Doesn't Trump realize the stupidity of focusing on Bill's past affairs?

Bullshit, it's a stupid game Democrats play. I'm not a Democrat, ergo I'm a Republican and a Trump supporter. Partisanship wastes a mind just like alcohol.

BTW, it's not just discussing it. You're a regular poster and I've started like a dozen anti-Trump threads. You know I oppose both Trump and Hillary, the Democrat in you forces you to say it though

Truth is just ridiculous hyperbole... but Trump is mean so he is the worse candidate.

Why is mean worse than completely and utterly amoral like Clinton?

I'm not voting for either, they both are unacceptable

You should always vote for the lesser of the two evils, otherwise you are enabling evil...

What if as in this case there is no "lesser" evil?

If you think Hillary is a lesser evil, you're deluding yourself. She's certainly not a lesser evil in terms of her policies that are going to continue to both erode our economic freedom and bankrupt us
You're delusional if you think Johnson is better than Trump. They guy is an imbecile.

Someone who isn't going to accomplish anything is going to be way better than Hillary or Trump
Truth is just ridiculous hyperbole... but Trump is mean so he is the worse candidate.

Why is mean worse than completely and utterly amoral like Clinton?

I'm not voting for either, they both are unacceptable

You should always vote for the lesser of the two evils, otherwise you are enabling evil...

What if as in this case there is no "lesser" evil?

If you think Hillary is a lesser evil, you're deluding yourself. She's certainly not a lesser evil in terms of her policies that are going to continue to both erode our economic freedom and bankrupt us
You're delusional if you think Johnson is better than Trump. They guy is an imbecile.

Someone who isn't going to accomplish anything is going to be way better than Hillary or Trump

He has no chance to win, it's a vote for Hillary.

Her supporters are not concerned with making any logical ethical choices. Just the free goodies she will provide...
Trump and his surrogates are reportedly trying to paint Bill Clinton as Bill Cosby. That's really like the pot calling the kettle black.
Trump and his surrogates are reportedly trying to paint Bill Clinton as Bill Cosby. That's really like the pot calling the kettle black.

OMG, Cosby is black, that was so racist, just like wearing blackface
This isn't about "affairs," douche bag. This is about rape and sexual assault, which Hillary tried to cover up. Do you actually believe people are stupid enough to fall for your attempt to make Hillary look like the victim? Unfortunately, the answer is "yes." There are plenty of dumbasses who will fall for it. We call these people "Democrats."

Ha.Ha. there's not too many "rape" victims that will hang around their attackers, and then claim rape 20 years later. Good Luck with that one.

How did any of Bill's victims "hang around?"

Again, the only VICTIM of any extra marital affair is the SPOUSE that is being cheated upon. FACT. There is no such thing as the perpetrators of an extra marital affair that can be considered a "victim." They were BOTH willing accomplices. You can try all you want but that is American public perception.

And that's why your ass clown made a total ASS out of himself. Newt Gingrich advised Trump not to drag Bill Clinton's extra marital affairs into this, and Trump took a dive right right into the shit hole anyway.


Nice attempt to avoid answering the question. Again, this isn't about infidelity. It's about rape and sexual assault and attacking the victims to keep them from talking.

Now answer the question: How did any of Bill's victims "hang around" after the crime?

Hillary married Bill Clinton. She agreed to back him then and never went back on her commitment. Unfortunately who she married turned out to be a piece of shit. She wasn't responsible for the shitty things her husband did. She was dealt a bad hand and played it the best she could. I do admire her standing by her man. Too bad her loyalty was wasted on Bill. There is a reason why wives cannot be forced to testify against their husbands and vice verse. Any man would be lucky to have such a loyal wife. That doesn't mean she would be a good president.

I agree she's not responsible for the shitty things Slick Willy did. She is however responsible for what she did, which is taking the public lead on assaulting the women Bubba assaulted a second time in the media if they dared to speak up
is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton.

Women are often sympathetic toward those who attack sexual assault victims. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch.

His victims are "side bitches"? Nice!

His "victims" are accusers and they've never been shown to be a victim

Well I accuse you of being a Communist. BAM! You're a communist!

Accusing you of being a Communist is backed up by your inability to name a plank of the definition of Communism, the Communist Manifesto, that you disagree with
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Then why isn't it?

And your strawman is that she's being attacked for Bill's affairs. She's being attacked for her own behavior in demagogging his victims and assaulting them a second time if they dare to speak out. Funny how no one fears speaking out against a Republican even with zero evidence. The liberal media is the ace up your sleeve
You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch.

His victims are "side bitches"? Nice!

His "victims" are accusers and they've never been shown to be a victim

Well I accuse you of being a Communist. BAM! You're a communist!

Accusing you of being a Communist is backed up by your inability to name a plank of the definition of Communism, the Communist Manifesto, that you disagree with

I dont have to name shit...The only requirement is to accuse. Therefore you're a commie.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Then why isn't it?

