DOJ Indictment of Trump will give him the chance to expose the 2020 election fraud

It’s impossible to prove someone is lying, and Smith knows it. This is all about the perception that Trump is some horrible criminal and to keep him from running from re-election.

And most Americans realize that.
Hmmmm. Oddly we just had a case where Fox was found to be lying to you turds. Cost them shitloads of money.

I guess you can prove when someone is lying.

Probably by testimony from witnesses about him admitting that he lost
Oh….so now it’s that he didn't spend sufficient time telling them to be peaceful?

You Dems keep moving the goalposts.

And did Hillary spend 1 second telling her supporters to be peaceful? NO. Instead, as usual, they trashed the city.
They did no such thing.

Are you on drugs?
Imagine if a defendent claimed that UFOs actually caused the crime they were accused of, and thus they demanded discovery of all government documents regarding UFOs. The court would laugh hard at that.

That's what the Trump cult is effectively doing now. It will be laughed out of court, as the judge points out how all of that was already litigated at lower courts. This judge is not going to let Trump's team turn the court into a clown show.
Nothing was stolen. He lost, and he threw a hissy fit. And then whipped his supporters up to take back their country.
If he had just conceded and left quietly, he be 50/50 right now to win in 2024.
You myopic retard. That has not happened yet, but it very well can. You think there were 81 million Biden voters? No.

No, there were 60-something million Biden voters and all the voters are pretty damn pissed off at how things went and no, it's

not "faith in The Orange God". :nono: It's people knowing how it was and what happened.

5 weeks to "count" votes= 4 weeks weeks to cheat votes. They did have to get the real number to beat the real number.

You think 1000 unarmed people trying to get the election investigated to make sure it's legitimate is millions of armed Americans pissed off

and out for blood? You better think again, chump. That's NOT how it is. Yet that IS how it very easily can be.

You talk your talking points, but I'm talking you better wake the fuck up, this is not a joke or a haha game.

You better get right, because I can't help you if it all kicks off, and chances are high that it will at this point.

I can't help you anyway, I'm just some shnook. But I do know how things are.

Jack Smith is a total shitbag and there many other players in this "game" to control you and me.

I doubt you'll wise up, but I've said my piece. These people are out to enslave you.
You think 1/6 was something? Pwahahahah!
So what's the plan, tough guy? Cry some more on a message board? Ooh, scary.

You and your side are fundamentally gutless. There will be stray acts of terrorism from the mentally unstable, but nothing organized. You only came out when you were told you had a free pass to get violent, and that law enforement and the military would help you. Now that your Jan 6 traitor pals are all in prison or going to prison, you're going to stay in your basements, like cockroaches hiding from daylight.
That's what YOu are doing kiddo! That's what YOU and your ilk are trying very hard to be... Only the Good Lord, knows why....?
Let's look at your list.
We still were fighting wars in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan under his watch.
The Arabs still hate the Jews, so we don't have peace in the middle east. Never will until the Jews go back to Europe where they came from.
We weren't energy independent, we continued to import petroleum. YOu only get the the "Net exporter" myth when you count petroleum products we export.
As for the economy- 14% unemployment at the height.

Arguing everything was fine until the Pandemic is like arguing the Titanic was making excellent time until it hit the iceberg.
I stopped at the 3rd or 4th thing you had wrong. You gotta be one the dumbest and most consistently wrong people on the planet.
So what's the plan, tough guy? Cry some more on a message board? Ooh, scary.

You and your side are fundamentally gutless. There will be stray acts of terrorism from the mentally unstable, but nothing organized. You only came out when you were told you had a free pass to get violent, and that law enforement and the military would help you. Now that your Jan 6 traitor pals are all in prison or going to prison, you're going to stay in your basements, like cockroaches hiding from daylight.
Nobody gives a fuck when the government's gone rogue, you fucking rat with no balls.
You may not understand that, but that is exactly how it is.
Nobody gives a fuck when the government's gone rogue, you fucking rat with no balls.
You may not understand that, but that is exactly how it is.
I know it makes you feel all brave and special to rant like that.

That's how your fascist cult draws in the weak-minded, by playing on their emotions. When you fall for their stories, in transforms you from ordinary guy to GREAT AMERICAN HERO.
I know it makes you feel all brave and special to rant like that.

