Don Jr. cuts some of the hush money payments to women

Regarding the hush money, the alleged crime is making an illegal campaign contribution which is a commonly is dealt with with a fine. Cohen is going to prison for lying about his part in this under oath, not for what he actually did or did not do.
It isn't fined , because they all knowingly and willfully agreed in the payment and didn't report it. That is a federal crime. Are you a vegetable who doesn't understand simple law?
You are inventing a law, not citing it. It is an infraction of election rules handled by the election commission and it is always dealt with by a fine. Only people who lied under oath about it are going to prison.
Trump Said Campaign Finance Violations Aren't a Crime. Experts Say That's 'Nonsensical'
So you mean people who became experts by saying it was a crime.
It is a federal crime to knowingly create and submit false campaign finance reports to the Federal Election Commission. Typically, the Government charges the filing of a false campaign disclosure form as being a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001, which is a general statute that prohibits filing materially false statements within the jurisdiction of any federal agency. Although 18 U.S.C. § 1001 is a charge that can be filed in connection with knowingly filing false campaign disclosure forms with the Federal Election Commission, the typical charge that is brought in these cases is an alleged violation of 2 U.S.C. § 441(a), the Federal Election Statute. This statute makes it a crime to knowingly and willfully accept and/or receive contributions in excess of the limits of the Election Act. If two or more persons conspire to violate this law, another prosecutor’s preferred charge is to allege a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371, the general conspiracy statute.
"This statute makes it a crime to knowingly and willfully accept and/or receive contributions in excess of the limits of the Election Act."

The candidate can contribute as much of his own money as he likes to his own campaign.
These threads just get more desperate every day.
I cant wait until they are calling for muellers head :lol:
Documented evidence is not desperation. It can and will be used against you. Has nothing to do with Mueller. Why do you cover for criminals?
Prove this came out of campaign funds or shut the hell up.
Goddamn, you are as bad as CNN
These threads just get more desperate every day.
I cant wait until they are calling for muellers head :lol:
Documented evidence is not desperation. It can and will be used against you. Has nothing to do with Mueller. Why do you cover for criminals?
Prove this came out of campaign funds or shut the hell up.
Goddamn, you are as bad as CNN
:aargh: OMG, you folks are so stupid. Trump paid for it. They are his checks. WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE SO STUPID?

BOOM! You admit that they came out of Trump's personal finances and not election campaign funds.

Why are you even continuing with this stupid line of argument when even YOU admit the truth?
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
meh. . .

Not to worry, the sleaze and cheating was equal on both sides.

The Clinton campaign cut a check to Fusion GPS, which paid Steele to give money to the Russians and the FBI to create this whole Russian hoax. They also got the media to collude with them and brainwash folks, as revealed in the Wikileaks.

All's fair in love, war, and apparently, politics.

Only losers whine about the outcomes.
"Fair" is questionable when one side goes to prison and the other takes a walk in the woods.
It was knowingly and willfully committed as a conspiracy, and the money was not reported. It's a federal crime. Don't believe me? Talk to Cohen. Jr. is next.

Talk to Cohen??? LOL? A convicted perjurer who President Trump counted on to give him advice?

If Donald Jr. were indicted, Cohen would be the star witness? Good luck with that. He won't have Rep. Cummings to rescue him from cross examination like he did today.
Lol! Documented evidence is your friend. No one needs Cohen as a witness for that.

There is no note on the check indicating "illegal hush money" ,BWK. The persecution would need Cohen to explain what the money was for. Even if the persecution didn't call Cohen, the defense would. There would be no way to avoid it.
He already has. He posted the check and explained what it was for. And it was not reported on financial disclosures. Law enforcement already has all of that evidence.

Cohen has to explain it before 12 angry men, and be cross examined on the matter. Law enforcement only knows what Cohen told them, so they are hear say on that. Should be an interesting cross examination. He was caught lying today several times. The jury isn't going to believe a word out of his mouth
What lies did he get caught telling, or you are a liar?
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
meh. . .

Not to worry, the sleaze and cheating was equal on both sides.

The Clinton campaign cut a check to Fusion GPS, which paid Steele to give money to the Russians and the FBI to create this whole Russian hoax. They also got the media to collude with them and brainwash folks, as revealed in the Wikileaks.

All's fair in love, war, and apparently, politics.

Only losers whine about the outcomes.
"Fair" is questionable when one side goes to prison and the other takes a walk in the woods.
Talk to Cohen??? LOL? A convicted perjurer who President Trump counted on to give him advice?

If Donald Jr. were indicted, Cohen would be the star witness? Good luck with that. He won't have Rep. Cummings to rescue him from cross examination like he did today.
Lol! Documented evidence is your friend. No one needs Cohen as a witness for that.

