Doh? Rape up 20% In London

You ignorant fuck how many books and actual studies have you read on the subject?

Less than one I would imagine. This bogus concern about rape is dishonest. It is driven by hatred of Muslims. How many rape threads are started that dont mention Muslims ? Answer = none.

I am struck by how all the experts on here have a better understanding than the people on the ground dealing with it.

I dont know what the figures are like elsewhere but I would imagine that every country will see an increase in reports as people become encouraged by #metoo.

Weinstein has had 10 complaints lodged in London alone.

Rape normally doesn't have defenders, like when Muslims do it.

A white rapist? All the whites would clap and cheer as he gets arrested and sent to jail.

Muslims? People like you prevent the obvious and sensible response.

Deport them all.
Ive never seen anyone defend rape. You are so dishonest.

You do it all the time, when you deflect, minimize, deny, counter attack, on the issue of Muslim Rape.

Those are all forms of defense.

It's almost cute how these useful idiots call people names for opposing rape as an instrument of cultural dominance and then try to clam they aren't defending the culture responsible for the behavior in question.

The little trained monkeys have no self awareness whatsoever. All they know is that hey are required to defend the rapists.

It would be so funny, if there were not so many of them, and they did not have so much influence in the media and pop culture.

Generally public perception or "Conventional Wisdom" is based on the insane, moronic delusions these drooling imbeciles put out there.
You ignorant fuck how many books and actual studies have you read on the subject?

Less than one I would imagine. This bogus concern about rape is dishonest. It is driven by hatred of Muslims. How many rape threads are started that dont mention Muslims ? Answer = none.

I am struck by how all the experts on here have a better understanding than the people on the ground dealing with it.

I dont know what the figures are like elsewhere but I would imagine that every country will see an increase in reports as people become encouraged by #metoo.

Weinstein has had 10 complaints lodged in London alone.

Rape normally doesn't have defenders, like when Muslims do it.

A white rapist? All the whites would clap and cheer as he gets arrested and sent to jail.

Muslims? People like you prevent the obvious and sensible response.

Deport them all.
Ive never seen anyone defend rape. You are so dishonest.

You do it all the time, when you deflect, minimize, deny, counter attack, on the issue of Muslim Rape.

Those are all forms of defense.
You are so full of shit.

No I'm not and you know it.

Any change at all in policy since the Rotherham rape ring, or are you just all pretending that it won't happen again?
Less than one I would imagine. This bogus concern about rape is dishonest. It is driven by hatred of Muslims. How many rape threads are started that dont mention Muslims ? Answer = none.

I am struck by how all the experts on here have a better understanding than the people on the ground dealing with it.

I dont know what the figures are like elsewhere but I would imagine that every country will see an increase in reports as people become encouraged by #metoo.

Weinstein has had 10 complaints lodged in London alone.

Rape normally doesn't have defenders, like when Muslims do it.

A white rapist? All the whites would clap and cheer as he gets arrested and sent to jail.

Muslims? People like you prevent the obvious and sensible response.

Deport them all.
Ive never seen anyone defend rape. You are so dishonest.

You do it all the time, when you deflect, minimize, deny, counter attack, on the issue of Muslim Rape.

Those are all forms of defense.

It's almost cute how these useful idiots call people names for opposing rape as an instrument of cultural dominance and then try to clam they aren't defending the culture responsible for the behavior in question.

The little trained monkeys have no self awareness whatsoever. All they know is that hey are required to defend the rapists.
You dont give a fuck about rape unless you can pin it on a Muslim.

That's a stupid thing to say.

Normally rape is not controversial, because normally no one defends it.

Muslim rape is controversial, because people like you defend it.
No, you don't ignore the rise in rape numbers, but you also don't jump on spurious relationships and start demonizing an entire group of people.
Rapists are "an entire group" of people, yet you don't want to demonize them because apparently a lot of them are Muslims. That's weird.

You really don't understand what an entire group of people is. Rapist are a hodgepodge of different races, genders, and different sexual orientations.

Pretty wild how you continue to try and push your agenda of celebrating the rise in reported rapes.

What in your life has a Muslim done to you to make you hate them so damn much?
You ignorant fuck how many books and actual studies have you read on the subject?

Less than one I would imagine. This bogus concern about rape is dishonest. It is driven by hatred of Muslims. How many rape threads are started that dont mention Muslims ? Answer = none.

