DOJ Indictment of Trump will give him the chance to expose the 2020 election fraud

Killing who, for what? Huh?
Traitors. That's not you, is it? No. You just follow them blindly.

For all this bullshit. You fucks think your soy asses are gonna take over America by cheating and government troops or some shit?

Fuck that shit! No, you are a bunch of fucking douchebags that need bitchslapped into last week.

Your "heroes" are traitorous pieces of shit and what does that say about you, hmm?

You support a cheated election where millions of Americans were disenfranchised? Really?

You believe a potato that just hid in his basement for 2 months before election day got the most votes ever in America?

Do you really? How fucking stupid are you if you do? Pretty fucking stupid.

It's statistically impossible. I know you don't like to hear that and it turns your world upside down and you short circuit and whatnot

but that's absolute reality. These motherfuckers are playing you like a Strativarius and you're just giving up all your rights

and common sense and sovereignty and self determination and freedom to assholes that intend you a lot of harm.

They didn't cheat an American election to not get control of you and do good for ya, I'll tell you that. That's a fact.

They mean you massive harm, Jews in Germany harm.

Idk how else to explain this to you, but you're advocating and even fighting to make yourself serfs.

Please stop that. This is America, you're supposed to be free, don't give your freedom away to lying manipulators

that happen to hold positions in government. Please realize that I really only want the best for my fellow

Americans, whoever they might be. Party affiliation, race, fuck all that. If you in any way espouse the ideals America

was founded on, please just consider what I'm saying with an open mind. I'm done, carry on.
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Why, you trying to be masochistic or something? :nono:

Or stealing an entire election disenfranchising millions, you fuck.

It wasn't even the Supreme Court, you moron! It was Jeb Bush, you fuckin' retard.
Nothing was stolen. He lost, and he threw a hissy fit. And then whipped his supporters up to take back their country.
If he had just conceded and left quietly, he be 50/50 right now to win in 2024.
He won't be imprisoned, if he is found not guilty in a court of law, nor will be be imprisoned if just one juror out of 12, decides he in not guilty.

NO ONE IS GOING TO THROW HIM IN PRISON, without a trial that proves him guilty of his crimes....even then, it will likely be a home arrest.
The purpose is to keep him from running for president. In America, the DOJ is not supposed to arrest the Democrat’s #1 political challenger. It’s election interference.
The purpose is to keep him from running for president. In America, the DOJ is not supposed to arrest the Democrat’s #1 political challenger. It’s election interference.

Trump sabotaged his presidency and his reelection. Nothing and nobody could stop him. Are you typically an enabler?
Traitors. That's not you, is it? No. You just follow them blindly.

For all this bullshit. You fucks think your soy asses are gonna take over America by cheating and government troops or some shit?

Fuck that shit! No, you are a bunch of fucking douchebags that need bitchslapped into last week n shit.

Your "heroes" are traitorous pieces of shit and what does that say about you, hmm?
That's what YOu are doing kiddo! That's what YOU and your ilk are trying very hard to be... Only the Good Lord, knows why....?
The cult fucks say Trump cant win a general election, yet they are trying to prevent him from running.

Trump sabotaged his presidency and his reelection. Nothing and nobody could stop him. Are you typically an enabler?
The media sabotaged his presidency and reelection. He was the best president in my lifetime - no new wars, progress toward peace in the ME, healthy stock market, businesses doing well, record low unemployment for minorities, real increase in wages, decent control over the border, energy independence, and inflation below 2%.
We CANNOT allow this, or America is lost.

Biden and the Dems killed it in a few short years.
No, you did that yourself.
The Democrats might not be perfect, but the Republicans are Crazy.
I would love to go back to having two less than perfect parties and being able to make a choice.

You guys took that away when you supported Trump and his utter contempt for the constitution.

It wasn't even the Supreme Court, you moron! It was Jeb Bush, you fuckin' retard.

Yes, SCOTUS allowed Jeb Bush to cheat the election.

