affair is the SPOUSE that is being cheated upon. FACT.

How long did Bill's affair last with Paula Jones?
How long did Bill's affair last with Juanita Broaddrick?

Who gives a fuck how long it lasted? Most affairs are one night stands. What's that got to do with jack shit?
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is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton.

Women are often sympathetic toward those who attack sexual assault victims. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch.

His victims are "side bitches"? Nice!

All about demeaning the rape victims. So much for believing women who report rape. They were just in the way of Hillary's career. She needed Bill to stay afloat so she could continue riding his coattails.

Did one of Bill's accusers ever go to the fucking police department to file a rape charge against him? NO

Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS. You won't find his name on any ballot in this country. Donald Trump's name will be on the ballot and that's a very serious problem for you Trumpet's.

Donald Trump acted like he was running against Bill Clinton, and his dumbass supporters obviously think the same.

This isn't about "affairs," douche bag. This is about rape and sexual assault, which Hillary tried to cover up. Do you actually believe people are stupid enough to fall for your attempt to make Hillary look like the victim? Unfortunately, the answer is "yes." There are plenty of dumbasses who will fall for it. We call these people "Democrats."

Ha.Ha. there's not too many "rape" victims that will hang around their attackers, and then claim rape 20 years later. Good Luck with that one.

How did any of Bill's victims "hang around?"

Again, the only VICTIM of any extra marital affair is the SPOUSE that is being cheated upon. FACT. There is no such thing as the perpetrators of an extra marital affair that can be considered a "victim." They were BOTH willing accomplices. You can try all you want but that is American public perception.

And that's why your ass clown made a total ASS out of himself. Newt Gingrich advised Trump not to drag Bill Clinton's extra marital affairs into this, and Trump took a dive right right into the shit hole anyway.

Again, the only VICTIM of any extra marital affair is the SPOUSE that is being cheated upon. FACT.

How long did Bill's affair last with Paula Jones?
How long did Bill's affair last with Juanita Broaddrick?

Who gives a fuck how long it lasted? Most affairs are one night stands. What's that got to do with jack shit?

Who gives a fuck how long it lasted?

Me. So how long did those 2 last?
How is Bill Clinton being a rapist going to generate sympathies from women?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think you are in full denial mode personally. You can't believe how badly Trump defeated Clinton on that debate... and neither can Bill.


Clinton started the sleazy politics by releasing Trump's locker room style banter. Now... it's Trump's time to end it, with a bang!

Bill isn't running for anything. Hillary standing by her husband won't hurt her... no more than Trumps wife standing by him.

Standing by her husband is her choice. Taking the lead on publicly assaulting his victims a second time is sick. The stink for that is on her, you and the rest of her supporters

It's no worse than the "stink" that is on Melania. I do not "support" Hillary. I do not vote for democrats. I will not vote for Trump either. He is not a republican. It has been getting harder and harder to find a republican to support for president over the last 4 decades. I tried to get excited about Bush 1..I voted for him. I couldn't vote for Reagan. He was a former democrat. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with. I voted for Bush 2 twice and he turned out to be a huge disappointment. I haven't voted for a president since him.

If you fools think Trump will make a good president then by all means cast your votes for him. I like to think I have more sense than to let someone with his obvious character flaws draw me in. Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote.

Then why are you voting for HIllary, douche bag? Do you actually believe she has no character flaws?

She's got tons of them, no doubt. But I think she knows how to refrain from wasting our time by fighting with ex-beauty queens, handicapped folks, POWs and Paul Ryan.

THIS is what Trump's administration would be like, what you are seeing now. Open your eyes and pay attention. As the campaign goes, so goes the administration.

Trump will run this country from his fucking Twitter account, unless you don't understand that yet.

You mean like Kathleen Wiley, a Slick Willy partisan loving Democrat? Wait, that was you ...
Ha.Ha. there's not too many "rape" victims that will hang around their attackers, and then claim rape 20 years later. Good Luck with that one.

How did any of Bill's victims "hang around?"