I am struck by how all the experts on here have a better understanding than the people on the ground dealing with it.

I dont know what the figures are like elsewhere but I would imagine that every country will see an increase in reports as people become encouraged by #metoo.

Weinstein has had 10 complaints lodged in London alone.

Rape normally doesn't have defenders, like when Muslims do it.

A white rapist? All the whites would clap and cheer as he gets arrested and sent to jail.

Muslims? People like you prevent the obvious and sensible response.

Deport them all.

Who here is defending rapist and please point out in detail where and when.

I only see two things going on here:

#1. Some people celebrating the rise in cases of reported rape so they can blame it on Muslims

#2. People like myself saying that crime statistics are highly unreliable because they are dependent on several variables like the crime having to be reported, that they count people as a rapist based on the arrest not the prosecution, you can have false reports of rape, and more.

1. Not all cultures are the same when it comes to respect for women, or rape. "Some people" want the blame to go where it belongs so that we can discuss the reality of the situation and maybe even DO something to reduce it, instead of just watching it rise.

2. So, what? We are just supposed to ignore the rise is rape numbers, because maybe the rape numbers are not good? What about all the other numbers that show a problem? Are they all bad numbers? What about all the anecdotal evidence that we see in situations like Rotherham or Cologne?

No, you don't ignore the rise in rape numbers, but you also don't jump on spurious relationships and start demonizing an entire group of people.

A serious and honest appraisal of a entire group of people, based not on one crime report, but decades of similar reports around the world, tons of anecdotal evidence, and reasoned analysis,

is not "demonizing" anyone.

We should have had a discussion about the likely effect of large scale muslim immigration BEFORE we did it.

When we didn't we should have had that debate, once we started seeing what the effects were.

We didn't because people on the left demagogued all such attempts with cries of "racism".

Now? Now, it's WAY past that time. Time to act.

Less than one I would imagine. This bogus concern about rape is dishonest. It is driven by hatred of Muslims. How many rape threads are started that dont mention Muslims ? Answer = none.

I am struck by how all the experts on here have a better understanding than the people on the ground dealing with it.

I dont know what the figures are like elsewhere but I would imagine that every country will see an increase in reports as people become encouraged by #metoo.

Weinstein has had 10 complaints lodged in London alone.

Rape normally doesn't have defenders, like when Muslims do it.

A white rapist? All the whites would clap and cheer as he gets arrested and sent to jail.

Muslims? People like you prevent the obvious and sensible response.

Deport them all.

Who here is defending rapist and please point out in detail where and when.

I only see two things going on here:

#1. Some people celebrating the rise in cases of reported rape so they can blame it on Muslims

#2. People like myself saying that crime statistics are highly unreliable because they are dependent on several variables like the crime having to be reported, that they count people as a rapist based on the arrest not the prosecution, you can have false reports of rape, and more.

1. Not all cultures are the same when it comes to respect for women, or rape. "Some people" want the blame to go where it belongs so that we can discuss the reality of the situation and maybe even DO something to reduce it, instead of just watching it rise.

2. So, what? We are just supposed to ignore the rise is rape numbers, because maybe the rape numbers are not good? What about all the other numbers that show a problem? Are they all bad numbers? What about all the anecdotal evidence that we see in situations like Rotherham or Cologne?

No, you don't ignore the rise in rape numbers, but you also don't jump on spurious relationships and start demonizing an entire group of people.

A serious and honest appraisal of a entire group of people, based not on one crime report, but decades of similar reports around the world, tons of anecdotal evidence, and reasoned analysis,

is not "demonizing" anyone.

We should have had a discussion about the likely effect of large scale muslim immigration BEFORE we did it.

When we didn't we should have had that debate, once we started seeing what the effects were.

We didn't because people on the left demagogued all such attempts with cries of "racism".

Now? Now, it's WAY past that time. Time to act.


Yes you fools are demonizing and entire group of people with excuses with little to no validity just because you fear people who are different than you. It's sad and pathetic.
No, you don't ignore the rise in rape numbers, but you also don't jump on spurious relationships and start demonizing an entire group of people.
Rapists are "an entire group" of people, yet you don't want to demonize them because apparently a lot of them are Muslims. That's weird.

You really don't understand what an entire group of people is. Rapist are a hodgepodge of different races, genders, and different sexual orientations.

Pretty wild how you continue to try and push your agenda of celebrating the rise in reported rapes.

