Doh? Rape up 20% In London

Yeah, that's just a repeat of your point, which I just addressed.

Not all "differences" are good, or even neutral. Some are bad.

We have seen that Islamic immigrants, as a group, have a very "different" view of women, and rape.

That's not demonizing them. That's dealing honestly with the "difference".

THe girls of ROtherham paid the price for people like you shutting down all policy debate on this issue.

For one, small, limited example.
Yet again you display your lack of concern for rape victims. You havent mentioned one incident that didnt involve Muslims. You and your ill informed ilk are exploiting crime for political ends. Right wing trash.

Rapes that don't involve Muslims are rarely political.

Because no one rushes forth to defend the rapists.

As I have repeatedly explained to you.

Why are you pretending that I did not?

I want policy to reduce crime numbers. This is consistent with all my other political positions across the board.

YOu are supporting policies that will lead to ever increasing numbers of rapes.
No. You have no honourable intent. You focus on the crimes of a few to demonise the many. You are a hypocritical piece of shit. But dont let that get you down. There are plenty of you low information shits out there.

So few in number, and 1,500 girls were raped and groomed. How can you even type the word "honor"?
Yeah, that's just a repeat of your point, which I just addressed.

Not all "differences" are good, or even neutral. Some are bad.

We have seen that Islamic immigrants, as a group, have a very "different" view of women, and rape.

That's not demonizing them. That's dealing honestly with the "difference".

THe girls of ROtherham paid the price for people like you shutting down all policy debate on this issue.

For one, small, limited example.
Yet again you display your lack of concern for rape victims. You havent mentioned one incident that didnt involve Muslims. You and your ill informed ilk are exploiting crime for political ends. Right wing trash.

Rapes that don't involve Muslims are rarely political.

Because no one rushes forth to defend the rapists.

As I have repeatedly explained to you.

Why are you pretending that I did not?

I want policy to reduce crime numbers. This is consistent with all my other political positions across the board.

YOu are supporting policies that will lead to ever increasing numbers of rapes.
No. You have no honourable intent. You focus on the crimes of a few to demonise the many. You are a hypocritical piece of shit. But dont let that get you down. There are plenty of you low information shits out there.

So few in number, and 1,500 girls were raped and groomed. How can you even type the word "honor"?
And that is just the number on Rotherham, alone. The number of child rapes throughout all of Britain must be staggering.

Considering his degree of mental instability, I think when he uses the term honor, he means the children should now be killed for Islamic honor. After all, they are now tainted by having been raped.

I don't think Tommy is unstable, he is just a loud mouthed coward.
Grooming gangs abused more than 700 women and girls around Newcastle after police appeared to punish victims
'Sexual exploitation is happening in towns and cities across the country,' serious case review warns


A total of 17 men and one woman have been convicted of offences including rape, sexual abuse, supplying drugs and trafficking for sexual exploitation in a series of trials over the Newcastle case PA

Grooming gangs abused more than 700 women and girls around Newcastle with “arrogant persistence” after police appeared to punish victims while letting the perpetrators walk free, a case review has found.

The report into the response by authorities to child sexual exploitation found that before a large-scale police operation was launched in 2014, officers’ actions were sending an “unhelpful” message to perpetrators.

It warned that abusers are still preying on girls across the UK, and called for urgent action from the Government

victims while letting the perpetrators walk free, a case review has found.

The report into the response by authorities to child sexual exploitation found that before a large-scale police operation was launched in 2014, officers’ actions were sending an “unhelpful” message to perpetrators.

It warned that abusers are still preying on girls across the UK, and called for urgent action from the Government

Investigators said the abuse could not be stopped without work to understand the profiles, motivations and cultural influences of perpetrators, after finding similarities with grooming in Rotherham, Rochdale and Oxford...

Police still up to their old tricks. They seem to have learned nothing from Rotherham.

Police appeared to punish grooming gang victims, report says
Yet again you display your lack of concern for rape victims. You havent mentioned one incident that didnt involve Muslims. You and your ill informed ilk are exploiting crime for political ends. Right wing trash.

Rapes that don't involve Muslims are rarely political.

Because no one rushes forth to defend the rapists.

As I have repeatedly explained to you.

Why are you pretending that I did not?

I want policy to reduce crime numbers. This is consistent with all my other political positions across the board.

YOu are supporting policies that will lead to ever increasing numbers of rapes.
No. You have no honourable intent. You focus on the crimes of a few to demonise the many. You are a hypocritical piece of shit. But dont let that get you down. There are plenty of you low information shits out there.

So few in number, and 1,500 girls were raped and groomed. How can you even type the word "honor"?
Yet again you display your lack of concern for rape victims. You havent mentioned one incident that didnt involve Muslims. You and your ill informed ilk are exploiting crime for political ends. Right wing trash.

Rapes that don't involve Muslims are rarely political.

Because no one rushes forth to defend the rapists.

As I have repeatedly explained to you.

