Dominion Execs Back Out Of Hearing In PA And Are Now In Hiding.....Some Offices Closed

They have no obligation to. So why would they? It's up to Trumps's D-Team of lawyers and the crack investigative squad that the PA Republican legislature employs to back those assertions up.
So far, all that's been presented is speculation and conspiracy theories. Nothing to convince a judge to look at it.
Give some thought to what you just said there, Jack! Why WOULD a company who provides voting systems want to provide assurances that their systems protected people's votes?

A better question would be...HOW COULD THEY NOT DEFEND THEIR SYSTEMS?

There is no evidence of voter fraud or machine fraud. The foaming at the mouth alt-right media took one user input error (not a machine error) of 6K votes in one county in Michigan and blew it up
to be this country wide conspiracy that moved millions of votes from Trump's column to Biden's. You right wingers are easy. You will believe anything those media whores at OAN and Newsmax will serve you.
Simple question then, Jack! Why isn't Dominion sending out it's people to show that's the case? Why would they go into hiding?

They have no obligation to. They haven't been subpoenaed by a judge or grand jury. Just a bunch of media mouths and a couple of PA legislators who've got no authority.
I'd tell em to go #sand too.
Biden won. Trump lost. Move on.
Why would you need to subpoena a company who's business it is to do accurate counts in elections when those counts are called into question? Dominion should be chomping at the bit to show that the allegations are baseless! So why aren't they?
To be quite blunt...any company that provides voting equipment who told someone to "pound sand" when the accuracy of that equipment is disputed...has no business providing said equipment! If Dominion's response to this is to run away and hide...then none of their machines should EVER be used in a US election ever again!
To be quite blunt...any company that provides voting equipment who told someone to "pound sand" when the accuracy of that equipment is disputed...has no business providing said equipment! If Dominion's response to this is to run away and hide...then none of their machines should EVER be used in a US election ever again!

Can you factually establish that Dominion machine changed a single vote?

Or is this more 'disprove my imagination' conspiratoral nonsense that the Flat Earthers, Birthers and Truthers use?

There's no evidence that any vote was change, lost or deleted from any voting system. Says who? Says our own Cyber security experts:

"There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised"

Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees

Without evidence, what you're describing isn't a 'dispute'. Its just the losers making shit up.
To be quite blunt...any company that provides voting equipment who told someone to "pound sand" when the accuracy of that equipment is disputed...has no business providing said equipment! If Dominion's response to this is to run away and hide...then none of their machines should EVER be used in a US election ever again!

Can you factually establish that Dominion machine changed a single vote?

Or is this more 'disprove my imagination' conspiratoral nonsense that the Flat Earthers, Birthers and Truthers use?

There's no evidence that any vote was change, lost or deleted from any voting system. Says who? Says our own Cyber security experts:

"There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised"

Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees

Without evidence, what you're describing isn't a 'dispute'. Its just the losers making shit up.

Yes, we can.
To be quite blunt...any company that provides voting equipment who told someone to "pound sand" when the accuracy of that equipment is disputed...has no business providing said equipment! If Dominion's response to this is to run away and hide...then none of their machines should EVER be used in a US election ever again!

Can you factually establish that Dominion machine changed a single vote?

Or is this more 'disprove my imagination' conspiratoral nonsense that the Flat Earthers, Birthers and Truthers use?

There's no evidence that any vote was change, lost or deleted from any voting system. Says who? Says our own Cyber security experts:

"There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised"

Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees

Without evidence, what you're describing isn't a 'dispute'. Its just the losers making shit up.

Yes, we can.

Then why, pray tell, haven't Trump's lawyers presented said evidence in defense of their legal arguments?

Clearly there's something you're missing.
To be quite blunt...any company that provides voting equipment who told someone to "pound sand" when the accuracy of that equipment is disputed...has no business providing said equipment! If Dominion's response to this is to run away and hide...then none of their machines should EVER be used in a US election ever again!

Can you factually establish that Dominion machine changed a single vote?

Or is this more 'disprove my imagination' conspiratoral nonsense that the Flat Earthers, Birthers and Truthers use?