What in your life has a Muslim done to you to make you hate them so damn much?
Listen kid. Rape is a serious issue. Clouding it and seeking to mitigate the perpetrators actions because it disturbs your sense of political correctness is pure cowardliness.
Rape normally doesn't have defenders, like when Muslims do it.

A white rapist? All the whites would clap and cheer as he gets arrested and sent to jail.

Muslims? People like you prevent the obvious and sensible response.

Deport them all.

Who here is defending rapist and please point out in detail where and when.

I only see two things going on here:

#1. Some people celebrating the rise in cases of reported rape so they can blame it on Muslims

#2. People like myself saying that crime statistics are highly unreliable because they are dependent on several variables like the crime having to be reported, that they count people as a rapist based on the arrest not the prosecution, you can have false reports of rape, and more.

1. Not all cultures are the same when it comes to respect for women, or rape. "Some people" want the blame to go where it belongs so that we can discuss the reality of the situation and maybe even DO something to reduce it, instead of just watching it rise.

2. So, what? We are just supposed to ignore the rise is rape numbers, because maybe the rape numbers are not good? What about all the other numbers that show a problem? Are they all bad numbers? What about all the anecdotal evidence that we see in situations like Rotherham or Cologne?

No, you don't ignore the rise in rape numbers, but you also don't jump on spurious relationships and start demonizing an entire group of people.

A serious and honest appraisal of a entire group of people, based not on one crime report, but decades of similar reports around the world, tons of anecdotal evidence, and reasoned analysis,

is not "demonizing" anyone.

We should have had a discussion about the likely effect of large scale muslim immigration BEFORE we did it.

When we didn't we should have had that debate, once we started seeing what the effects were.

We didn't because people on the left demagogued all such attempts with cries of "racism".

Now? Now, it's WAY past that time. Time to act.


Yes you fools are demonizing and entire group of people with excuses with little to no validity just because you fear people who are different than you. It's sad and pathetic.

Yeah, that's just a repeat of your point, which I just addressed.

Not all "differences" are good, or even neutral. Some are bad.

We have seen that Islamic immigrants, as a group, have a very "different" view of women, and rape.

That's not demonizing them. That's dealing honestly with the "difference".

THe girls of ROtherham paid the price for people like you shutting down all policy debate on this issue.

For one, small, limited example.
Who here is defending rapist and please point out in detail where and when.

I only see two things going on here:

#1. Some people celebrating the rise in cases of reported rape so they can blame it on Muslims

#2. People like myself saying that crime statistics are highly unreliable because they are dependent on several variables like the crime having to be reported, that they count people as a rapist based on the arrest not the prosecution, you can have false reports of rape, and more.

1. Not all cultures are the same when it comes to respect for women, or rape. "Some people" want the blame to go where it belongs so that we can discuss the reality of the situation and maybe even DO something to reduce it, instead of just watching it rise.

2. So, what? We are just supposed to ignore the rise is rape numbers, because maybe the rape numbers are not good? What about all the other numbers that show a problem? Are they all bad numbers? What about all the anecdotal evidence that we see in situations like Rotherham or Cologne?

No, you don't ignore the rise in rape numbers, but you also don't jump on spurious relationships and start demonizing an entire group of people.

A serious and honest appraisal of a entire group of people, based not on one crime report, but decades of similar reports around the world, tons of anecdotal evidence, and reasoned analysis,

is not "demonizing" anyone.

We should have had a discussion about the likely effect of large scale muslim immigration BEFORE we did it.

When we didn't we should have had that debate, once we started seeing what the effects were.

We didn't because people on the left demagogued all such attempts with cries of "racism".

Now? Now, it's WAY past that time. Time to act.


Yes you fools are demonizing and entire group of people with excuses with little to no validity just because you fear people who are different than you. It's sad and pathetic.

Yeah, that's just a repeat of your point, which I just addressed.

Not all "differences" are good, or even neutral. Some are bad.

We have seen that Islamic immigrants, as a group, have a very "different" view of women, and rape.

That's not demonizing them. That's dealing honestly with the "difference".

THe girls of ROtherham paid the price for people like you shutting down all policy debate on this issue.

For one, small, limited example.
Yet again you display your lack of concern for rape victims. You havent mentioned one incident that didnt involve Muslims. You and your ill informed ilk are exploiting crime for political ends. Right wing trash.
1. Not all cultures are the same when it comes to respect for women, or rape. "Some people" want the blame to go where it belongs so that we can discuss the reality of the situation and maybe even DO something to reduce it, instead of just watching it rise.