That's how your fascist cult draws in the weak-minded, by playing on their emotions. When you fall for their stories, in transforms you from ordinary guy to GREAT AMERICAN HERO.
You ever put yourself in jeopardy to help another human being, you piece of shit?

I bet you never, ever have. I bet you've never been in a fight your entire life.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, but unless you have, you do not know where I'm coming from.
Be careful what you wish for, Commie Dems!

Part of the charge is that Trump was lying when he said the election was stolen - as if Dems are mind-readers - so as part of his defense, he will show that he believed it was (as 30% of voters still do) and present why.

For the first time, he can call up Zuckerberg to testify how he paid 250,000 activists to go door to door in Dem areas of swing states to harvest ballots from the uninformed. He can call up Republican observers who were blocked from observing. He can call up the state legislatures in affected states to show how election rules were changed illegally immediately before the election to advantage Biden. He can call up statisticians to testify that it is impossible to have a late-night drop of 1,000 ballots with 99% going for Biden. And on and on and on.

IOW, this will be Trump’s opportunity to give evidence that Courts refused to hear. So be careful, Jack Smith, you just handed Trump the sword.

Trump was indicted because he dared to challenge the status quo. Hillary said the election was stolen and wrote a book on it and made millions. Trump said his election was stolen and was arrested for it.

Oh yea, two sets of laws. Two distinct sets of laws.
I don't know about a sword but he was sure handed a slam dunk appeal for when the judge denies him the witnesses. ;)
Yes, unfortunately that is what it will amount to. The point is for the anti-Trump prosecutors to get all the air time to keep presenting their idiotic complaints about Trump right up until the election. Trump bashers are bragging about how anti-Trump this judge is, so she will not allow any witness to talk about the election stealing.

On appeal, even if it has to go to the USSC, they it will be ruled that of course Trump should be allowed to present evidence that he had good reason to believe the election was stolen.

It is idiotic anyway. The first amendment has no disclaimer about "as long as you believe what you are saying is true." So, the case has no basis in law.

I have also looked forward to Trump having his day in court, but it may turn out to be like looking forward to one of the old Soviet Show Trials because the defendant will get to present evidence of how corrupt the Soviets are. The Soviets never let that happen.
Sure because if you kill a million people, cause 25 million to lose their jobs, and have riots in the streets, people are going to totally reward you for that.

Let's see you back up all those retardedly asinine claims you just made, you stupid little cretin.

Who killed a million people? Who caused 25 million to lose their jobs? Who promoted riots in the streets?

Proof! Let's see it! Show your work, punk!
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Yes, unfortunately that is what it will amount to. The point is for the anti-Trump prosecutors to get all the air time to keep presenting their idiotic complaints about Trump right up until the election. Trump bashers are bragging about how anti-Trump this judge is, so she will not allow any witness to talk about the election stealing.

Because it's completely irrelevant to the case. If you rob a bank, it doesn't matter if you were planning to shoot up some smack or give the money to an orphanage, YOU STILL ROBBED A BANK.

On appeal, even if it has to go to the USSC, they it will be ruled that of course Trump should be allowed to present evidence that he had good reason to believe the election was stolen.
The same USSC that ruled that his complaints were invalid to start with?

I have also looked forward to Trump having his day in court, but it may turn out to be like looking forward to one of the old Soviet Show Trials because the defendant will get to present evidence of how corrupt the Soviets are. The Soviets never let that happen.

I have looked forward to Trump getting his day in court, because the man is such a pathological liar, it will be amusing to watch him do the crazy shit he did on Truth Social in a court of law under oath.
Be careful what you wish for, Commie Dems!

Part of the charge is that Trump was lying when he said the election was stolen - as if Dems are mind-readers - so as part of his defense, he will show that he believed it was (as 30% of voters still do) and present why.

For the first time, he can call up Zuckerberg to testify how he paid 250,000 activists to go door to door in Dem areas of swing states to harvest ballots from the uninformed. He can call up Republican observers who were blocked from observing. He can call up the state legislatures in affected states to show how election rules were changed illegally immediately before the election to advantage Biden. He can call up statisticians to testify that it is impossible to have a late-night drop of 1,000 ballots with 99% going for Biden. And on and on and on.

IOW, this will be Trump’s opportunity to give evidence that Courts refused to hear. So be careful, Jack Smith, you just handed Trump the sword.

I'm still waiting for the DOJ's indictments of all the democrats who have claimed election fraud for decades.

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