Again, the only VICTIM of any extra marital affair is the SPOUSE that is being cheated upon. FACT. There is no such thing as the perpetrators of an extra marital affair that can be considered a "victim." They were BOTH willing accomplices. You can try all you want but that is not American public perception.
Rape and sexual assault are not "extra marital affairs," you fucking douche bag imbecile. This isn't about cheating. The fact that you keep trying to make it about cheating only shows that your lower than whale shit.
LOL, oreo thinls rape is an extramarital affair. :)

That's precious!

WTF have you got your head stuck up your ass, I didn't say that.
Whatever Hillary pays you, it's too much.
Then there were the underage sex slaves. We know Bill Clinton was on the Lolita Express many times and also spent a lot of time on the private island where girls as young as 12 were forced to have sex with men. The girls have spoken out but the media has largely ignored them. Bill's friend got off pretty easy. The entire story was buried by the liberal press. Of course, it took help from people in high places to make this go away. Considering that many Wall Street people, Dems and wealthy people from all over were in on it, they needed to help Epstein or they would all have gone down with him. Instead, the rules got changed so the guy could slide with one charge. He stayed in his mansion during the day and had to spend the nights in jail for his short sentence.

Sleazebags. And that includes Bill Clinton. No fucking way he spent that much time on the plane and the island without having sex with those young girls. Of course, we know Hillary's stance from her previous defense of a scumbag who raped a 12 year old. She probably thinks all those little girls were asking for it.

This is nothing short of criminal. Yes, we should discuss it. Bill is a fucking pervert and Hillary covers for him. That makes both of them super creepy.

We all know damn well that if Trump was among the men taking advantage of these girls, it would have been the top story for days and would have ended his political career.

Why Was BILL CLINTON At Child Molester`s Private Island 12 Times?

"Former President Bill Clinton visited the hedonistic private island of a billionaire pedophile who police found was engaging girls as young as 12, multiple times.
Now a new lawsuit may compel the former president to testify under oath about what he was doing there.

The New York Post reported that Hillary is furious that Bill is mired in the scandal.
Democrat mega donor and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein was tied by Palm Beach Police to as many as 40 underaged girls and allegedly provided minor girls to Prince Andrew and lawyer Alan Dershowitz, among others.

Now, a lawsuit to overturn a secret and controversial sealed wrist slap plea deal that got Epstein a mere 15 months in a Palm Beach Halfway house, may reveal what Clinton was doing on the island and why Clinton flew on Epstein’s plane 10 times to party abroad, according to FAA Logs.

One woman abused on the island by Epstein told the UK Daily Mail Clinton was provided with two women “no older than 17″ when he visited Epstein’s island.

A lawsuit to overturn the secret plea and a secondary defamation suit deal filed by a respected former Judge and a Fort Lauderdale lawyer may force Dershowitz to testify, and could rope in Bill Clinton.

Incredibly, state and federal prosecutors charged Epstein with one count of soliciting only adding, “soliciting a minor” after objections by both the Palm Beach Police and the FBI. Epstein was allowed to spend 16 hours a day in his Palm Beach Mansion and report to jail only at night.

A few nights ago on FOX, Ann Coulter spoke the truth on the Jeffrey Epstein case. She hit the nail on the head when she said, “This is the elites circling the wagon and protecting a pederast.”

Let’s take Coulter’s observations a step further: the Epstein case is about the pedophile elite VIP friends of Jeffrey Epstein circling the wagons and protecting not just Jeffrey Epstein, but themselves.

“Elitism” is really about people who believe, because they have huge amounts of power, money, and connections, that the rules of society that the common man or woman must follow do not apply to them. Jeffrey Epstein was running a well- organized sex trafficking ring that provided underage girls for himself and his pedophile friends, many of whom were VIP figures in business and politics with names you would recognize.

Epstein ‘bought” a girl from Eastern Europe and was gifted three 12 years olds for his birthday by a wealthy European pedophile pal.

Virginia Roberts, known in a new lawsuit as Jane Doe #3, was the precious jewel of Jeffrey Epstein, who sexually abusedher and pimped her to his friends. Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s pedophile girlfriend, was the one who snared Virginia into the Epstein web when she was a mere 15 years of age and working as a towel girl at a local Palm Beach spa in 1998. Ghislaine, one of several pedo recruiters for Epstein, Roberts became a sex slave and child prostitute who worked for Epstein for the next three years.

