DOMA ruled unconstitutional

Yes. The government can restrict the exercise of rights subject to certain constraints.

that is correct. And if the law regarding those restrictions is altered, it does no good to ignore the foot in the door that the reasoning behind the loosening will open.

It is a trmendous detriment to the pro homo marriage crowds objectives that they stick their heads in the sand about such issues, and merely say "Of all the heretofore excluded relationships, we are the only one that should be admitted into the fold".

Yep once gays are given the right then brothers and sisters will demand the same rights to marriage.

Cool! Cuz once gays have the right to marry, you can pick up the fight on the incest front. My work here will be done. :)
that is correct. And if the law regarding those restrictions is altered, it does no good to ignore the foot in the door that the reasoning behind the loosening will open.

It is a trmendous detriment to the pro homo marriage crowds objectives that they stick their heads in the sand about such issues, and merely say "Of all the heretofore excluded relationships, we are the only one that should be admitted into the fold".

Yep once gays are given the right then brothers and sisters will demand the same rights to marriage.

Cool! Cuz once gays have the right to marry, you can pick up the fight on the incest front. My work here will be done. :)

I'm not the one who's saying that marriage is a right you are. Are you gong to be a hypocrite? Do Family members not have the same rights as gays do to marry each other is they choose?
Awesome. But it is not sex based restrictions at issue.

Yes, bans on same-sex marriage are restrictions based on sex.


Sexual Choices are not the same as Nature's Design and how each of us are Equipped.

You have the Freedom to Defy, but you don't the Right to Burden Society with your Defiance.



So bans on same-sex marriage aren't based on sex. Please then, tell me what the criteria being used to deny the license is.
Homosexuality and acceptance of same sex relationships are not values passed along from civilization and societal structure to succeeding civilizations and societal structure. Historically the normalization of homosexuality is part of whatever degeneracy exists to cause collapse.

What looks likely is that western civilization itself will be submerged under the rise of iislam with gays and lesbians rounded up and executed en masse.

Oh noes run for your life here come the gay people

Gay has exsisted since the begining of mankind.

we have survived just fine.

You do realize allowing gays to marry will give more reason for Muslims to attack America?

So lets go with the logic used after the 9/11 attacks. We should let gays marry or the terrorists have won!!

Personally, anyone who bases our national laws or actions on fear of additional terrorist attacks is definitally a coward.

Let them try and come after us. In fact, the more they do the sooner we can slaughter them in the act.
Except that the legal rational is different. In a 14th Amendment analysis, restrictions based on sex undergo intermediate scrutiny, while a restriction on family relations would only need to pass a rational basis test.

Either marriage is a right or it's not if it's not a right then gays should not have the right too marry.

It is a right, but the government can restrict the exercise of rights. You can't yell 'Fire!' in a movie theater, for example. That's a limit on free speech.

false analogies
Yep once gays are given the right then brothers and sisters will demand the same rights to marriage.

Except that the legal rational is different. In a 14th Amendment analysis, restrictions based on sex undergo intermediate scrutiny, while a restriction on family relations would only need to pass a rational basis test.

What the SCOTUS called "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" is a Right that EVERY American of Consenting Age has...

The Right to Marriage.

Because some Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Produces Life and the other does not yet ALL of us are Equipped and Designed for one of them.



But producing life isn't required for marriage. We let the elderly marry and people who are infertile.
Yep once gays are given the right then brothers and sisters will demand the same rights to marriage.

Except that the legal rational is different. In a 14th Amendment analysis, restrictions based on sex undergo intermediate scrutiny, while a restriction on family relations would only need to pass a rational basis test.

What the SCOTUS called "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" is a Right that EVERY American of Consenting Age has...

The Right to Marriage.

Because some Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Produces Life and the other does not yet ALL of us are Equipped and Designed for one of them.


Yep isn't that just like the left to support more people who do not want to pull their weight and share the burden of helping the human race survive?
Yep once gays are given the right then brothers and sisters will demand the same rights to marriage.

Cool! Cuz once gays have the right to marry, you can pick up the fight on the incest front. My work here will be done. :)

I'm not the one who's saying that marriage is a right you are. Are you gong to be a hypocrite? Do Family members not have the same rights as gays do to marry each other is they choose?

bigrebnc has problems: incest and bestiality seem to fascinate him.
Except that the legal rational is different. In a 14th Amendment analysis, restrictions based on sex undergo intermediate scrutiny, while a restriction on family relations would only need to pass a rational basis test.

What the SCOTUS called "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" is a Right that EVERY American of Consenting Age has...

The Right to Marriage.

Because some Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Produces Life and the other does not yet ALL of us are Equipped and Designed for one of them.



