Donald has lost 20 points in approval rating with seniors

Guess since the democrats didn’t finish them all off infecting their senior living facilities with the virus.. you guys suddenly care what they think?

How did Democrats infect senior living facilities with the virus? #ThisShouldBeFun :)
You are the ones claiming this virus would be a good “boomer remover”...then suddenly senior living facilities are hardest hit in multiple states? Infact,in my state senior facilities ( where they all have been sheltering in place with no visitors ...ironically) and the reservations make up the majority.

Where did I state my support for a good "boomer remover"? You're not making a bit of sense. Maybe switch from the Blue Gin to the Clear until at least noon. :wink:
Stop answering for the democrats and you won’t be mistaken for one. :)

I don't think you understand. Seniors overwhelmingly went for Trump in 2016. His approval has dipped 20 points. He is also losing independents and educated suburban women - MANY of whom voted for him.

I don't answer for Democrats. I answer for the vast majority of the American people.

Morning Consult is now an obscure source? No one who follows politics should find Morning Consult obscure. If they do, they are highly unqualified as political consultants, reporters, or anything.
You prove my point. Morning Consult is for political consultants and other words the backbone
of the permanent administrative state and political class.

I don't consider their go to sources to be well known or frequently read or even known of by the vast majority
of regular people....hence it's obscure.
That's his base. Old people.

They're dying like flies now. Of course they aren't going to like him anymore. They see that he and his followers have no problem with killing tens thousands of people most being those old people.

I'm sure they know by now that his word means nothing so when he tells them he won't let them die, they don't believe it. They shouldn't. So far there are over 40 thousand dead.

We finally see where they draw the line with trump, when it's a matter of their own life and death.

If the election is honest and fair, trump doesn't stand a chance in November.

The majority of those over age 65 have lost a friend or family member, or have one in ICU. They see the cavalier attitude about their expendability from Trump and just about every last one of his supporters.

Election fair and honest? Your lips to God's ear, but I don't have a great deal of hope in that regard.

The beat goes on.


United States
Coronavirus Cases:


It's worse than cavalier. One trump follower actually started a thread to justify killing tens of thousands of old people because the are the "least productive."

With all of the trump supporters agreeing with it.

It's just disgusting.

Old people see this and so many other things and are horrified. They see a president and political party who have absolutely no problem with killing them in the thousands just for money.

Money is more important to those people than life.

No our election won't be honest and fair. We haven't had one of those in a very long time.

People need to start now to make arrangements to vote by mail in November. There are many states that require a lot of hoops to jump through and it takes a long time. If anyone lives in one of those states, start now on getting a mail in ballot for November.

No one should count on being able to vote in person at the polls safely without worry of contracting the virus in November.

The only way to vote safely is to vote by mail.
I don't think you understand. Seniors overwhelmingly went for Trump in 2016. His approval has dipped 20 points. He is also losing independents and educated suburban women - MANY of whom voted for him.

I don't answer for Democrats. I answer for the vast majority of the American people.
The amount of people who will joyously and gratefully vote for Donald Trump if he is able to prod governors
into letting the nation get back to normalcy and full employment
(if all businesses shut down are still in existence) will absolutely swamp and overwhelm any negative response from p.o.ed seniors.

That much should be apparent even to partisan idiots like you.
It's worse than cavalier. One trump follower actually started a thread to justify killing tens of thousands of old people because the are the "least productive."

With all of the trump supporters agreeing with it.

It's just disgusting.

Old people see this and so many other things and are horrified. They see a president and political party who have absolutely no problem with killing them in the thousands just for money.

Money is more important to those people than life.

No our election won't be honest and fair. We haven't had one of those in a very long time.

People need to start now to make arrangements to vote by mail in November. There are many states that require a lot of hoops to jump through and it takes a long time. If anyone lives in one of those states, start now on getting a mail in ballot for November.

No one should count on being able to vote in person at the polls safely without worry of contracting the virus in November.