And Gore went along with it, unlike Trump who tried to stage a coup.
The cult fucks say Trump cant win a general election, yet they are trying to prevent him from running.

He won't win the general election. Who is preventing him from running? I just saw him on Fox yesterday, running his mouth...and campaigning. :)
The media sabotaged his presidency and reelection. He was the best president in my lifetime - no new wars, progress toward peace in the ME, healthy stock market, businesses doing well, record low unemployment for minorities, real increase in wages, decent control over the border, energy independence, and inflation below 2%.

The media reported what Trump said and did. Trump sought TV time and a headline every day.
The media sabotaged his presidency and reelection. He was the best president in my lifetime - no new wars, progress toward peace in the ME, healthy stock market, businesses doing well, record low unemployment for minorities, real increase in wages, decent control over the border, energy independence, and inflation below 2%.
He did all that to himself. The press just reported what he did. And to be blunt with you, he inherited a growing economy from his predecessor. All he had to do was not screw it up...which he did.
The media sabotaged his presidency and reelection. He was the best president in my lifetime - no new wars, progress toward peace in the ME, healthy stock market, businesses doing well, record low unemployment for minorities, real increase in wages, decent control over the border, energy independence, and inflation below 2%.

Let's look at your list.
We still were fighting wars in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan under his watch.
The Arabs still hate the Jews, so we don't have peace in the middle east. Never will until the Jews go back to Europe where they came from.
We weren't energy independent, we continued to import petroleum. YOu only get the the "Net exporter" myth when you count petroleum products we export.
As for the economy- 14% unemployment at the height.

Arguing everything was fine until the Pandemic is like arguing the Titanic was making excellent time until it hit the iceberg.
It’s impossible to prove someone is lying, and Smith knows it. This is all about the perception that Trump is some horrible criminal and to keep him from running from re-election.

And most Americans realize that.
he doesn't have to prove he is lying, though it appears Smith can easily do so.

whether Trump believed the lie or not, Trump taking criminal ACTIONS is what will do him don't get to commit a crime or two or 35 times, just because you think, something criminal was done against you.

you do know that, don't you?
The media reported what Trump said and did. Trump sought TV time and a headline every day.
No they didn’t. The liberal propaganda channels stopped showing the daily COVID press conferences because it showed how much action Trump was taking - various teams to get respirators and equipment, to develop therapeutics, to develop a vaccine, etc., etc.

That‘s why my niece claimed Trump did nothing and ignored COVID. She only watched CNN and MSNBC, and thus she was clueless. Like most Dems. Like you.
The purpose is to keep him from running for president. In America, the DOJ is not supposed to arrest the Democrat’s #1 political challenger. It’s election interference.
No, the purpose is to hold him accountable for his actions. Even if he is found guilty and thrown in jail, nothing can keep him off the ballot other than his own party not nominating him.

Polls show that Trump has a very good chance of winning the General. Just think…..the Dems have NOBODY.
We have a sitting president with a better record than Reagan had in 1983.
he doesn't have to prove he is lying, though it appears Smith can easily do so.

whether Trump believed the lie or not, Trump taking criminal ACTIONS is what will do him don't get to commit a crime or two or 35 times, just because you think, something criminal was done against you.

you do know that, don't you?
He took no criminal actions.

The actual criminal is currently pretending to be president, and hiding out at the beach.
Trump has had two and a half years to present his evidence of election fraud.

What is taking him so long?
No they didn’t. The liberal propaganda channels stopped showing the daily COVID press conferences because it showed how much action Trump was taking - various teams to get respirators and equipment, to develop therapeutics, to develop a vaccine, etc., etc.

That‘s why my niece claimed Trump did nothing and ignored COVID. She only watched CNN and MSNBC, and thus she was clueless. Like most Dems. Like you.
No. They stopped showing them because they were chock full of disinformation. And he was ignoring the advice from the medical professionals who knew better than him.
I mean jeez, he stands up in front of the nation and riffs about injecting disinfectants and introducing UV light into the body "in some other way".

Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States. :)

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