Virginia, now 30 and a mother of three, says that she still cries at night when she thinks of Epstein. Many of these girls, now women, still cry when they think of what Jeffrey Epstein and his circle of VIP pedophiles did to them — how they stole their innocence.

Roberts said Epstein trafficked children to politicians, Wall Streeters and A- listers to curry favor, to advance his business, and for political influence.

Courageous Virginia Roberts says that Epstein also made her have sex multiple times with both Prince Andrew and Epstein’s close friend Alan Dershowitz. Prince Andrew is currently getting shelled in the British media and very few Royal observers are sticking their necks out to support him.

Dershowitz has denied the allegation and has launched a media blitz using Greta Van Susteren on FOX but the NationalReview quickly found a parsing of words in an affidavit of denial Dershowitz filed with the Court as a PR Move.

Dershowitz claims the lawyers never gave him a chance to respond to the charges when in fact the superlawyer has been ducking an under-oath deposition in the matter for two years.

It is a no brainer that Jeffrey Epstein should have been charged with sex trafficking and put away for a minimum of twenty years for all the damage he has wreaked on so many young girls, according to reports as young as fourteen.

Epstein’s legal troubles belatedly began in March 2005 when a fourteen year old girl told her parents that she had been sexually molested by the Wall Street billionaire.

Palm Beach police carefully investigated Epstein for a year and built a detailed probable cause affidavit against him that included five molestation victims of Epstein and 40 others they suspected.

The Palm Beach police handed off their meticulously documented and airtight case to Palm Beach State Attorney Barry Krischer, and that is where the corruption in the Epstein case began.

The fix was in.

Instead of a quick indictment of Epstein, followed by pressuring him with the hopes of getting him to plea bargain and give up the other co-conspirators in his massive sex trafficking ring, Barry Krischer made the unusual decision to call a grand jury to review the case.

In Florida, Grand juries are generally restricted to capital cases. Krischer presented evidence to that grand jury in 2006 and what came back was mindboggling — a one-count indictment of Epstein for solicitation of a prostitute. Nothing about raping a 14-year-old girl; nothing about running a massive underage sex trafficking ring for VIP pedophiles. Those adults who supplied him with children and the rich and powerful he catered to have gone unpunished.

A neutral observer could conclude that that State Attorney Krischer had been corrupted by the pedophiles and had intentionally tanked the case behind the secrecy of a grand jury, or that Krishcher was one of the most incompetent State Attorneys ever to serve in Florida."

Why Was BILL CLINTON At Child Molester`s Private Island 12 Times? -
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Then there were the underage sex slaves. We know Bill Clinton was on the Lolita Express many times and also spent a lot of time on the private island where girls as young as 12 were forced to have sex with men. The girls have spoken out but the media has largely ignored them. Bill's friend got off pretty easy. The entire story was buried by the liberal press. Of course, it took help from people in high places to make this go away. Considering that many Wall Street people, Dems and wealthy people from all over were in on it, they needed to help Epstein or they would all have gone down with him. Instead, the rules got changed so the guy could slide with one charge. He stayed in his mansion during the day and had to spend the nights in jail for his short sentence.

Sleazebags. And that includes Bill Clinton. No fucking way he spent that much time on the plane and the island without having sex with those young girls. Of course, we know Hillary's stance from her previous defense of a scumbag who raped a 12 year old. She probably thinks all those little girls were asking for it.

This is nothing short of criminal. Yes, we should discuss it. Bill is a fucking pervert and Hillary covers for him. That makes both of them super creepy.

We all know damn well that if Trump was among the men taking advantage of these girls, it would have been the top story for days and would have ended his political career.

Why Was BILL CLINTON At Child Molester`s Private Island 12 Times?

"Former President Bill Clinton visited the hedonistic private island of a billionaire pedophile who police found was engaging girls as young as 12, multiple times.
Now a new lawsuit may compel the former president to testify under oath about what he was doing there.

The New York Post reported that Hillary is furious that Bill is mired in the scandal.
Democrat mega donor and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein was tied by Palm Beach Police to as many as 40 underaged girls and allegedly provided minor girls to Prince Andrew and lawyer Alan Dershowitz, among others.

