Dominion Strikes Back Against The Liars

You are apparently unaware at how expensive these types of lawsuits are.

Not as expensive as a Vote Tabulation company having its reputation ruined by false claims

But there never should ever be a private vote tabulation company.
There is no way any private company could ever be trusted.
And they are never going to let their code out to the public domain, so we can never be sure.
Likely all voting should always just be paper ballots, and nothing else.
Certainly if you ever hook up a voting machine to a network, it is not longer secure or valid.
Dominion was and is perpetuating a fraud.
States do not have the expertise to develop their own vote tabulation systems
They have always relied on private vendors.

Dominion products have been extensively verified and validated by independent govt agencies. They could not use them otherwise
States do not have the expertise to develop their own vote tabulation systems

Yet they have the expertise to run the entire medical care system.


They don’t
Show me a state run medical care system
England, Canada, the entirety of Europe.
None of them would give it up for what we have
Few of them know any better, and even fewer have any choice in the matter.

In any case, the point remains the same....Gimbint isn't competent when you need it to be, yet omnipotent when the situation suits you.
Nice piece of Russian-Chinese Propaganda Comrade.

Faux Fraud Biden, is not the President because Faux Xiden had the election rigged for him. Literally no one trusts or likes this fool but you'd have us believe he is more popular than Obama.
Meanwhile, back in reality, what charges have been brought against Dominion, anywhere, by any Trumper, relating to any of the hysterical accusations concerning it?

The fact it is so easy to commit fraud with voting machines that it leaves no evidence, does not make them more reliable, but less.
Everyone should know that any machine you put on a network can easily be hacked.
That does without saying.
You guys keep making these wild claims about how easy and undetectable it is.......At what level do you think it is possible to hack the votes?

My town closes the polls at 8 PM, they tabulate the vote and report to the county that the tally was Trump 5000, Biden 4000.
If the next day it is reported that my town is at Biden 5000, Trump 4000 my town will go apeshit and scream that is not what they reported. So will every other town.

If the hack is at a higher level, an audit of the results will add up what each town reported and see if it matches. If it doesn’t. The shit hits the fan

So where do you claim the fraud occurs?
Nice piece of Russian-Chinese Propaganda Comrade.

Faux Fraud Biden, is not the President because Faux Xiden had the election rigged for him. Literally no one trusts or likes this fool but you'd have us believe he is more popular than Obama.
Meanwhile, back in reality, what charges have been brought against Dominion, anywhere, by any Trumper, relating to any of the hysterical accusations concerning it?

The fact it is so easy to commit fraud with voting machines that it leaves no evidence, does not make them more reliable, but less.
Everyone should know that any machine you put on a network can easily be hacked.
That does without saying.
You guys keep making these wild claims about how easy and undetectable it is.......At what level do you think it is possible to hack the votes?

My town closes the polls at 8 PM, they tabulate the vote and report to the county that the tally was Trump 5000, Biden 4000.
If the next day it is reported that my town is at Biden 5000, Trump 4000 my town will go apeshit and scream that is not what they reported. So will every other town.

If the hack is at a higher level, an audit of the results will add up what each town reported and see if it matches. If it doesn’t. The shit hits the fan

So where do you claim the fraud occurs?

The Fraud Occurs in your dirty undershorts which you defile this forum with every day whenever you post here.

But I digress......

That never will change the fact that Faux Xiden, like you is 100% wrong 200% of the time.
The capitalist enterprise, Dominion Voting Systems, was the victim of a vicious smear campaign by hyper-partisan lowlifes falsely blaming it for the Loser's loss.

'Squid Head' Giuliani, 'Pillow Boy', Fox News, and the Cry Baby Loser himself are among the conspirators who may pay for their lies.

Dominion lawyer: We haven't ruled out suing Trump, other media outlets
Dominion has filed four defamation lawsuits, including one against Fox News on Friday, alleging the defendants promoted unfounded allegations that Dominion's voting machines switched votes for Trump to votes for President Biden in the 2020 election.
The other suits were filed against pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell, Trump's former lawyer Rudy Giuliani and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, with all three requesting $1.3 billion in damages.
Clare confirmed on the podcast that Dominion is considering filing lawsuits against other media outlets that the company said helped advance the debunked conspiracy theory. He did not specifically identify any of these media outlets but said it was a "fair assumption" lawsuits against media outlets were coming...
Will all the culprits parrot uber-trumper Sidney Powell's defense?
"No reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact."

