DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama

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The evidence against Obama might still be there, but if six brainwashed liberals are on the jury, they won't be able to get a conviction.

They won't be. No oblama appointed Czar judge either. Military Tribunal at Gitmo. Skidmark fro Kenya going to hang.
They won't be. No oblama appointed Czar judge either. Military Tribunal at Gitmo. Skidmark fro Kenya going to hang.
Yep. Gonna hang his portrait in the WH after Biden is sworn in.
That whole surveillance system was created under the bush regime there bud

True, NSA vacuums up every phone call, text message, email, phone GPS locations, banking transactions for every person around the globe and those records can be searched at will for non-citizens of the USA.

When a US citizen (a 702, after Section 702 of the FISA which protects US citizens from wholesale data exposure, not collection) is part of the communication, their identifiers (name, phone number, email addy, SSN, banking account numbers, GPS location info, etc) are anonymized. Only under certain conditions such as national security or an ongoing investigation, can their identity be unmasked.

The Obama FBI did not follow any of those rules; they unmasked millions of datapoints, placing names to the data or exposing data for a particular identifier, often banging the same identifier again and again and again for different dates. This was done for purely political purposes.

all the legal authority needed comes from teh patriot act

Yes, legal authority for legal use . . . That's not what these players did though and that illegal access and illegal use and the cover-up is what ObamaGate is . . .
i dont usually ask for people, especially former presidents, to be put in jail (you know that about me), but honestly, Obama needs to be locked up

Nothing will ever be as real or as humorous as Schiff

According to your endless conspiracy theories, Schiff was also supposed to already be in jail.

How's that working out?

No matter. You have the faith of a TrueBeliever. Each time one conspiracy theory fails, you just move on to the next.

When did I ever say he should be in jail? I say he is a full of shit liar with zero credibility. Who cares about jail.
Those delusional Democrats keep hoping ObamaGate will go away, but it won't.
When did it arrive? :laughing0301:

The spying was rampant by 2012 with the IRS targeting scandal. It then evolved for targeting anyone who opposed the Iran deal or whoever showed any support for Israel. With the 2016 election cycle and Trump becoming the nominee, the spying went into hyperdrive.

The FISA court noted that in fiscal year 2016, upwards of 3.1 million illegal queries of the NSA database occurred. The following screen grab is from a FISA court order declassified by Trump in October 2019 The public release of this FISA court order chronologically corresponds with Barr announcing the Durham administrative investigation was broadening and converting to a criminal investigation. That wasn't a coincidence . . .


DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama
And now, they aren't.
As usual, you got nuthin'.
Barr probably has more evidence against the smaller fish. Don't be surprised if one of those smaller fish gives Barr what he needs to get one of the bigger fish.
But last week he had a "massive case" against President Obama.

Where did it go?

the case is still there, they are doing their jobs and holding up the release until everything is in order for effective prosecutions, it is also very likely that some of the obama gang are about to be turned in exchange for immunity. This is far from over and its going to turn up a lot of dirt.
Then why did they come out and say it?

And then back up?

You've got nothing.

media leaks will always come before action. Just be patient, the indictments are coming and its going to reveal a high level of illegal activity in the obozo administration.
media leaks will always come before action. Just be patient, the indictments are coming and its going to reveal a high level of illegal activity in the obozo administration.
Sure the leaks come. Except this time they're telling you to lower your expectations.

More like wet dreams than expectations.
It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

There is no such thing coming. Barr couldn't get an indictment against McCabe and he sure as fuck aren't going to find a Grand Jury willing to believe his bullshit conspiracy theories and lies. Barr tried three times to get a GJ to indict McCabe, and no dice.

Didn't Barr say that getting dirt on Biden from the Ukraine wasn't illegal because when a President digs up dirt on his opponent, it's all legal? So even if Obama was investigating Trump, it was for the good of the nation and therefore not illegal?

Trump never asked for dirt on Biden. That only exists in libtard imaginations, like yours Canuck!

Trump asked the Ukraine to fulfill their treaty obligation to investigate corruption, a treaty established by Clinton. Oh, and now we know that Biden is 100% corrupt, 100% dirty. Adam the lying little Schitt needsw to be expelled from congress and prosecuted for obstruction of justice and treason for his attempted coup.
The treaty requires Ukraine to cooperate with the US DoJ in their investigations. Our DoJ never launched any investigation into Biden.

Therefore the treaty is irrelevant.

I think that the treaty is very relevant.

trump violated that treaty.
That whole surveillance system was created under the bush regime there bud

True, NSA vacuums up every phone call, text message, email, phone GPS locations, banking transactions for every person around the globe and those records can be searched at will for non-citizens of the USA.

When a US citizen (a 702, after Section 702 of the FISA which protects US citizens from wholesale data exposure, not collection) is part of the communication, their identifiers (name, phone number, email addy, SSN, banking account numbers, GPS location info, etc) are anonymized. Only under certain conditions such as national security or an ongoing investigation, can their identity be unmasked.

