DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama

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It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

There is no such thing coming. Barr couldn't get an indictment against McCabe and he sure as fuck aren't going to find a Grand Jury willing to believe his bullshit conspiracy theories and lies. Barr tried three times to get a GJ to indict McCabe, and no dice.

Didn't Barr say that getting dirt on Biden from the Ukraine wasn't illegal because when a President digs up dirt on his opponent, it's all legal? So even if Obama was investigating Trump, it was for the good of the nation and therefore not illegal?

Trump never asked for dirt on Biden. That only exists in libtard imaginations, like yours Canuck!

Trump asked the Ukraine to fulfill their treaty obligation to investigate corruption, a treaty established by Clinton. Oh, and now we know that Biden is 100% corrupt, 100% dirty. Adam the lying little Schitt needsw to be expelled from congress and prosecuted for obstruction of justice and treason for his attempted coup.
It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

There is no such thing coming. Barr couldn't get an indictment against McCabe and he sure as fuck aren't going to find a Grand Jury willing to believe his bullshit conspiracy theories and lies. Barr tried three times to get a GJ to indict McCabe, and no dice.

Didn't Barr say that getting dirt on Biden from the Ukraine wasn't illegal because when a President digs up dirt on his opponent, it's all legal? So even if Obama was investigating Trump, it was for the good of the nation and therefore not illegal?

Trump never asked for dirt on Biden. That only exists in libtard imaginations, like yours Canuck!

Trump asked the Ukraine to fulfill their treaty obligation to investigate corruption, a treaty established by Clinton. Oh, and now we know that Biden is 100% corrupt, 100% dirty. Adam the lying little Schitt needsw to be expelled from congress and prosecuted for obstruction of justice and treason for his attempted coup.
The treaty requires Ukraine to cooperate with the US DoJ in their investigations. Our DoJ never launched any investigation into Biden.

Therefore the treaty is irrelevant.
It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

There is no such thing coming. Barr couldn't get an indictment against McCabe and he sure as fuck aren't going to find a Grand Jury willing to believe his bullshit conspiracy theories and lies. Barr tried three times to get a GJ to indict McCabe, and no dice.

Didn't Barr say that getting dirt on Biden from the Ukraine wasn't illegal because when a President digs up dirt on his opponent, it's all legal? So even if Obama was investigating Trump, it was for the good of the nation and therefore not illegal?

Trump never asked for dirt on Biden. That only exists in libtard imaginations, like yours Canuck!

Trump asked the Ukraine to fulfill their treaty obligation to investigate corruption, a treaty established by Clinton. Oh, and now we know that Biden is 100% corrupt, 100% dirty. Adam the lying little Schitt needsw to be expelled from congress and prosecuted for obstruction of justice and treason for his attempted coup.
The treaty requires Ukraine to cooperate with the US DoJ in their investigations. Our DoJ never launched any investigation into Biden.

Therefore the treaty is irrelevant.

And yet you Stalinist traitors tried to impeach the president for abiding by the treaty which has the weight of law.

Well, not really an impeachment, an attempted coup. It was treason. But treason totally defines your filthy party, the American branch of the Chinese Communist Party, the democrats.
It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

There is no such thing coming. Barr couldn't get an indictment against McCabe and he sure as fuck aren't going to find a Grand Jury willing to believe his bullshit conspiracy theories and lies. Barr tried three times to get a GJ to indict McCabe, and no dice.

Didn't Barr say that getting dirt on Biden from the Ukraine wasn't illegal because when a President digs up dirt on his opponent, it's all legal? So even if Obama was investigating Trump, it was for the good of the nation and therefore not illegal?

Trump never asked for dirt on Biden. That only exists in libtard imaginations, like yours Canuck!

Trump asked the Ukraine to fulfill their treaty obligation to investigate corruption, a treaty established by Clinton. Oh, and now we know that Biden is 100% corrupt, 100% dirty. Adam the lying little Schitt needsw to be expelled from congress and prosecuted for obstruction of justice and treason for his attempted coup.

If lying was enough to lose your position as an elected official you'd have to purge most of washington

Trump on top of the list
It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

There is no such thing coming. Barr couldn't get an indictment against McCabe and he sure as fuck aren't going to find a Grand Jury willing to believe his bullshit conspiracy theories and lies. Barr tried three times to get a GJ to indict McCabe, and no dice.

Didn't Barr say that getting dirt on Biden from the Ukraine wasn't illegal because when a President digs up dirt on his opponent, it's all legal? So even if Obama was investigating Trump, it was for the good of the nation and therefore not illegal?

Trump never asked for dirt on Biden. That only exists in libtard imaginations, like yours Canuck!

Trump asked the Ukraine to fulfill their treaty obligation to investigate corruption, a treaty established by Clinton. Oh, and now we know that Biden is 100% corrupt, 100% dirty. Adam the lying little Schitt needsw to be expelled from congress and prosecuted for obstruction of justice and treason for his attempted coup.

If lying was enough to lose your position as an elected official you'd have to purge most of washington

Trump on top of the list

If we purged Washington, we wouldn't need Trump.
It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

and the Psychocrats are preparing a massive deck of race cards
I hope Republicans go after Obama personally. That would be great. It would guarantee the biggest turnout of African-Americans in history!

That said, I don’t much care about Biden, or Trump. Best if they just go away and take their sins and scandals with them. As fast as possible...
I hope Republicans go after Obama personally. That would be great. It would guarantee the biggest turnout of African-Americans in history!

