Doing Satan's Work! Texas High School Yearbook Promotes Degenerate Propaganda For Homosexuality

Being queer is a choice period just like a dope head makes the choice to shoot up heroin. The gay agenda has always been about brainwashing kids in public schools. The solution is vouchers to remove kids from public schools.

Vouchers fail the students. Public schools is a defense against Christians oppressing others. Being gay isn't a choice. People love who they love. Public money should not go to religious schools.

On a voucher system you can send your child to a liberal run school. Do you have a problem if someone want their kid educated at a Catholic or Muslim school?

On a voucher system it takes taxpayer dollars to give to religious schools. Public schools are the way to go.
Public schools are liberal and homosexual indoctrinariums.
Being queer is a choice period just like a dope head makes the choice to shoot up heroin. The gay agenda has always been about brainwashing kids in public schools. The solution is vouchers to remove kids from public schools.

Vouchers fail the students. Public schools is a defense against Christians oppressing others. Being gay isn't a choice. People love who they love. Public money should not go to religious schools.

On a voucher system you can send your child to a liberal run school. Do you have a problem if someone want their kid educated at a Catholic or Muslim school?

On a voucher system it takes taxpayer dollars to give to religious schools. Public schools are the way to go.

I disagree.

You want to control what children are taught and believe that you have all the answers where a true open minded person would agree that they have none of the answers even though they have their opinion.

So again you can send your child to any school you want but why should you demand Christians and Muslims send their kids to the same school your kid attends?
It's celebrating degeneracy while promoting the evil homosexual agenda.

It's not degeneracy and not a choice.
It's both!

Nobody chooses to be gay, and the LGBT movement is on the right side of history.
All false! Homosexuality has been on the wrong side of history since the dawn of man!

And you have been on the wrong side of history.

Your love for Slavery, Hitler and Trump tell everyone you are never right in the mind.

Oh, Trump is not as close minded as you and that is why you wrote Pence instead of Trump because you know Trump is not some radical religious nutter!

In the end worry about your own state and leave Texas to Texans and could you come and get your unwanted Katrinas that have stunk my state up!

Anyone that is religious is on the wrong side of everything.
It's both!

Nobody chooses to be gay, and the LGBT movement is on the right side of history.
All false! Homosexuality has been on the wrong side of history since the dawn of man!

That's because the dawn of man was not as informed about certain things like man is today.
Of course they were. Do you think that this is the first time in all of history that perversion has been normalized? Those civilizations did not survive. When the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and yes, the Weimar Republic Germans were overcome, respect for homosexuality did not survive either. Gays and lesbians were slaughtered in the streets. They will be again, unfortunately. The people that accept homosexuality are just too weak and decayed to continue.

Things have changed since the dawn of man. It's a different world. We are more evolved and civilized. It isn't perversion. Not at Salk. I accept homosexuality as a part of who people are and I will not back down from that.
Okay you accept perversion and degeneracy. That's a decision you make for yourself. Don't make it for someone else who also won't back down. For as many peoples that accepted homosexuality throughout time, that acceptance has never survived and been passed on as a value. Historically acceptance of Gays has always failed.

Those who object to the gay spread can get a single edge razor blade. Cut the pages out. Smear them with some watery feces and mail them to those highlighted in the spread. Justice is done.
It's not degeneracy and not a choice.
It's both!

Nobody chooses to be gay, and the LGBT movement is on the right side of history.
All false! Homosexuality has been on the wrong side of history since the dawn of man!

And you have been on the wrong side of history.

Your love for Slavery, Hitler and Trump tell everyone you are never right in the mind.

Oh, Trump is not as close minded as you and that is why you wrote Pence instead of Trump because you know Trump is not some radical religious nutter!

In the end worry about your own state and leave Texas to Texans and could you come and get your unwanted Katrinas that have stunk my state up!

Anyone that is religious is on the wrong side of everything.
Does that include the founders of this nation?
It's not degeneracy and not a choice.
It's both!

Nobody chooses to be gay, and the LGBT movement is on the right side of history.
All false! Homosexuality has been on the wrong side of history since the dawn of man!