The excuse,
"Of course I lied! But the lie was so absurd that
no reasonable person would ever actually swallow it!"
is a wonderfully novel approach, casting all gullible trumpies as woefully deficient in reasoning skills

Will the defense then submit as Exhibit A, some clearly delusional pifflewit who did swallow the lie:

View attachment 474212

View attachment 474215
"Well, of course, morons believed our lie!
They are morons
- even if they're our morons!"

Then of course, there was the video, clearly showing hidden ballots in containers brought out from under a shrouded table and being entered into the database, "after the ballot watchers and media were told to leave. The left's response to complaints about this....."there's nothing to see here." without explanation. Basically, don't believe your eyes.
Then there was the switch of 12,000+ votes from Trump to Biden, in Georgia. The left's response, "there's nothing to see here,' with no explanation.
Then their was the truck going missing with boxes of ballots, that were generated in a pro-Republican area. "Nothing happening here."
Both sides have their issues, but the left is clearly headed down the authoritarian road of Marxism, seeking to chip away at our Constitution and its freedoms.
Get back to me after discovery is completed....

(it won't get anywhere near the discovery process)(this is a bunch of crooks at dominion trying to save face)
I don't think dominion needs much discovery. Their pleadings were complete with a hundred pages of newspaper, and TV and internet coverage of the plaintiffs statements about dominion voting machines.

And the defendants have little they can "discover" that's in dominions hands. Of course they can try for third party discovery against the government, but that would mean the government supporting dominions claim.
Nice piece of Russian-Chinese Propaganda Comrade.

Faux Fraud Biden, is not the President because Faux Xiden had the election rigged for him. Literally no one trusts or likes this fool but you'd have us believe he is more popular than Obama.
Meanwhile, back in reality, what charges have been brought against Dominion, anywhere, by any Trumper, relating to any of the hysterical accusations concerning it?

The fact it is so easy to commit fraud with voting machines that it leaves no evidence, does not make them more reliable, but less.
Everyone should know that any machine you put on a network can easily be hacked.
That does without saying.
You guys keep making these wild claims about how easy and undetectable it is.......At what level do you think it is possible to hack the votes?

My town closes the polls at 8 PM, they tabulate the vote and report to the county that the tally was Trump 5000, Biden 4000.
If the next day it is reported that my town is at Biden 5000, Trump 4000 my town will go apeshit and scream that is not what they reported. So will every other town.

If the hack is at a higher level, an audit of the results will add up what each town reported and see if it matches. If it doesn’t. The shit hits the fan

So where do you claim the fraud occurs?
You are as full of shit as Faux Xiden's diaper.

I literally watched a live stream where tens of thousands of votes were removed from Trump and the same number was added to Biden. I saw it with my own eyes, so I know you Demonic DemNazis pulled off rigging the 2020 election where you had failed to do so in 2016.

Fraud happened all over the country, things like mysterious boxes of votes on Semi Trucks showing up in DemNazi districts and dumped in to the system as if they were legitimate ballots was THE NORM, not the EXCEPTION.

You and Faux Biden are 100% wrong on everything 200% of the time.

You cheat, you lie, and then you lie about your cheating.
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Then of course, there was the video, clearly showing hidden ballots in containers brought out from under a shrouded table and being entered into the database, "after the ballot watchers and media were told to leave. The left's response to complaints about this....."there's nothing to see here." without explanation. Basically, don't believe your eyes.
Then there was the switch of 12,000+ votes from Trump to Biden, in Georgia. The left's response, "there's nothing to see here,' with no explanation.
Then their was the truck going missing with boxes of ballots, that were generated in a pro-Republican area. "Nothing happening here."

Clearly if any of those had any verifiable truth behind them at all, at least one court would have taken those claims seriously.
I literally watched a live stream where tens of thousands of votes were removed from Trump and the same number was added to Biden. Happened all over the country, same as mysterious boxes of votes on Semi Trucks showing up in DemNazi districts and dumped in to the system as if they were legitimate ballots.

Again, if there was any legitimacy to those claims, the courts would have taken them seriously. Even judges appointed by Donald J. Trump dismissed such claims.
You are apparently unaware at how expensive these types of lawsuits are.

Not as expensive as a Vote Tabulation company having its reputation ruined by false claims
The claims aren't false, but yours are. I cannot think of a single time you have ever told the truth on USMB. Paid Liars still go to Hell, and saying it was your job does not excuse your sin.

You should take your own warning to heart Tree. You lie every time you post on this thread. If liars go to hell, you're doomed.
Calling someone like me who stands up for truth and righteousness a liar condemns you as a liar.

