DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama

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Yeah just like all those leftist claimed they were leaving this country when Trump got elected ... Rotflmbo... Yeah "ANY DAY NOW".... RIGHT.

Way to deflect.

So, how's the conspiracy doing today?

Not well, I see. The Rice email has left you all reeling. You were guaranteed that would get the whole Obama admin sent to jail, and instead it made the Obama admin look very good.

This is why the Trump admin won't actually investigate anything. They know how bad the evidence always makes the Trump admin look, and how good it always makes the Obama admin look. Instead, they'll just keep spinning vague conspiracy theories, to keep those like you hysterical and obedient.

dream on, the indictments are coming. some of the obama crooks are squeeling to save their asses. its going to be brutal.

So you don't even believe bob barr?

You're saying that even though barr said that it will never happen while he's AG you still think that indictments are coming.


But then you're one of the crazy people who have been saying Hillary is going to be indicted any day now for the last 25 years.


Wow you have been played.

Barr said he did not expect to see criminal charges filed against Obama or Biden. Thats all he said. Its you who have been played. Indictments of Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and others are very likely in the next few weeks. and if one of them decides to exchange information for immunity, the whole DNC fiasco could come crashing down------------and if that happened it would be the best thing for the USA. As nancy Botox likes to say---------no one is above the law.
DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama
And now, they aren't.
As usual, you got nuthin'.
Barr probably has more evidence against the smaller fish. Don't be surprised if one of those smaller fish gives Barr what he needs to get one of the bigger fish.
But last week he had a "massive case" against President Obama.

Where did it go?

the case is still there, they are doing their jobs and holding up the release until everything is in order for effective prosecutions, it is also very likely that some of the obama gang are about to be turned in exchange for immunity. This is far from over and its going to turn up a lot of dirt.
Then why did they come out and say it?

And then back up?

You've got nothing.

media leaks will always come before action. Just be patient, the indictments are coming and its going to reveal a high level of illegal activity in the obozo administration.
Lol, don't hold yer breath, kid.

the crooks are going down, get ready.
the crooks are going down, get ready.

Yeah, this time for sure! Because it's completely unlike all the other times you said that!

Has it ever crossed you mind that the reason nothing ever happens and nothing ever will happen is because you're getting fed idiot conspiracy theories to keep you hysterical and obedient? Rest assured that everyone else has observed how that's the case.

You won't change. Each time your conspiracy theory fails, you declare that it's proof of an even bigger conspiracy theory. There is literally no evidence that could change your beliefs, making those beliefs entirely religious in nature.
If they do, then this country is over.

It was over when they murdered 81 people in Waco with military level force and got away with it.

Reno should have gone to prison along with the everyone involved with decision making at the FBI.

We watched the Chi-Coms run their people over with tanks a few years before and condemned it, then watched the Clinton regime use tanks against our own people, send special forces grade operators to snatch a 5 year old boy from a good home and send him back to Cuba, commit all sorts of other crimes and couldn't even remove him from office over his clear guilt of perjury because of the deeply entrenched corruption of the DNC and the media.

It's so far gone they managed to elect an incompetent, unaccomplished meat puppet faggot in 2008 with a Stalinesque cult of personality.

The only way to right those wrongs would be to prosecute obozo, hitlery, and everyone who has ever been to Epstein's Island, but they can't cover that one up enough without phony impeachments and putting the country in house arrest because of a cold. I'm just waiting for someone to turn a one into a zero.

the crooks are going down, get ready.

Yeah, this time for sure! Because it's completely unlike all the other times you said that!

Has it ever crossed you mind that the reason nothing ever happens and nothing ever will happen is because you're getting fed idiot conspiracy theories to keep you hysterical and obedient? Rest assured that everyone else has observed how that's the case.

You won't change. Each time your conspiracy theory fails, you declare that it's proof of an even bigger conspiracy theory. There is literally no evidence that could change your beliefs, making those beliefs entirely religious in nature.
They couldn’t even prosecute McCabe for lying to the IG about an unrelated case.

This DoJ may not be very good at prosecuting anyone.

Federal surveillance laws put in place after Nixon were supposed to protect US citizens. Obama used them to spy on political opponents

the crooks are going down, get ready.

Yeah, this time for sure! Because it's completely unlike all the other times you said that!

Has it ever crossed you mind that the reason nothing ever happens and nothing ever will happen is because you're getting fed idiot conspiracy theories to keep you hysterical and obedient? Rest assured that everyone else has observed how that's the case.