Why are you pretending that I did not?

I want policy to reduce crime numbers. This is consistent with all my other political positions across the board.

YOu are supporting policies that will lead to ever increasing numbers of rapes.
No. You have no honourable intent. You focus on the crimes of a few to demonise the many. You are a hypocritical piece of shit. But dont let that get you down. There are plenty of you low information shits out there.

So few in number, and 1,500 girls were raped and groomed. How can you even type the word "honor"?
And that is just the number on Rotherham, alone. The number of child rapes throughout all of Britain must be staggering.

Considering his degree of mental instability, I think when he uses the term honor, he means the children should now be killed for Islamic honor. After all, they are now tainted by having been raped.

I don't think Tommy is unstable, he is just a loud mouthed coward.

Well, yeah. He's a slimy little Quisling.

.....but he's also unstable
Rape normally doesn't have defenders, like when Muslims do it.

A white rapist? All the whites would clap and cheer as he gets arrested and sent to jail.

Muslims? People like you prevent the obvious and sensible response.

Deport them all.

KKKorrel, you see the problem here?

A white person rapes, he gets arrested and sent to jail.

A Muslim rapes, you want to deport ALL the Muslims.

Okay, maybe if we deport all the white males, first.
How many children must be sacrificed on your alter of political correctness to satisfy you?

Why do you hate western liberalism with the intensity that you do? You must lead a very unfulfilling life to throw in your lot with the primitives hell bent on extinguishing humanistic values forever.

Good question. How many children have come back in body bags from Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for the Jews and the Oil Companies?

The thing about "humanistic values" is that Christians have slaughtered far more people over the centuries than Muslims have. The conquest of the America, the slave trade, two world wars, the inquisition,t he holocaust, crusades.

All brought to you by Jesus.

(Waiting for the "No True Scotsman Fallacy" any minute now.)
How many children must be sacrificed on your alter of political correctness to satisfy you?

Why do you hate western liberalism with the intensity that you do? You must lead a very unfulfilling life to throw in your lot with the primitives hell bent on extinguishing humanistic values forever.

Good question. How many children have come back in body bags from Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for the Jews and the Oil Companies?

The thing about "humanistic values" is that Christians have slaughtered far more people over the centuries than Muslims have. The conquest of the America, the slave trade, two world wars, the inquisition,t he holocaust, crusades.

All brought to you by Jesus.

(Waiting for the "No True Scotsman Fallacy" any minute now.)
How many children must be sacrificed on your alter of political correctness to satisfy you?

Why do you hate western liberalism with the intensity that you do? You must lead a very unfulfilling life to throw in your lot with the primitives hell bent on extinguishing humanistic values forever.

Good question. How many children have come back in body bags from Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for the Jews and the Oil Companies?

The thing about "humanistic values" is that Christians have slaughtered far more people over the centuries than Muslims have. The conquest of the America, the slave trade, two world wars, the inquisition,t he holocaust, crusades.

All brought to you by Jesus.

(Waiting for the "No True Scotsman Fallacy" any minute now.)
The slave trade belongs to Islam, they were hands down the most prolific slavers. The Inquisition only killed 2, 000 to 3,000 people in the 350 years it lasted. The two world wars had nothing to do with Christianity. The Holocaust had nothing to do with Christianity either.

Muslims allied with Hitler.
How many children must be sacrificed on your alter of political correctness to satisfy you?

Why do you hate western liberalism with the intensity that you do? You must lead a very unfulfilling life to throw in your lot with the primitives hell bent on extinguishing humanistic values forever.

Good question. How many children have come back in body bags from Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for the Jews and the Oil Companies?

The thing about "humanistic values" is that Christians have slaughtered far more people over the centuries than Muslims have. The conquest of the America, the slave trade, two world wars, the inquisition,t he holocaust, crusades.

All brought to you by Jesus.

(Waiting for the "No True Scotsman Fallacy" any minute now.)
How many children must be sacrificed on your alter of political correctness to satisfy you?

Why do you hate western liberalism with the intensity that you do? You must lead a very unfulfilling life to throw in your lot with the primitives hell bent on extinguishing humanistic values forever.

Good question. How many children have come back in body bags from Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for the Jews and the Oil Companies?

The thing about "humanistic values" is that Christians have slaughtered far more people over the centuries than Muslims have. The conquest of the America, the slave trade, two world wars, the inquisition,t he holocaust, crusades.

All brought to you by Jesus.

(Waiting for the "No True Scotsman Fallacy" any minute now.)
The slave trade belongs to Islam, they were hands down the most prolific slavers. The Inquisition only killed 2, 000 to 3,000 people in the 350 years it lasted. The two world wars had nothing to do with Christianity. The Holocaust had nothing to do with Christianity either.

Muslims allied with Hitler.

