DOMA ruled unconstitutional

You are spamming and will not be permitted to continue,.

No burden at all culturally exists because of universal marriage.

Real conservatives and libertarians recognize this fact.

I am tired of your shit dictating demands to people. You want too play the troll part but when asked to answer a question you run, but when the question is asked enough times to call it spamming.
Answer the fucking question troll.

The question has been answered and you won't be allowed to spam. Got it? You don't dictate anything to anybody. You are not a conservative.

Post where you answered the question

Well jake since the 9th and 10th amendments were written into the Constitution via the bill of rights what are the usage of those amendments surely they have a purpose. How would they be applied?
However gay marriage will be putting and end to producing life.

Only if every marriage were a gay marriage....and we know that can't happen, don't we?

Gay's doin't want to pull their weight they want non gays to keep supplying human life.

What weight? Is there a problem with a shortage of population, or are we having problems because of OVERpopulation?

They pull their weight quite nicely. In fact, gay couples without children pay taxes that support your child's schools.
Aids thrives in gay sex.


The millions and millions of straight people in Africa with AIDS approve of this message.

Except that the legal rational is different. In a 14th Amendment analysis, restrictions based on sex undergo intermediate scrutiny, while a restriction on family relations would only need to pass a rational basis test.

What the SCOTUS called "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" is a Right that EVERY American of Consenting Age has...

The Right to Marriage.

Because some Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Produces Life and the other does not yet ALL of us are Equipped and Designed for one of them.


Yep isn't that just like the left to support more people who do not want to pull their weight and share the burden of helping the human race survive?
Help the human race survive? Are you this stupid in real life?
What the SCOTUS called "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" is a Right that EVERY American of Consenting Age has...

The Right to Marriage.

Because some Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Produces Life and the other does not yet ALL of us are Equipped and Designed for one of them.



But producing life isn't required for marriage. We let the elderly marry and people who are infertile.

However gay marriage will be putting and end to producing life.

Why, will it make you choose to be gay?
BOSTON — An appeals court ruled Thursday that a law that denies a host of federal benefits to gay married couples is unconstitutional.

The 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston said the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman, discriminates against gay couples.

The law was passed in 1996 at a time when it appeared Hawaii would legalize gay marriage. Since then, many states have instituted their own bans on gay marriage, while eight states have approved it, led by Massachusetts in 2004


Boston court: Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional -

i guess the judges forgot to read the bible.


Awsome we are finally one step closer to removing all these federal benefits for just married couples. If the federal government can’t define who can get benefits either they have to stop offering special benefits to one specific group or offer the same benefits to everyone. Yeah no more distribution of wealth. One step closer.
You have no point.
Abnormal is not normal.

Lefthanded people are abnormal. They should not might FORCE people to consider them normal.

Abnormal is not normal.

You get all Smug Feeling you've actually said something when you Regurgitate that Tripe, don't you...

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Creates Life and the other does not yet ALL Humans are Designed and Equipped for one over the other.

^Impossible to get by. :thup:



seriously ironic post is hysterical
For some reason it found it's way into the normal people side of the isle. I wonder how that happened?

You consider IV drug users and those who sleep with the same gender while claiming to be straight as the "normal" side of the aisle? (I am assuming you meant aisle, since the normal side of an island would be silly)

But you didn't answer the question. How would allowing them to marry effect the spread of AIDs?

It started with gays that's enough right their.

Actually HIV started with SIV and infected straights and was spread by straights, it wasn't until years later it came to gays in the United States.

However gay marriage will be putting and end to producing life.
Do you actually believe this or does your intellectual grasp your reach? Do you think that by extending the access to the marriage contract to homosexuals that heterosexuals will no longer marry?

And I'm waiting for an answer: What harm will befall you personally by same sex marriage?

Good luck getting an answer on that one. I haven't seen a rational answer to it yet. Most avoid answering it completely.

thats because it is a pointless question. Fill in the blanks with any noun, and you see what I mean:

What harm will personally befall you if a _________ and a ________ are allowed to marry?
However gay marriage will be putting and end to producing life.

It is becoming readily apparent that very few on either side of this issue have really thought the implications of gay marriage through. Seriously man, wtf?

Can gay couples create life? If they can't aren't they ending life?

So its one or the other? No middle ground.

It is ridiculous to claim that allowing a group that makes up 3% of the population the benefits of marriage, you will suddenly stop the population growth of the other 97%.

Bigrebnc, can you answer one simple question? Is our population growing or shrinking?
What the SCOTUS called "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" is a Right that EVERY American of Consenting Age has...

The Right to Marriage.

Because some Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Produces Life and the other does not yet ALL of us are Equipped and Designed for one of them.


Yep isn't that just like the left to support more people who do not want to pull their weight and share the burden of helping the human race survive?
Help the human race survive? Are you this stupid in real life?

I would love too see a gay couple create life and pull their weight to help keep the human race going. But they can't
It is becoming readily apparent that very few on either side of this issue have really thought the implications of gay marriage through. Seriously man, wtf?

Can gay couples create life? If they can't aren't they ending life?

So its one or the other? No middle ground.

It is ridiculous to claim that allowing a group that makes up 3% of the population the benefits of marriage, you will suddenly stop the population growth of the other 97%.

Bigrebnc, can you answer one simple question? Is our population growing or shrinking?

If they could also keep from spreading aids that would also be a good thing.
You do realize that all the Court has really done is made this a Federal issue and taken it away from the states, right?

generally speaking, a federal law is a federal issue.

seems the ruling has done the opposite of what you're saying by striking doma down.

fortunately, i'm not a lawyer
Yep isn't that just like the left to support more people who do not want to pull their weight and share the burden of helping the human race survive?

LMAO!! Oh, is the survival of the human race threatened??

Actually, gays pay plenty of taxes used for things that only effect families.

I tell you what gays can live together on an island and even marry let's see how long that island remains populated. 30 years maybe.

I'm sure you would like that. But all those gays were produced by heterosexual couplings.

It still does not address the lunacy of your claim that gay marriage threatens the survival of the human race.

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