Now, a lawsuit to overturn a secret and controversial sealed wrist slap plea deal that got Epstein a mere 15 months in a Palm Beach Halfway house, may reveal what Clinton was doing on the island and why Clinton flew on Epstein’s plane 10 times to party abroad, according to FAA Logs.

One woman abused on the island by Epstein told the UK Daily Mail Clinton was provided with two women “no older than 17″ when he visited Epstein’s island.

A lawsuit to overturn the secret plea and a secondary defamation suit deal filed by a respected former Judge and a Fort Lauderdale lawyer may force Dershowitz to testify, and could rope in Bill Clinton.

Incredibly, state and federal prosecutors charged Epstein with one count of soliciting only adding, “soliciting a minor” after objections by both the Palm Beach Police and the FBI. Epstein was allowed to spend 16 hours a day in his Palm Beach Mansion and report to jail only at night.

A few nights ago on FOX, Ann Coulter spoke the truth on the Jeffrey Epstein case. She hit the nail on the head when she said, “This is the elites circling the wagon and protecting a pederast.”

Let’s take Coulter’s observations a step further: the Epstein case is about the pedophile elite VIP friends of Jeffrey Epstein circling the wagons and protecting not just Jeffrey Epstein, but themselves.

“Elitism” is really about people who believe, because they have huge amounts of power, money, and connections, that the rules of society that the common man or woman must follow do not apply to them. Jeffrey Epstein was running a well- organized sex trafficking ring that provided underage girls for himself and his pedophile friends, many of whom were VIP figures in business and politics with names you would recognize.

Epstein ‘bought” a girl from Eastern Europe and was gifted three 12 years olds for his birthday by a wealthy European pedophile pal.

Virginia Roberts, known in a new lawsuit as Jane Doe #3, was the precious jewel of Jeffrey Epstein, who sexually abusedher and pimped her to his friends. Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s pedophile girlfriend, was the one who snared Virginia into the Epstein web when she was a mere 15 years of age and working as a towel girl at a local Palm Beach spa in 1998. Ghislaine, one of several pedo recruiters for Epstein, Roberts became a sex slave and child prostitute who worked for Epstein for the next three years.

Virginia, now 30 and a mother of three, says that she still cries at night when she thinks of Epstein. Many of these girls, now women, still cry when they think of what Jeffrey Epstein and his circle of VIP pedophiles did to them — how they stole their innocence.

Roberts said Epstein trafficked children to politicians, Wall Streeters and A- listers to curry favor, to advance his business, and for political influence.

Courageous Virginia Roberts says that Epstein also made her have sex multiple times with both Prince Andrew and Epstein’s close friend Alan Dershowitz. Prince Andrew is currently getting shelled in the British media and very few Royal observers are sticking their necks out to support him.

Dershowitz has denied the allegation and has launched a media blitz using Greta Van Susteren on FOX but the NationalReview quickly found a parsing of words in an affidavit of denial Dershowitz filed with the Court as a PR Move.

Dershowitz claims the lawyers never gave him a chance to respond to the charges when in fact the superlawyer has been ducking an under-oath deposition in the matter for two years.

It is a no brainer that Jeffrey Epstein should have been charged with sex trafficking and put away for a minimum of twenty years for all the damage he has wreaked on so many young girls, according to reports as young as fourteen.

Epstein’s legal troubles belatedly began in March 2005 when a fourteen year old girl told her parents that she had been sexually molested by the Wall Street billionaire.

Palm Beach police carefully investigated Epstein for a year and built a detailed probable cause affidavit against him that included five molestation victims of Epstein and 40 others they suspected.

The Palm Beach police handed off their meticulously documented and airtight case to Palm Beach State Attorney Barry Krischer, and that is where the corruption in the Epstein case began.

The fix was in.

Instead of a quick indictment of Epstein, followed by pressuring him with the hopes of getting him to plea bargain and give up the other co-conspirators in his massive sex trafficking ring, Barry Krischer made the unusual decision to call a grand jury to review the case.

In Florida, Grand juries are generally restricted to capital cases. Krischer presented evidence to that grand jury in 2006 and what came back was mindboggling — a one-count indictment of Epstein for solicitation of a prostitute. Nothing about raping a 14-year-old girl; nothing about running a massive underage sex trafficking ring for VIP pedophiles. Those adults who supplied him with children and the rich and powerful he catered to have gone unpunished.

