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Don’t Misunderestimate Her! Sarah Palin Returns to Fox

Sorry, but if you don't find Sarah funny, then you simply do not have a sense of humor!

Hey, only a liberal like you would find degrading a woman (any woman) funny. Asshole.

Oh, come on, now Templar, admit it! You are secretly giggling over this, just like the rest of us! You can admit it...nobody here knows who you are!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS4C7bvHv2w]Sarah Palin: Paul Revere Warned The British - YouTube[/ame]

Damn, she's hot!
In all fairness, I don't think that the Republicans claim ownership of Palin. They just sort of rent her from the Tea Party and trot her out to impress the radicals. It is sort of like kids do today when they go to the prom, and they insist on renting a limo that holds all their friends. Adults look upon this as a monumnetal waste of money and can't imagine why it would impress anyone other than the Lincoln Town Car salesman, but the kids hold it to be absolutely necessary so that they do not lose face with each other.

Yep. There are definitely the True Believers (maybe, what, 25% of the party), those who really do think that she's Presidential material and believe the notion that the Democrats are "afraid" of her; but I suspect the rest of them know that her best value would be to just fire up the base, behind closed doors, preferably. She could have value if the party could find a way for her to somehow speak to the base without national exposure.

Problem is, that ain't her schtick. She's completely bought into the hype of the True Believers and wants to be seen by every voter in the country.

Conundrum for the GOP. But that said, my guess is that she won't cause too much damage in '14 and '16, we'll see. The Dems will certainly try to keep her in the spotlight.

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Hey, only a liberal like you would find degrading a woman (any woman) funny. Asshole.

Oh, come on, now Templar, admit it! You are secretly giggling over this, just like the rest of us! You can admit it...nobody here knows who you are!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS4C7bvHv2w"]Sarah Palin: Paul Revere Warned The British - YouTube[/ame]

Damn, she's hot!

Sarah Palin: Leading from her behind.

Sarah Palin: 'We Gotta Stand With Our North Korean Allies' - ABC News
I think it's possible (please note the word "possible") that the GOP could have success with a "real" conservative -- it would be interesting to see them run one for a change -- but they clearly have not yet figured out the difference between the message and the messenger. They simply do not grasp that, for better or worse, image plays a significant role on the political stage.

In a vaccum, Palin's positions may or may not work with the electorate, but her image makes it irrelevant. She's so simplistic, so shallow, so full of non-stop platitudes that it doesn't matter what she actually thinks. If the GOP could get its shit together and run a strong conservative who could actually project an image of both strength and intellect, then we might have an interesting presidential campaign.

I think that, somewhere deep down, they see this. But their partisan ideology prohibits them from admitting it.


for better or worse, image plays a significant role on the political stage.

and it is the same on the other side Mac.....Waters,Pelosi,Biden.......where have all the decent Politicians gone?.......

Our real Best & Brightest, both parties, know to stay the fuck out of politics.


and the way they and their families get treated.....i cant blame them....who the fuck cares if the person did drugs or got caught with a hooker when they were 18.....i wanna know what they have been doing recently...
repub voters like Stephie will do every thing in their power to rid their party of electable repubs too. Delicious.

Conservatives contempt for intellectual achievement is pretty well documented. Frankly, I could understand that attitude if they only sought to reject intellectuals who they also perceive as politically liberal. Yet, look at the men whose opinions they give so much weight -- men like Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck. They all have no formal education or degrees past High School. This is a crisis for the conservative movement whether they know it or not.

What do most people think would happen if this country chose a leader who romanticized the value of having opinions about governance which weren't supported by a dispassionate evaluation of the facts? What are the chances of making good decisions based on an emotional response as opposed to an intellectual analysis? Not good in most cases. What happens to the conservative movement then when the results of bad choices based on poor decision making reveal themselves in the form of poor results? Well, look at the aftermath of the GWB presidency. It helped elect Obama. Yet, conservatives are poised to do it all over again by marching down the same road. Well, if conservatives haven't learned from their own mistakes, I can only hope that the American electorate as a whole is collectively smarter than that.

many Democrats havent learned from their mistakes either....they keep on electing people like Pelosi,Waters and Rangel........whats the difference?....bottom of the barrel people are running the country.........
for better or worse, image plays a significant role on the political stage.

and it is the same on the other side Mac.....Waters,Pelosi,Biden.......where have all the decent Politicians gone?.......

Our real Best & Brightest, both parties, know to stay the fuck out of politics.


and the way they and their families get treated.....i cant blame them....who the fuck cares if the person did drugs or got caught with a hooker when they were 18.....i wanna know what they have been doing recently...