And you have been on the wrong side of history.

Your love for Slavery, Hitler and Trump tell everyone you are never right in the mind.

Oh, Trump is not as close minded as you and that is why you wrote Pence instead of Trump because you know Trump is not some radical religious nutter!

In the end worry about your own state and leave Texas to Texans and could you come and get your unwanted Katrinas that have stunk my state up!

Anyone that is religious is on the wrong side of everything.

I disagree.

Unitarians and Buddhists are usually the ones you can count on when being correct.

Also Steve McFarret is as Christian as Hitler was sane and neither is true and Steve is a fake.
It's not degeneracy and not a choice.
It's both!

Nobody chooses to be gay, and the LGBT movement is on the right side of history.
All false! Homosexuality has been on the wrong side of history since the dawn of man!

And you have been on the wrong side of history.

Your love for Slavery, Hitler and Trump tell everyone you are never right in the mind.

Oh, Trump is not as close minded as you and that is why you wrote Pence instead of Trump because you know Trump is not some radical religious nutter!

In the end worry about your own state and leave Texas to Texans and could you come and get your unwanted Katrinas that have stunk my state up!

Anyone that is religious is on the wrong side of everything.

Such as helping the less fortunate? Idiot
First I'd like to begin that God finds homosexuality detestable.

[Leviticus 20:13 (King James version)

If a moral man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.]

As a man of faith in a loving Christian body cleansed with God's love, I must bring this latest attempt to promote Satan's work to your attention. An evil deed was done at a Houston High School and we must condemn the degeneracy the yearbook is promoting. Some of these high school students who claim to be Christians have forgotten that the Bible teaches that homosexual relations lead to destruction (Jude 7). Folks, this is a battle between good and evil. With God's help along with the help of Vice President Mike Pence, we can win this battle against degeneracy being promoted by homosexuals in schools across America.

Atascocita High yearbooks cause parents outrage

If God finds homosexuality bad, why did he make it?

He didn't

Oh, so, God created the universe, God created everything, but then he didn't create homosexuality. Er... what? How can you create everything that exists and then not create something that exists?
First I'd like to begin that God finds homosexuality detestable.

[Leviticus 20:13 (King James version)

If a moral man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.]

As a man of faith in a loving Christian body cleansed with God's love, I must bring this latest attempt to promote Satan's work to your attention. An evil deed was done at a Houston High School and we must condemn the degeneracy the yearbook is promoting. Some of these high school students who claim to be Christians have forgotten that the Bible teaches that homosexual relations lead to destruction (Jude 7). Folks, this is a battle between good and evil. With God's help along with the help of Vice President Mike Pence, we can win this battle against degeneracy being promoted by homosexuals in schools across America.

Atascocita High yearbooks cause parents outrage
Being queer is a choice period just like a dope head makes the choice to shoot up heroin. The gay agenda has always been about brainwashing kids in public schools. The solution is vouchers to remove kids from public schools.

Vouchers fail the students. Public schools is a defense against Christians oppressing others. Being gay isn't a choice. People love who they love. Public money should not go to religious schools.
Being gay isn't a choice. Neither is pedophilia. Neither is necrophilia. The behavior is a choice. Gayness isn't a choice. It's a compulsion. Serial killers also suffer from compulsive behavior. They have to control their behavior.

Alabama governor one of the righties biggest christian hypocrites was having sex with another woman, cheating on his wife while slamming the gays.....
If I didn't have such a slow computer tonight I could get you hundreds more of these same situations..

Mike Pence is a closet something...Just watch...He is hiding something and gives me the creeps like
Ted Cruz..
Last edited:
It's both!

Nobody chooses to be gay, and the LGBT movement is on the right side of history.
All false! Homosexuality has been on the wrong side of history since the dawn of man!

And you have been on the wrong side of history.

Your love for Slavery, Hitler and Trump tell everyone you are never right in the mind.

Oh, Trump is not as close minded as you and that is why you wrote Pence instead of Trump because you know Trump is not some radical religious nutter!

In the end worry about your own state and leave Texas to Texans and could you come and get your unwanted Katrinas that have stunk my state up!