2. So, what? We are just supposed to ignore the rise is rape numbers, because maybe the rape numbers are not good? What about all the other numbers that show a problem? Are they all bad numbers? What about all the anecdotal evidence that we see in situations like Rotherham or Cologne?

No, you don't ignore the rise in rape numbers, but you also don't jump on spurious relationships and start demonizing an entire group of people.

A serious and honest appraisal of a entire group of people, based not on one crime report, but decades of similar reports around the world, tons of anecdotal evidence, and reasoned analysis,

is not "demonizing" anyone.

We should have had a discussion about the likely effect of large scale muslim immigration BEFORE we did it.

When we didn't we should have had that debate, once we started seeing what the effects were.

We didn't because people on the left demagogued all such attempts with cries of "racism".

Now? Now, it's WAY past that time. Time to act.


Yes you fools are demonizing and entire group of people with excuses with little to no validity just because you fear people who are different than you. It's sad and pathetic.

Yeah, that's just a repeat of your point, which I just addressed.

Not all "differences" are good, or even neutral. Some are bad.

We have seen that Islamic immigrants, as a group, have a very "different" view of women, and rape.

That's not demonizing them. That's dealing honestly with the "difference".

THe girls of ROtherham paid the price for people like you shutting down all policy debate on this issue.

For one, small, limited example.
Yet again you display your lack of concern for rape victims. You havent mentioned one incident that didnt involve Muslims. You and your ill informed ilk are exploiting crime for political ends. Right wing trash.

Rapes that don't involve Muslims are rarely political.

Because no one rushes forth to defend the rapists.

As I have repeatedly explained to you.

Why are you pretending that I did not?

I want policy to reduce crime numbers. This is consistent with all my other political positions across the board.

YOu are supporting policies that will lead to ever increasing numbers of rapes.
No, you don't ignore the rise in rape numbers, but you also don't jump on spurious relationships and start demonizing an entire group of people.
Rapists are "an entire group" of people, yet you don't want to demonize them because apparently a lot of them are Muslims. That's weird.

You really don't understand what an entire group of people is. Rapist are a hodgepodge of different races, genders, and different sexual orientations.

Pretty wild how you continue to try and push your agenda of celebrating the rise in reported rapes.

What in your life has a Muslim done to you to make you hate them so damn much?
How many children must be sacrificed on your alter of political correctness to satisfy you?

Why do you hate western liberalism with the intensity that you do? You must lead a very unfulfilling life to throw in your lot with the primitives hell bent on extinguishing humanistic values forever.
No, you don't ignore the rise in rape numbers, but you also don't jump on spurious relationships and start demonizing an entire group of people.

A serious and honest appraisal of a entire group of people, based not on one crime report, but decades of similar reports around the world, tons of anecdotal evidence, and reasoned analysis,

is not "demonizing" anyone.

We should have had a discussion about the likely effect of large scale muslim immigration BEFORE we did it.

When we didn't we should have had that debate, once we started seeing what the effects were.

We didn't because people on the left demagogued all such attempts with cries of "racism".

Now? Now, it's WAY past that time. Time to act.


Yes you fools are demonizing and entire group of people with excuses with little to no validity just because you fear people who are different than you. It's sad and pathetic.

Yeah, that's just a repeat of your point, which I just addressed.

Not all "differences" are good, or even neutral. Some are bad.

We have seen that Islamic immigrants, as a group, have a very "different" view of women, and rape.

That's not demonizing them. That's dealing honestly with the "difference".

THe girls of ROtherham paid the price for people like you shutting down all policy debate on this issue.

For one, small, limited example.
Yet again you display your lack of concern for rape victims. You havent mentioned one incident that didnt involve Muslims. You and your ill informed ilk are exploiting crime for political ends. Right wing trash.

Rapes that don't involve Muslims are rarely political.

Because no one rushes forth to defend the rapists.

As I have repeatedly explained to you.

Why are you pretending that I did not?

I want policy to reduce crime numbers. This is consistent with all my other political positions across the board.

YOu are supporting policies that will lead to ever increasing numbers of rapes.
No. You have no honourable intent. You focus on the crimes of a few to demonise the many. You are a hypocritical piece of shit. But dont let that get you down. There are plenty of you low information shits out there.
Rape normally doesn't have defenders, like when Muslims do it.