That said, I don’t much care about Biden, or Trump. Best if they just go away and take their sins and scandals with them. As fast as possible...
Really?in 6 years Obama let 7,000 blacks get shot in his home Town alone.. why would they show him any respect?
It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

Don’t forget to hold your breath.

we are in the fourth year of trumps administration with six months before the election and suddenly they found.....they found......they found.....something

I’m pretty sure we’ve seen this playbook before.
Where is the MASSIVE case against Obama?

You guys need to Google “Massive”

It is beyond dispute that the Obama FBI abused the NSA database on an almost incomprehensible scale. The FBI allowed "private contractors" unfettered access to the NSA database and allowed them to store and remove data on US citizens.

Obama's NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers discovered this abuse in December of 2015 and tried to internally end it to no avail. In desperation he went to the FISA court and told them of the wanton abuse and the misrepresentations made by the FBI to the FISC and Congress.

The FISC did an examination of the FBI's use of the NSA database and found for the six months they looked at and the tens of thousands of searches done, 85% were illegal.

Rogers shut down "private contractor" access on April 18th, 2016 . . . The next day, Mary Jacoby, wife of Fusion GPS president Glenn Simpson, was at the White House for 14 hours. Within a week Fusion GPS was hired by Perkins Coie and by the end of April, Fusion GPS was contracted by the DNC and the HRC campaign, no doubt with terabytes of data spirited from the NSA database.

Jump ahead to November, in utter frustration, Rogers went to Trump Tower a week after election day and told Trump of the MASSIVE spying that was done and was being done on him and his people. Trump vacated Trump Tower the next day, never to return to Trump Tower to do any sensitive transition work.

ObamaGate is the millions of illegal searches of the NSA database on US citizens (also known as 702(16)(17) searches) for purely political purposes, done by Obama loyalists and Resistance acolytes in the FBI between 2012 (IRS targeting) and December of 2019.

The Russia collusion hoax was little more than a MASSIVE cover-up attempt, a cover-up that all the culpable parties are known and will, as the OP states, soon have a reckoning.

BTW, Admiral Rogers has been voluntarily cooperating with Durham since Durham began . . .

Where is the MASSIVE case against Obama?

You guys need to Google “Massive”

It is beyond dispute that the Obama FBI abused the NSA database on an almost incomprehensible scale. The FBI allowed "private contractors" unfettered access to the NSA database and allowed them to store and remove data on US citizens.

Obama's NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers discovered this abuse in December of 2015 and tried to internally end it to no avail. In desperation he went to the FISA court and told them of the wanton abuse and the misrepresentations made by the FBI to the FISC and Congress.

The FISC did an examination of the FBI's use of the NSA database and found for the six months they looked at and the tens of thousands of searches done, 85% were illegal.

Rogers shut down "private contractor" access on April 18th, 2016 . . . The next day, Mary Jacoby, wife of Fusion GPS president Glenn Simpson, was at the White House for 14 hours. Within a week Fusion GPS was hired by Perkins Coie and by the end of April, Fusion GPS was contracted by the DNC and the HRC campaign, no doubt with terabytes of data spirited from the NSA database.

Jump ahead to November, in utter frustration, Rogers went to Trump Tower a week after election day and told Trump of the MASSIVE spying that was done and was being done on him and his people. Trump vacated Trump Tower the next day, never to return to Trump Tower to do any sensitive transition work.

ObamaGate is the millions of illegal searches of the NSA database on US citizens (also known as 702(16)(17) searches) for purely political purposes, done by Obama loyalists and Resistance acolytes in the FBI between 2012 (IRS targeting) and December of 2019.

The Russia collusion hoax was little more than a MASSIVE cover-up attempt, a cover-up that all the culpable parties are known and will, as the OP states, soon have a reckoning.

BTW, Admiral Rogers has been voluntarily cooperating with Durham since Durham began . . .


That whole surveillance system was created under the bush regime there bud

all the legal authority needed comes from teh patriot act
the case is still there, they are doing their jobs and holding up the release until everything is in order for effective prosecutions, it is also very likely that some of the obama gang are about to be turned in exchange for immunity. This is far from over and its going to turn up a lot of dirt.
Those delusional Democrats keep hoping ObamaGate will go away, but it won't.
Those delusional Democrats keep hoping ObamaGate will go away, but it won't.
When did it arrive? :laughing0301:
Barr has already set the stage to let Barry and Joe walk by branding Obama as having massively abused his power yet having committed no crime.

Barr also said he wanted this election to be about the ISSUES and not about criminal investigations. I read that to mean Biden will be allowed to skate, too...despite his confession, China, Reade, and Obamagate.

Barr has already set the stage to let Barry and Joe walk by branding Obama as having massively abused his power yet having committed no crime.
Which was the play to begin with.
Couldn't get ukraine to investigate so Barr will make noise and act like he is.

You dopes are getting played yet again.
DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama
And now, they aren't.
As usual, you got nuthin'.
Barr probably has more evidence against the smaller fish. Don't be surprised if one of those smaller fish gives Barr what he needs to get one of the bigger fish.
But last week he had a "massive case" against President Obama.

Where did it go?

the case is still there, they are doing their jobs and holding up the release until everything is in order for effective prosecutions, it is also very likely that some of the obama gang are about to be turned in exchange for immunity. This is far from over and its going to turn up a lot of dirt.
Then why did they come out and say it?

And then back up?

You've got nothing.

media leaks will always come before action. Just be patient, the indictments are coming and its going to reveal a high level of illegal activity in the obozo administration.
media leaks will always come before action. Just be patient, the indictments are coming and its going to reveal a high level of illegal activity in the obozo administration.
Sure the leaks come. Except this time they're telling you to lower your expectations.
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