Doesn't Trump realize the stupidity of focusing on Bill's past affairs?

Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

How is Bill Clinton being a rapist going to generate sympathies from women?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think you are in full denial mode personally. You can't believe how badly Trump defeated Clinton on that debate... and neither can Bill.


Clinton started the sleazy politics by releasing Trump's locker room style banter. Now... it's Trump's time to end it, with a bang!

Yup and with a tape that was a decade old. He was doing what most guys do and the Clinton campaign thinks he should be held accountable for doing the obvious??

Just shows how little they know. I'm a woman and I sure didn't take it seriously and I doubt most women will. Its what guys do. I doubt anyone expects Trump to be perfect and he ain't. But he sure beats the hell out of Clinton every day of the week and twice on Sunday. She's a waste of oxygen.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Are you fucking kidding me? That was in response to Hillary being stupid and focusing on a private conversation of Trump's from 11 years ago. Dems opened the door to the past, so I suppose everyone is fair game. Trump's wife and daughter have also been attacked so the left has set the rules. They just don't want others doing the same to them.
Oh what the fuck ever. Did you really think Hillary wouldn't have brought it up? Of course she would. This is his biggest scandal by far. That's how politics work. If the roles were reversed, do you honestly think Trump would NOT bring it up? Fucking of course he would have.

It doesn't matter, the point is, Trump did not take Newt Gingrich's advice, he brought Bill Clinton into the debate over affairs= and it backfired on the DUMBASS.

1. Trump attacked the victim of an affair (Hillary Clinton.)
2. Everyone knows about Trump's affairs.

You just can't stand up there and throw rocks at anyone for doing the exact same they did, and get away with it. Only an IDIOT does that. Trump not only had affairs, he left his wife and children for other women.

Trump is the only one that stated "My personal Viet Nam was sleeping around with married women".
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ‘Personal Vietnam’

I knew these tapes were out there when he jumped in the race, why didn't you? They haven't even released the public radio (Howard Stern) interviews yet. Be assured they will.

This isn't about "affairs," douche bag. This is about rape and sexual assault, which Hillary tried to cover up. Do you actually believe people are stupid enough to fall for your attempt to make Hillary look like the victim? Unfortunately, the answer is "yes." There are plenty of dumbasses who will fall for it. We call these people "Democrats."

Ha.Ha. there's not too many "rape" victims that will hang around their attackers, and then claim rape 20 years later. Good Luck with that one.

Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.
why is it sleazy for Trump to focus on past events, yet its acceptable for the democrats to focus on Trumps past events.
Are you telling me that you think Hillary is sleazy?
This is a big step for you. Welcome to the United States.
Well it's a pretty easy answer isn't it? Bill isn't running for president. Good fucking God.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

How is Bill Clinton being a rapist going to generate sympathies from women?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think you are in full denial mode personally. You can't believe how badly Trump defeated Clinton on that debate... and neither can Bill.


Clinton started the sleazy politics by releasing Trump's locker room style banter. Now... it's Trump's time to end it, with a bang!

Bill isn't running for anything. Hillary standing by her husband won't hurt her... no more than Trumps wife standing by him.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

You are woman, hear you roar! You realize though it had nothing to do with anything Trump said about women. It's that you already took a higher offer ...
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

How is Bill Clinton being a rapist going to generate sympathies from women?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think you are in full denial mode personally. You can't believe how badly Trump defeated Clinton on that debate... and neither can Bill.


Clinton started the sleazy politics by releasing Trump's locker room style banter. Now... it's Trump's time to end it, with a bang!

Bill isn't running for anything. Hillary standing by her husband won't hurt her... no more than Trumps wife standing by him.

Standing by her husband is her choice. Taking the lead on publicly assaulting his victims a second time is sick. The stink for that is on her, you and the rest of her supporters
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

How is Bill Clinton being a rapist going to generate sympathies from women?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think you are in full denial mode personally. You can't believe how badly Trump defeated Clinton on that debate... and neither can Bill.


Clinton started the sleazy politics by releasing Trump's locker room style banter. Now... it's Trump's time to end it, with a bang!

Yup and with a tape that was a decade old. He was doing what most guys do and the Clinton campaign thinks he should be held accountable for doing the obvious??

Just shows how little they know. I doubt anyone expects Trump to be perfect and he ain't. But he sure beats the hell out of Clinton every day of the week and twice on Sunday. She's a waste of oxygen.

59 YEAR OLD MEN do NOT talk like that about women. 14 year old males--Maybe--but not 59. This was the Washington Post that released it, and believe me there's much more to come out that was broadcast on public radio during Trump's interviews with Howard Stern, like this one.
'Apprentice' producer: There are 'far worse' tapes of Trump
Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk -

Then to support Trump this DUMBASS Jeff Sessions comes out an says this: I guess there's not too many women in Alabama--LOL
GOP Senator Says Grabbing A Woman's Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault | Huffington Post

THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE ELECTIONS. Offend the largest voting block in this country (women.)

