Dominion Execs Back Out Of Hearing In PA And Are Now In Hiding.....Some Offices Closed

Looks like Dominion is lawyering up and trying to relocate so they can escape prosecution.

Strange isn't, that Dominion Executives failed to appear....I understand than the offices are closed and personnel have gone under ground.
Why would that be?
If they're on the up and up, honest and above board they should appear and explain themselves.
“Unfortunately, last evening, Dominion Voting Systems lawyered up and backed out of their commitment to the people of Pennsylvania to provide their input in a public format.”

This belongs in Conspiracy Theories – the thread premise is as baseless as it is ridiculous and wrong.

Ohhh your poor princess.

How many times do I have tell you again sugar?

Your widdle TDS / Trump OCD feelings are not facts.
Rush is now making his called in guess cry.

It says in the Bible that we all must stay in the belly for three days in order to become righteous, a person that chooses right over wrong.
Jonah spent three days and came out doing what God had asked him to do.
These wicked people has caused everyone to stray away from God. Saying those that have not experienced evil. Telling them that the Bible is a joke. That there no one that evil enough to do the things that is mentioned in the Bible.
But God wants everyone to know that his word is the truth, by letting darkness cover the earth. So that the people will know when God is with them.


Looks like Dominion is lawyering up and trying to relocate so they can escape prosecution.

Strange isn't, that Dominion Executives failed to appear....I understand than the offices are closed and personnel have gone under ground.
Why would that be?
If they're on the up and up, honest and above board they should appear and explain themselves.
“Unfortunately, last evening, Dominion Voting Systems lawyered up and backed out of their commitment to the people of Pennsylvania to provide their input in a public format.”

This belongs in Conspiracy Theories – the thread premise is as baseless as it is ridiculous and wrong.

Did they show up or not, Panties Boy?
Looks like Dominion is lawyering up and trying to relocate so they can escape prosecution.


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They have no obligation to. So why would they? It's up to Trumps's D-Team of lawyers and the crack investigative squad that the PA Republican legislature employs to back those assertions up.
So far, all that's been presented is speculation and conspiracy theories. Nothing to convince a judge to look at it.
Here's one for you..

Supreme court we have evidence of FRAUD using Dominion

SC...what says Dominion--

D-Team, that they plead the 5 th and now are on the run.

SC---will have no choice but to rule the election invalid

You know, that's not how it works, right?

You must work for Trump's clown show legal team.
That is how it works.

This is going to the SC... We all know this

Trump is going to claim corruption and fraud largely based on Dominion and failure of states to follow their own state laws which includes certifying election systems (dominion) and failing to do so knowing that dominion has a long history of failing certifications in other states and countries AND miscounting votes.

The question the supreme court will be forced to rule on is Dominion a safe reliable way to count votes-------which under theory would be based on witnesses including DOMINION who now in hiding and claiming the 5th in essence.

So Rudy and team-----will claim Dominion is unreliable based on their evidence and experts----while the dems will have no experts in the system as the system experts the company are in hiding.

The election will be ruled invalid due to not following state laws, not certifying the election system, the system having a variety of known issues, and likely even known voter fraud giving what we are hearing about flipping votes and Germany right now--------

Only variable is can the dems get to the 5 SC judges--------(not including sell out Roberts or the dems) and if Trump is going to give the orders that Dominion exes will be picked up by our military from whereever they are hiding in the world. It's not like the US really has anything to fear from Canada by sending the seals in to pick up dominion "experts" hiding.
They have no obligation to. So why would they? It's up to Trumps's D-Team of lawyers and the crack investigative squad that the PA Republican legislature employs to back those assertions up.
So far, all that's been presented is speculation and conspiracy theories. Nothing to convince a judge to look at it.
Here's one for you..

Supreme court we have evidence of FRAUD using Dominion

SC...what says Dominion--

D-Team, that they plead the 5 th and now are on the run.

SC---will have no choice but to rule the election invalid

You know, that's not how it works, right?

You must work for Trump's clown show legal team.
That is how it works.

This is going to the SC... We all know this

Trump is going to claim corruption and fraud largely based on Dominion and failure of states to follow their own state laws which includes certifying election systems (dominion) and failing to do so knowing that dominion has a long history of failing certifications in other states and countries AND miscounting votes.

The question the supreme court will be forced to rule on is Dominion a safe reliable way to count votes-------which under theory would be based on witnesses including DOMINION who now in hiding and claiming the 5th in essence.

So Rudy and team-----will claim Dominion is unreliable based on their evidence and experts----while the dems will have no experts in the system as the system experts the company are in hiding.

The election will be ruled invalid due to not following state laws, not certifying the election system, the system having a variety of known issues, and likely even known voter fraud giving what we are hearing about flipping votes and Germany right now--------

Only variable is can the dems get to the 5 SC judges--------(not including sell out Roberts or the dems) and if Trump is going to give the orders that Dominion exes will be picked up by our military from whereever they are hiding in the world. It's not like the US really has anything to fear from Canada by sending the seals in to pick up dominion "experts" hiding.