There's no evidence that any vote was change, lost or deleted from any voting system. Says who? Says our own Cyber security experts:

"There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised"

Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees

Without evidence, what you're describing isn't a 'dispute'. Its just the losers making shit up.
Which begs the question...why is Dominion in hiding? It isn't logical. Why aren't they out front defending their voting systems? Does that make any sense at all to you?

As for when evidence should be brought forth? Would you as a lawyer tip your hand as to what you have when you're in court with a judge that was appointed by the very people you're claiming stole the election? I'd hold as much back as I could until I was in front of a court that wasn't ruling against me before they even heard the evidence! But that's me.
To be quite blunt...any company that provides voting equipment who told someone to "pound sand" when the accuracy of that equipment is disputed...has no business providing said equipment! If Dominion's response to this is to run away and hide...then none of their machines should EVER be used in a US election ever again!

Can you factually establish that Dominion machine changed a single vote?

Or is this more 'disprove my imagination' conspiratoral nonsense that the Flat Earthers, Birthers and Truthers use?

There's no evidence that any vote was change, lost or deleted from any voting system. Says who? Says our own Cyber security experts:

"There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised"

Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees

Without evidence, what you're describing isn't a 'dispute'. Its just the losers making shit up.

Yes, we can.

Then why, pray tell, haven't Trump's lawyers presented said evidence in defense of their legal arguments?

Clearly there's something you're missing.

Because they are playing for keeps. Be patient.
They have no obligation to. So why would they? It's up to Trumps's D-Team of lawyers and the crack investigative squad that the PA Republican legislature employs to back those assertions up.
So far, all that's been presented is speculation and conspiracy theories. Nothing to convince a judge to look at it.
Here's one for you..

Supreme court we have evidence of FRAUD using Dominion

SC...what says Dominion--

D-Team, that they plead the 5 th and now are on the run.

SC---will have no choice but to rule the election invalid

You know, that's not how it works, right?

You must work for Trump's clown show legal team.
That is how it works.

This is going to the SC... We all know this

Trump is going to claim corruption and fraud largely based on Dominion and failure of states to follow their own state laws which includes certifying election systems (dominion) and failing to do so knowing that dominion has a long history of failing certifications in other states and countries AND miscounting votes.

The question the supreme court will be forced to rule on is Dominion a safe reliable way to count votes-------which under theory would be based on witnesses including DOMINION who now in hiding and claiming the 5th in essence.

So Rudy and team-----will claim Dominion is unreliable based on their evidence and experts----while the dems will have no experts in the system as the system experts the company are in hiding.

The election will be ruled invalid due to not following state laws, not certifying the election system, the system having a variety of known issues, and likely even known voter fraud giving what we are hearing about flipping votes and Germany right now--------

Only variable is can the dems get to the 5 SC judges--------(not including sell out Roberts or the dems) and if Trump is going to give the orders that Dominion exes will be picked up by our military from whereever they are hiding in the world. It's not like the US really has anything to fear from Canada by sending the seals in to pick up dominion "experts" hiding.

Claim away. That alone won't make it in court. Rudy and the D-Team will have to walk into court and present their "evidence" to a judge who will then hear the evidence and rule on it. Depending on the ruling, it can then be appealed. Based on the result of that appeal(s), it may be taken to the Supreme Court and they decide to hear the case or not.

Do ANY of you Trump worshipers understand the basics of how a case gets in front of the highest court in the land? doesn't happen because you wish it. Go back and look at the process for Bush v Gore if you need education.
So far, all lawsuits regarding fraud have been thrown to take to the SC, let alone appeal.

I am sorry..........I'm not the one all giddy any time a dem partisan judge tries to stop Trump showing the fraud--we all know that cases can and will be appealed to the supreme court. we all know this is where this is going. I chose not to dabble with the lower courts because well their opinions don't really matter do they................the SC will be the final decision.

Don't know why you felt wasting everyone's time mentioning the lower courts except to try to blow smoke-------I think you failed in your endeavor.

Another thread that didn't age well. The SC tossed both lawsuits brought before it and the D-Team still wasted another month and a half bringing case after case...only to see it dismissed. I'm sorry, who was blowing smoke again? Oh yeah, Trump and his team of Kraken Releasers. :)

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