A white rapist? All the whites would clap and cheer as he gets arrested and sent to jail.

Muslims? People like you prevent the obvious and sensible response.

Deport them all.
Ive never seen anyone defend rape. You are so dishonest.

You do it all the time, when you deflect, minimize, deny, counter attack, on the issue of Muslim Rape.

Those are all forms of defense.

It's almost cute how these useful idiots call people names for opposing rape as an instrument of cultural dominance and then try to clam they aren't defending the culture responsible for the behavior in question.

The little trained monkeys have no self awareness whatsoever. All they know is that hey are required to defend the rapists.
You dont give a fuck about rape unless you can pin it on a Muslim.

That's a stupid thing to say.

Normally rape is not controversial, because normally no one defends it.

Muslim rape is controversial, because people like you defend it.
No. You have no honourable intent. You focus on the crimes of a few to demonise the many. You are a hypocritical piece of shit. But dont let that get you down. There are plenty of you low information shits out there.

Yeah, after all, they are only British women and children getting raped and so they don't count.

Just thank your lucky stars it isn't Muslim women getting raped by the British! You would be all over that one like shit on stink!
No. You have no honourable intent. You focus on the crimes of a few to demonise the many. You are a hypocritical piece of shit. But dont let that get you down. There are plenty of you low information shits out there.

Yeah, after all, they are only British women and children getting raped and so they don't count.

Just thank your lucky stars it isn't Muslim women getting raped by the British! You would be all over that one like shit on stink!
Yes, he’d be making thread after thread and frothing at the mouth if that were to happen!

He spent an awful lot of time insisting (lying) that the Rotherham Pakistani grooming paedo rape gangs weren’t Pakistani, weren’t muslims, and that the issue had absolutely nothing to do with Islam, hate or racism.

Not a single word of sympathy for the CHILDREN that were groomed, drugged, raped, gang raped and even set on fire by his pet pigs.

He’s made endless posts about the American kids that were shot, but said nothing about all the kids killed in Islamic terror attacks in Manchester and Nice. He not only doesn’t care about the victims of Islamic crimes - not even the children and women who are raped, but he comes up with ridiculous excuses in order to defend them. He is one sick ass.
No. You have no honourable intent. You focus on the crimes of a few to demonise the many. You are a hypocritical piece of shit. But dont let that get you down. There are plenty of you low information shits out there.

Yeah, after all, they are only British women and children getting raped and so they don't count.

Just thank your lucky stars it isn't Muslim women getting raped by the British! You would be all over that one like shit on stink!
Yes, he’d be making thread after thread and frothing at the mouth if that were to happen!

He spent an awful lot of time insisting (lying) that the Rotherham Pakistani grooming paedo rape gangs weren’t Pakistani, weren’t muslims, and that the issue had absolutely nothing to do with Islam, hate or racism.

Not a single word of sympathy for the CHILDREN that were groomed, drugged, raped, gang raped and even set on fire by his pet pigs.

He’s made endless posts about the American kids that were shot, but said nothing about all the kids killed in Islamic terror attacks in Manchester and Nice. He not only doesn’t care about the victims of Islamic crimes - not even the children and women who are raped, but he comes up with ridiculous excuses in order to defend them. He is one sick ass.

I have often thought that religious fervor crosses the line into mental illness at some point. The same goes in regards to the defense of Islam by these (supposedly) non Muslims.

The grand inquisitor holds up two fingers and demands they see three, and these morons don't even have to be tortured to swear up and down that there are really three.
London sees 20% rise in rape reports in a year, police say “we don’t understand the causes”
Britain is, as is obvious, finished.
After the grooming scandal and cover up they still will not blame Islam.

or they have more women reporting these things now. Since half of all rapes go unreported, you wonder why they bother.

It is easier to tell the women to cover up or do not go out. That is what they have done in Sweden, Germany, and France.

Otherwise that scary Muslim Mendy thinks is hiding in his closet will get them!!!!
Pretty dumb thing to say. If rapes are unreported how can you include them in a statistic? As far as Muslims in my closet.
Proof of what Islam teaches or what the Quran says is not based on what the majority of Muslims choose to do.
Remember that, then you will know something about this problem, because you know 0 now.
A serious and honest appraisal of a entire group of people, based not on one crime report, but decades of similar reports around the world, tons of anecdotal evidence, and reasoned analysis,

is not "demonizing" anyone.