Claim away. That alone won't make it in court. Rudy and the D-Team will have to walk into court and present their "evidence" to a judge who will then hear the evidence and rule on it. Depending on the ruling, it can then be appealed. Based on the result of that appeal(s), it may be taken to the Supreme Court and they decide to hear the case or not.

Do ANY of you Trump worshipers understand the basics of how a case gets in front of the highest court in the land? doesn't happen because you wish it. Go back and look at the process for Bush v Gore if you need education.
So far, all lawsuits regarding fraud have been thrown to take to the SC, let alone appeal.
They have no obligation to. So why would they? It's up to Trumps's D-Team of lawyers and the crack investigative squad that the PA Republican legislature employs to back those assertions up.
So far, all that's been presented is speculation and conspiracy theories. Nothing to convince a judge to look at it.
Here's one for you..

Supreme court we have evidence of FRAUD using Dominion

SC...what says Dominion--

D-Team, that they plead the 5 th and now are on the run.

SC---will have no choice but to rule the election invalid

You know, that's not how it works, right?

You must work for Trump's clown show legal team.
That is how it works.

This is going to the SC... We all know this

Trump is going to claim corruption and fraud largely based on Dominion and failure of states to follow their own state laws which includes certifying election systems (dominion) and failing to do so knowing that dominion has a long history of failing certifications in other states and countries AND miscounting votes.

The question the supreme court will be forced to rule on is Dominion a safe reliable way to count votes-------which under theory would be based on witnesses including DOMINION who now in hiding and claiming the 5th in essence.

So Rudy and team-----will claim Dominion is unreliable based on their evidence and experts----while the dems will have no experts in the system as the system experts the company are in hiding.

The election will be ruled invalid due to not following state laws, not certifying the election system, the system having a variety of known issues, and likely even known voter fraud giving what we are hearing about flipping votes and Germany right now--------

Only variable is can the dems get to the 5 SC judges--------(not including sell out Roberts or the dems) and if Trump is going to give the orders that Dominion exes will be picked up by our military from whereever they are hiding in the world. It's not like the US really has anything to fear from Canada by sending the seals in to pick up dominion "experts" hiding.

Claim away. That alone won't make it in court. Rudy and the D-Team will have to walk into court and present their "evidence" to a judge who will then hear the evidence and rule on it. Depending on the ruling, it can then be appealed. Based on the result of that appeal(s), it may be taken to the Supreme Court and they decide to hear the case or not.

Do ANY of you Trump worshipers understand the basics of how a case gets in front of the highest court in the land? doesn't happen because you wish it. Go back and look at the process for Bush v Gore if you need education.
So far, all lawsuits regarding fraud have been thrown to take to the SC, let alone appeal.

I am sorry..........I'm not the one all giddy any time a dem partisan judge tries to stop Trump showing the fraud--we all know that cases can and will be appealed to the supreme court. we all know this is where this is going. I chose not to dabble with the lower courts because well their opinions don't really matter do they................the SC will be the final decision.

Don't know why you felt wasting everyone's time mentioning the lower courts except to try to blow smoke-------I think you failed in your endeavor.
Remember, kids, there have to be guilty verdicts and the perps led away in chains -- and Democrats will still deny any laws were broken. But someone just has to say that Trump broke the law, and it's true.
They have no obligation to. So why would they? It's up to Trumps's D-Team of lawyers and the crack investigative squad that the PA Republican legislature employs to back those assertions up.
So far, all that's been presented is speculation and conspiracy theories. Nothing to convince a judge to look at it.
Here's one for you..

Supreme court we have evidence of FRAUD using Dominion

SC...what says Dominion--

D-Team, that they plead the 5 th and now are on the run.

SC---will have no choice but to rule the election invalid

You know, that's not how it works, right?

You must work for Trump's clown show legal team.
That is how it works.

This is going to the SC... We all know this

Trump is going to claim corruption and fraud largely based on Dominion and failure of states to follow their own state laws which includes certifying election systems (dominion) and failing to do so knowing that dominion has a long history of failing certifications in other states and countries AND miscounting votes.

The question the supreme court will be forced to rule on is Dominion a safe reliable way to count votes-------which under theory would be based on witnesses including DOMINION who now in hiding and claiming the 5th in essence.

So Rudy and team-----will claim Dominion is unreliable based on their evidence and experts----while the dems will have no experts in the system as the system experts the company are in hiding.