A neutral observer could conclude that that State Attorney Krischer had been corrupted by the pedophiles and had intentionally tanked the case behind the secrecy of a grand jury, or that Krishcher was one of the most incompetent State Attorneys ever to serve in Florida."

Why Was BILL CLINTON At Child Molester`s Private Island 12 Times? -

You can add your conspiracy theory to this list:

In fact, a list of what “Republicans” now stand for has nothing at all to do with policy or principle, but rather is filled with beliefs about very specific concepts. For instance, being a member of the current GOP pretty much requires you to pledge allegiance to most, if not all, of the following views:

  • That Hillary and Bill Clinton are at least an accessories to murder if not murderers, the DNC killed a member of its staff for leaking her emails, her use of which was the greatest national security breech in history, and Vince Foster killed himself because of Hillary nagging him (assuming he really wasn’t murdered).
  • Hillary Clinton is hiding a severe illness which makes her incapable of holding office and which will soon cause her death (well, at least we might not have to worry about her serving two full terms!).
  • President Obama is easily the worst president in history, a Muslim terrorist sympathizer, the founder of ISIS, and likely wasn’t really born in the United States.
  • The Republican “establishment” is a bunch of impotent losers because they lost two elections to a media darling and can’t override vetoes without a super majority, but a guy who has never been truly leading a candidate like Hillary in the polls is a sure winner.
  • Conservative writers at the National Review and Weekly Standard along with Charles Krauthammer, George Will and Brit Hume are all out-of-touch wimps who can’t be trusted to tell us the truth, but Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Matt Drudge and Alex Jones would never lie to us for profit (expect for maybe that whole Alex Jones “9/11 Truther” thing, which we’ll sort of pretend didn’t happen).
  • When in doubt, Trump is always right, no matter what he has said in the past, even when it has directly contradicted his previous statement, and even if that happens on the same day, or in the same interview.
  • Deporting illegal immigrants and building a huge wall on our Mexican border is the most important thing we must do, unless Trump changes his mind.
  • There is nothing more significant (especially now that we’ve forgotten about that whole illegal immigration thing) than making sure that the person who picks the next Supreme Court justice is the same guy who was recently favors eminent domain and curtailing the First Amendment, and who picked Arsenio Hall and Piers Morgan as the “Celebrity Apprentice.”
  • The news media has never been more biased than they are against Trump, which is why they gave him two billion dollars in free advertising in the primaries and why he just hired the head of a major conservative “news” outlet to head his campaign while using Sean Hannity and Roger Ailes as advisors.
  • The background of a potential First Lady and her ability to properly represent the country no longer matters (that’s so 2008!).
  • Experience in public office no longer matters (that’s so 2008!).
  • Using a Teleprompter is good, unless it is bad (that’s so 2008!).
  • Flip-flopping means nothing (so 2004!).
  • Releasing your tax returns (even when you entire campaign is based on your wealth) means nothing.
  • Words mean nothing.
  • Having class or decency means nothing.
  • Limited government means nothing.
  • Fiscal responsibility means nothing.
  • Cozying up to Vladimir Putin is numerous bizarre ways means nothing.
  • Campaigning as an amazing manager of people but running a campaign that is in constant chaos and disarray means nothing.
  • Lying is a total disqualifier for Hillary, but when Trump lies it is simply part of the “Art of the Deal.”
  • Polls are either wrong or part of a massive nonsensical conspiracy, unless Trump is winning.
    Facts mean nothing (unless they are sanctified by Matt Drudge, in which case they are then gospel).
  • Stories from “mainstream” media sources are inherently wrong, even if all they are doing is reporting Trump’s actual words.
  • Hillary is the worst person who has ever lived and would be such a dangerous president that we must do everything possible to defeat her, except actually bother to consider electability when it comes to picking our nominee.
Yup and it just shows what a loser she is. Imagine. Staying with a man who's been going out on her since the day they married. Just shows what an absolute idiot she is.

Of course being married to Bill has done well for her politically. Guess politics trump a happy marriage in her view. She's a waste of oxygen.

I definitely think it's more of a business arrangement than a real marriage. Chelsea looks just like Hubbel, Hillary's old partner. I think Bill is just a tool for honing her own career.