Anyone that is religious is on the wrong side of everything.

Such as helping the less fortunate? Idiot

Religious people go around insulting others? Is that what Christianity preaches?
First I'd like to begin that God finds homosexuality detestable.

[Leviticus 20:13 (King James version)

If a moral man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.]

As a man of faith in a loving Christian body cleansed with God's love, I must bring this latest attempt to promote Satan's work to your attention. An evil deed was done at a Houston High School and we must condemn the degeneracy the yearbook is promoting. Some of these high school students who claim to be Christians have forgotten that the Bible teaches that homosexual relations lead to destruction (Jude 7). Folks, this is a battle between good and evil. With God's help along with the help of Vice President Mike Pence, we can win this battle against degeneracy being promoted by homosexuals in schools across America.

Atascocita High yearbooks cause parents outrage

If God finds homosexuality bad, why did he make it?

He didn't

Oh, so, God created the universe, God created everything, but then he didn't create homosexuality. Er... what? How can you create everything that exists and then not create something that exists?

I'd explain it but two things here, one you wouldn't grasp it and two I'm long past trying to educate you dopes on something you don't and never will understand
How much do year books go for these days anyway?

God bless you and those who don't have the money for one always!!!

Nobody chooses to be gay, and the LGBT movement is on the right side of history.
All false! Homosexuality has been on the wrong side of history since the dawn of man!

And you have been on the wrong side of history.

Your love for Slavery, Hitler and Trump tell everyone you are never right in the mind.

Oh, Trump is not as close minded as you and that is why you wrote Pence instead of Trump because you know Trump is not some radical religious nutter!

In the end worry about your own state and leave Texas to Texans and could you come and get your unwanted Katrinas that have stunk my state up!

Anyone that is religious is on the wrong side of everything.

Such as helping the less fortunate? Idiot

Religious people go around insulting others? Is that what Christianity preaches?

Some are not timid...take the Crusaders as a good example
Being queer is a choice period just like a dope head makes the choice to shoot up heroin. The gay agenda has always been about brainwashing kids in public schools. The solution is vouchers to remove kids from public schools.

Vouchers fail the students. Public schools is a defense against Christians oppressing others. Being gay isn't a choice. People love who they love. Public money should not go to religious schools.
Being gay isn't a choice. Neither is pedophilia. Neither is necrophilia. The behavior is a choice. Gayness isn't a choice. It's a compulsion. Serial killers also suffer from compulsive behavior. They have to control their behavior.

First I'd like to begin that God finds homosexuality detestable.

[Leviticus 20:13 (King James version)

If a moral man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.]

As a man of faith in a loving Christian body cleansed with God's love, I must bring this latest attempt to promote Satan's work to your attention. An evil deed was done at a Houston High School and we must condemn the degeneracy the yearbook is promoting. Some of these high school students who claim to be Christians have forgotten that the Bible teaches that homosexual relations lead to destruction (Jude 7). Folks, this is a battle between good and evil. With God's help along with the help of Vice President Mike Pence, we can win this battle against degeneracy being promoted by homosexuals in schools across America.

Atascocita High yearbooks cause parents outrage
Being queer is a choice period just like a dope head makes the choice to shoot up heroin. The gay agenda has always been about brainwashing kids in public schools. The solution is vouchers to remove kids from public schools.

Vouchers fail the students. Public schools is a defense against Christians oppressing others. Being gay isn't a choice. People love who they love. Public money should not go to religious schools.
Being gay isn't a choice. Neither is pedophilia. Neither is necrophilia. The behavior is a choice. Gayness isn't a choice. It's a compulsion. Serial killers also suffer from compulsive behavior. They have to control their behavior.

Alabama governor one of the righties biggest christian hypocrites was having sex with another woman, cheating on his wife while slamming the gays.....
If I didn't have such a slow computer tonight I could get you hundreds more of these same situations..

Mike Pence is a closet something...Just watch...He is hiding something and give me the creeps like
Ted Cruz..
Is this supposed to mean that homosexuals aren't degenerate? Fail.
Being queer is a choice period just like a dope head makes the choice to shoot up heroin. The gay agenda has always been about brainwashing kids in public schools. The solution is vouchers to remove kids from public schools.

