DOJ, FBI CRIMINAL collusion proof uncovered in Trump Investigation


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Breaking News- Sara Carter just revealed, on Hannity, the physical evidence of An FBI/DOJ plot to hire Russians and Entrap Trump campaign staffers through Professor Eric Halper.

Halper recrutied Russians to meet with Trump staffers, Halper set up Flynn. Halper set up Papadopoulos. Halper assisted with the making up of the dossier and recruitment to forward the collusion narrative. Halper supplied false information to the FISA court through his FBI handlers.

Evidence presented shows that the FBI PAID Halper to bring known Russians into the Trump campaign and set up Flynn, Papadopoulos, among others. The money trail is solid proof of criminal intent by the FBI and DOJ in a criminal attempt to remove Trump from office.

This is a nuclear bomb that should kill the Mueller investigation. All of his evidence is now tainted.

Links forthcoming....

Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: "It was all a Set-up" - Sara A. Carter
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This is a huge bombshell...

The FBI officer who uncovered this was fired and his security clearances removed long before he could expose the criminal conduct. When he blew the whistle on this he was released and punished for reporting this criminal conduct by the FBI under Comey, Brennen, Obama and Lynch...

The fact it continued under Comey and Brennen after the election is further proof of their criminal intent.
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This is a huge bombshell...

The FBI officer who uncovered this was fired and his security clearances removed long before he could expose the criminal conduct. When he blew the whistle on this he was released and punished for reporting this criminal conduct by the FBI under Comey, Brennen, Obama and Lynch...

Is this what you are incoherently babbling about?

"Spygate," the false allegation that the FBI had a spy in the Trump campaign, explained

“Spygate,” the false allegation that the FBI had a spy in the Trump campaign, explained
Stefan Halper, a professor and FBI informant, didn’t “spy” on Trump. Here’s what actually happened.
The fact that Halper, a federal contractor, was contacting foreign agents in violation of his contractual agreement, with FBI knowledge and approval, is solid proof of criminal intent.

He was being paid over 1 million dollars for his work....
This is a huge bombshell...

The FBI officer who uncovered this was fired and his security clearances removed long before he could expose the criminal conduct. When he blew the whistle on this he was released and punished for reporting this criminal conduct by the FBI under Comey, Brennen, Obama and Lynch...

The fact it continued under Comey and Brennen after the election is further proof of their criminal intent.

Whatever you say Charlie Brown...

This is a huge bombshell...

The FBI officer who uncovered this was fired and his security clearances removed long before he could expose the criminal conduct. When he blew the whistle on this he was released and punished for reporting this criminal conduct by the FBI under Comey, Brennen, Obama and Lynch...

The fact it continued under Comey and Brennen after the election is further proof of their criminal intent.

Whatever you say Charlie Brown...


Still waiting on your handlers for talking points I see...
This story is 3 months old.

Its still the Obama DoD? not yet the Trump DoD?

Did you know Halper served in 3 previous republican administrations.
The payment information and the solid proof of criminal intent to deprive a duly elected president of the office is nothing short of TREASON. They were employing foreign agents in the effort to subvert the election.. That is fucked up to the max...


Where in the hell is Jeff Sessions?
Sara Carter is beyond awesome. Man oh man, she's rocked this from the beginning.

You are correct. God bless Carter, Hannity, Tucker, Rush, and the rest of them. If it weren't for people like those, the criminal scumbag elitists in this country would be fooling all of the people all of the time.
WTF is Sahara Carter?
And it's George Papadopoulos.
Drink much?
you really should try harder.... your not making any sense...

Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: "It was all a Set-up" - Sara A. Carter

You should really try linking to a legitimate news outlet, not a blog.
Hannity obviously used this blog for his talking points tonight.

LOL! Go to her about us page:
"Sara A. Carter is currently an investigative reporter and Fox News Contributor. Her stories can be found at She formerly worked as a senior national security correspondent for Circa News."""

SUCKER. There won't be any bombshells because of this chick's OPINION.
WTF is Sahara Carter?
And it's George Papadopoulos.
Drink much?
you really should try harder.... your not making any sense...

Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: "It was all a Set-up" - Sara A. Carter

You should really try linking to a legitimate news outlet, not a blog.
Opinions are not facts.
Hannity obviously used this blog for his talking points tonight.
No one else is reporting this big bombshell, bubba.
CNN and MSNBC are both crap stations... Funny how you like to belittle those who can get the information and have the guts to report it...

You can take your CNN talking points and shove them right up your ass. The evidence she has is clear and implicates everyone right up to Obama...
Breaking News- Sara Carter just revealed, on Hannity, the physical evidence of An FBI/DOJ plot to hire Russians and Entrap Trump campaign staffers through Professor Eric Halper.

Halper recrutied Russians to meet with Trump staffers, Halper set up Flynn. Halper set up Papadopoulos. Halper assisted with the making up of the dossier and recruitment to forward the collusion narrative. Halper supplied false information to the FISA court through his FBI handlers.

Evidence presented shows that the FBI PAID Halper to bring known Russians into the Trump campaign and set up Flynn, Papadopoulos, among others. The money trail is solid proof of criminal intent by the FBI and DOJ in a criminal attempt to remove Trump from office.

This is a nuclear bomb that should kill the Mueller investigation. All of his evidence is now tainted.

Links forthcoming....

Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: "It was all a Set-up" - Sara A. Carter
Sean InsHannity said it so it must be true. Just like all the other times there was "proof" and people got arrested and prosecuted and stuff.

Oh wait! That has never happened!
Laughing my ass off now... Not only is the Deep State now fully exposed Trumps approval numbers went UP even after all the hype from democrats in the last week. SO all the hype of Trumps worst week had LITTLE TO NO EFFECT...

Breaking News- Sara Carter just revealed, on Hannity, the physical evidence of An FBI/DOJ plot to hire Russians and Entrap Trump campaign staffers through Professor Eric Halper.

Halper recrutied Russians to meet with Trump staffers, Halper set up Flynn. Halper set up Papadopoulos. Halper assisted with the making up of the dossier and recruitment to forward the collusion narrative. Halper supplied false information to the FISA court through his FBI handlers.

Evidence presented shows that the FBI PAID Halper to bring known Russians into the Trump campaign and set up Flynn, Papadopoulos, among others. The money trail is solid proof of criminal intent by the FBI and DOJ in a criminal attempt to remove Trump from office.

This is a nuclear bomb that should kill the Mueller investigation. All of his evidence is now tainted.

Links forthcoming....

Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: "It was all a Set-up" - Sara A. Carter
Sean InsHannity said it so it must be true. Just like all the other times there was "proof" and people got arrested and prosecuted and stuff.

Oh wait! That has never happened!
I took the time to Read Sara's writings and my long profession in law enforcement has netted many contacts... The FBI rank and file are pissed like never before, this week when this information became well known, you had many people begin looking for internal evidence... They want these traitors out! This is not over.

Feel free to keep you head up your ass. I'm sure a boot will come along soon enough and dislodge it.

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