There is no note on the check indicating "illegal hush money" ,BWK. The persecution would need Cohen to explain what the money was for. Even if the persecution didn't call Cohen, the defense would. There would be no way to avoid it.
He already has. He posted the check and explained what it was for. And it was not reported on financial disclosures. Law enforcement already has all of that evidence.

Cohen has to explain it before 12 angry men, and be cross examined on the matter. Law enforcement only knows what Cohen told them, so they are hear say on that. Should be an interesting cross examination. He was caught lying today several times. The jury isn't going to believe a word out of his mouth
What lies did he get caught telling, or you are a liar?
Even before he started talking he was caught in a lie. The forms he had to fill out before testifying asked if he had had any contracts with foreign entities in the last two years and he wrote, no, but when pressed under questioning, after trying to dodge the question, finally admitted he had to go over the forms with his lawyers and amend them since he had had contracts with foreign entities in the last two years.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
meh. . .

Not to worry, the sleaze and cheating was equal on both sides.

The Clinton campaign cut a check to Fusion GPS, which paid Steele to give money to the Russians and the FBI to create this whole Russian hoax. They also got the media to collude with them and brainwash folks, as revealed in the Wikileaks.

All's fair in love, war, and apparently, politics.

Only losers whine about the outcomes.
"Fair" is questionable when one side goes to prison and the other takes a walk in the woods.

I don't think you understand then..

That is an aphorism.

Of course none of it is fair.

Is love fair? Is war fair?

Of course not. Neither is politics. It is about getting the upper hand whenever possible.

In these cases, it was about WHO YOU KNOW, TIMING, HAVING A LAYER, and KNOWING THE AGENDA.

Most of those folks that went to the pokey went on process crimes, or for things the other side did as well. They went because the wrong guy won and pissed off the establishment. . . .

. . . But all is fair in love and war buddy. Those shit's should have known better and attached themselves to the right horse, or lawyered up and hid the bodies when the shit hit the fan. . .

Cohen embarrassed himself and got destroyed by Jim Jordan. Get something new. The John Edwards case set precedent that those payments are NOT campaign violations. Personal check means campaign funds? Only in liberal La-La land.
Cohen embarrassed himself and got destroyed by Jim Jordan. Get something new. The John Edwards case set precedent that those payments are NOT campaign violations. Personal check means campaign funds? Only in liberal La-La land.

Mr. Cohen is going to face new trials over this testimony today. Rep. Jordan has listed a half dozen times Cohen lied today. As a repeat offender, I think we really have to be looking for a life sentence in the Super Max for this gentleman.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
meh. . .

Not to worry, the sleaze and cheating was equal on both sides.

The Clinton campaign cut a check to Fusion GPS, which paid Steele to give money to the Russians and the FBI to create this whole Russian hoax. They also got the media to collude with them and brainwash folks, as revealed in the Wikileaks.

All's fair in love, war, and apparently, politics.

Only losers whine about the outcomes.
"Fair" is questionable when one side goes to prison and the other takes a walk in the woods.
Lol! Documented evidence is your friend. No one needs Cohen as a witness for that.

There is no note on the check indicating "illegal hush money" ,BWK. The persecution would need Cohen to explain what the money was for. Even if the persecution didn't call Cohen, the defense would. There would be no way to avoid it.
He already has. He posted the check and explained what it was for. And it was not reported on financial disclosures. Law enforcement already has all of that evidence.

Cohen has to explain it before 12 angry men, and be cross examined on the matter. Law enforcement only knows what Cohen told them, so they are hear say on that. Should be an interesting cross examination. He was caught lying today several times. The jury isn't going to believe a word out of his mouth
What lies did he get caught telling, or you are a liar?
Even before he started talking he was caught in a lie. The forms he had to fill out before testifying asked if he had had any contracts with foreign entities in the last two years and he wrote, no, but when pressed under questioning, after trying to dodge the question, finally admitted he had to go over the forms with his lawyers and amend them since he had had contracts with foreign entities in the last two years.
If he said he needed to amend them, then he isn't lying.
Cohen embarrassed himself and got destroyed by Jim Jordan. Get something new. The John Edwards case set precedent that those payments are NOT campaign violations. Personal check means campaign funds? Only in liberal La-La land.

Mr. Cohen is going to face new trials over this testimony today. Rep. Jordan has listed a half dozen times Cohen lied today. As a repeat offender, I think we really have to be looking for a life sentence in the Super Max for this gentleman.
What are the proven lies by Jordan?
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
meh. . .

Not to worry, the sleaze and cheating was equal on both sides.

The Clinton campaign cut a check to Fusion GPS, which paid Steele to give money to the Russians and the FBI to create this whole Russian hoax. They also got the media to collude with them and brainwash folks, as revealed in the Wikileaks.

All's fair in love, war, and apparently, politics.

