Dominion v. Fox News: Parties supposedly now reach settlement.

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A settlement to the tune of $787 million for a defamation case is utterly unprecedented.
Yes. But all I said was that settlements are fairly common. They are.
Says you, citing yourself. And as we've established, you're aggressively ignorant.

Fox on the other hand said this:

“We are pleased to have reached a settlement of our dispute with Dominion Voting Systems. We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false."

You keep pretending that if you refuse to look at Fox's admission to lying, it doesn't exist.

Um.....that's not how reality works.
I acknowledge your post. Here’s a cool fact: Acknowledging that you posted “x” doesn’t mean I agree with ”x.”

At the very least, I happen to believe that Fox News was sloppy in its reporting (although much of what they said was merely opinion and not “news reporting”).

If you say they need to tighten their shit up, I agree. But then again, I maintain the same about the lack of proper journalistic “standards” for the main stream liberal “news” media.
Fox admitted nothing. If they did, you would publish it HERE. All they conceded was the COURT'S position.
Fox would not have settled if they had had any defense.
Yes, the settlement was an admission that their hosts and their guests lied about Dominion in their pushing of The Big Lie.
Dude, phax hasn't been a news source for a long time. The admissions by murduch in depositions made that clear.

Hence phax entertainment as they only care about ratings.
I'm sorry, 5th grade name degrading. What a loser.
Again, show us anything that is similar
Who accused Fox of racism?

I’ve talked about them frequently. Just look at any of the hosts on Sirius Xm progress or urban view, there’s enough there for sure for a defamation suit. Vox has accused fox of racism as well. Many of those lefty sites do it
I’ve talked about them frequently. Just look at any of the hosts on Sirius Xm progress or urban view, there’s enough there for sure for a defamation suit. Vox has accused fox of racism as well. Many of those lefty sites do it
Give us some quotes

Dominion provided quotes
The problem with dominion winning here is that, this now clears the path for voting system companies in the future, if one were to want to insert malicious code into their software, they could do it, and never get caught. Who would report on it? Who would want to be the one to make the accusation.

Regardless of dominions situation now, this is going to end up lowering the scrutiny on voting system companies because everyone will be too afraid to accuse anyone of potential issues with their software.
I'm sorry, 5th grade name degrading. What a loser.
It imagines that Fox Is irritated if some dimwit leftard spells it as “phax” which doesn’t even make sense or display the tiniest bit of wit.
The problem with dominion winning here is that, this now clears the path for voting system companies in the future, if one were to want to insert malicious code into their software, they could do it, and never get caught. Who would report on it? Who would want to be the one to make the accusation.

Regardless of dominions situation now, this is going to end up lowering the scrutiny on voting system companies because everyone will be too afraid to accuse anyone of potential issues with their software.
What a ridiculous claim

Any voting software must be certified based on extensive independent verification and validation

It means the SW performs as designed and is not susceptible to hacking.

Dominion went through it but morons such as yourself still claim it fixes elections
Again, show us anything that is similar
Who accused Fox of racism?


OK ….try to sue for libel on that

Stories that say……I believe Fox is racist and here are some quotes that support my claim

Problem with Fox is they provided no proof that Dominion switched votes even though they kept claiming it
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