Vouchers fail the students. Public schools is a defense against Christians oppressing others. Being gay isn't a choice. People love who they love. Public money should not go to religious schools.

On a voucher system you can send your child to a liberal run school. Do you have a problem if someone want their kid educated at a Catholic or Muslim school?

On a voucher system it takes taxpayer dollars to give to religious schools. Public schools are the way to go.
Public schools are liberal and homosexual indoctrinariums.
Public schools are good for making sure boys and girls get sexually active at the youngest possible age and start taking drugs by age ten. Teachers make sure that the kids know safe fisting techniques.
Being queer is a choice period just like a dope head makes the choice to shoot up heroin. The gay agenda has always been about brainwashing kids in public schools. The solution is vouchers to remove kids from public schools.

Vouchers fail the students. Public schools is a defense against Christians oppressing others. Being gay isn't a choice. People love who they love. Public money should not go to religious schools.
Being gay isn't a choice. Neither is pedophilia. Neither is necrophilia. The behavior is a choice. Gayness isn't a choice. It's a compulsion. Serial killers also suffer from compulsive behavior. They have to control their behavior.

First I'd like to begin that God finds homosexuality detestable.

[Leviticus 20:13 (King James version)

If a moral man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.]

As a man of faith in a loving Christian body cleansed with God's love, I must bring this latest attempt to promote Satan's work to your attention. An evil deed was done at a Houston High School and we must condemn the degeneracy the yearbook is promoting. Some of these high school students who claim to be Christians have forgotten that the Bible teaches that homosexual relations lead to destruction (Jude 7). Folks, this is a battle between good and evil. With God's help along with the help of Vice President Mike Pence, we can win this battle against degeneracy being promoted by homosexuals in schools across America.

Atascocita High yearbooks cause parents outrage
Being queer is a choice period just like a dope head makes the choice to shoot up heroin. The gay agenda has always been about brainwashing kids in public schools. The solution is vouchers to remove kids from public schools.

Vouchers fail the students. Public schools is a defense against Christians oppressing others. Being gay isn't a choice. People love who they love. Public money should not go to religious schools.
Being gay isn't a choice. Neither is pedophilia. Neither is necrophilia. The behavior is a choice. Gayness isn't a choice. It's a compulsion. Serial killers also suffer from compulsive behavior. They have to control their behavior.

Alabama governor one of the righties biggest christian hypocrites was having sex with another woman, cheating on his wife while slamming the gays.....
If I didn't have such a slow computer tonight I could get you hundreds more of these same situations..

Mike Pence is a closet something...Just watch...He is hiding something and give me the creeps like
Ted Cruz..
Is this supposed to mean that homosexuals aren't degenerate? Fail.

Why did you fail to mention cheating spouses in your choices?
Nothing pisses me off more when a person who publically hates another's behavior while hiding their own, like these political people do.

Was that a mistake that it was not mentioned or is that not as much of a sin as being gay?
Last edited:
First I'd like to begin that God finds homosexuality detestable.

[Leviticus 20:13 (King James version)

If a moral man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.]

As a man of faith in a loving Christian body cleansed with God's love, I must bring this latest attempt to promote Satan's work to your attention. An evil deed was done at a Houston High School and we must condemn the degeneracy the yearbook is promoting. Some of these high school students who claim to be Christians have forgotten that the Bible teaches that homosexual relations lead to destruction (Jude 7). Folks, this is a battle between good and evil. With God's help along with the help of Vice President Mike Pence, we can win this battle against degeneracy being promoted by homosexuals in schools across America.

Atascocita High yearbooks cause parents outrage

If God finds homosexuality bad, why did he make it?

He didn't

Oh, so, God created the universe, God created everything, but then he didn't create homosexuality. Er... what? How can you create everything that exists and then not create something that exists?

I'd explain it but two things here, one you wouldn't grasp it and two I'm long past trying to educate you dopes on something you don't and never will understand

Nice excuse for not being able to explain something. It's okay, you can believe whatever you like, just as long as you don't go infringing on the rights and freedoms of others.
All false! Homosexuality has been on the wrong side of history since the dawn of man!