And your strawman is that she's being attacked for Bill's affairs. She's being attacked for her own behavior in demagogging his victims and assaulting them a second time if they dare to speak out. Funny how no one fears speaking out against a Republican even with zero evidence. The liberal media is the ace up your sleeve
The Clintons have really punished the media for reporting on Bill's sleeze. (-:
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Yes and that was the exact affect. Apparently Newt Gingrich told Trump not to do that, but he did anyway.

There's still millions of people out there that like Bill Clinton, and I am certain many were sympathizing with him also. Like--why do we have to listen to this shit again?

So last night we had this fat guy on the stage with a micro-phone that brought up some very bad memories to Hillary Clinton (the VICTIM) who had nothing to do with her husband's affairs. BRILLIANT--LOL

Coming from the ass clown who has had several affairs also, and has left his wife and children for other women.

The Stupidity is really astounding.


The only people who "sympathise" with Bill Clinton are rapists and other brands of scumbag.

I know it's very difficult for you to BELIEVE but there are millions of people out there, that forgave Bill Clinton's transgressions with other women long ago, and still believe him to have been a good President. Just like JFK, Dwight Eisenhower, and several other Presidents who had extra marital affairs.

They didn't want to see this hypocritical fat ass clown bring it up again.


Bill "drop trou" raped and he sexually harassed and had to make huge payouts to victims....that is a problem and you cannot spin it any other way....

When someone gets raped, they normally don't hang around their attacker and then accuse them of rape 20 years later--LOL

The fact that those women are supporting trump is just another red flag to me that they weren't sexually abused by Bill Clinton.

By the way. trump paid those women on top of one of his super PACs paid one of the women 2500 dollars. Just as it was in the 90s, it's all about money.

If Bill Clinton had sexually abused those women they wouldn't be supporting trump who has told the world he sexually abuses women.

It's very easy for me to believe that most women have had to endure such horrible behavior from men in the past. I know I have. So while this isn't anything new to most women, we sure aren't going to associate with or support men like trump.
Yes and that was the exact affect. Apparently Newt Gingrich told Trump not to do that, but he did anyway.

There's still millions of people out there that like Bill Clinton, and I am certain many were sympathizing with him also. Like--why do we have to listen to this shit again?

So last night we had this fat guy on the stage with a micro-phone that brought up some very bad memories to Hillary Clinton (the VICTIM) who had nothing to do with her husband's affairs. BRILLIANT--LOL

Coming from the ass clown who has had several affairs also, and has left his wife and children for other women.

The Stupidity is really astounding.


The only people who "sympathise" with Bill Clinton are rapists and other brands of scumbag.

I know it's very difficult for you to BELIEVE but there are millions of people out there, that forgave Bill Clinton's transgressions with other women long ago, and still believe him to have been a good President. Just like JFK, Dwight Eisenhower, and several other Presidents who had extra marital affairs.

They didn't want to see this hypocritical fat ass clown bring it up again.


Bill "drop trou" raped and he sexually harassed and had to make huge payouts to victims....that is a problem and you cannot spin it any other way....

When someone gets raped, they normally don't hang around their attacker and then accuse them of rape 20 years later--LOL

The fact that those women are supporting trump is just another red flag to me that they weren't sexually abused by Bill Clinton.

By the way. trump paid those women on top of one of his super PACs paid one of the women 2500 dollars. Just as it was in the 90s, it's all about money.

If Bill Clinton had sexually abused those women they wouldn't be supporting trump who has told the world he sexually abuses women.

It's very easy for me to believe that most women have had to endure such horrible behavior from men in the past. I know I have. So while this isn't anything new to most women, we sure aren't going to associate with or support men like trump.

People should ask for proof. These women that are accusing Bill "drop trou" should be given a platform to confront him in an open forum...but we both know that will never happen.
Not only is it sleazy politics, but it is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton. It blows my mind how stupid and unhinged this orange sack of shit is.

Sexual assaults and over twenty visits to Jeffrey Epstein's "Pedophile Island" where he has portraits of naked, under-aged girls plastered all over his mansion? Are you "down" with that????
What you're too dense to understand is that Trump is doing absolutely nothing to focus on what he would actually DO as president. It's so insane that he would focus on character assignation of her husband based on his personal life. It's not like there is any actual evidence Bill raped a minor. It's just bullshit that gives the intowars audience boners. No one else cares.

Dude, I would dance circles around you blindfolded when it comes to what is really going on here in USA.INC. The "president" is nothing but a face of the franchise of this incorporated federal "gubermint" that was a successor to contract to provide the 19 enumerated/essential services per their corporate charter which is the "constitution" that was written with the Act of 1871
As far as Bill "drop trou" having raped a minor? Twenty plus trips to Pedophile Island and given Bill "drop trou's" proclivity to take advantage of women he believed he had power over???? I would bet my life that he was banging underaged prostitutes procured for him by Jeffy.......
Poor, deranged Dale. There's no evidence Clinton had 20+ trips to pedophile island. You are truly insane. :cuckoo:

Because Fran was with Bill "drop trou" alllll the time! Yeah, I have seen enough proof that indicts him. He kept ditching his secret service team....gee, I wonder why. (snicker)
is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton.