Yep, and that's just the beginning. Never-ending fundraising, kissing ass for decent committee seats, fighting for teevee time, staying on the right side of party leaders, being primaried, etc., etc...

It takes a massive ego to put up with that crap. Being a good legislator is damn near irrelevent.

After watching what you on the left do to people running for office, any and all republicans especially women...
Cain, Romney, Gingrich, etc etc...and what you people did to PALIN while she was running for VP was some of the nastiest I have seen..and you still do with palin just look at this thread for example

who would want to come into that kind of hate and have their family brought into that too..

They really don't believe anything was wrong with the way Palin was treated, or the deplorable things they said about her.

They are hate-filled, detestable human beings. The left accused Palin of incest, lying about the father of her special needs child, made fun of a Down syndrome child--and then they sit there and lecture us about civility and our tone.

And did the media report the prominent leftists saying these things?

Hypocrites, all of them.

there used to be a time in Politics when politicians family was left out of it...but that has changed over the years and the people from the left have become as nasty as they get...
now they bring up santorum's dead baby, Palins down syndrome baby, the Bush twins was never left alone...it gets worse every year...

the right does the same thing Steph.........the reason the cream stays home and we get the scrapings off the bottom.....

He loves her, he loves her not. Fox News CEO Roger Ailes says he’s bringing Sarah Palin back as an on-air contributor. Will the second time be a charm? By David Freedlander

Refudiate that!

Former Alaska governor and professional maverick Sarah Palin will be returning to Fox News as on-air contributor, the network announced today.

“I’ve had several conversations with Governor Palin in the past few weeks about her rejoining FOX News as a contributor,” said Fox News CEO Roger Ailes in a statement. “I have great confidence in her and am pleased that she will once again add her commentary to our programming. I hope she continues to speak her mind.”

More: Don't Misunderestimate Her! Sarah Palin Returns to Fox - The Daily Beast

Thank you, Jesus, for not letting this "gifted" woman fade in obscurity.

One can only assume Ailes is aware of the fact that Palin has a propensity to quit before the job is done.
Conservatives contempt for intellectual achievement is pretty well documented. Frankly, I could understand that attitude if they only sought to reject intellectuals who they also perceive as politically liberal. Yet, look at the men whose opinions they give so much weight -- men like Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck. They all have no formal education or degrees past High School. This is a crisis for the conservative movement whether they know it or not.

What do most people think would happen if this country chose a leader who romanticized the value of having opinions about governance which weren't supported by a dispassionate evaluation of the facts? What are the chances of making good decisions based on an emotional response as opposed to an intellectual analysis? Not good in most cases. What happens to the conservative movement then when the results of bad choices based on poor decision making reveal themselves in the form of poor results? Well, look at the aftermath of the GWB presidency. It helped elect Obama. Yet, conservatives are poised to do it all over again by marching down the same road. Well, if conservatives haven't learned from their own mistakes, I can only hope that the American electorate as a whole is collectively smarter than that.

.you do see you self as special and far superior over others don't you?
Hannity and Beck..........blaa blaa blaaa...It helped elect Obama....blaa blaa blaaa
gawd pass the barf bag

I'm smart enough to not hang on the every word of self-apppointed experts on talk radio who have no formal education or practical experience regarding the myriad of subjects they see fit to comment on as if they're adding some kind of heretofore unconsidered insight. And frankly, I don't see why that's so hard to comprehend when the very same AM radio stations that offer up RW conservatives opinions on governance are also the same stations that sell miracle vitamin cures, get rich quick schemes, and the so-called 'total transformation system' which promises to change the behavior of troubled teenagers overnight.

dam....you even know what Ads are run?...geez.....:eusa_eh:
In all fairness, I don't think that the Republicans claim ownership of Palin. They just sort of rent her from the Tea Party and trot her out to impress the radicals. It is sort of like kids do today when they go to the prom, and they insist on renting a limo that holds all their friends. Adults look upon this as a monumnetal waste of money and can't imagine why it would impress anyone other than the Lincoln Town Car salesman, but the kids hold it to be absolutely necessary so that they do not lose face with each other.

Yep. There are definitely the True Believers (maybe, what, 25% of the party), those who really do think that she's Presidential material and believe the notion that the Democrats are "afraid" of her; but I suspect the rest of them know that her best value would be to just fire up the base, behind closed doors, preferably. She could have value if the party could find a way for her to somehow speak to the base without national exposure.

Problem is, that ain't her schtick. She's completely bought into the hype of the True Believers and wants to be seen by every voter in the country.

Conundrum for the GOP. But that said, my guess is that she won't cause too much damage in '14 and '16, we'll see. The Dems will certainly try to keep her in the spotlight.