Only losers whine about the outcomes.
"Fair" is questionable when one side goes to prison and the other takes a walk in the woods.
There is no note on the check indicating "illegal hush money" ,BWK. The persecution would need Cohen to explain what the money was for. Even if the persecution didn't call Cohen, the defense would. There would be no way to avoid it.
He already has. He posted the check and explained what it was for. And it was not reported on financial disclosures. Law enforcement already has all of that evidence.

Cohen has to explain it before 12 angry men, and be cross examined on the matter. Law enforcement only knows what Cohen told them, so they are hear say on that. Should be an interesting cross examination. He was caught lying today several times. The jury isn't going to believe a word out of his mouth
What lies did he get caught telling, or you are a liar?
Even before he started talking he was caught in a lie. The forms he had to fill out before testifying asked if he had had any contracts with foreign entities in the last two years and he wrote, no, but when pressed under questioning, after trying to dodge the question, finally admitted he had to go over the forms with his lawyers and amend them since he had had contracts with foreign entities in the last two years.
If he said he needed to amend them, then he isn't lying.
lol Of course he was lying. It was only after it was proved he was lying that he said he would amend the forms.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.

It's the modus operandi of our entire Congress

Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning
meh. . .

Not to worry, the sleaze and cheating was equal on both sides.

The Clinton campaign cut a check to Fusion GPS, which paid Steele to give money to the Russians and the FBI to create this whole Russian hoax. They also got the media to collude with them and brainwash folks, as revealed in the Wikileaks.

All's fair in love, war, and apparently, politics.

Only losers whine about the outcomes.
"Fair" is questionable when one side goes to prison and the other takes a walk in the woods.
There is no note on the check indicating "illegal hush money" ,BWK. The persecution would need Cohen to explain what the money was for. Even if the persecution didn't call Cohen, the defense would. There would be no way to avoid it.
He already has. He posted the check and explained what it was for. And it was not reported on financial disclosures. Law enforcement already has all of that evidence.

Cohen has to explain it before 12 angry men, and be cross examined on the matter. Law enforcement only knows what Cohen told them, so they are hear say on that. Should be an interesting cross examination. He was caught lying today several times. The jury isn't going to believe a word out of his mouth
What lies did he get caught telling, or you are a liar?
Even before he started talking he was caught in a lie. The forms he had to fill out before testifying asked if he had had any contracts with foreign entities in the last two years and he wrote, no, but when pressed under questioning, after trying to dodge the question, finally admitted he had to go over the forms with his lawyers and amend them since he had had contracts with foreign entities in the last two years.
If he said he needed to amend them, then he isn't lying.

He should not allowed to amend them. He was already caught lying.

He needs to be both tried and sentenced for his repeated crimes. This is a "3rd strike" situation, he should his time as a rat or a snitch in the joint.
Trump Jr. signed 'hush money' check, according to Cohen
This furthers the narrative, that I as a voter was cheated out of a free and fair election. Hopefully there will be a nation wide outcry against Trump and his organization for hijacking the 2016 election, by declaring him illegitimate. This people, is the worst scandal in our history. And this illegal act by Trump and his thugs, is just the beginning

Is it illegal to pay hoes to shut their lying mouths? Asking for a friend.

It's the modus operandi of our entire Congress

Not in a presidential election it isn't. This is the first.
meh. . .

Not to worry, the sleaze and cheating was equal on both sides.

The Clinton campaign cut a check to Fusion GPS, which paid Steele to give money to the Russians and the FBI to create this whole Russian hoax. They also got the media to collude with them and brainwash folks, as revealed in the Wikileaks.

All's fair in love, war, and apparently, politics.

Only losers whine about the outcomes.
"Fair" is questionable when one side goes to prison and the other takes a walk in the woods.
He already has. He posted the check and explained what it was for. And it was not reported on financial disclosures. Law enforcement already has all of that evidence.

Cohen has to explain it before 12 angry men, and be cross examined on the matter. Law enforcement only knows what Cohen told them, so they are hear say on that. Should be an interesting cross examination. He was caught lying today several times. The jury isn't going to believe a word out of his mouth
What lies did he get caught telling, or you are a liar?
Even before he started talking he was caught in a lie. The forms he had to fill out before testifying asked if he had had any contracts with foreign entities in the last two years and he wrote, no, but when pressed under questioning, after trying to dodge the question, finally admitted he had to go over the forms with his lawyers and amend them since he had had contracts with foreign entities in the last two years.
If he said he needed to amend them, then he isn't lying.

He should not allowed to amend them. He was already caught lying.

He needs to be both tried and sentenced for his repeated crimes. This is a "3rd strike" situation, he should his time as a rat or a snitch in the joint.
If you don't allow the amendment, then stop complaining about the lying, because you aren't interested in the truth.

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