The Reich wing of the party has done a great job at doing that, since 2012.

And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”
Karen Hughes: I'll 'cut out' the tongue of GOPers talking rape


Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

You're not going to sneak Donald Trump--through women--they won't vote for him. In fact prior to this tape women had a 73% foul opinion of him, and half of Republican women had no intentions of voting for him.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

I think Reich wingers just cannot believe that women exist and actually VOTE.--LOL The misogyny runs very deep and is well rooted within the Republican party. Trump is just one of millions.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

How is Bill Clinton being a rapist going to generate sympathies from women?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think you are in full denial mode personally. You can't believe how badly Trump defeated Clinton on that debate... and neither can Bill.


Clinton started the sleazy politics by releasing Trump's locker room style banter. Now... it's Trump's time to end it, with a bang!

Bill isn't running for anything. Hillary standing by her husband won't hurt her... no more than Trumps wife standing by him.

Standing by her husband is her choice. Taking the lead on publicly assaulting his victims a second time is sick. The stink for that is on her, you and the rest of her supporters

It's no worse than the "stink" that is on Melania. I do not "support" Hillary. I do not vote for democrats. I will not vote for Trump either. He is not a republican. It has been getting harder and harder to find a republican to support for president over the last 4 decades. I tried to get excited about Bush 1..I voted for him. I couldn't vote for Reagan. He was a former democrat. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with. I voted for Bush 2 twice and he turned out to be a huge disappointment. I haven't voted for a president since him.

If you fools think Trump will make a good president then by all means cast your votes for him. I like to think I have more sense than to let someone with his obvious character flaws draw me in. Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

How is Bill Clinton being a rapist going to generate sympathies from women?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think you are in full denial mode personally. You can't believe how badly Trump defeated Clinton on that debate... and neither can Bill.


Clinton started the sleazy politics by releasing Trump's locker room style banter. Now... it's Trump's time to end it, with a bang!

Yup and with a tape that was a decade old. He was doing what most guys do and the Clinton campaign thinks he should be held accountable for doing the obvious??

Just shows how little they know. I doubt anyone expects Trump to be perfect and he ain't. But he sure beats the hell out of Clinton every day of the week and twice on Sunday. She's a waste of oxygen.

59 YEAR OLD MEN do NOT talk like that about women. 14 year old males--Maybe--but not 59. This was the Washington Post that released it, and believe me there's much more to come out that was broadcast on public radio during Trump's interviews with Howard Stern, like this one.
'Apprentice' producer: There are 'far worse' tapes of Trump
Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk -

Then to support Trump this DUMBASS Jeff Sessions comes out an says this: I guess there's not too many women in Alabama--LOL
GOP Senator Says Grabbing A Woman's Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault | Huffington Post

THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE ELECTIONS. Offend the largest voting block in this country (women.)

The Reich wing of the party has done a great job at doing that, since 2012.

And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”
Karen Hughes: I'll 'cut out' the tongue of GOPers talking rape


Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

You're not going to sneak Donald Trump--through women--they won't vote for him. In fact prior to this tape women had a 73% foul opinion of him, and half of Republican women had no intentions of voting for him.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

I think Reich wingers just cannot believe that women exist and actually VOTE.--LOL The misogyny runs very deep and is well rooted within the Republican party. Trump is just one of millions.

You're voting for a woman who attacks victims of her sexual predator husband. I'd drop the high and mighty down a notch or two
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

How is Bill Clinton being a rapist going to generate sympathies from women?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think you are in full denial mode personally. You can't believe how badly Trump defeated Clinton on that debate... and neither can Bill.


Clinton started the sleazy politics by releasing Trump's locker room style banter. Now... it's Trump's time to end it, with a bang!

Yup and with a tape that was a decade old. He was doing what most guys do and the Clinton campaign thinks he should be held accountable for doing the obvious??

Just shows how little they know. I doubt anyone expects Trump to be perfect and he ain't. But he sure beats the hell out of Clinton every day of the week and twice on Sunday. She's a waste of oxygen.

59 YEAR OLD MEN do NOT talk like that about women. 14 year old males--Maybe--but not 59. This was the Washington Post that released it, and believe me there's much more to come out that was broadcast on public radio during Trump's interviews with Howard Stern, like this one.
'Apprentice' producer: There are 'far worse' tapes of Trump
Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk -

Then to support Trump this DUMBASS Jeff Sessions comes out an says this: I guess there's not too many women in Alabama--LOL
GOP Senator Says Grabbing A Woman's Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault | Huffington Post

THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE ELECTIONS. Offend the largest voting block in this country (women.)