Women are often sympathetic toward those who attack sexual assault victims. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch.

His victims are "side bitches"? Nice!

All about demeaning the rape victims. So much for believing women who report rape. They were just in the way of Hillary's career. She needed Bill to stay afloat so she could continue riding his coattails.

Did one of Bill's accusers ever go to the fucking police department to file a rape charge against him? NO

Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS. You won't find his name on any ballot in this country. Donald Trump's name will be on the ballot and that's a very serious problem for you Trumpet's.

Donald Trump acted like he was running against Bill Clinton, and his dumbass supporters obviously think the same.


The one who accuses rape did run to court to testify under oath in a deposition saying Bill Clinton DID NOT rape her. She signed that sworn deposition.
is only going to create sympathy among women for Clinton.

Women are often sympathetic toward those who attack sexual assault victims. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch. DERP!

You wont find a woman alive who would be kind to her husbands side bitch.

His victims are "side bitches"? Nice!

All about demeaning the rape victims. So much for believing women who report rape. They were just in the way of Hillary's career. She needed Bill to stay afloat so she could continue riding his coattails.

Did one of Bill's accusers ever go to the fucking police department to file a rape charge against him? NO

Bill Clinton is not running for POTUS. You won't find his name on any ballot in this country. Donald Trump's name will be on the ballot and that's a very serious problem for you Trumpet's.

Donald Trump acted like he was running against Bill Clinton, and his dumbass supporters obviously think the same.


The one who accuses rape did run to court to testify under oath in a deposition saying Bill Clinton DID NOT rape her. She signed that sworn deposition.

Yes, she did because she wanted to be left alone and wanted to put it behind her. Would you want to have to take the stand and testify as to how you had the bottom part of your lip nearly bitten off while you were being raped and then intimidated into keeping your mouth shut? Bill "drop trou" is a fucking predator and he has been protected by the media, used goons to intimidate, threaten, assault and even murder those that had the goods on him and hitlery.

Gary Johnson, an attorney for Larry Nichols (former Clinton insider) had video of Bill "drop trou" using his own key to get into Gennifer Flowers apartment multiple times. Clinton sent his goons to beat the shit out of him until he gave up the tapes and then they resumed the assault. What if that was your father, uncle or son or someone you cared about? How would you feel about these slime balls?

One of the biggest problems this country has is that we look the other way instead of standing up for each other when one of us is attacked by the system and it's controllers believing that it's fine as long as it happens to someone else. People that have come forward to plead for justice for some of the heinous crimes committed against them by the elites that run this criminal enterprise are demonized and mocked by their citizens and we will end up paying for it in the end. I believe that very, very bad shit is on the horizon of Biblical proportions and the dumbed down public will not have the slightest clue on what to do because they have become dependent little slaves. God help us.
So here we have them saying she was raped. And ignoring that she said she wasn't raped to continue to say she was raped.

But wait, they can explain why the person who says they were raped said the opposite in court! It's because....Bills a rapist!! Lol
So here we have them saying she was raped. And ignoring that she said she wasn't raped to continue to say she was raped.

But wait, they can explain why the person who says they were raped said the opposite in court! It's because....Bills a rapist!! Lol

Suffice to say, you have never done any reading about the Juanita Broaddrick case. In the eyes of cluelsss dumb fucks like you....leftards = good....always...pure as the new driven snow. I say that they are nothing but disgusting commie pieces of shit.
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So here we have them saying she was raped. And ignoring that she said she wasn't raped to continue to say she was raped.

But wait, they can explain why the person who says they were raped said the opposite in court! It's because....Bills a rapist!! Lol

Suffice to say, you have never done any reading about the Juanita Broaddrick case. In the eyes of cluelsss dumb fucks like you....leftards = good....always...pure as the new driven snow. I say that they are nothing but a disgusting commie pieces of shit.

Hey man, you're the one claimed she was raped WHILE KNOWING that in the record she swore she was not. That makes YOU look bad...not anyone else.
So here we have them saying she was raped. And ignoring that she said she wasn't raped to continue to say she was raped.

But wait, they can explain why the person who says they were raped said the opposite in court! It's because....Bills a rapist!! Lol

Suffice to say, you have never done any reading about the Juanita Broaddrick case. In the eyes of cluelsss dumb fucks like you....leftards = good....always...pure as the new driven snow. I say that they are nothing but a disgusting commie pieces of shit.

Hey man, you're the one claimed she was raped WHILE KNOWING that in the record she swore she was not. That makes YOU look bad...not anyone else.

I also know the background of her story which you did not take the time to do. Yeah, I believe her and would like to see it come to a trial where Bill "drop trou" had to take the stand and she could confront him....but that will never be allowed. Given the history of Bill "drop trou" and his history, only an idiot would claim that Juanita's claims are without merit.

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