Donald doesn't need to pay. The so called liberal media gives him all the press he wants.

Darn that liberal media! Repeating every Art of Squeal twitter post! Arrg! There so liberal they carry him on every town hall! RABBLE!
ALL media puts one thing before their ideology, MONEY/RATINGS. The last morons who tried to run on ideology alone (air America) went belly up.

Class dismissed

Tell that to the GOP. They seem to be easily swayed by making every aspect of life the fault of liberals. Btw, they're so big, bad and awesome they are also not represented anywhere if you let them tell it.
Tell that to the GOP. They seem to be easily swayed by making every aspect of life the fault of liberals.
that sounds like your buddy dean only he seems to think every every aspect of life is the fault of republicans....
8 years before Obama came along race relations were cool. But like all other things it's never republicans or white people's fault. Just the one and only black dude to ever be POTUS. What a cool theory.
What did he do to make it better?

Nothing can ever be better to the conservative peanut gallery. Watch: What has Obama done that was good? One thing?
He continued the Bush tax cuts.

So he disappointed you. You should have listened to those of us who warned you he was an empty suit and people were projecting all their wishes on him.
I watched 20 minutes of Morning Joe this morning. 20 minutes of Donald Trump. They may complain about him, but they love him to pieces.
Darn that liberal media! Repeating every Art of Squeal twitter post! Arrg! There so liberal they carry him on every town hall! RABBLE!
ALL media puts one thing before their ideology, MONEY/RATINGS. The last morons who tried to run on ideology alone (air America) went belly up.

Class dismissed

Tell that to the GOP. They seem to be easily swayed by making every aspect of life the fault of liberals. Btw, they're so big, bad and awesome they are also not represented anywhere if you let them tell it.
Tell that to the GOP. They seem to be easily swayed by making every aspect of life the fault of liberals.
that sounds like your buddy dean only he seems to think every every aspect of life is the fault of republicans....
Again and again I've asked Republicans to name their accomplishments. So far, the only one they came up with is taking down Bin Laden. Something they had nothing to do with.
8 years before Obama came along race relations were cool. But like all other things it's never republicans or white people's fault. Just the one and only black dude to ever be POTUS. What a cool theory.
What did he do to make it better?

Nothing can ever be better to the conservative peanut gallery. Watch: What has Obama done that was good? One thing?
He continued the Bush tax cuts.

So he disappointed you. You should have listened to those of us who warned you he was an empty suit and people were projecting all their wishes on him.

No he disappointed communists everywhere!!

Btw, are you talking about Obama or Trump? Projecting all their wishes? Lol
Again and again I've asked Republicans to name their accomplishments. So far, the only one they came up with is taking down Bin Laden. Something they had nothing to do with.

Have you looked at our budget or spending since Republicans took over Congress? Hint to libs: It's Congress that's in charge of spending and collecting money.
Darn that liberal media! Repeating every Art of Squeal twitter post! Arrg! There so liberal they carry him on every town hall! RABBLE!
ALL media puts one thing before their ideology, MONEY/RATINGS. The last morons who tried to run on ideology alone (air America) went belly up.

Class dismissed

Tell that to the GOP. They seem to be easily swayed by making every aspect of life the fault of liberals. Btw, they're so big, bad and awesome they are also not represented anywhere if you let them tell it.
Tell that to the GOP. They seem to be easily swayed by making every aspect of life the fault of liberals.
that sounds like your buddy dean only he seems to think every every aspect of life is the fault of republicans....
Again and again I've asked Republicans to name their accomplishments. So far, the only one they came up with is taking down Bin Laden. Something they had nothing to do with.
nice dance dean....but thats not what i was talking about and i believe you know that.....why is it so hard for you to admit you blame republicans for every negative thing you see or hear?....just reading your posts for the last 7 years backs that up.....
I watched 20 minutes of Morning Joe this morning. 20 minutes of Donald Trump. They may complain about him, but they love him to pieces.

They love anybody to pieces that brings them ratings. Ratings is how they make their money Dean. And let's face it, Democrats would sell their own mothers for power and money. And if Trump refused to go on any other network except Fox, you guys would be the first to criticize.
Trump has a court date between the election and the inauguration. If he loses his civil suit charging Fraud and Racketeering, he opens himself to criminal charges. Charges that a prosecutor WILL touch. Chances are, with the overwhelming evidence, Trump will lose his Fraud and Racketeering case.
Republicans, with the media's help, have been chasing the Clinton family for 30 years charging them with everything imaginable and losing every time. Trump's problems are NOT Democrats chasing him, they are his victims chasing him. The swindled chasing the swindler.

But isn't that what the GOP has been doing for decades? Swindling America?
Trump has a court date between the election and the inauguration. If he loses his civil suit charging Fraud and Racketeering, he opens himself to criminal charges. Charges that a prosecutor WILL touch. Chances are, with the overwhelming evidence, Trump will lose his Fraud and Racketeering case.
Republicans, with the media's help, have been chasing the Clinton family for 30 years charging them with everything imaginable and losing every time. Trump's problems are NOT Democrats chasing him, they are his victims chasing him. The swindled chasing the swindler.

But isn't that what the GOP has been doing for decades? Swindling America?

More like the other way around.

Trump nor his school are facing any criminal charges. Most of the people that attended his school were quite satisfied which of course will be part of his defense. All these losers can complain about is they didn't think they got their moneys worth. His only penalty may be to reimburse the accusers and perhaps legal fees if that. And how can you compare Trump with a woman that lied repeatedly under oath to Congress?
What did he do to make it better?

Nothing can ever be better to the conservative peanut gallery. Watch: What has Obama done that was good? One thing?
He continued the Bush tax cuts.

So he disappointed you. You should have listened to those of us who warned you he was an empty suit and people were projecting all their wishes on him.

No he disappointed communists everywhere!!

Btw, are you talking about Obama or Trump? Projecting all their wishes? Lol
Here's a hint. His name is in the thread. Please try to keep up.
Trump has a court date between the election and the inauguration. If he loses his civil suit charging Fraud and Racketeering, he opens himself to criminal charges. Charges that a prosecutor WILL touch. Chances are, with the overwhelming evidence, Trump will lose his Fraud and Racketeering case.
Republicans, with the media's help, have been chasing the Clinton family for 30 years charging them with everything imaginable and losing every time. Trump's problems are NOT Democrats chasing him, they are his victims chasing him. The swindled chasing the swindler.

But isn't that what the GOP has been doing for decades? Swindling America?
No. Everyone knows that.

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