The election will be ruled invalid due to not following state laws, not certifying the election system, the system having a variety of known issues, and likely even known voter fraud giving what we are hearing about flipping votes and Germany right now--------

Only variable is can the dems get to the 5 SC judges--------(not including sell out Roberts or the dems) and if Trump is going to give the orders that Dominion exes will be picked up by our military from whereever they are hiding in the world. It's not like the US really has anything to fear from Canada by sending the seals in to pick up dominion "experts" hiding.

Claim away. That alone won't make it in court. Rudy and the D-Team will have to walk into court and present their "evidence" to a judge who will then hear the evidence and rule on it. Depending on the ruling, it can then be appealed. Based on the result of that appeal(s), it may be taken to the Supreme Court and they decide to hear the case or not.

Do ANY of you Trump worshipers understand the basics of how a case gets in front of the highest court in the land? doesn't happen because you wish it. Go back and look at the process for Bush v Gore if you need education.
So far, all lawsuits regarding fraud have been thrown to take to the SC, let alone appeal.

I am sorry..........I'm not the one all giddy any time a dem partisan judge tries to stop Trump showing the fraud--we all know that cases can and will be appealed to the supreme court. we all know this is where this is going. I chose not to dabble with the lower courts because well their opinions don't really matter do they................the SC will be the final decision.

Don't know why you felt wasting everyone's time mentioning the lower courts except to try to blow smoke-------I think you failed in your endeavor.

Just educating you. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that this will go to the SC. Hint..courts don't decide elections. The people do. And they've spoken. No court in the world will invalidate this election. The only shot he has is to try and convince electors to vote for him. You can strike Michigan off that list. :)
Remember, kids, there have to be guilty verdicts and the perps led away in chains -- and Democrats will still deny any laws were broken. But someone just has to say that Trump broke the law, and it's true.
True. Like when Clinton was found guilty and lead away in chains.
Remember, kids, there have to be guilty verdicts and the perps led away in chains -- and Democrats will still deny any laws were broken. But someone just has to say that Trump broke the law, and it's true.
True. Like when Clinton was found guilty and lead away in chains.
Yep....the bitch paid off the FBI and she walked.
You must be so fucking proud.
They have no obligation to. So why would they? It's up to Trumps's D-Team of lawyers and the crack investigative squad that the PA Republican legislature employs to back those assertions up.
So far, all that's been presented is speculation and conspiracy theories. Nothing to convince a judge to look at it.
Congress does have an obligation to find out exactly what happened therefore all results are void until the real outcome is found
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They have no obligation to. So why would they? It's up to Trumps's D-Team of lawyers and the crack investigative squad that the PA Republican legislature employs to back those assertions up.
So far, all that's been presented is speculation and conspiracy theories. Nothing to convince a judge to look at it.

This is a desperate time for our country, when those that are entrusted with the most important job - in preserving this country as a free country are corrupting it - then there's only one place we can go to.
revote not recount but revote in person with ID requirement
I am fed up with the bull shit and how democrats try to steal elections and the fucking republicans allow the shit.
Like so many little Pepe frogs, you morons hop from one bullshit lily pad to the next. Accusation proven false? No worries!
There will be another equally baseless one for you to get worked up about tomorrow.

Absolute fake patriots.....every last one of you.
link to those accusation being proven false
Remember, kids, there have to be guilty verdicts and the perps led away in chains -- and Democrats will still deny any laws were broken. But someone just has to say that Trump broke the law, and it's true.
True. Like when Clinton was found guilty and lead away in chains.

-- the fbi
They have no obligation to. So why would they? It's up to Trumps's D-Team of lawyers and the crack investigative squad that the PA Republican legislature employs to back those assertions up.
So far, all that's been presented is speculation and conspiracy theories. Nothing to convince a judge to look at it.
Congress does have an obligation to find out exactly what happened therefore all results are void until the real outcome is found

No they don't. As elections are conducted by STATES.
So, you do believe in the right of the state to conduct its elections?...right?
Or is the answer no...because my great white hope got shown the door?
They have no obligation to. So why would they? It's up to Trumps's D-Team of lawyers and the crack investigative squad that the PA Republican legislature employs to back those assertions up.
So far, all that's been presented is speculation and conspiracy theories. Nothing to convince a judge to look at it.
Congress does have an obligation to find out exactly what happened therefore all results are void until the real outcome is found

No they don't. As elections are conducted by STATES.
So, you do believe in the right of the state to conduct its elections?...right?
Or is the answer no...because my great white hope got shown the door?
They have no obligation to. So why would they? It's up to Trumps's D-Team of lawyers and the crack investigative squad that the PA Republican legislature employs to back those assertions up.
So far, all that's been presented is speculation and conspiracy theories. Nothing to convince a judge to look at it.
Congress does have an obligation to find out exactly what happened therefore all results are void until the real outcome is found

No they don't. As elections are conducted by STATES.
So, you do believe in the right of the state to conduct its elections?...right?
Or is the answer no...because my great white hope got shown the door?
Not to Democrats, apparently.

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