The only way to vote safely is to vote by mail.

Republicans will fight vote by mail to the death. They will claim like Donnie - with nary a shred of evidence - that voter fraud will be rampant. Republicans know the only way they can win is with voter suppression.

They want to scare people to stay home on November 3rd, or risk their lives at precisely the same time C-19 returns (along with the flu) with a vengeance.

This is funny. Out of one poll mentioned by the original article, the wsj/nbc poll 11 of 900 were 65 or older.

You sir, are full of crap
You posted the morning consult, not the wsj/nbc poll mentioned in the article as well. I did get the numbers wrong as I pulled them from an earlier one by accident. The number polled were 804 and 19 were 65 or older.
Morning consult gives no numbers of how many were polled.
And this my friends was in the past WEEK. Apparently Grandma and Grandpa been watching Fox News and hearing the rhetoric from Trump and his minions that seniors are expendable. Hasn't gone over well. He was already hemorrhaging educated suburban women and Independents. This will be his epitaph.

“The latest Morning Consult poll found that 65-and-older voters prioritized defeating the coronavirus over healing the economy by nearly a 6-to-1 ratio,” he wrote. “And over the past month, they’ve become the group most disenchanted with Trump’s handling of the crisis. In mid-March, seniors were more supportive of Trump than any other age group (plus-19 net approval). Now, their net approval of the president has dropped 20 points and is lower than any age group outside of the youngest.”​

That's his base. Old people.

They're dying like flies now. Of course they aren't going to like him anymore. They see that he and his followers have no problem with killing tens thousands of people most being those old people.

I'm sure they know by now that his word means nothing so when he tells them he won't let them die, they don't believe it. They shouldn't. So far there are over 40 thousand dead.

We finally see where they draw the line with trump, when it's a matter of their own life and death.

If the election is honest and fair, trump doesn't stand a chance in November.

You mean all the old democrats in NY?
Guess since the democrats didn’t finish them all off infecting their senior living facilities with the virus.. you guys suddenly care what they think?

How did Democrats infect senior living facilities with the virus? #ThisShouldBeFun :)
You are the ones claiming this virus would be a good “boomer remover”...then suddenly senior living facilities are hardest hit in multiple states? Infact,in my state senior facilities ( where they all have been sheltering in place with no visitors ...ironically) and the reservations make up the majority.

Where did I state my support for a good "boomer remover"? You're not making a bit of sense. Maybe switch from the Blue Gin to the Clear until at least noon. :wink:
Stop answering for the democrats and you won’t be mistaken for one. :)

I don't think you understand. Seniors overwhelmingly went for Trump in 2016. His approval has dipped 20 points. He is also losing independents and educated suburban women - MANY of whom voted for him.

I don't answer for Democrats. I answer for the vast majority of the American people.

I love it when eftist retards use polls that are heavily weighted towards democrats and democrat stron holds... You make them say anything you want to push your narrative.... This is propaganda at its worst..
When you have Trumptards on political forums like this and politicians like the moron Lt. Gov. of Texas arguing that the economy should reopen regardless of the effects on seniors, the message is being sent that seniors are expendable. The Trumptard message that seniors are not wanted in the party of Trump is being heard loud and clear.
When you have Trumptards on political forums like this and politicians like the moron Lt. Gov. of Texas arguing that the economy should reopen regardless of the effects on seniors, the message is being sent that seniors are expendable. The Trumptard message that seniors are not wanted in the party of Trump is being heard loud and clear.
Tell me again which states are being affected? The major areas where the elderly are affected is in big cities (democrat shit holes). Your making wild ass assumptions that do not mesh with the facts.
When you have Trumptards on political forums like this and politicians like the moron Lt. Gov. of Texas arguing that seniors are expendible then yes seniors will get the message they are not wanted int he party of Trump.

