Doing Satan's Work! Texas High School Yearbook Promotes Degenerate Propaganda For Homosexuality

Sigh. This is why I run from religion. The God I worship loves everyone. Including gay people. I can't loathe gays even though quotes from the Bible says I should. I was given free choice, as well. And I choose to just like gay guys.


I have heard people saying that if this is what being a christian is with all of the hate and judging forget it.. They have done so much harm by turning people off..
First I'd like to begin that God finds homosexuality detestable.

[Leviticus 20:13 (King James version)

If a moral man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.]

As a man of faith in a loving Christian body

LOL a 'man of faith'

So you are in favor of putting to death men and women who commit adultery? As a man of 'faith'?

And putting to death a man who has sex with a woman while she is menstruating?

Laws to require any student desiring be allowed to inspect the galley proofs of their yearbook before any copies are actually printed. Then, if they wish, to have their names and images removed entirely before publication.

Might be a hell of a lot of blank pages in the final product....

Fewer profitable sales, too.
I applaud the yearbook celebrating love and equality over hate.
It's celebrating degeneracy while promoting the evil homosexual agenda.

It's not degeneracy and not a choice.
It's both!

Nobody chooses to be gay, and the LGBT movement is on the right side of history.
All false! Homosexuality has been on the wrong side of history since the dawn of man!

I am shocked that some yearbooks promote sin by showing students that are clean shaven.....
Being queer is a choice period just like a dope head makes the choice to shoot up heroin. The gay agenda has always been about brainwashing kids in public schools. The solution is vouchers to remove kids from public schools.

Vouchers fail the students. Public schools is a defense against Christians oppressing others. Being gay isn't a choice. People love who they love. Public money should not go to religious schools.
Being gay isn't a choice. Neither is pedophilia. Neither is necrophilia. The behavior is a choice. Gayness isn't a choice. It's a compulsion. Serial killers also suffer from compulsive behavior. They have to control their behavior.

Are you seriously comparing a consensual relationship to victimizing children and dead people? Are you comparing gay people to serial killers?

Gay people can act civilized in public just like heterosexuals can.
It shows that she cannot tell the difference...and that's creepy.
First I'd like to begin that God finds homosexuality detestable.

[Leviticus 20:13 (King James version)

If a moral man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.]

As a man of faith in a loving Christian body cleansed with God's love, I must bring this latest attempt to promote Satan's work to your attention. An evil deed was done at a Houston High School and we must condemn the degeneracy the yearbook is promoting. Some of these high school students who claim to be Christians have forgotten that the Bible teaches that homosexual relations lead to destruction (Jude 7). Folks, this is a battle between good and evil. With God's help along with the help of Vice President Mike Pence, we can win this battle against degeneracy being promoted by homosexuals in schools across America.

Atascocita High yearbooks cause parents outrage
Complete lack of responsibility on ALL scales at that school. Not only the homosexual propaganda but the quotes that are disgusting and do not belong in a high school year book....I would be pissed as a parent as well.
Being queer is a choice period just like a dope head makes the choice to shoot up heroin. The gay agenda has always been about brainwashing kids in public schools. The solution is vouchers to remove kids from public schools.

Vouchers fail the students. Public schools is a defense against Christians oppressing others. Being gay isn't a choice. People love who they love. Public money should not go to religious schools.
Being gay isn't a choice. Neither is pedophilia. Neither is necrophilia. The behavior is a choice. Gayness isn't a choice. It's a compulsion. Serial killers also suffer from compulsive behavior. They have to control their behavior.

Are you seriously comparing a consensual relationship to victimizing children and dead people? Are you comparing gay people to serial killers?

Gay people can act civilized in public just like heterosexuals can.
Yes. I compare the compulsion to engage in homosexual acts to the compulsion to molest children or have sex with the dead. There is a compulsion to perversion. There can be many kinds of perversion.
First I'd like to begin that God finds homosexuality detestable.

[Leviticus 20:13 (King James version)

If a moral man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.]

As a man of faith in a loving Christian body cleansed with God's love, I must bring this latest attempt to promote Satan's work to your attention. An evil deed was done at a Houston High School and we must condemn the degeneracy the yearbook is promoting. Some of these high school students who claim to be Christians have forgotten that the Bible teaches that homosexual relations lead to destruction (Jude 7). Folks, this is a battle between good and evil. With God's help along with the help of Vice President Mike Pence, we can win this battle against degeneracy being promoted by homosexuals in schools across America.

Atascocita High yearbooks cause parents outrage
Complete lack of responsibility on ALL scales at that school. Not only the homosexual propaganda but the quotes that are disgusting and do not belong in a high school year book....I would be pissed as a parent as well.
In another school, a boy wrote Build The Wall in his own yearbook and the school recalled ALL yearbooks.
Being queer is a choice period just like a dope head makes the choice to shoot up heroin. The gay agenda has always been about brainwashing kids in public schools. The solution is vouchers to remove kids from public schools.

Vouchers fail the students. Public schools is a defense against Christians oppressing others. Being gay isn't a choice. People love who they love. Public money should not go to religious schools.
Being gay isn't a choice. Neither is pedophilia. Neither is necrophilia. The behavior is a choice. Gayness isn't a choice. It's a compulsion. Serial killers also suffer from compulsive behavior. They have to control their behavior.

Are you seriously comparing a consensual relationship to victimizing children and dead people? Are you comparing gay people to serial killers?

Gay people can act civilized in public just like heterosexuals can.
Yes. I compare the compulsion to engage in homosexual acts to the compulsion to molest children .

Of course you consider consensual acts between adults to child rape.

Of course you do.
Being queer is a choice period just like a dope head makes the choice to shoot up heroin. The gay agenda has always been about brainwashing kids in public schools. The solution is vouchers to remove kids from public schools.

Vouchers fail the students. Public schools is a defense against Christians oppressing others. Being gay isn't a choice. People love who they love. Public money should not go to religious schools.
Being gay isn't a choice. Neither is pedophilia. Neither is necrophilia. The behavior is a choice. Gayness isn't a choice. It's a compulsion. Serial killers also suffer from compulsive behavior. They have to control their behavior.

Are you seriously comparing a consensual relationship to victimizing children and dead people? Are you comparing gay people to serial killers?

Gay people can act civilized in public just like heterosexuals can.
Yes. I compare the compulsion to engage in homosexual acts to the compulsion to molest children .

Of course you consider consensual acts between adults to child rape.

Of course you do.
I consider the compulsion to perversion the same, yes.
Vouchers fail the students. Public schools is a defense against Christians oppressing others. Being gay isn't a choice. People love who they love. Public money should not go to religious schools.
Being gay isn't a choice. Neither is pedophilia. Neither is necrophilia. The behavior is a choice. Gayness isn't a choice. It's a compulsion. Serial killers also suffer from compulsive behavior. They have to control their behavior.

Are you seriously comparing a consensual relationship to victimizing children and dead people? Are you comparing gay people to serial killers?

Gay people can act civilized in public just like heterosexuals can.
Yes. I compare the compulsion to engage in homosexual acts to the compulsion to molest children .

Of course you consider consensual acts between adults to child rape.

Of course you do.
I consider the compulsion to perversion the same, yes.

Of course you do.

Just like you think oral sex is the same thing as rape.

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