DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama

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DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama
And now, they aren't.
As usual, you got nuthin'.
Barr probably has more evidence against the smaller fish. Don't be surprised if one of those smaller fish gives Barr what he needs to get one of the bigger fish.
DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama
And now, they aren't.
As usual, you got nuthin'.
Barr probably has more evidence against the smaller fish. Don't be surprised if one of those smaller fish gives Barr what he needs to get one of the bigger fish.
But last week he had a "massive case" against President Obama.

Where did it go?
DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama
And now, they aren't.
As usual, you got nuthin'.
Barr probably has more evidence against the smaller fish. Don't be surprised if one of those smaller fish gives Barr what he needs to get one of the bigger fish.
Did you get your degree in Stupidity at trump university?
DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama
And now, they aren't.
As usual, you got nuthin'.
Barr probably has more evidence against the smaller fish. Don't be surprised if one of those smaller fish gives Barr what he needs to get one of the bigger fish.
But last week he had a "massive case" against President Obama.

Where did it go?
Case? What case?


I don't see any case.
DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama

Derp..... "massive" fail.
Damn you! You just spoiled the day for every rightard here.
DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama
And now, they aren't.
As usual, you got nuthin'.
Barr probably has more evidence against the smaller fish. Don't be surprised if one of those smaller fish gives Barr what he needs to get one of the bigger fish.
^^^ Keepin' the dream alive.
Any day now!

This is one of those threads that liberals will be pointing to and laughing about for many years to come. Sadly, most of the conservatives participating in it now will have fled the board.
Yeah just like all those leftist claimed they were leaving this country when Trump got elected ... Rotflmbo... Yeah "ANY DAY NOW".... RIGHT.
Well, i guess there we have it . Just more bullshit . Our elite masters do what ever the hell they want and always get away with it . Im done , im sick and tired of the most corrupt people on earth alway get away with it ... you guys can vote for whoever the hell you want . Im done voting . Does nothing .
DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama
And now, they aren't.
As usual, you got nuthin'.
Barr probably has more evidence against the smaller fish. Don't be surprised if one of those smaller fish gives Barr what he needs to get one of the bigger fish.
But last week he had a "massive case" against President Obama.

Where did it go?
Case? What case?


I don't see any case.
this is the case:
^^^ Keepin' the dream alive.
Apparently you don't know how prosecutors work. If they have strong evidence against a small fish, they'll squeeze them until they give up evidence that can be used against bigger fish.
Yup. That’s what they did to Flynn.
After reviewing the evidence the DOJ has dropped the charges against Flynn. If the judge's dirty tricks work and Flynn is sent to prison, Trump will pardon Flynn right after the election. Your side loses either way.
^^^ Keepin' the dream alive.
Apparently you don't know how prosecutors work. If they have strong evidence against a small fish, they'll squeeze them until they give up evidence that can be used against bigger fish.
Yup. That’s what they did to Flynn.
Yeah, but the only problem in the case of Flynn and the others, is that in the most obvious politically motivated political assassination of a president in the history of this country, we have the deep state stumbling and bumbling like a bunch of rabid racoon's losing site of night and day as they attempt to come at the farmer Trump with claws and teeth shining in their blind rage. Of course Trump has handled their attacks quite well, because rabbidness isn't ever a key to success.
---No Doubt that They Were Involved In It---

Yes, Obama and Biden were involved in it.

But last week he had a "massive case" against President Obama.
Where did it go?
The evidence against Obama might still be there, but if six brainwashed liberals are on the jury, they won't be able to get a conviction.
FYI, it's called "Draining The swamp." And it is revenge for seditious acts and Treason.
When Trump first spoke about draining the swamp, we didn't know the Deep State was part of the swamp. Now that we know the truth about the Deep State, it will take a second term for Trump to drain the swamp.

Trump is not draining the swamp. The swamp is being filled with even scarier animals. Political cronies as IGs. Lobbyists running agencies in areas they lobbied in.
It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

I swear, you russian trolls really need to stop making total fools of yourselves.

Really, you're doing more harm than good for trump and the gop.

Meanwhile every word of your title and post is a lie.

AG bob bar says so.

It is fun watching you people make total fools of yourselves. You're lucky the people left in the gop are too stupid to do anything to denounce you people.

By the way, how's the weather today in moscow comrade?

Obama is shitting his pants. That's why, all of a sudden, he's all over TV with his spin tour. He knows that whatever little is left of his legacy will be destroyed if his coup attempt becomes common knowledge. He knew what was being done so that makes him the leader of this conspiracy. We need charges to be brought soon Mr. Barr.

Obama is very, very concerned

That America will make the mistake of electing Trump again

LOL, obozo is very very concerned that his crimes and the crimes of his administration are about to be revealed to the american people. Its coming winger, be ready for your balloons to all burst at the same instant.

The man who needs to be concerned is Trump once he leaves office next year. He will no longer have Executive Privilege to protect him. He got off with Mueller because you can’t prosecute a sitting President.

Biden has already said he won’t give Trump a free pass

sleepy senile Joe will never be president so your ideas there are bunk. After 3 years of partisan "investigations" nothing was found, no crimes, no collusion by Trump or anyone in his administration or campaign. However, the evidence of crimes committed by the obozo administration is a growing list and indictments are coming. The corruption of the obozo regime is about to be revealed for all to see. Barr and Durham have their shit together and when they release it lots of obama cronies are going to see jail time.
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