And you have been on the wrong side of history.

Your love for Slavery, Hitler and Trump tell everyone you are never right in the mind.

Oh, Trump is not as close minded as you and that is why you wrote Pence instead of Trump because you know Trump is not some radical religious nutter!

In the end worry about your own state and leave Texas to Texans and could you come and get your unwanted Katrinas that have stunk my state up!

Anyone that is religious is on the wrong side of everything.

Such as helping the less fortunate? Idiot

Religious people go around insulting others? Is that what Christianity preaches?

Some are not timid...take the Crusaders as a good example

You didn't answer my point at all.
Being queer is a choice period just like a dope head makes the choice to shoot up heroin. The gay agenda has always been about brainwashing kids in public schools. The solution is vouchers to remove kids from public schools.

Vouchers fail the students. Public schools is a defense against Christians oppressing others. Being gay isn't a choice. People love who they love. Public money should not go to religious schools.
Being gay isn't a choice. Neither is pedophilia. Neither is necrophilia. The behavior is a choice. Gayness isn't a choice. It's a compulsion. Serial killers also suffer from compulsive behavior. They have to control their behavior.

First I'd like to begin that God finds homosexuality detestable.

[Leviticus 20:13 (King James version)

If a moral man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.]

As a man of faith in a loving Christian body cleansed with God's love, I must bring this latest attempt to promote Satan's work to your attention. An evil deed was done at a Houston High School and we must condemn the degeneracy the yearbook is promoting. Some of these high school students who claim to be Christians have forgotten that the Bible teaches that homosexual relations lead to destruction (Jude 7). Folks, this is a battle between good and evil. With God's help along with the help of Vice President Mike Pence, we can win this battle against degeneracy being promoted by homosexuals in schools across America.

Atascocita High yearbooks cause parents outrage
Being queer is a choice period just like a dope head makes the choice to shoot up heroin. The gay agenda has always been about brainwashing kids in public schools. The solution is vouchers to remove kids from public schools.

Vouchers fail the students. Public schools is a defense against Christians oppressing others. Being gay isn't a choice. People love who they love. Public money should not go to religious schools.
Being gay isn't a choice. Neither is pedophilia. Neither is necrophilia. The behavior is a choice. Gayness isn't a choice. It's a compulsion. Serial killers also suffer from compulsive behavior. They have to control their behavior.

Alabama governor one of the righties biggest christian hypocrites was having sex with another woman, cheating on his wife while slamming the gays.....
If I didn't have such a slow computer tonight I could get you hundreds more of these same situations..

Mike Pence is a closet something...Just watch...He is hiding something and give me the creeps like
Ted Cruz..
Is this supposed to mean that homosexuals aren't degenerate? Fail.

Why did you fail to mention cheating spouses in your choices?
Nothing pisses me off more that a person who publically hates another's behavior while hiding their own like these political people do.

Was that a mistake that it was not mentioned or is that not as much of a sin as being gay?

The subject was not cheating spouses. The yearbook did not have a spread glorifying cheating spouses. Neither did the yearbook purport to celebrate sin generally. In fact, cheating spouses has no place at all in discussing the high school yearbook.
Being queer is a choice period just like a dope head makes the choice to shoot up heroin. The gay agenda has always been about brainwashing kids in public schools. The solution is vouchers to remove kids from public schools.

Vouchers fail the students. Public schools is a defense against Christians oppressing others. Being gay isn't a choice. People love who they love. Public money should not go to religious schools.

On a voucher system you can send your child to a liberal run school. Do you have a problem if someone want their kid educated at a Catholic or Muslim school?

On a voucher system it takes taxpayer dollars to give to religious schools. Public schools are the way to go.
Public schools are liberal and homosexual indoctrinariums.
Public schools are good for making sure boys and girls get sexually active at the youngest possible age and start taking drugs by age ten. Teachers make sure that the kids know safe fisting techniques.

Private schools have drug /sex problems too , only the drugs are more expensive...:biggrin:

My son when to a college prep christian school , are busted all of the time..

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