DOJ Demands Info on Anonymous Author

The book is a fairytale until the author has the balls to own up to it.
Not a real whistleblower. More like Schiff's fake whistleblower.
Real whistleblowers have 1st hand information with facts and go through the normal course of bringing their complaints INITIALLY to the IG's office; not initially to Congress and/or publish some book under the name Anonymous.
That's just the way it is!
The DOJ and trump are demanding information on the anonymous author of the new book "A Warning."

Seems that trump just can't take honesty and is out to get this whistleblower.

Justice Department seeks info on 'Anonymous' author of soon-to-be-published insider book

[...] an "unprecedented behind-the-scenes portrait of the Trump presidency" and "a shocking first-hand account of President Trump and his record."

The president responded to the anonymous official's first op-ed by tweeting "TREASON?" and claiming there were national security concerns.​

What, really, could be more treasonous, and more of a "national security concern" than to expose Trump's flabby arse? ... along with a truckload of brown noses, I would expect.
It was me. I am the author. I made it all up as a joke.

Prove me wrong.

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