Doing The Right Thing: Trump Signals Medical Marijuana Fight

Legalizing marijuana would be the worst thing to happen to our race at this point and time... The MSM is promoting marijuana legalization exactly for that reason: Lots of ambivalent, tuned-out, zoned-out Whites, and another vice industry the jews would surely eventually control and reap huge profits from to fund their anti-White agenda.

Trump Spurns Congress as He Signals Medical Marijuana Fight

But alcohol is legal, and it also turns people into zombies.

Belligerent ones too. Belligerent ones who want to do violent stuff like shoot pot smokers in the face.
Are you afraid to mess up your make up?
Pot sends out less dopomine than opiates ..and it is proven to help with pain and inflammation.

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Legalize and tax it.

It's legal here in Colorado, and it has had its issues, but the toothpaste is out of the tube. The money being made, the taxes being collected, the tourist it attracts, well it will be nearly impossible to take that all away. I heard a statistic that 10% of all warehouse space in the Denver metro is used by the marijuana industry.

I was reading an article the other night that it's very hard to find commercial property out there and the economy is booming. Didn't they build some schools and homeless shelter's with some of the taxes from it?

Oh and wasn't it Trinity, Co that was practically a ghost town until the legalization?
Legalizing marijuana would be the worst thing to happen to our race at this point and time... The MSM is promoting marijuana legalization exactly for that reason: Lots of ambivalent, tuned-out, zoned-out Whites, and another vice industry the jews would surely eventually control and reap huge profits from to fund their anti-White agenda.

Trump Spurns Congress as He Signals Medical Marijuana Fight

Pot has only been illegal for barely a century.
Humans have been using it for forever. You've been duped by reefer madness. You obviously have no experience with it.
It's a fight he cannot possibly win. The momentum is on the side of the voices to legalize even more. What he should do is start preparing the nation and the people for a county failing under the weight of addictions.

--- and then shoot 'em all in the face, right?

Member that shit?
As long as they are shot, whether it's in the face doesn't mean much. A head shot is the cleanest and least painful.

So you would murder your fellow senior's who use it for pain? But turn around and tell them to take opiates? Correct?
Marijuana helps a lot of people but the ones the pussy grabber (and the OP) really want to harm are the vets.

The only reason it hasn't been legal is that its easily grown.

Like wind/solar power. If the 1% can't force us to pay taxes on it, its a bad thing.
Why does Mr. Trump care, one way or the other.
Because he knows that the country will not survive wide spread drug addiction. Already employers are having trouble finding employees that aren't addicts. Many are just looking to foreigners.

Then why does the FBI recruit for IT and have been looking the other way on marijuana user's? No physical addiction to weed, only mental if someone let's it.
Heroin is from a simple plant too.

We will not survive as a nation of stoners. Rather than fight a losing battle over drug addiction, the president should exercise leadership and prepare the nation for a worthless future.

Heroin is processed from a simple plant. The plant is the opium poppy.
Cannabis is not processed --- it IS the plant. And it has no "addiction".

Now shoot yourself in the face for being a wackball.
Everyone truly believes they can stop using pot any time they want. They just don't. They are addicts. They really cannot function. Pot addicts like all addicts surely believe they can function normally.

I can and still work at my age.
Legalizing marijuana would be the worst thing to happen to our race at this point and time... The MSM is promoting marijuana legalization exactly for that reason: Lots of ambivalent, tuned-out, zoned-out Whites, and another vice industry the jews would surely eventually control and reap huge profits from to fund their anti-White agenda.

Trump Spurns Congress as He Signals Medical Marijuana Fight

It would be foolish to take on that battle. He doesn't have the political capital to Waste. Let's see,him do something with the BOcare, taxes, jobs and border control, you know, the issues he ran on.
Why are Republicans opposed to marijuana? Legalized, it makes lots of money, brings in tax revenue, creates jobs. The People are already smoking it, so what will change except that it's legal and contributing to the legal economy instead of the Mexican cartels?

Being in the middle of it here in Colorado, here are a few things that have changed- more people will use it, much higher potency will be available, more will overdose especially with edibles. It's not all rosy, and many things need to be refined in dealing with it as a legal drug.
Our state just made recreational use legal, but it was a very close vote and the powers that be have managed to delay the implementation of its sale for a year. I worry most about the edibles because of little ones getting into them. Can't potency be regulated same as 100 proof alcohol?
Heroin is from a simple plant too.