We should have had a discussion about the likely effect of large scale muslim immigration BEFORE we did it.

When we didn't we should have had that debate, once we started seeing what the effects were.

We didn't because people on the left demagogued all such attempts with cries of "racism".

Now? Now, it's WAY past that time. Time to act.


Yes you fools are demonizing and entire group of people with excuses with little to no validity just because you fear people who are different than you. It's sad and pathetic.

Yeah, that's just a repeat of your point, which I just addressed.

Not all "differences" are good, or even neutral. Some are bad.

We have seen that Islamic immigrants, as a group, have a very "different" view of women, and rape.

That's not demonizing them. That's dealing honestly with the "difference".

THe girls of ROtherham paid the price for people like you shutting down all policy debate on this issue.

For one, small, limited example.
Yet again you display your lack of concern for rape victims. You havent mentioned one incident that didnt involve Muslims. You and your ill informed ilk are exploiting crime for political ends. Right wing trash.

Rapes that don't involve Muslims are rarely political.

Because no one rushes forth to defend the rapists.

As I have repeatedly explained to you.

Why are you pretending that I did not?

I want policy to reduce crime numbers. This is consistent with all my other political positions across the board.

YOu are supporting policies that will lead to ever increasing numbers of rapes.
No. You have no honourable intent. You focus on the crimes of a few to demonise the many. You are a hypocritical piece of shit. But dont let that get you down. There are plenty of you low information shits out there.

So few in number, and 1,500 girls were raped and groomed. How can you even type the word "honor"?
Last edited:
Yes you fools are demonizing and entire group of people with excuses with little to no validity just because you fear people who are different than you. It's sad and pathetic.

Yeah, that's just a repeat of your point, which I just addressed.

Not all "differences" are good, or even neutral. Some are bad.

We have seen that Islamic immigrants, as a group, have a very "different" view of women, and rape.

That's not demonizing them. That's dealing honestly with the "difference".

THe girls of ROtherham paid the price for people like you shutting down all policy debate on this issue.

For one, small, limited example.
Yet again you display your lack of concern for rape victims. You havent mentioned one incident that didnt involve Muslims. You and your ill informed ilk are exploiting crime for political ends. Right wing trash.

Rapes that don't involve Muslims are rarely political.

Because no one rushes forth to defend the rapists.

As I have repeatedly explained to you.

Why are you pretending that I did not?

I want policy to reduce crime numbers. This is consistent with all my other political positions across the board.

YOu are supporting policies that will lead to ever increasing numbers of rapes.
No. You have no honourable intent. You focus on the crimes of a few to demonise the many. You are a hypocritical piece of shit. But dont let that get you down. There are plenty of you low information shits out there.

So few in number, and 1,500 girls were raped and groomed. How can you even type the word "honor"?
Yes you fools are demonizing and entire group of people with excuses with little to no validity just because you fear people who are different than you. It's sad and pathetic.

Yeah, that's just a repeat of your point, which I just addressed.

Not all "differences" are good, or even neutral. Some are bad.

We have seen that Islamic immigrants, as a group, have a very "different" view of women, and rape.

That's not demonizing them. That's dealing honestly with the "difference".

THe girls of ROtherham paid the price for people like you shutting down all policy debate on this issue.

For one, small, limited example.
Yet again you display your lack of concern for rape victims. You havent mentioned one incident that didnt involve Muslims. You and your ill informed ilk are exploiting crime for political ends. Right wing trash.

Rapes that don't involve Muslims are rarely political.

Because no one rushes forth to defend the rapists.

As I have repeatedly explained to you.

Why are you pretending that I did not?

I want policy to reduce crime numbers. This is consistent with all my other political positions across the board.

YOu are supporting policies that will lead to ever increasing numbers of rapes.
No. You have no honourable intent. You focus on the crimes of a few to demonise the many. You are a hypocritical piece of shit. But dont let that get you down. There are plenty of you low information shits out there.

So few in number, and 1,500 girls were raped and groomed. How can you even type the word "honor"?
And that is just the number on Rotherham, alone. The number of child rapes throughout all of Britain must be staggering.

Considering his degree of mental instability, I think when he uses the term honor, he means the children should now be killed for Islamic honor. After all, they are now tainted by having been raped.

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