DOMA ruled unconstitutional

What the SCOTUS called "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" is a Right that EVERY American of Consenting Age has...

The Right to Marriage.

Because some Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Produces Life and the other does not yet ALL of us are Equipped and Designed for one of them.



But producing life isn't required for marriage. We let the elderly marry and people who are infertile.

However gay marriage will be putting and end to producing life.

Only if every marriage were a gay marriage....and we know that can't happen, don't we?
Yes, bans on same-sex marriage are restrictions based on sex.


Sexual Choices are not the same as Nature's Design and how each of us are Equipped.

You have the Freedom to Defy, but you don't the Right to Burden Society with your Defiance.



So bans on same-sex marriage aren't based on sex. Please then, tell me what the criteria being used to deny the license is.

the two bolded statements seem contradictory
bigrebnc has problems: incest and bestiality seem to fascinate him.
Jake has problems answering question's
Well jake since the 9th and 10th amendments were written into the Constitution via the bill of rights what are the usage of those amendments surely they have a purpose. How would they be applied?

Explain how the 9th and 10th apply to incest, bestiality, and DOMA. I am curious to see if you understand these points at all.

Well jake since the 9th and 10th amendments were written into the Constitution via the bill of rights what are the usage of those amendments surely they have a purpose. How would they be applied?
What the SCOTUS called "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" is a Right that EVERY American of Consenting Age has...

The Right to Marriage.

Because some Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Produces Life and the other does not yet ALL of us are Equipped and Designed for one of them.



But producing life isn't required for marriage. We let the elderly marry and people who are infertile.

However gay marriage will be putting and end to producing life.
Do you actually believe this or does your intellectual grasp your reach? Do you think that by extending the access to the marriage contract to homosexuals that heterosexuals will no longer marry?

And I'm waiting for an answer: What harm will befall you personally by same sex marriage?
Yes. The government can restrict the exercise of rights subject to certain constraints.

that is correct. And if the law regarding those restrictions is altered, it does no good to ignore the foot in the door that the reasoning behind the loosening will open.

It is a trmendous detriment to the pro homo marriage crowds objectives that they stick their heads in the sand about such issues, and merely say "Of all the heretofore excluded relationships, we are the only one that should be admitted into the fold".

Yep once gays are given the right then brothers and sisters will demand the same rights to marriage.

That's a hetero gig. Why aren't they demanding it now? What about your so-called slippery slope ?
What the SCOTUS called "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" is a Right that EVERY American of Consenting Age has...

The Right to Marriage.

Because some Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Produces Life and the other does not yet ALL of us are Equipped and Designed for one of them.



But producing life isn't required for marriage. We let the elderly marry and people who are infertile.

However gay marriage will be putting and end to producing life.

It is becoming readily apparent that very few on either side of this issue have really thought the implications of gay marriage through. Seriously man, wtf?
Awesome. But it is not sex based restrictions at issue.

Yes, bans on same-sex marriage are restrictions based on sex.


Sexual Choices are not the same as Nature's Design and how each of us are Equipped.

You have the Freedom to Defy, but you don't the Right to Burden Society with your Defiance.



What burden is placed on society by said defiance?
that is correct. And if the law regarding those restrictions is altered, it does no good to ignore the foot in the door that the reasoning behind the loosening will open.

It is a trmendous detriment to the pro homo marriage crowds objectives that they stick their heads in the sand about such issues, and merely say "Of all the heretofore excluded relationships, we are the only one that should be admitted into the fold".

Yep once gays are given the right then brothers and sisters will demand the same rights to marriage.

Ah yes, maybe all 20 people who want to marry their sister in the United States?

Once again, a completely off-topic and irrelevant comment by you, big...


Maybe not. Some people speak best of which they know. :eusa_whistle:
I agree, and I challenge you to tell us because you don't understand.
You don't have the right to challenge anything since I have asked you this one post many times.
Well jake since the 9th and 10th amendments were written into the Constitution via the bill of rights what are the usage of those amendments surely they have a purpose. How would they be applied?
No burden has been placed on society where universal marriage is legal.

Not one eensy-teensy little burden.
What the SCOTUS called "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" is a Right that EVERY American of Consenting Age has...

The Right to Marriage.

Because some Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Produces Life and the other does not yet ALL of us are Equipped and Designed for one of them.



But producing life isn't required for marriage. We let the elderly marry and people who are infertile.

then why permit homo marriage and not incestuous marriage?

As a practical matter: Because of the social harm incest causes in terms of deformed children and often being the result of power dynamics (fathers forcing themselves on daughters) that result from incest.

As a legal matter: Marriage is a civil right. Under the 14th Amendment, all Americans are entitled to equal treatment under the law. Going to how courts have interpreted this amendment, restrictions based on sex must meet "intermediate scrutiny" (the restriction must further an important government interest in a way that substantially relates to the interest). Restrictions based on something like a family relations would only need to meet the rational basis test (rational relation to a legitimate interest).
But producing life isn't required for marriage. We let the elderly marry and people who are infertile.

However gay marriage will be putting and end to producing life.

It is becoming readily apparent that very few on either side of this issue have really thought the implications of gay marriage through. Seriously man, wtf?

Can gay couples create life? If they can't aren't they ending life?
Yes, bans on same-sex marriage are restrictions based on sex.


Sexual Choices are not the same as Nature's Design and how each of us are Equipped.

You have the Freedom to Defy, but you don't the Right to Burden Society with your Defiance.



So bans on same-sex marriage aren't based on sex. Please then, tell me what the criteria being used to deny the license is.

Sex and Sexual Choices are not the same.

Every Homosexual is Designed and Equipped by Nature to Couple with the Opposite Sex.

Marriage in Law does not Need to Burden this Defiance for some False Sense of Validation for those who Choose to Defy.

Every Consenting Adult has a Right to Marriage... The Marriage that the Court called "Fundamental to your very Existence and Survival".

Only one Coupling... Our Natural Coupling fits that Conclusion.

Choose to Defy your Natural Design and Equipment... Just don't Expect Society to Embrace it as Equal to what Creates us.

It's not. :thup:


No burden has been placed on society where universal marriage is legal.

Not one eensy-teensy little burden.

Well jake since the 9th and 10th amendments were written into the Constitution via the bill of rights what are the usage of those amendments surely they have a purpose. How would they be applied?
Except that the legal rational is different. In a 14th Amendment analysis, restrictions based on sex undergo intermediate scrutiny, while a restriction on family relations would only need to pass a rational basis test.

What the SCOTUS called "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" is a Right that EVERY American of Consenting Age has...

The Right to Marriage.

Because some Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Produces Life and the other does not yet ALL of us are Equipped and Designed for one of them.


Yep isn't that just like the left to support more people who do not want to pull their weight and share the burden of helping the human race survive?

LMAO!! Oh, is the survival of the human race threatened??

Actually, gays pay plenty of taxes used for things that only effect families.

Sexual Choices are not the same as Nature's Design and how each of us are Equipped.

You have the Freedom to Defy, but you don't the Right to Burden Society with your Defiance.



So bans on same-sex marriage aren't based on sex. Please then, tell me what the criteria being used to deny the license is.

the two bolded statements seem contradictory

That's because the first statement is my statement, while the second is paraphrasing his.
Universal marriage is between the same sex, so the right question is that should sisters and sisters or brothers and brothers be allowed to marry.

Far greater genetic damage would be occur within hetero incest marriage than same sex incest marriage.

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