DoJ to spend $20 million on body cams for police


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Is there ANY CONTROL over these government agencies anymore? where does SHE get authority to spend 20 MILLION dollars? MAN we are being steamrolled over by everyone of these government agencies. they have free rein to spend and make rules and laws with no OVERSITE or permission

posted at 8:01 am on May 1, 2015 by Ed Morrissey
A consensus has begun to emerge that police should wear body cameras in order to increase transparency and accountability. Should the federal government foot the bill for it? This morning, the Department of Justice and newly installed Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that they would spend $20 million on a new program to outfit local police with the technology. The scale of this turns out to be almost impossibly modest, but still also raises questions about the DoJ’s role in this decision:

A $20 million pilot program to extend the use of police body cameras for “transparency” was announced by the Department of Justice on Friday, amid nationwide protests over police treatment of suspects.

A string of recent cases — the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by a white officer in Ferguson, Mo., the killing of a homeless man on Los Angeles’ Skid Row and most recently the spinal injury while in police custody that led to the death of Baltimore’s Freddie Gray — have prompted calls for greater transparency from authorities and more adoption of body cameras.

“Body-worn cameras hold tremendous promise for enhancing transparency, promoting accountability, and advancing public safety for law enforcement officers and the communities they serve,” new Attorney General Loretta Lynch said in a press release.

So how much will the program actually buy in body cameras? Most of the funds will go to competitive grants — $17 million, or 85% of the money Lynch has set aside for it, at least at first. Another $2 million will go to training and support, with the final $1 million used for evaluation of the program’s effectiveness.

Not that there will be much effectiveness to measure. NBC News’ report notes that the city of San Francisco has already decided to adopt body cams for all patrol officers, which will cost them $6.6 million alone.

The mayor of San Francisco wants to spend $6.6 million over two years to equip every patrol officer with a body-worn camera, a move that comes amid a national firestorm over the way police treat African-American men.

Mayor Ed Lee, San Francisco County Board Supervisor London Breed and San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr held a news conference on Thursday to tout a package of public safety reforms that would buy the cameras for up to 1,800 officers. Lee also wants to hire 250 new officers over the next two years that would cost $21.3 through 2017. The money will come out of the mayor’s budget, and will include software, video storage and staffing.

Even a smaller city like San Jose will face a significant bill:

In San Jose, Police Chief Larry Esquivel said he wants to test out body cameras for a dozen officers before spending $1 million to suit up his entire department.

Clearly, then, $17 million is a drop in the bucket. At best, it might outfit a dozen towns like San Jose, or two or three cities the size of San Francisco. It’s not even enough for a state, let alone the nation. This is just a $20 million PR effort from the DoJ and Lynch, a way to get ahead of the bad headlines coming from Baltimore.

ALL of it here:
DoJ to spend 20 million on body cams for police Hot Air
Body cams are long past due

They provide evidence to protect honest policemen
Just remember, anything you say can and may be held against you in a court of law; that includes anything you may say on phones while in custody.
its long overdue especially when one considers how many incidents go unreported or are brushed under the rug for the past 50 yrs.
its long overdue especially when one considers how many incidents go unreported or are brushed under the rug for the past 50 yrs.

Bodycams protect innocent police officers and can prove they were doing their jobs
We see the clowns are out in force in Both threads posted on this topic

Ignore is a good tool for their BS
It does create some privacy concerns, but it's gonna happen. I have no doubt the Police/Government will find a way to abuse the use of cameras on Citizens. They'll find a way to screw people.

'To Protect and Serve' went out the window a long time ago. I'm very cautious in my acceptance of this. Hopefully it will be a good thing. But i wouldn't bet the farm on that being so.
Body cameras are a good thing stephanie. Not sure how anyone could see them as a negative.

It's still a state matter. Once the Feds gets involved there are always strings attached. And they are encroaching more and more into OUR STATES

and why should TAXPAYERS pay for police force in cities they don't EVEN live in?
Steph said this is all part of the black agenda! To have bodycams

And that makes sense to her somehow because...ugh, blacks manufacture bodycams? errrrr....They'll be sold in black businesses? Deeeerrrppp
Body cameras are a good thing stephanie. Not sure how anyone could see them as a negative.

It's still a state matter. Once the Feds gets involved their are always strings attached. And they are encroaching more and more into OUR STATES

and why should TAXPAYERS pay for police force in cities they don't EVEN live in?
Because the price of a few body cameras EASILY offsets the cost of all the other bullshit we endure when there is nothing but doubt.
Body cameras are a good thing stephanie. Not sure how anyone could see them as a negative.

I really don't see anything wrong with body cameras as well. The only reason Stephanie sees them as a negative is b/c Hot Air sees them as a negative, for some reason.
its long overdue especially when one considers how many incidents go unreported or are brushed under the rug for the past 50 yrs.

I recently heard on the news that its believed that almost 500 people are killed by police every year - with no legal repercussions beyond a paid vacation for the cop.
its long overdue especially when one considers how many incidents go unreported or are brushed under the rug for the past 50 yrs.

I recently heard on the news that its believed that almost 500 people are killed by police every year - with no legal repercussions beyond a paid vacation for the cop.

Yes, the American Police Force is among the most violent deadliest Police Forces in the world. It ranks right up there with brutal forces in awful Police States like Burma, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and so on. The assault and murder stats are shocking.
that $20 MIL may pay for itself in saved legal fees that police depts used to have to pay-out on the regular Stephanie

HEY!!! Aren't you African American anyway Stephanie? If so this would actually benefit you by giving you a little piece of mind
its long overdue especially when one considers how many incidents go unreported or are brushed under the rug for the past 50 yrs.

I recently heard on the news that its believed that almost 500 people are killed by police every year - with no legal repercussions beyond a paid vacation for the cop.

Yes, the American Police Force is among the most violent deadliest Police Forces in the world. It ranks right up there with brutal forces in awful Police States like Burma, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and so on. The assault and murder stats are shocking.
yet you paulitician started a thread the other day praising the rumor that the police were innocent? You're against them except for when you're for them shit stain

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