You are your Leftist Marxist Anti-God buddies are doomed to live through the 666 AntiChrist Kingdom Faux Xiden and his Globalist Demon Hoards are working to usher in, and it is your fate that will be sealed in Hell when you take that 666 Pass & Mark so you can go buy & sell, go to concerts and ride trains, planes, & automobiles.

DemNazis are so cheap they will sell their souls for a chocolate doughnut. And you will.

All of my leftist friends are Christians. None are communists.

Judge not lest you be judged Tree. Calling people you don’t know have never been met and have never spoken to denigrating names, is lying.

You are in no position to claim righteousness. Only God can decide whether you’re righteous. You don’t have that right. Nor do you have the right to condemn anyone.
How many of you have smoke alarms in your homes? Probably most of you. Let's compare your smoke alarm to voter fraud prevention measures. If you turn off your smoke alarm, then during the night wake up and wonder if there is a fire, do you go back to sleep assured that there is no fire based on the proof that the smoke alarm did not go off? Of course not. You get up and check out the house to be sure that there is no fire. (Then you turn the smoke alarm back on.) The 2020 election is like this example. Many places illegally changed rules concerning voting. They "turned the smoke alarm off". Several places around the country refused to use Dominion as they were not convinced that Dominion was secure enough. Republicans now only want to confirm that the voting was not fraudulent. It is not unreasonable to assume that at least some of the people who oppose the confirmation of votes have something to hide. Even if nothing ever results from the call for confirmation, I hope that they "turn the smoke alarms" back on.
The capitalist enterprise, Dominion Voting Systems, was the victim of a vicious smear campaign by hyper-partisan lowlifes falsely blaming it for the Loser's loss.

'Squid Head' Giuliani, 'Pillow Boy', Fox News, and the Cry Baby Loser himself are among the conspirators who may pay for their lies.

Dominion lawyer: We haven't ruled out suing Trump, other media outlets
Dominion has filed four defamation lawsuits, including one against Fox News on Friday, alleging the defendants promoted unfounded allegations that Dominion's voting machines switched votes for Trump to votes for President Biden in the 2020 election.
The other suits were filed against pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell, Trump's former lawyer Rudy Giuliani and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, with all three requesting $1.3 billion in damages.
Clare confirmed on the podcast that Dominion is considering filing lawsuits against other media outlets that the company said helped advance the debunked conspiracy theory. He did not specifically identify any of these media outlets but said it was a "fair assumption" lawsuits against media outlets were coming...
Will all the culprits parrot uber-trumper Sidney Powell's defense?
"No reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact."

The excuse,
"Of course I lied! But the lie was so absurd that
no reasonable person would ever actually swallow it!"
is a wonderfully novel approach, casting all gullible trumpies as woefully deficient in reasoning skills

Will the defense then submit as Exhibit A, some clearly delusional pifflewit who did swallow the lie:

View attachment 474212

View attachment 474215
"Well, of course, morons believed our lie!
They are morons
- even if they're our morons!"

Then of course, there was the video, clearly showing hidden ballots in containers brought out from under a shrouded table and being entered into the database, "after the ballot watchers and media were told to leave. The left's response to complaints about this....."there's nothing to see here." without explanation. Basically, don't believe your eyes.
Then there was the switch of 12,000+ votes from Trump to Biden, in Georgia. The left's response, "there's nothing to see here,' with no explanation.
Then their was the truck going missing with boxes of ballots, that were generated in a pro-Republican area. "Nothing happening here."
Both sides have their issues, but the left is clearly headed down the authoritarian road of Marxism, seeking to chip away at our Constitution and its freedoms.

That video actually made it to court with your little story attached to it. Then the secretary of state for the state of Georgia came out and explained what was really going on and the judge threw it out.

Nothing that you right wing fools were led to believe was happening in that video, had any relationship to the truth.

Voiceover can tell you anything. They can give you any explanation for the movements they want you to hear. And that’s exactly what happened. Trumps people lied. State officials told the truth. The lie was discarded.
How many of you have smoke alarms in your homes? Probably most of you. Let's compare your smoke alarm to voter fraud prevention measures. If you turn off your smoke alarm, then during the night wake up and wonder if there is a fire, do you go back to sleep assured that there is no fire based on the proof that the smoke alarm did not go off? Of course not. You get up and check out the house to be sure that there is no fire. (Then you turn the smoke alarm back on.) The 2020 election is like this example. Many places illegally changed rules concerning voting. They "turned the smoke alarm off". Several places around the country refused to use Dominion as they were not convinced that Dominion was secure enough. Republicans now only want to confirm that the voting was not fraudulent. It is not unreasonable to assume that at least some of the people who oppose the confirmation of votes have something to hide. Even if nothing ever results from the call for confirmation, I hope that they "turn the smoke alarms" back on.