But producing life isn't required for marriage. We let the elderly marry and people who are infertile.

However gay marriage will be putting and end to producing life.
Cool! Cuz once gays have the right to marry, you can pick up the fight on the incest front. My work here will be done. :)

I'm not the one who's saying that marriage is a right you are. Are you gong to be a hypocrite? Do Family members not have the same rights as gays do to marry each other is they choose?

bigrebnc has problems: incest and bestiality seem to fascinate him.
Jake has problems answering question's
Well jake since the 9th and 10th amendments were written into the Constitution via the bill of rights what are the usage of those amendments surely they have a purpose. How would they be applied?
Except that the legal rational is different. In a 14th Amendment analysis, restrictions based on sex undergo intermediate scrutiny, while a restriction on family relations would only need to pass a rational basis test.

What the SCOTUS called "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" is a Right that EVERY American of Consenting Age has...

The Right to Marriage.

Because some Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Produces Life and the other does not yet ALL of us are Equipped and Designed for one of them.



But producing life isn't required for marriage. We let the elderly marry and people who are infertile.

I never said Required... The Possibility only Exists in our Natural Design which each of us is Equipped for.

Marriage is a Reflection of this and our Species only moves forward with Heterosexual Coupling.

Because some Choose to Defy their Design is not Society's Burden.

But I find that Regurgitated Tactic of going after anyone who doesn't have Children to be as Trite now as it was a Decade ago. :thup:


What the SCOTUS called "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" is a Right that EVERY American of Consenting Age has...

The Right to Marriage.

Because some Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Produces Life and the other does not yet ALL of us are Equipped and Designed for one of them.



But producing life isn't required for marriage. We let the elderly marry and people who are infertile.

However gay marriage will be putting and end to producing life.

That's a really weird claim. Are you just swept up with gay desire that's only being held in check because gay marriage is banned? Since I'm guessing the answer is no, what makes you think there is a critical mass of people for who that is the case.
Except that the legal rational is different. In a 14th Amendment analysis, restrictions based on sex undergo intermediate scrutiny, while a restriction on family relations would only need to pass a rational basis test.

What the SCOTUS called "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" is a Right that EVERY American of Consenting Age has...

The Right to Marriage.

Because some Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Produces Life and the other does not yet ALL of us are Equipped and Designed for one of them.



But producing life isn't required for marriage. We let the elderly marry and people who are infertile.

then why permit homo marriage and not incestuous marriage?
Talk about having no capacity to fit new information into your tiny little pinhead...

There will have to be a legal basis for creating a federal right for homos like you to marry. such a basis will stand as..... get this..... foundation that will not only apply to you homos. You are not special, any more than us regular folks are. you consider yourself pretty high and mighty, but you are pretty thick about considering the consequences of enacting new, broad legal standards.

Damn those "uppity" gays! Don't they know their place?

I don't know about "those upity gays" but you sure do know your place. And it rests on the very bottom of intelligent debate. Hence these meaningless asides you throw out.
There you have it, folks. I'm an "uppity" gay! How dare I work for equal rights! How dare I!
What the SCOTUS called "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" is a Right that EVERY American of Consenting Age has...

The Right to Marriage.

Because some Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Produces Life and the other does not yet ALL of us are Equipped and Designed for one of them.



But producing life isn't required for marriage. We let the elderly marry and people who are infertile.

However gay marriage will be putting and end to producing life.

What about universal marriages that produce children or adopt? There are thousands upon thousands of such.
What the SCOTUS called "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" is a Right that EVERY American of Consenting Age has...

The Right to Marriage.

Because some Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment is not Society's Burden.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Produces Life and the other does not yet ALL of us are Equipped and Designed for one of them.



But producing life isn't required for marriage. We let the elderly marry and people who are infertile.

I never said Required... The Possibility only Exists in our Natural Design which each of us is Equipped for.

Marriage is a Reflection of this and our Species only moves forward with Heterosexual Coupling.

Because some Choose to Defy their Design is not Society's Burden.

But I find that Regurgitated Tactic of going after anyone who doesn't have Children to be as Trite now as it was a Decade ago. :thup:



I'm not the one going after them, you are by claiming their marriages are less valid because they don't have kids.
I'm not the one who's saying that marriage is a right you are. Are you gong to be a hypocrite? Do Family members not have the same rights as gays do to marry each other is they choose?

bigrebnc has problems: incest and bestiality seem to fascinate him.
Jake has problems answering question's
Well jake since the 9th and 10th amendments were written into the Constitution via the bill of rights what are the usage of those amendments surely they have a purpose. How would they be applied?

Explain how the 9th and 10th apply to incest, bestiality, and DOMA. I am curious to see if you understand these points at all.

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