The Reich wing of the party has done a great job at doing that, since 2012.

And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”
Karen Hughes: I'll 'cut out' the tongue of GOPers talking rape


Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

You're not going to sneak Donald Trump--through women--they won't vote for him. In fact prior to this tape women had a 73% foul opinion of him, and half of Republican women had no intentions of voting for him.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

I think Reich wingers just cannot believe that women exist and actually VOTE.--LOL The misogyny runs very deep and is well rooted within the Republican party. Trump is just one of millions.

LMAO Where the hell have you been. Men are men no matter the age.

Of course a blind fool like you can't see it and think everyone should be perfect. Sorry to let you know. No one is perfect and anyone who thinks they should be will be oh so disappointed. LOL
Last edited:
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

How is Bill Clinton being a rapist going to generate sympathies from women?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think you are in full denial mode personally. You can't believe how badly Trump defeated Clinton on that debate... and neither can Bill.


Clinton started the sleazy politics by releasing Trump's locker room style banter. Now... it's Trump's time to end it, with a bang!

Bill isn't running for anything. Hillary standing by her husband won't hurt her... no more than Trumps wife standing by him.

Standing by her husband is her choice. Taking the lead on publicly assaulting his victims a second time is sick. The stink for that is on her, you and the rest of her supporters

It's no worse than the "stink" that is on Melania. I do not "support" Hillary. I do not vote for democrats. I will not vote for Trump either. He is not a republican. It has been getting harder and harder to find a republican to support for president over the last 4 decades. I tried to get excited about Bush 1..I voted for him. I couldn't vote for Reagan. He was a former democrat. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with. I voted for Bush 2 twice and he turned out to be a huge disappointment. I haven't voted for a president since him.

If you fools think Trump will make a good president then by all means cast your votes for him. I like to think I have more sense than to let someone with his obvious character flaws draw me in. Neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote.

With all the times we discussed it and you read my anti-Trump threads, how do you not remember I'm voting for Gary Johnson. Alcohol in repeated excess does a number on your long term memory, doesn't it?

While you love to blast Trump, you sure do it in a pro-Hillary way for someone who claims to not be voting for her
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

How is Bill Clinton being a rapist going to generate sympathies from women?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think you are in full denial mode personally. You can't believe how badly Trump defeated Clinton on that debate... and neither can Bill.


Clinton started the sleazy politics by releasing Trump's locker room style banter. Now... it's Trump's time to end it, with a bang!

Yup and with a tape that was a decade old. He was doing what most guys do and the Clinton campaign thinks he should be held accountable for doing the obvious??

Just shows how little they know. I doubt anyone expects Trump to be perfect and he ain't. But he sure beats the hell out of Clinton every day of the week and twice on Sunday. She's a waste of oxygen.

59 YEAR OLD MEN do NOT talk like that about women. 14 year old males--Maybe--but not 59. This was the Washington Post that released it, and believe me there's much more to come out that was broadcast on public radio during Trump's interviews with Howard Stern, like this one.
'Apprentice' producer: There are 'far worse' tapes of Trump
Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk -

Then to support Trump this DUMBASS Jeff Sessions comes out an says this: I guess there's not too many women in Alabama--LOL
GOP Senator Says Grabbing A Woman's Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault | Huffington Post

THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE ELECTIONS. Offend the largest voting block in this country (women.)

The Reich wing of the party has done a great job at doing that, since 2012.

And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”
Karen Hughes: I'll 'cut out' the tongue of GOPers talking rape


Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

You're not going to sneak Donald Trump--through women--they won't vote for him. In fact prior to this tape women had a 73% foul opinion of him, and half of Republican women had no intentions of voting for him.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

I think Reich wingers just cannot believe that women exist and actually VOTE.--LOL The misogyny runs very deep and is well rooted within the Republican party. Trump is just one of millions.

You're voting for a woman who attacks victims of her sexual predator husband. I'd drop the high and mighty down a notch or two

Melania never attacked the women involved with her husband the way Hillary did.

Hillary claims women should be believed when they are sexually assaulted but then she and her liberal cohorts shred them for speaking again her husband. We're supposed to believe that boys will be boys and Bill shouldn't be criticized. It's all the women's fault when this happens. Now that sleazy Joy Behar is calling the Clinton accusers tramps. It just never ends with these people. Their rhetoric is detrimental to rape victims everywhere. Women's rights just took a step back and many will fear coming forth because the left is back to blaming the victims. I thought Hillary wanted to do away with dragging victims through the mud and traumatizing them a second time after the rape. Turns out that shaming the victims is her specialty.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

How is Bill Clinton being a rapist going to generate sympathies from women?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I think you are in full denial mode personally. You can't believe how badly Trump defeated Clinton on that debate... and neither can Bill.