You may be right though for the life of me I can't see any man screwing Hillary. Wonder if Bill did a DNA test?? LOL
Even if you excuse Bill's affairs with adult women and disregard the rape accusations, fact is that he still spent way too much time with his buddy, Epstein, on the Lolita Express and the sex island. That means underage sex slaves, some as young as 12. Bill needs to answer for this, but of course the press wasn't going to dig because a lot of the elite would have been exposed as perverts. Amazing how fast things can get dismissed when they spell big trouble for the Clintons.
Wonder what Hillary's poll numbers would look like if some highly credible journalist actually did his job and dug out the truth and reported it??
Wonder what Hillary's poll numbers would look like if some highly credible journalist actually did his job and dug out the truth and reported it??

Even if the liberal media just reported on what we know so far, it wouldn't bode well for the Clintons. They gloss over any negative news and act like it's all false rumors, if they bring it up at all. People who rely on the likes of MSNBC and the other Clinton mouthpieces probably never heard of the Lolita Express or the island.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

How is Bill Clinton being a rapist going to generate sympathies from women?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think you are in full denial mode personally. You can't believe how badly Trump defeated Clinton on that debate... and neither can Bill.


Clinton started the sleazy politics by releasing Trump's locker room style banter. Now... it's Trump's time to end it, with a bang!

Bill isn't running for anything. Hillary standing by her husband won't hurt her... no more than Trumps wife standing by him.

Standing by her husband is her choice. Taking the lead on publicly assaulting his victims a second time is sick. The stink for that is on her, you and the rest of her supporters

It's no worse than the "stink" that is on Melania. I do not "support" Hillary. I do not vote for democrats. I will not vote for Trump either. He is not a republican. It has been getting harder and harder to find a republican to support for president over the last 4 decades. I tried to get excited about Bush 1..I voted for him. I couldn't vote for Reagan. He was a former democrat. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with. I voted for Bush 2 twice and he turned out to be a huge disappointment. I haven't voted for a president since him.

If you fools think Trump will make a good president then by all means cast your votes for him. I like to think I have more sense than to let someone with his obvious character flaws draw me in. Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote.

With all the times we discussed it and you read my anti-Trump threads, how do you not remember I'm voting for Gary Johnson. Alcohol in repeated excess does a number on your long term memory, doesn't it?

While you love to blast Trump, you sure do it in a pro-Hillary way for someone who claims to not be voting for her

I don't drink or take illegal drugs including pot. I can't keep track of everyone's preferences. I don't remember you and I discussing Gary Johnson. I believe you are thinking of someone else.

Ya..I do enjoy picking on Donald. I can't help it. He is such a horrible person and a worse candidate. Saying I am "pro Hillary" is untrue. What I don't like about her is rarely talked about. All that BS about emails and Benghazi is just ridiculous hyperbole. I don't really care what the dems want to do. It is the GOP that left me stranded...not the dems. Just because I hate what the GOP has become doesn't mean I support the dems.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

How is Bill Clinton being a rapist going to generate sympathies from women?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think you are in full denial mode personally. You can't believe how badly Trump defeated Clinton on that debate... and neither can Bill.


Clinton started the sleazy politics by releasing Trump's locker room style banter. Now... it's Trump's time to end it, with a bang!

Bill isn't running for anything. Hillary standing by her husband won't hurt her... no more than Trumps wife standing by him.

Standing by her husband is her choice. Taking the lead on publicly assaulting his victims a second time is sick. The stink for that is on her, you and the rest of her supporters

It's no worse than the "stink" that is on Melania. I do not "support" Hillary. I do not vote for democrats. I will not vote for Trump either. He is not a republican. It has been getting harder and harder to find a republican to support for president over the last 4 decades. I tried to get excited about Bush 1..I voted for him. I couldn't vote for Reagan. He was a former democrat. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with. I voted for Bush 2 twice and he turned out to be a huge disappointment. I haven't voted for a president since him.

If you fools think Trump will make a good president then by all means cast your votes for him. I like to think I have more sense than to let someone with his obvious character flaws draw me in. Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote.

Then why are you voting for HIllary, douche bag? Do you actually believe she has no character flaws?

I'm sorry for you and those that know you. You are an idiot. " Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote."

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