Doesn't Trump realize the stupidity of focusing on Bill's past affairs?

Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Yes and that was the exact affect. Apparently Newt Gingrich told Trump not to do that, but he did anyway.

There's still millions of people out there that like Bill Clinton, and I am certain many were sympathizing with him also. Like--why do we have to listen to this shit again?

So last night we had this fat guy on the stage with a micro-phone that brought up some very bad memories to Hillary Clinton (the VICTIM) who had nothing to do with her husband's affairs. BRILLIANT--LOL

Coming from the ass clown who has had several affairs also, and has left his wife and children for other women.

The Stupidity is really astounding.


The only people who "sympathise" with Bill Clinton are rapists and other brands of scumbag.

I know it's very difficult for you to BELIEVE but there are millions of people out there, that forgave Bill Clinton's transgressions with other women long ago, and still believe him to have been a good President. Just like JFK, Dwight Eisenhower, and several other Presidents who had extra marital affairs.

They didn't want to see this hypocritical fat ass clown bring it up again.


Bill "drop trou" raped and he sexually harassed and had to make huge payouts to victims....that is a problem and you cannot spin it any other way....

When someone gets raped, they normally don't hang around their attacker and then accuse them of rape 20 years later--LOL
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Are you fucking kidding me? That was in response to Hillary being stupid and focusing on a private conversation of Trump's from 11 years ago. Dems opened the door to the past, so I suppose everyone is fair game. Trump's wife and daughter have also been attacked so the left has set the rules. They just don't want others doing the same to them.

The leftard credo is "rules for thee, but not for me"......
RE:"I know it's very difficult for you to BELIEVE but there are millions of people out there, that forgave Bill Clinton's transgressions with other women long ago, and still believe him to have been a good President. Just like JFK, Dwight Eisenhower, and several other Presidents who had extra marital affairs." and thats exactly what makes Trump so innocent as all it was was talk and freedom of speech in a private setting...
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Yes and that was the exact affect. Apparently Newt Gingrich told Trump not to do that, but he did anyway.

There's still millions of people out there that like Bill Clinton, and I am certain many were sympathizing with him also. Like--why do we have to listen to this shit again?

So last night we had this fat guy on the stage with a micro-phone that brought up some very bad memories to Hillary Clinton (the VICTIM) who had nothing to do with her husband's affairs. BRILLIANT--LOL

Coming from the ass clown who has had several affairs also, and has left his wife and children for other women.

The Stupidity is really astounding.


The only people who "sympathise" with Bill Clinton are rapists and other brands of scumbag.

I know it's very difficult for you to BELIEVE but there are millions of people out there, that forgave Bill Clinton's transgressions with other women long ago, and still believe him to have been a good President. Just like JFK, Dwight Eisenhower, and several other Presidents who had extra marital affairs.

They didn't want to see this hypocritical fat ass clown bring it up again.


Bill "drop trou" raped and he sexually harassed and had to make huge payouts to victims....that is a problem and you cannot spin it any other way....

When someone gets raped, they normally don't hang around their attacker and then accuse them of rape 20 years later--LOL

So these women hung around for Bill "drop trou" for twenty years??? Do tell????
No more stupid than Hillary focusing on Trumps women comments given Bills past people need to remember what they say about people who live in glass houses. For either of these two to try claim some type of morale high ground is beyond stupid.

While Bill, JFK & Eisenhower all had extra marital affairs, we don't have a audio tape of any one them attacking an entire gender with foul mouthed vile comments. Trump is the only one that wins that prize.

What 59 YEAR OLD man makes comments like that? None that I know of. It's no man that does that.

And there's more to come, that's why Republicans are running like rats leaving a sinking ship on Trump.
'Apprentice' producer: There are 'far worse' tapes of Trump
Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk -

I would suggest you remember the old saying actions speak louder than words.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Are you fucking kidding me? That was in response to Hillary being stupid and focusing on a private conversation of Trump's from 11 years ago. Dems opened the door to the past, so I suppose everyone is fair game. Trump's wife and daughter have also been attacked so the left has set the rules. They just don't want others doing the same to them.

NOPE--During the 1st debate, and long before this audio tape hit the news--TRUMP promised his audience he could say something really--really NASTY about the Clinton's but he refused to because Chelsea was in the audience. REMEMBER?

That was to get your attention to watch the 2nd debate. It had NOTHING to do with the audio tape that came out two weeks later. He was planning this attack on Bill Clinton from the get go and against the advice of Newt Gingrich.

It backfired really biggly.

Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Are you fucking kidding me? That was in response to Hillary being stupid and focusing on a private conversation of Trump's from 11 years ago. Dems opened the door to the past, so I suppose everyone is fair game. Trump's wife and daughter have also been attacked so the left has set the rules. They just don't want others doing the same to them.
Oh what the fuck ever. Did you really think Hillary wouldn't have brought it up? Of course she would. This is his biggest scandal by far. That's how politics work. If the roles were reversed, do you honestly think Trump would NOT bring it up? Fucking of course he would have.
PSYCHO Hillary is playing on old Puritan values of shock over transgressions. Maybe shes wounded? Glad Trump didnt bow down to that shit.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Are you fucking kidding me? That was in response to Hillary being stupid and focusing on a private conversation of Trump's from 11 years ago. Dems opened the door to the past, so I suppose everyone is fair game. Trump's wife and daughter have also been attacked so the left has set the rules. They just don't want others doing the same to them.
Oh what the fuck ever. Did you really think Hillary wouldn't have brought it up? Of course she would. This is his biggest scandal by far. That's how politics work. If the roles were reversed, do you honestly think Trump would NOT bring it up? Fucking of course he would have.

It doesn't matter, the point is, Trump did not take Newt Gingrich's advice, he brought Bill Clinton into the debate over affairs= and it backfired on the DUMBASS.

1. Trump attacked the victim of an affair (Hillary Clinton.)
2. Everyone knows about Trump's affairs.

You just can't stand up there and throw rocks at anyone for doing the exact same they did, and get away with it. Only an IDIOT does that. Trump not only had affairs, he left his wife and children for other women.

Trump is the only one that stated "My personal Viet Nam was sleeping around with married women".
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ‘Personal Vietnam’

I knew these tapes were out there when he jumped in the race, why didn't you? They haven't even released the public radio (Howard Stern) interviews yet. Be assured they will.
Trump is a genius. Look at how he is manipulating the polls in his favor....oh wait a minute....
Doesn't Trump realize the stupidity of focusing on Bill's past affairs?

In a word, no.

That he pledges to keep doing that if additional clips and proof of his sexism appear, is just another illustration of the lack of depth in his thinking about politics and governance.
"Affairs?" Is that what you call it when a Democrat rapes someone?

No, you idiot. "Affairs" is [what] everyone says as a synonym for "matters"
You used it to mean sexual relations, as if they were voluntary. You're a douche bag who calls rape an "affair." But then, you're a Democrat, so it goes without saying that you're a douche bag.

Scroll to the top of the page. What do you see there as the title? Expand the quoted content in this post. Notice that the title question is what I responded to. Notice that my first post quotes the title question and then responds to it. Try to use the sites quoting functionality on thread titles. You'll find you cannot. So when you write of how I used a given word or phrase, pay attention to whether the words are mine or someone else's.

That's actually you reading something that was not written into what you read. Did I offer any context to suggest that the word was being used as in "affairs of the libido," "affairs of anger toward women," or affairs of any particular sort? No. Did the definition to which I linked for "affair" indicate that I was using the word as a synonym for "rape," or even that the word is a synonym for "rape?" No. Did I introduce anything having to do with rape? No. Any interpretation that "affair," as I quoted it from the thread title, means "rape" came 100% from within your own mind; that is you inventing a meaning and context that simply does not exist in the words found in my post.

The fact of the matter is that what Bill Clinton, or anyone else besides Trump and Mrs. Clinton, did in the past makes no sense for Trump to focus upon because Bill Clinton and every other person on the planet besides Trump and Mrs. Clinton aren't running for President. Indeed, with regard to the Presidential election, it makes no sense for Trump to focus on anyone's past (or present) affairs -- financial, economic, political, social, etc. -- other than his own and Hillary Clinton's.

Everyone except Donald Trump realizes that focusing on anything other than his and Mrs. Clinton's behavior and thoughts is the distraction. Does Hillary Clinton talk about things pertaining to Ivana Trump, Marla Maples, or any of the women with whom Trump had some interaction? Does HIllary Clinton talk about the financial affairs of anyone other than Trump? Does Hillary Clinton talk about specific political policy proposals put forth by anyone other than Donald Trump? "No," to each of those questions. In short, the focus of Hillary's remarks is her and Trump's present and future ideas, behavior and attitudes.
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Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Stupidity on the part of Republicans

When facing the first woman candidate in US history they counter with a serial philanderer who dumped his wives to marry a model, who has a long history of calling women pigs, ugly, fat and dogs...and is proud of it

Can't make this shit up
Doesn't Trump realize the stupidity of focusing on Bill's past affairs?

since when has stupid stopped Trump, or even slowed him down?
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.
you are saying he is sleazy but hillary isnt?...have you seen some of the fucking ads running on TV?....this whole pathetic election is sleazy politics....but thats what happens when you fucking party people pick 2 of the most disliked people maybe ever to run.......
Democrats instigated the sleaze. That's what happens when your candidate can't run on her record and can't run on the issues.
trump aint any better.....the guy thinks he is at a board meeting when he opens his mouth....
Because God forbid a potential Commander-In-Chief actually behaves like one.
trump is how they are supposed to behave?....
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.
you are saying he is sleazy but hillary isnt?...have you seen some of the fucking ads running on TV?....this whole pathetic election is sleazy politics....but thats what happens when you fucking party people pick 2 of the most disliked people maybe ever to run.......
Democrats instigated the sleaze. That's what happens when your candidate can't run on her record and can't run on the issues.
trump aint any better.....the guy thinks he is at a board meeting when he opens his mouth....
I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.
sure you do.......if i would have said that about clinton you would have gave me an agree...
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Are you fucking kidding me? That was in response to Hillary being stupid and focusing on a private conversation of Trump's from 11 years ago. Dems opened the door to the past, so I suppose everyone is fair game. Trump's wife and daughter have also been attacked so the left has set the rules. They just don't want others doing the same to them.
Oh what the fuck ever. Did you really think Hillary wouldn't have brought it up? Of course she would. This is his biggest scandal by far. That's how politics work. If the roles were reversed, do you honestly think Trump would NOT bring it up? Fucking of course he would have.