Clinton started the sleazy politics by releasing Trump's locker room style banter. Now... it's Trump's time to end it, with a bang!

Yup and with a tape that was a decade old. He was doing what most guys do and the Clinton campaign thinks he should be held accountable for doing the obvious??

Just shows how little they know. I doubt anyone expects Trump to be perfect and he ain't. But he sure beats the hell out of Clinton every day of the week and twice on Sunday. She's a waste of oxygen.

59 YEAR OLD MEN do NOT talk like that about women. 14 year old males--Maybe--but not 59. This was the Washington Post that released it, and believe me there's much more to come out that was broadcast on public radio during Trump's interviews with Howard Stern, like this one.
'Apprentice' producer: There are 'far worse' tapes of Trump
Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk -

Then to support Trump this DUMBASS Jeff Sessions comes out an says this: I guess there's not too many women in Alabama--LOL
GOP Senator Says Grabbing A Woman's Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault | Huffington Post

THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE ELECTIONS. Offend the largest voting block in this country (women.)

The Reich wing of the party has done a great job at doing that, since 2012.

And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”
Karen Hughes: I'll 'cut out' the tongue of GOPers talking rape


Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

You're not going to sneak Donald Trump--through women--they won't vote for him. In fact prior to this tape women had a 73% foul opinion of him, and half of Republican women had no intentions of voting for him.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

I think Reich wingers just cannot believe that women exist and actually VOTE.--LOL The misogyny runs very deep and is well rooted within the Republican party. Trump is just one of millions.

You're voting for a woman who attacks victims of her sexual predator husband. I'd drop the high and mighty down a notch or two

Yup and it just shows what a loser she is. Imagine. Staying with a man who's been going out on her since the day they married. Just shows what an absolute idiot she is.

Of course being married to Bill has done well for her politically. Guess politics trump a happy marriage in her view. She's a waste of oxygen.
is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton.

Women are often sympathetic toward those who attack sexual assault victims. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch.

His victims are "side bitches"? Nice!
is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton.

Women are often sympathetic toward those who attack sexual assault victims. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch.

His victims are "side bitches"? Nice!

His "victims" are accusers and they've never been shown to be a victim
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Are you fucking kidding me? That was in response to Hillary being stupid and focusing on a private conversation of Trump's from 11 years ago. Dems opened the door to the past, so I suppose everyone is fair game. Trump's wife and daughter have also been attacked so the left has set the rules. They just don't want others doing the same to them.
Oh what the fuck ever. Did you really think Hillary wouldn't have brought it up? Of course she would. This is his biggest scandal by far. That's how politics work. If the roles were reversed, do you honestly think Trump would NOT bring it up? Fucking of course he would have.

It doesn't matter, the point is, Trump did not take Newt Gingrich's advice, he brought Bill Clinton into the debate over affairs= and it backfired on the DUMBASS.

1. Trump attacked the victim of an affair (Hillary Clinton.)
2. Everyone knows about Trump's affairs.

You just can't stand up there and throw rocks at anyone for doing the exact same they did, and get away with it. Only an IDIOT does that. Trump not only had affairs, he left his wife and children for other women.

Trump is the only one that stated "My personal Viet Nam was sleeping around with married women".
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ‘Personal Vietnam’

I knew these tapes were out there when he jumped in the race, why didn't you? They haven't even released the public radio (Howard Stern) interviews yet. Be assured they will.

This isn't about "affairs," douche bag. This is about rape and sexual assault, which Hillary tried to cover up. Do you actually believe people are stupid enough to fall for your attempt to make Hillary look like the victim? Unfortunately, the answer is "yes." There are plenty of dumbasses who will fall for it. We call these people "Democrats."

Ha.Ha. there's not too many "rape" victims that will hang around their attackers, and then claim rape 20 years later. Good Luck with that one.

How did any of Bill's victims "hang around?"
is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton.

Women are often sympathetic toward those who attack sexual assault victims. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch.

His victims are "side bitches"? Nice!
Don't you just love the way these leftwing scum demonize the victims? They do everything they claim to despise. The question you have to ask is why don't they despise themselves? My theory is that they do despise themselves..
is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton.

Women are often sympathetic toward those who attack sexual assault victims. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch.

His victims are "side bitches"? Nice!

His "victims" are accusers and they've never been shown to be a victim
What kind of proof do you expect, a video tape? Hillary said victims of sexual assault deserve to be believed. So why don't you believe them?
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.
Perhaps Trump has no intention of trying to win, but actually wants to lose which will inflame his base of around 35-38%.

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