You won't change. Each time your conspiracy theory fails, you declare that it's proof of an even bigger conspiracy theory. There is literally no evidence that could change your beliefs, making those beliefs entirely religious in nature.

we shall see, give it a few weeks and get back to me
Both Attorney General Barr and Senator Graham have agreed that former President Obama will NOT be indicted. They are honest enough to admit that Mr. Obama is untouchable.
Both Attorney General Barr and Senator Graham have agreed that former President Obama will NOT be indicted. They are honest enough to admit that Mr. Obama is untouchable.

we don't jail former presidents no matter how corrupt or incompetent. and that's probably a good thing. However, the criminals involved can be prosecuted-----------comey, Mccabe, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, Hunter Biden, Rice, many others whose names are not in every day conversation.

No matter what happens, Obama's place in history as the worst president ever is secure.
Both Attorney General Barr and Senator Graham have agreed that former President Obama will NOT be indicted. They are honest enough to admit that Mr. Obama is untouchable.

we don't jail former presidents no matter how corrupt or incompetent. and that's probably a good thing. However, the criminals involved can be prosecuted-----------comey, Mccabe, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, Hunter Biden, Rice, many others whose names are not in every day conversation.

No matter what happens, Obama's place in history as the worst president ever is secure.
"No matter what happens, Obama's place in history as the worst president ever is secure."


Obama took unemployment from 7.8% to 4.7%

Impeached Trump took it from 4.7% to 14.7%.

As always you missed the mark by 180⁰.
DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama
And now, they aren't.
As usual, you got nuthin'.
Barr probably has more evidence against the smaller fish. Don't be surprised if one of those smaller fish gives Barr what he needs to get one of the bigger fish.
But last week he had a "massive case" against President Obama.

Where did it go?

the case is still there, they are doing their jobs and holding up the release until everything is in order for effective prosecutions, it is also very likely that some of the obama gang are about to be turned in exchange for immunity. This is far from over and its going to turn up a lot of dirt.
Then why did they come out and say it?

And then back up?

You've got nothing.

media leaks will always come before action. Just be patient, the indictments are coming and its going to reveal a high level of illegal activity in the obozo administration.
Lol, don't hold yer breath, kid.

the crooks are going down, get ready.
What crooks?
Both Attorney General Barr and Senator Graham have agreed that former President Obama will NOT be indicted. They are honest enough to admit that Mr. Obama is untouchable.

we don't jail former presidents no matter how corrupt or incompetent. and that's probably a good thing. However, the criminals involved can be prosecuted-----------comey, Mccabe, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, Hunter Biden, Rice, many others whose names are not in every day conversation.

No matter what happens, Obama's place in history as the worst president ever is secure.

The thing is this...

In banana republics, and asinine governments through history, former presidents are routinely prosecuted.

In our country, corrupt presidents were supposed to be impeached and thrown out of office. That's why we didn't have an impeachment before that lying rapist Bill Clinton for over 100 years.
The democrooks managed to turn us into a first rate 3rd world country. Our government is corrupted beyond comprehension. It can't be saved at this point, we will dissolve like the soviet union.

The sooner the better IMO.

Barr has already set the stage to let Barry and Joe walk by branding Obama as having massively abused his power yet having committed no crime.

Barr also said he wanted this election to be about the ISSUES and not about criminal investigations. I read that to mean Biden will be allowed to skate, too...despite his confession, China, Reade, and Obamagate.


Normally people who don't commit crimes don't go to jail. Obamagate, Reade and China are figments of your imagination and desperation.
dream on, the indictments are coming.

This time for sure! Because this time is totally different from last thousand times!

yes it is because Barr and Durham have their shit together, they have the evidence, they know how to use it, and its very likely that they have some obama sycophants who have turned in order to save their asses.

The attempted coup failed and the conspirators are going to pay. Watch.

Know any other good jokes? Telling us your wet dreams again.
Both Attorney General Barr and Senator Graham have agreed that former President Obama will NOT be indicted. They are honest enough to admit that Mr. Obama is untouchable.

we don't jail former presidents no matter how corrupt or incompetent. and that's probably a good thing. However, the criminals involved can be prosecuted-----------comey, Mccabe, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, Hunter Biden, Rice, many others whose names are not in every day conversation.

No matter what happens, Obama's place in history as the worst president ever is secure.

Obama is shitting his pants. That's why, all of a sudden, he's all over TV with his spin tour. He knows that whatever little is left of his legacy will be destroyed if his coup attempt becomes common knowledge. He knew what was being done so that makes him the leader of this conspiracy. We need charges to be brought soon Mr. Barr.

Obama is very, very concerned

That America will make the mistake of electing Trump again
That's true. He'd much rather have a Democrat that he can depend on to bury his treason.
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