DOJ won't prosecute AG Garland for contempt for refusal to turn over audio from Biden, Hur interview

I completely understand. And it is an honest to God conundrum. It's just one of those moral ambiguities in politics.

The thing I fear most is that ignoring principle in favor of political expediency can easily evolve in an actual tit for tat. Resulting in not one party simply engaging in power politics consequences be damned but both.

I will not say it's wrong as a choice. But in my opinion when you don't know what's best just going by principle at least gives you something to go by.

And in my view, the executive branch has taken way to much power with to little tools available in the way of oversight.

Oversight has always depended on the co-operation from the Executive Office. See everything that happened around Nixon and Watergate.

But "oversight" isn't supposed to be about finding ammunition to "go after" the other side, it's supposed to look at government programs with a view to learning from your mistakes and improving the processes.

For example: We used the 2003 SARS outbreak in Toronto, to start a pandemic playbook for Ontario. Many of those who became sick were health care workers treating those who came in from China with the virus. The outbreak was small and confined to the Greater Toronto Area, but much was learned from a public health point of view.

Conservatives were in power in June 2003, when the process started, and it was completed in 2006, by the Liberals who came to power in late 2003, in a landslide.

The process was repeated after the 2008/09 Swine Flu pandemic, which was far more widespread, and involved thousands of cases, instead of a few hundred. When covid hit, the Conservative Government of Ontario, handed their Pandemic Playbook to Justin Trudeau, and all 10 provincial governments worked hand in glove to implement it's findings. The result is 1/3 of the disease or death of the USA.

That's how government is SUPPOSED to work, for the people. Let's look at what works and what didn't, and make changes if it ever happens again. Because we're all supposed to learn from our mistakes.
Garland provided a transcript of the tapes. They could probably listen to the tapes. Republicans want the audio so they can selectively slice and dice the tapes and then release them out of context. The DOJ acted properly.
LOL like the Republicans have created "cheap fakes" "deep fakes" of the President's numerous brain freezes?
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1. If the transcripts are correct then the audio will be exactly like them so there's no reason to not provide the audio.

2. The information being provided possibly being used against a political candidate is not legal justification for not providing the requested information.

3. Congress has oversight of the Executive and thus the DOJ. The DOJ doesnt get to tell Congress what it will and wont provide as part of that oversight.
Seems they are completely comfortable, when Trump is back in the WH, of the DOJ telling COngress "go fuck yourself, it might make the PResident look bad."
You give the AG a 10 year term; one and done. She or he has some independence. Above anything else, you get away from the blob satisfying his neanderthal voting base by promising (chuckle) that he'll direct his AG to go after ______ (whomever you guys hate most at that particular moment).
Like Biden has done with Garland? LOL
I dont know. They never ask that question in these disastrous polls for Biden. :dunno:
Public perfection of the economy and the actual state of the economy are not the same thing.

But you guys have given up arguing facts and instead celebrating that you’ve successfully shaped perception independent of facts.
if "america has a right to hear the audio" i'm sure that alito will find some way for you to hear it, probably after lev parnas or o'heefe has added and rearranged a few things .
dude, it seems you don't have working brain cells either!!!! There's a transcript already out that is supposedly from the audio!!! Refusing to turn over the audio implies only one thing? do you know what that is? Are you intelligent enough to understand that message?

I highly doubt it, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt at this moment. Let's see.
Sure. The question is simply what to do in response.

In this case. What's the actual harm?

So the DOJ rejects the calls for the tape. Giving Republicans the chance to (completely in bad faith) make the argument that the DOJ is withholding "the truth".

The DOJ gives the tape. They use it to reemphasize that Biden is "old and confused"

Can you honestly claim that you know what argument does the most damage to the Biden campaign?

At least option 2 is in line with my idea of how separation of power should look.

I strongly disagree that Option 2 is "more tranparent" given all of the fake videos the Trump Administration/Campaign has tried to use over the years.

Remember when Trump put out a video of Jim Accosta "assaulting" a White House intern, and stripped Accosta of his press pass? Original video provided by the networks proved that Trump's video had been "edited", and the Courts barred Trump from taking away Accosta's Press pass.

These people have a history of fake news (Birther movement, Hillary's emails, Uranium One, Biden Crime Family), to mask their own spiralling behaviour of character assassination and lies.

Special Prosecutor Investigations of Democrats ending with a finding that no crimes have been committed, no indictments are issued, nothing to see here. Special Prosecutor Investigations of Republicans ending with dozens of charges against senior Administration Officials, indictments, trials, criminal convictions.

Obama refused to charge outgoing Republican officials when he took office, saying the nation needed to heal, and he was blasted for it, which gave license to Trump to refuse to put his business in a blind trust, and to continue to do business with his own company while in the WH (see Cheney and Rumsfeld).
Link to when Biden instructed Garland to go after anyone?
Your cult leader:

“I’m making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again.”
You guys know the power of propaganda.

Or maybe you don’t because you’re the useful idiots.
what propaganda? when you can't explain it, it isn't propaganda. 22% increase in grocery stores since 2020!!! Fact! gas prices since jan 2021 hit a high of 7.00 a gallon!!!!!! that isn't propaganda! To state in here that those items are propaganda is the highest form of PROPAGANDA!!! and demofks are kings of PROPAGANDA!!!!
Link to when Biden instructed Garland to go after anyone?
yeah cause that information is publicly available. you must be a fking moron to ask such stupid questions. When one goes in front of a committee and refuses to answer basic questions, is the key identifier of a ploy against. That's manipulation 101!! deny, deny, deny, deflect, deflect, deflect. can't discuss because of an investigation, blah, blah blah, what a fking bunch of whooie
Where on Earth are you getting this strange idea from? What poll shows a majority of Americans backing Biden?

If you believe the polls, then you'd have to believe that Trump had no chance of winning the 2016 election, and that he only 'won' due to massive election fraud.
Your cult leader:

“I’m making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again.”
That’s nice. Where is Biden instructing Garland to indict him?

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