There were no illegal changes to voting laws. That is a total and complete lie and everything that flows from it is false
How many of you have smoke alarms in your homes? Probably most of you. Let's compare your smoke alarm to voter fraud prevention measures. If you turn off your smoke alarm, then during the night wake up and wonder if there is a fire, do you go back to sleep assured that there is no fire based on the proof that the smoke alarm did not go off? Of course not. You get up and check out the house to be sure that there is no fire. (Then you turn the smoke alarm back on.) The 2020 election is like this example. Many places illegally changed rules concerning voting. They "turned the smoke alarm off". Several places around the country refused to use Dominion as they were not convinced that Dominion was secure enough. Republicans now only want to confirm that the voting was not fraudulent. It is not unreasonable to assume that at least some of the people who oppose the confirmation of votes have something to hide. Even if nothing ever results from the call for confirmation, I hope that they "turn the smoke alarms" back on.

So, you check for fire and find nothing
You stay up all the next night and still find nothing
You stay up all week to be sure...still nothing

At what point do you decide there was no fire?

Five months after the election, Republicans are still screaming FIRE!
Nice piece of Russian-Chinese Propaganda Comrade.

Faux Fraud Biden, is not the President because Faux Xiden had the election rigged for him. Literally no one trusts or likes this fool but you'd have us believe he is more popular than Obama.
Meanwhile, back in reality, what charges have been brought against Dominion, anywhere, by any Trumper, relating to any of the hysterical accusations concerning it?

The fact it is so easy to commit fraud with voting machines that it leaves no evidence, does not make them more reliable, but less.
Everyone should know that any machine you put on a network can easily be hacked.
That does without saying.
You guys keep making these wild claims about how easy and undetectable it is.......At what level do you think it is possible to hack the votes?

My town closes the polls at 8 PM, they tabulate the vote and report to the county that the tally was Trump 5000, Biden 4000.
If the next day it is reported that my town is at Biden 5000, Trump 4000 my town will go apeshit and scream that is not what they reported. So will every other town.

If the hack is at a higher level, an audit of the results will add up what each town reported and see if it matches. If it doesn’t. The shit hits the fan

So where do you claim the fraud occurs?
You are as full of shit as Faux Xiden's diaper.

I literally watched a live stream where tens of thousands of votes were removed from Trump and the same number was added to Biden. I saw it with my own eyes, so I know you Demonic DemNazis pulled off rigging the 2020 election where you had failed to do so in 2016.

Fraud happened all over the country, things like mysterious boxes of votes on Semi Trucks showing up in DemNazi districts and dumped in to the system as if they were legitimate ballots was THE NORM, not the EXCEPTION.

You and Faux Biden are 100% wrong on everything 200% of the time.

You cheat, you lie, and then you lie about your cheating.
Show me the fraud

Was it at each town or at the compilations of each town and county?

States repeatedly checked the results and found NOTHING!
Get back to me after discovery is completed....

(it won't get anywhere near the discovery process)(this is a bunch of crooks at dominion trying to save face)
I don't think dominion needs much discovery. Their pleadings were complete with a hundred pages of newspaper, and TV and internet coverage of the plaintiffs statements about dominion voting machines.

And the defendants have little they can "discover" that's in dominions hands. Of course they can try for third party discovery against the government, but that would mean the government supporting dominions claim.
You're right. Dominion doesn't "need" much discovery.

The defendants can discover A WHOLE SHIT TON OF INFLAMATORY INFORMATION, and the truth is an absolute defense to defamation.

Oh, and government has to produce it to anyone under a FOIA request, so....yeah.

You are one clueless motherfucker.
You are apparently unaware at how expensive these types of lawsuits are.

Not as expensive as a Vote Tabulation company having its reputation ruined by false claims
The claims aren't false, but yours are. I cannot think of a single time you have ever told the truth on USMB. Paid Liars still go to Hell, and saying it was your job does not excuse your sin.

You should take your own warning to heart Tree. You lie every time you post on this thread. If liars go to hell, you're doomed.
Calling someone like me who stands up for truth and righteousness a liar condemns you as a liar.

You are your Leftist Marxist Anti-God buddies are doomed to live through the 666 AntiChrist Kingdom Faux Xiden and his Globalist Demon Hoards are working to usher in, and it is your fate that will be sealed in Hell when you take that 666 Pass & Mark so you can go buy & sell, go to concerts and ride trains, planes, & automobiles.

DemNazis are so cheap they will sell their souls for a chocolate doughnut. And you will.

All of my leftist friends are Christians. None are communists.