The Obama FBI did not follow any of those rules; they unmasked millions of datapoints, placing names to the data or exposing data for a particular identifier, often banging the same identifier again and again and again for different dates. This was done for purely political purposes.

all the legal authority needed comes from teh patriot act

Yes, legal authority for legal use . . . That's not what these players did though and that illegal access and illegal use and the cover-up is what ObamaGate is . . .

It's not illegal...

The FISA court's approval makes it legal
I'd love to see it, but I have little faith anyone gets prosecuted.

They'll all walk: Comey, Commie Brennan, McCabe. A little Fascism never hurt anyone

If they do, then this country is over.

Your country is over if Trump is re-elected. Over, and irrelevant.
How does this time differ from the last thousand times you said justice was coming?
It might be slow, but the wheels of justice are turning.

Hilarious! The evil Trump Administration knows nothing about JUSTICE. But they sure know a lot about unethical REVENGE. What goes around comes around.
FYI, it's called "Draining The swamp." And it is revenge for seditious acts and Treason.

How is Trump "draining the Swamp". Firing those who criticize you or disagree with you isn't "draining the Swamp". In fact it's the direct opposite of "draining the swamp". Of course we all know that Trump is always wanting to hear dissenting views, and new ideas. Hence the right wing attacks on the scientists who try to correct Trump's disinformation and bad ideas.
It's not illegal...

The FISA court's approval makes it legal

What approval? The court's orders call out the actions of the FBI as violations of the law. . . Not only that, the court calls out the actions as non-compliant with the "new requirements" which were the reforms the court demanded in April of '17 to try to end the abuses as originally uncovered, (85% of the queries violated the law), page 82:

That whole surveillance system was created under the bush regime there bud

True, NSA vacuums up every phone call, text message, email, phone GPS locations, banking transactions for every person around the globe and those records can be searched at will for non-citizens of the USA.

When a US citizen (a 702, after Section 702 of the FISA which protects US citizens from wholesale data exposure, not collection) is part of the communication, their identifiers (name, phone number, email addy, SSN, banking account numbers, GPS location info, etc) are anonymized. Only under certain conditions such as national security or an ongoing investigation, can their identity be unmasked.

The Obama FBI did not follow any of those rules; they unmasked millions of datapoints, placing names to the data or exposing data for a particular identifier, often banging the same identifier again and again and again for different dates. This was done for purely political purposes.

all the legal authority needed comes from teh patriot act

Yes, legal authority for legal use . . . That's not what these players did though and that illegal access and illegal use and the cover-up is what ObamaGate is . . .
What illegal access? By whom?
It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

I'd love to see it, but I have little faith anyone gets prosecuted.

They'll all walk: Comey, Commie Brennan, McCabe. A little Fascism never hurt anyone

If they do, then this country is over.

Your country is over if Trump is re-elected. Over, and irrelevant.
How does this time differ from the last thousand times you said justice was coming?
It might be slow, but the wheels of justice are turning.

Hilarious! The evil Trump Administration knows nothing about JUSTICE. But they sure know a lot about unethical REVENGE. What goes around comes around.
FYI, it's called "Draining The swamp." And it is revenge for seditious acts and Treason.

How is Trump "draining the Swamp". Firing those who criticize you or disagree with you isn't "draining the Swamp". In fact it's the direct opposite of "draining the swamp". Of course we all know that Trump is always wanting to hear dissenting views, and new ideas. Hence the right wing attacks on the scientists who try to correct Trump's disinformation and bad ideas.

Those scientists all have interests in big Pharma and they don't want Trump to dry up their payoffs and kickbacks.
How is Trump "draining the Swamp". Firing those who criticize you or disagree with you isn't "draining the Swamp". In fact it's the direct opposite of "draining the swamp". Of course we all know that Trump is always wanting to hear dissenting views, and new ideas. Hence the right wing attacks on the scientists who try to correct Trump's disinformation and bad ideas.
Trump has every right to demand loyalty. If they aren't loyal, he can get rid of them at the same time that he's draining the swamp.
What illegal access? By whom?

Mostly the FBI but as I wrote earlier, the FBI was letting anyone, even outside private contractors access the NSA database with little to no supervision, only an objective.

This link that follows has the most comprehensive timeline and fact stream I've seen -- just understand the article is two years old and the facts stand as they were then and since then, more info, more damaging info has come to light. I understand you won't recognize the source and might distrust the source but you need to understand that nobody in the mainstream press is covering this. This article links to all the source material for its conclusions and if I were you, I would at least skim it just to inform yourself about what this is all really about, even if you never heard about it and especially if you don't want to believe it.

This article begins in the run-up to the election because it tells NSA Director Admiral Roger's story, but the illegal activity was going on years before that:

DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama

They’re not readying, they’re studying. Homestudy. Because under Trump, more Americans have died than the Vietnam war and the Korean War put together.
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