So why do you leftist loons consider her such a threat and fear her as much as you do? I find it completely hilarious how a so-called idiot can make lefties like you squirm.

Gotta agree.

Shit. How many Palin threads have been on this board??

For someone they consider dumb, stupid and an idiot they sure seem to like to bring her up on the board.

Palin is smarter then they think she is. Way smarter. In fact I doubt ShittingBull can hold a candle to Palin in any way shape or form.

Beginning to sound like jealousy to me.

Get a life ShittingBull.

I've gone back four pages and found a grand total of one, this one, which if pro palin so is certainly not because of any liberal bringing her up

a Liberal started the the fucking thread....
Our real Best & Brightest, both parties, know to stay the fuck out of politics.


and the way they and their families get treated.....i cant blame them....who the fuck cares if the person did drugs or got caught with a hooker when they were 18.....i wanna know what they have been doing recently...

Yep, and that's just the beginning. Never-ending fundraising, kissing ass for decent committee seats, fighting for teevee time, staying on the right side of party leaders, being primaried, etc., etc...

It takes a massive ego to put up with that crap. Being a good legislator is damn near irrelevent.


well when you are just a Puppet....i guess it does not matter....
repub voters like Stephie will do every thing in their power to rid their party of electable repubs too. Delicious.

Conservatives contempt for intellectual achievement is pretty well documented. Frankly, I could understand that attitude if they only sought to reject intellectuals who they also perceive as politically liberal. Yet, look at the men whose opinions they give so much weight -- men like Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck. They all have no formal education or degrees past High School. This is a crisis for the conservative movement whether they know it or not.

What do most people think would happen if this country chose a leader who romanticized the value of having opinions about governance which weren't supported by a dispassionate evaluation of the facts? What are the chances of making good decisions based on an emotional response as opposed to an intellectual analysis? Not good in most cases. What happens to the conservative movement then when the results of bad choices based on poor decision making reveal themselves in the form of poor results? Well, look at the aftermath of the GWB presidency. It helped elect Obama. Yet, conservatives are poised to do it all over again by marching down the same road. Well, if conservatives haven't learned from their own mistakes, I can only hope that the American electorate as a whole is collectively smarter than that.

When you achieve something intellectually, I'll let you know. Your gee, ain't I smart schtick isn't cutting it.
.you do see you self as special and far superior over others don't you?
Hannity and Beck..........blaa blaa blaaa...It helped elect Obama....blaa blaa blaaa
gawd pass the barf bag

I'm smart enough to not hang on the every word of self-apppointed experts on talk radio who have no formal education or practical experience regarding the myriad of subjects they see fit to comment on as if they're adding some kind of heretofore unconsidered insight. And frankly, I don't see why that's so hard to comprehend when the very same AM radio stations that offer up RW conservatives opinions on governance are also the same stations that sell miracle vitamin cures, get rich quick schemes, and the so-called 'total transformation system' which promises to change the behavior of troubled teenagers overnight.

dam....you even know what Ads are run?...geez.....:eusa_eh:

I wouldn't remember if it wasn't for the fact that the ads are run week after week after week. The ads must be effective and earning money for the respective businesses who pay to put the ads on the air, or they would have been discontinued a LONG time ago.
Thank you, Jesus, for not letting this "gifted" woman fade in obscurity.

I'm not exactly a fan of hers, but when you look at all the liberal douches like Rachel Maddow, Al Franken, Ed Schultz and the rest with microphones, I don't see how it's any worse.
I'm smart enough to not hang on the every word of self-apppointed experts on talk radio who have no formal education or practical experience regarding the myriad of subjects they see fit to comment on as if they're adding some kind of heretofore unconsidered insight. And frankly, I don't see why that's so hard to comprehend when the very same AM radio stations that offer up RW conservatives opinions on governance are also the same stations that sell miracle vitamin cures, get rich quick schemes, and the so-called 'total transformation system' which promises to change the behavior of troubled teenagers overnight.

dam....you even know what Ads are run?...geez.....:eusa_eh:

I wouldn't remember if it wasn't for the fact that the ads are run week after week after week. The ads must be effective and earning money for the respective businesses who pay to put the ads on the air, or they would have been discontinued a LONG time ago.

well you remembered them.......
Thank you, Jesus, for not letting this "gifted" woman fade in obscurity.

I'm not exactly a fan of hers, but when you look at all the liberal douches like Rachel Maddow, Al Franken, Ed Schultz and the rest with microphones, I don't see how it's any worse.

anyone who is not in the Far Left or Right field Bleachers can see that.....Lakota is plastered up against the Left Field Bleachers Wall.....that how far left he is....that shit doesn't even register....

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