Let me ask you this.
If they dont open up the economy the seniors will stay home. If they do the seniors will still stay home since most are retired.
I see no direct correlation with opening up the economy and senior deaths.
When you have Trumptards on political forums like this and politicians like the moron Lt. Gov. of Texas arguing that the economy should reopen regardless of the effects on seniors, the message is being sent that seniors are expendable. The Trumptard message that seniors are not wanted in the party of Trump is being heard loud and clear.
Most of those seniors have kids and they’re watching their kids finances being destroyed, understand.
This is funny. Out of one poll mentioned by the original article, the wsj/nbc poll 11 of 900 were 65 or older.

You sir, are full of crap
You posted the morning consult, not the wsj/nbc poll mentioned in the article as well. I did get the numbers wrong as I pulled them from an earlier one by accident. The number polled were 804 and 19 were 65 or older.
Morning consult gives no numbers of how many were polled.
View attachment 326635

You sir, are full of crap

National Tracking Poll #200451 April 17-19, 2020
Crosstabulation Results
is poll was conducted between April 17-April 19, 2020 among a national sample of 1995 Regis- tered Voters. e interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of Registered Voters based on age, educational attainment, gender, race, and region. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

When you have Trumptards on political forums like this and politicians like the moron Lt. Gov. of Texas arguing that seniors are expendible then yes seniors will get the message they are not wanted int he party of Trump.

Let me ask you this.
If they dont open up the economy the seniors will stay home. If they do the seniors will still stay home since most are retired.
I see no direct correlation with opening up the economy and senior deaths.
The argument is being made that we must reopen the economy as soon as possible regardless of how many seniors the virus may ultimately kill. Many seniors may be hard of hearing but they are not deaf. They know what is meant when someone speaks of "heard immunity" or balancing of economic interests and the risks of infection and death. They are being told they are the price to be paid for reopening the economy.

Sorry Mom and Dad, Grandma and grandpa, but hey my paycheck is more important than your life.

That is the conservative message.

When you have Trumptards on political forums like this and politicians like the moron Lt. Gov. of Texas arguing that seniors are expendible then yes seniors will get the message they are not wanted int he party of Trump.

Let me ask you this.
If they dont open up the economy the seniors will stay home. If they do the seniors will still stay home since most are retired.
I see no direct correlation with opening up the economy and senior deaths.
The argument is being made that we must reopen the economy as soon as possible regardless of how many seniors the virus may ultimately kill. Many seniors may be hard of hearing but they are not deaf. They know what is meant when someone speaks of "heard immunity" or balancing of economic interests and the risks of infection and death. They are being told they are the price to be paid for reopening the economy.

Sorry Mom and Dad, Grandma and grandpa, but hey my paycheck is more important than your life.

You failed to answer the question.
The simple way to play this is to recommend seniors continue to practice the current restrictions until we can be sure the virus is no longer an issue.
When you have Trumptards on political forums like this and politicians like the moron Lt. Gov. of Texas arguing that seniors are expendible then yes seniors will get the message they are not wanted int he party of Trump.

Let me ask you this.
If they dont open up the economy the seniors will stay home. If they do the seniors will still stay home since most are retired.
I see no direct correlation with opening up the economy and senior deaths.
As long as the family and staff take simple precautions to stop the spread they will be fine. And that is the point. Once a vaccine is made that too will be gone..
And this my friends was in the past WEEK. Apparently Grandma and Grandpa been watching Fox News and hearing the rhetoric from Trump and his minions that seniors are expendable. Hasn't gone over well. He was already hemorrhaging educated suburban women and Independents. This will be his epitaph.

“The latest Morning Consult poll found that 65-and-older voters prioritized defeating the coronavirus over healing the economy by nearly a 6-to-1 ratio,” he wrote. “And over the past month, they’ve become the group most disenchanted with Trump’s handling of the crisis. In mid-March, seniors were more supportive of Trump than any other age group (plus-19 net approval). Now, their net approval of the president has dropped 20 points and is lower than any age group outside of the youngest.”​


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