The repulsive troll doesn't care about any of that. All it knows is that it stands in solidarity with knuckle-dragging Islamists and it supports their rape, it supports their terrorism, and it supports their genocidal hatred of Jews.
Grooming gangs abused more than 700 women and girls around Newcastle after police appeared to punish victims
'Sexual exploitation is happening in towns and cities across the country,' serious case review warns

so there were an angry gang of hairdressers?


Just look at the subhuman making fun out of the rape of children.

That makes three now on record as deriving mirth from child rape.
How many children must be sacrificed on your alter of political correctness to satisfy you?

Why do you hate western liberalism with the intensity that you do? You must lead a very unfulfilling life to throw in your lot with the primitives hell bent on extinguishing humanistic values forever.

Good question. How many children have come back in body bags from Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for the Jews and the Oil Companies?

The thing about "humanistic values" is that Christians have slaughtered far more people over the centuries than Muslims have. The conquest of the America, the slave trade, two world wars, the inquisition,t he holocaust, crusades.

All brought to you by Jesus.

(Waiting for the "No True Scotsman Fallacy" any minute now.)
How many children must be sacrificed on your alter of political correctness to satisfy you?

Why do you hate western liberalism with the intensity that you do? You must lead a very unfulfilling life to throw in your lot with the primitives hell bent on extinguishing humanistic values forever.

Good question. How many children have come back in body bags from Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for the Jews and the Oil Companies?

The thing about "humanistic values" is that Christians have slaughtered far more people over the centuries than Muslims have. The conquest of the America, the slave trade, two world wars, the inquisition,t he holocaust, crusades.

All brought to you by Jesus.

(Waiting for the "No True Scotsman Fallacy" any minute now.)
The slave trade belongs to Islam, they were hands down the most prolific slavers. The Inquisition only killed 2, 000 to 3,000 people in the 350 years it lasted. The two world wars had nothing to do with Christianity. The Holocaust had nothing to do with Christianity either.

Muslims allied with Hitler.

The repulsive troll doesn't care about any of that. All it knows is that it stands in solidarity with knuckle-dragging Islamists and it supports their rape, it supports their terrorism, and it supports their genocidal hatred of Jews.

He's knows very little about history. And any self respecting Scotsman would knock him on his ass.
Grooming gangs abused more than 700 women and girls around Newcastle after police appeared to punish victims
'Sexual exploitation is happening in towns and cities across the country,' serious case review warns


A total of 17 men and one woman have been convicted of offences including rape, sexual abuse, supplying drugs and trafficking for sexual exploitation in a series of trials over the Newcastle case PA

Grooming gangs abused more than 700 women and girls around Newcastle with “arrogant persistence” after police appeared to punish victims while letting the perpetrators walk free, a case review has found.

The report into the response by authorities to child sexual exploitation found that before a large-scale police operation was launched in 2014, officers’ actions were sending an “unhelpful” message to perpetrators.

It warned that abusers are still preying on girls across the UK, and called for urgent action from the Government

victims while letting the perpetrators walk free, a case review has found.

The report into the response by authorities to child sexual exploitation found that before a large-scale police operation was launched in 2014, officers’ actions were sending an “unhelpful” message to perpetrators.

It warned that abusers are still preying on girls across the UK, and called for urgent action from the Government

Investigators said the abuse could not be stopped without work to understand the profiles, motivations and cultural influences of perpetrators, after finding similarities with grooming in Rotherham, Rochdale and Oxford...

Police still up to their old tricks. They seem to have learned nothing from Rotherham.

Police appeared to punish grooming gang victims, report says

Tilly a friend of mine send me this article in my email, did you hear about this below disturbing situation? Of course if you did not have Islamic Schools and Islamic teachers in Britain you could avoid this, also this was caught but how many of his ilk are doing the same thing and not yet caught? That makes it very very disturbing.



Terrorist 'teacher' who trained 'army of children' to carry out attacks faces jail
The slave trade belongs to Islam, they were hands down the most prolific slavers. The Inquisition only killed 2, 000 to 3,000 people in the 350 years it lasted. The two world wars had nothing to do with Christianity. The Holocaust had nothing to do with Christianity either.

Okay, buddy, it wasn't Muslims loading those ships full of dying black people across the ocean. That was white folks.

The Nazis wore belt buckles during the Holocaust that said, "Gott Mit Uns" ("God's with us"), not "Allah Akbar"

The repulsive troll doesn't care about any of that. All it knows is that it stands in solidarity with knuckle-dragging Islamists and it supports their rape, it supports their terrorism, and it supports their genocidal hatred of Jews.

No, I just realize NONE OF THOSE THINGS ARE MY PROBLEM. They aren't America's problems, either.

But people like you are willing to sign up America's sons and daughter to fight for the Jews and the Oil Companies.
Tilly a friend of mine send me this article in my email, did you hear about this below disturbing situation? Of course if you did not have Islamic Schools and Islamic teachers in Britain you could avoid this, also this was caught but how many of his ilk are doing the same thing and not yet caught? That makes it very very disturbing.


^^^^ This:


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