It doesn't matter, the point is, Trump did not take Newt Gingrich's advice, he brought Bill Clinton into the debate over affairs= and it backfired on the DUMBASS.

1. Trump attacked the victim of an affair (Hillary Clinton.)
2. Everyone knows about Trump's affairs.

You just can't stand up there and throw rocks at anyone for doing the exact same they did, and get away with it. Only an IDIOT does that. Trump not only had affairs, he left his wife and children for other women.

Trump is the only one that stated "My personal Viet Nam was sleeping around with married women".
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ‘Personal Vietnam’

I knew these tapes were out there when he jumped in the race, why didn't you? They haven't even released the public radio (Howard Stern) interviews yet. Be assured they will.

This isn't about "affairs," douche bag. This is about rape and sexual assault, which Hillary tried to cover up. Do you actually believe people are stupid enough to fall for your attempt to make Hillary look like the victim? Unfortunately, the answer is "yes." There are plenty of dumbasses who will fall for it. We call these people "Democrats."
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.
you are saying he is sleazy but hillary isnt?...have you seen some of the fucking ads running on TV?....this whole pathetic election is sleazy politics....but thats what happens when you fucking party people pick 2 of the most disliked people maybe ever to run.......
Democrats instigated the sleaze. That's what happens when your candidate can't run on her record and can't run on the issues.
trump aint any better.....the guy thinks he is at a board meeting when he opens his mouth....
Because God forbid a potential Commander-In-Chief actually behaves like one.
trump is how they are supposed to behave?....
A CIC...yes.
Not like an Obama "Line in the sand" pussy.
Doesn't Trump realize the stupidity of focusing on Bill's past affairs?

In a word, no.

That he pledges to keep doing that if additional clips and proof of his sexism appear, is just another illustration of the lack of depth in his thinking about politics and governance.
"Affairs?" Is that what you call it when a Democrat rapes someone?

No, you idiot. "Affairs" is [what] everyone says as a synonym for "matters"
You used it to mean sexual relations, as if they were voluntary. You're a douche bag who calls rape an "affair." But then, you're a Democrat, so it goes without saying that you're a douche bag.

Scroll to the top of the page. What do you see there as the title? Expand the quoted content in this post. Notice that the title question is what I responded to. Notice that my first post quotes the title question and then responds to it. Try to use the sites quoting functionality on thread titles. You'll find you cannot. So when you write of how I used a given word or phrase, pay attention to whether the words are mine or someone else's.

That's actually you reading something that was not written into what you read. Did I offer any context to suggest that the word was being used as in "affairs of the libido," "affairs of anger toward women," or affairs of any particular sort? No. Did the definition to which I linked for "affair" indicate that I was using the word as a synonym for "rape," or even that the word is a synonym for "rape?" No. Did I introduce anything having to do with rape? No. Any interpretation that "affair," as I quoted it from the thread title, means "rape" came 100% from within your own mind; that is you inventing a meaning and context that simply does not exist in the words found in my post.

The fact of the matter is that what Bill Clinton, or anyone else besides Trump and Mrs. Clinton, did in the past makes no sense for Trump to focus upon because Bill Clinton and every other person on the planet besides Trump and Mrs. Clinton aren't running for President. Indeed, with regard to the Presidential election, it makes no sense for Trump to focus on anyone's past (or present) affairs -- financial, economic, political, social, etc. -- other than his own and Hillary Clinton's.

Everyone except Donald Trump realizes that focusing on anything other than his and Mrs. Clinton's behavior and thoughts is the distraction. Does Hillary Clinton talk about things pertaining to Ivana Trump, Marla Maples, or any of the women with whom Trump had some interaction? Does HIllary Clinton talk about the financial affairs of anyone other than Trump? Does Hillary Clinton talk about specific political policy proposals put forth by anyone other than Donald Trump? "No," to each of those questions. In short, the focus of Hillary's remarks is her and Trump's present and future ideas, behavior and attitudes.

Hillary attacked the women Bill Clinton raped and sexually assaulted. That's the bottom line. Her butthole sucking apologist keep trying to change the subject, but no one is fooled.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.
why is it sleazy for Trump to focus on past events, yet its acceptable for the democrats to focus on Trumps past events.
Are you telling me that you think Hillary is sleazy?
This is a big step for you. Welcome to the United States.

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