Judge not lest you be judged Tree. Calling people you don’t know have never been met and have never spoken to denigrating names, is lying.

You are in no position to claim righteousness. Only God can decide whether you’re righteous. You don’t have that right. Nor do you have the right to condemn anyone.
So called Christians, many of them will be in Hell. All it takes for a so called Christian to go to Hell is to Deny that Christ is God the Son, deny the resurrection or to accept The Mark of The Beast during the Tribulation.

God does not decide who is Righteous, as No man is Righteous but God. Righteousness comes through Christ, His Crucifixion and Resurrection and Belief that He is God, and the Only Path to Salvation.

The Righteousness of Christ is what makes us acceptable to God, not anything we do or say.

Warning someone that there is a Hell is commanded by God, so if you don't believe in Hell, you call God a Liar, as God the Son preached on Hell twice as much as He spoke about Heaven.

Now, did you and your DemNazi lefty friends make plans to have a 666 Mark of The AntiChrist Party once Faux Xiden and his allies, like WHO, The UN, WEP push the World in to The New World Order The Green New Steal, and The Great Reset, and The End Times AntiChrist Cashless Society?


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Nice piece of Russian-Chinese Propaganda Comrade.

Faux Fraud Biden, is not the President because Faux Xiden had the election rigged for him. Literally no one trusts or likes this fool but you'd have us believe he is more popular than Obama.
Meanwhile, back in reality, what charges have been brought against Dominion, anywhere, by any Trumper, relating to any of the hysterical accusations concerning it?

The fact it is so easy to commit fraud with voting machines that it leaves no evidence, does not make them more reliable, but less.
Everyone should know that any machine you put on a network can easily be hacked.
That does without saying.
You guys keep making these wild claims about how easy and undetectable it is.......At what level do you think it is possible to hack the votes?

My town closes the polls at 8 PM, they tabulate the vote and report to the county that the tally was Trump 5000, Biden 4000.
If the next day it is reported that my town is at Biden 5000, Trump 4000 my town will go apeshit and scream that is not what they reported. So will every other town.

If the hack is at a higher level, an audit of the results will add up what each town reported and see if it matches. If it doesn’t. The shit hits the fan

So where do you claim the fraud occurs?
You are as full of shit as Faux Xiden's diaper.

I literally watched a live stream where tens of thousands of votes were removed from Trump and the same number was added to Biden. I saw it with my own eyes, so I know you Demonic DemNazis pulled off rigging the 2020 election where you had failed to do so in 2016.

Fraud happened all over the country, things like mysterious boxes of votes on Semi Trucks showing up in DemNazi districts and dumped in to the system as if they were legitimate ballots was THE NORM, not the EXCEPTION.

You and Faux Biden are 100% wrong on everything 200% of the time.

You cheat, you lie, and then you lie about your cheating.
Show me the fraud

Was it at each town or at the compilations of each town and county?

States repeatedly checked the results and found NOTHING!
Go look in the mirror. You are a paid Faux Fraud, for Faux Fraud Xiden.

Plenty of evidence has been posted here, so take the time to look it all up and refute it.
Then of course, there was the video, clearly showing hidden ballots in containers brought out from under a shrouded table and being entered into the database, "after the ballot watchers and media were told to leave. The left's response to complaints about this....."there's nothing to see here." without explanation. Basically, don't believe your eyes.
Then there was the switch of 12,000+ votes from Trump to Biden, in Georgia. The left's response, "there's nothing to see here,' with no explanation.
Then their was the truck going missing with boxes of ballots, that were generated in a pro-Republican area. "Nothing happening here."

Clearly if any of those had any verifiable truth behind them at all, at least one court would have taken those claims seriously.
The lower courts, many being leftist appointed, simply claimed their cases had "no merit/standing," despite the evidence presented. So, it was a case of political bias, as well as cowardice in some cases. As for the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Roberts declined to hear voter fraud cases brought to the court. There was even a heated argument between Chief Justice Roberts and other Justices, with him yelling that they would not hear the case of Texas vs Pennsylvania, a case clearly within the purview of the Supreme Court.
There's noting to gain from Americans spamming and trolling each other than a bit of mental satisfaction for precocious teenagers who aren't capable of seeing anything serious in what's happening to their country.

Your country's military has been infiltrated by traitors and the government can't trust that it's footing is strong and secure enough to take the threat to task.

It appears that the law of the land isn't capable of dealing with a situation so advanced that the only remedy is traitors receiving a bullet between the horns.

America's turn to fascism may have already gained enough momentum so that it can't be stopped.

Just try to take Trump down and punish him for his crimes and see what happens!

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