We will not survive as a nation of stoners. Rather than fight a losing battle over drug addiction, the president should exercise leadership and prepare the nation for a worthless future.

Heroin is processed from a simple plant. The plant is the opium poppy.
Cannabis is not processed --- it IS the plant. And it has no "addiction".

Now shoot yourself in the face for being a wackball.
Everyone truly believes they can stop using pot any time they want. They just don't. They are addicts. They really cannot function. Pot addicts like all addicts surely believe they can function normally.


Why do you insist on representing yourself as an authority about every subject and issue?

I'll bet you believe other posters believe you impossible lies that you're a medical doctor, a lawyer AND a dog washer.


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You made it up. Then like all democrats cling to your own lies. You're an example of how drugs affect a brain. Yours is mush. Stop lying.

Oh wait.

You're a Democrat. You can't.

If you think dems are the only party that uses marijuana daily or every once in a while you are sadly mistaken. I know judges, attorneys, doctor's and very successful executives that smoke it.
Legalize and tax it.

It's legal here in Colorado, and it has had its issues, but the toothpaste is out of the tube. The money being made, the taxes being collected, the tourist it attracts, well it will be nearly impossible to take that all away. I heard a statistic that 10% of all warehouse space in the Denver metro is used by the marijuana industry.

I was reading an article the other night that it's very hard to find commercial property out there and the economy is booming. Didn't they build some schools and homeless shelter's with some of the taxes from it?

Oh and wasn't it Trinity, Co that was practically a ghost town until the legalization?

I think you referring to Sedgwick.

Yep, economy is doing well, but it's not all rosy. If you are a fresh college grad you can't afford to buy a house and will spend probably 50% of your income on rent.
Legalizing marijuana would be the worst thing to happen to our race at this point and time... The MSM is promoting marijuana legalization exactly for that reason: Lots of ambivalent, tuned-out, zoned-out Whites, and another vice industry the jews would surely eventually control and reap huge profits from to fund their anti-White agenda.

Trump Spurns Congress as He Signals Medical Marijuana Fight

It would be foolish to take on that battle. He doesn't have the political capital to Waste. Let's see,him do something with the BOcare, taxes, jobs and border control, you know, the issues he ran on.
Why are Republicans opposed to marijuana? Legalized, it makes lots of money, brings in tax revenue, creates jobs. The People are already smoking it, so what will change except that it's legal and contributing to the legal economy instead of the Mexican cartels?

Being in the middle of it here in Colorado, here are a few things that have changed- more people will use it, much higher potency will be available, more will overdose especially with edibles. It's not all rosy, and many things need to be refined in dealing with it as a legal drug.
Our state just made recreational use legal, but it was a very close vote and the powers that be have managed to delay the implementation of its sale for a year. I worry most about the edibles because of little ones getting into them. Can't potency be regulated same as 100 proof alcohol?

Yes it can be regulated. It's just like today a child can and will get into parent's liquor cabinets. It's called responsible parenting. You can hide marijuana much easier that a big bottle of Jack.
Legalize and tax it.

It's legal here in Colorado, and it has had its issues, but the toothpaste is out of the tube. The money being made, the taxes being collected, the tourist it attracts, well it will be nearly impossible to take that all away. I heard a statistic that 10% of all warehouse space in the Denver metro is used by the marijuana industry.

I was reading an article the other night that it's very hard to find commercial property out there and the economy is booming. Didn't they build some schools and homeless shelter's with some of the taxes from it?

Oh and wasn't it Trinity, Co that was practically a ghost town until the legalization?

I think you referring to Sedgwick.

Yep, economy is doing well, but it's not all rosy. If you are a fresh college grad you can't afford to buy a house and will spend probably 50% of your income on rent.

Well no I didn't get it from the article, I remember it was a 60 minutes segment a few months back. Hasn't housing always been expensive in Co, as well as the rest of west coast?
Legalizing marijuana would be the worst thing to happen to our race at this point and time... The MSM is promoting marijuana legalization exactly for that reason: Lots of ambivalent, tuned-out, zoned-out Whites, and another vice industry the jews would surely eventually control and reap huge profits from to fund their anti-White agenda.

Trump Spurns Congress as He Signals Medical Marijuana Fight

It would be foolish to take on that battle. He doesn't have the political capital to Waste. Let's see,him do something with the BOcare, taxes, jobs and border control, you know, the issues he ran on.
Why are Republicans opposed to marijuana? Legalized, it makes lots of money, brings in tax revenue, creates jobs. The People are already smoking it, so what will change except that it's legal and contributing to the legal economy instead of the Mexican cartels?

Being in the middle of it here in Colorado, here are a few things that have changed- more people will use it, much higher potency will be available, more will overdose especially with edibles. It's not all rosy, and many things need to be refined in dealing with it as a legal drug.
Our state just made recreational use legal, but it was a very close vote and the powers that be have managed to delay the implementation of its sale for a year. I worry most about the edibles because of little ones getting into them. Can't potency be regulated same as 100 proof alcohol?

Yea, it can all be dealt with. It's just a matter of figuring it out. It's all new, so nobody really knows what to expect. I suspect states who are later adopters of legalization will have a smoother transition by letting the early adopters work out the kinks.
It's a fight he cannot possibly win. The momentum is on the side of the voices to legalize even more. What he should do is start preparing the nation and the people for a county failing under the weight of addictions.

There aren't pot addicts, fool. Pot doesn't create any widespread problems.
The real problem is the policy surrounding the availability and use of prescription medications in this country.
The current epidemic is a by product of the misuse of legal drugs. That's where the problem lies. I noticed this clearly while recently driving down the I-5 corridor in Fla.
Every mile there is a billboard for either a pain clinic, an attorney specializing in drug related crimes or rehab facilities.

Going after pot does nothing to address that.
Only retarded and insane folkls who believe the failed anti-Whtie messiah of anti-White jews hates pot is a concern is troubling. Beer is fucking awesome. Pot is fucking awesome. Get over it you Yahweh and his son who is himself, loving retards.
The Big pharma used it's money to stop pot from becoming legal in the drug company is selling their poison via legal in the drug markets...
And we think that America is so free...$$$ is running our country.

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I can see what happens down the road: FDA approves synthetic pot pill, people die, Trump and Sessions says, See we told you it was not good for you.
Legalizing marijuana would be the worst thing to happen to our race at this point and time... The MSM is promoting marijuana legalization exactly for that reason: Lots of ambivalent, tuned-out, zoned-out Whites, and another vice industry the jews would surely eventually control and reap huge profits from to fund their anti-White agenda.

Trump Spurns Congress as He Signals Medical Marijuana Fight

Trump is going to run into a Yuuuuge wall on that one. :banghead: 57% of Americans the MAJORITY wants legal recreational pot.
Marijuana legalization favored by 57 percent of Americans: Poll

These states that have legalised it already have no intention of giving up the tax revenue from the legal sale of marijuana either. Colorado alone--2016 tax revenue was 70 MILLION--more than they got from selling Alcohol--and marijuana is a less dangerous drug than alcohol. No one has ever died from an overdose of marijuana. Plus the new industry and jobs it has created--whom are also paying federal and states taxes. Colorado Raised More Tax Revenue From Marijuana Than Alcohol

If he wants to really piss Americans off all he needs to do is go after medical marijuana. Many use it for chronic pain--cancer--chrone's disease, siezures and several other chronic medical issues. It doesn't kill their kidney's like prescription pain killers (our number 1 addiction problem & cause of drug related deaths today.)
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Marijuana helps a lot of people but the ones the pussy grabber (and the OP) really want to harm are the vets.

The only reason it hasn't been legal is that its easily grown.

Like wind/solar power. If the 1% can't force us to pay taxes on it, its a bad thing.
Why does Mr. Trump care, one way or the other.

If you mean caring about marajuana, he doesn't.

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Enforcement means more government and more cost.

I thought the right would be the first on-board, with laissez-fair domestic policies instead of socialism on a national basis.

Why do you think Session's expanded private prison's?

Legalize it and get government out of our lives.
Matt the Libertarian
He is one confused individual. At times he sounds far right,far left and now libertarian.

I believe he is a little bit like me, I vote for who I think can do the best job and ideas, not for party. I lean libertarian, I firmly believe govt has no right to tell me what I can do or not do if I am not hurting anyone. States rights. You see the left or right wing neither one really believes in those two, they just do lip service.
It's a fight he cannot possibly win. The momentum is on the side of the voices to legalize even more. What he should do is start preparing the nation and the people for a county failing under the weight of addictions.

--- and then shoot 'em all in the face, right?

Member that shit?
As long as they are shot, whether it's in the face doesn't mean much. A head shot is the cleanest and least painful.

So you would murder your fellow senior's who use it for pain? But turn around and tell them to take opiates? Correct?
People use pot to get high there is no other purpose. If a person cannot get through the day without being high put them out of their misery.

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