Donald has lost 20 points in approval rating with seniors

And this my friends was in the past WEEK. Apparently Grandma and Grandpa been watching Fox News and hearing the rhetoric from Trump and his minions that seniors are expendable. Hasn't gone over well. He was already hemorrhaging educated suburban women and Independents. This will be his epitaph.

“The latest Morning Consult poll found that 65-and-older voters prioritized defeating the coronavirus over healing the economy by nearly a 6-to-1 ratio,” he wrote. “And over the past month, they’ve become the group most disenchanted with Trump’s handling of the crisis. In mid-March, seniors were more supportive of Trump than any other age group (plus-19 net approval). Now, their net approval of the president has dropped 20 points and is lower than any age group outside of the youngest.”​

No problem; they won’t be around come Election Day!
And this my friends was in the past WEEK. Apparently Grandma and Grandpa been watching Fox News and hearing the rhetoric from Trump and his minions that seniors are expendable. Hasn't gone over well. He was already hemorrhaging educated suburban women and Independents. This will be his epitaph.

“The latest Morning Consult poll found that 65-and-older voters prioritized defeating the coronavirus over healing the economy by nearly a 6-to-1 ratio,” he wrote. “And over the past month, they’ve become the group most disenchanted with Trump’s handling of the crisis. In mid-March, seniors were more supportive of Trump than any other age group (plus-19 net approval). Now, their net approval of the president has dropped 20 points and is lower than any age group outside of the youngest.”​

That's his base. Old people.

They're dying like flies now. Of course they aren't going to like him anymore. They see that he and his followers have no problem with killing tens thousands of people most being those old people.

I'm sure they know by now that his word means nothing so when he tells them he won't let them die, they don't believe it. They shouldn't. So far there are over 40 thousand dead.

We finally see where they draw the line with trump, when it's a matter of their own life and death.

If the election is honest and fair, trump doesn't stand a chance in November.
I thought people of color and big city dwellers were dropping like flies. Neither is Trump's base, but then dead Democrats are a significant demographic of their base.
And this my friends was in the past WEEK. Apparently Grandma and Grandpa been watching Fox News and hearing the rhetoric from Trump and his minions that seniors are expendable. Hasn't gone over well. He was already hemorrhaging educated suburban women and Independents. This will be his epitaph.

“The latest Morning Consult poll found that 65-and-older voters prioritized defeating the coronavirus over healing the economy by nearly a 6-to-1 ratio,” he wrote. “And over the past month, they’ve become the group most disenchanted with Trump’s handling of the crisis. In mid-March, seniors were more supportive of Trump than any other age group (plus-19 net approval). Now, their net approval of the president has dropped 20 points and is lower than any age group outside of the youngest.”​

Not surprising. His policy of pushing reopening stands to kill a lot of seniors. They may not agree with trump and Lt Gov Dan Patrick, thinking and in Patrick's case saying in an interview that "
'There are more important things than living'Texas lt. governor on reopening state: 'There are more important things than living'
Not a good thing, when the government makes decisions that could effect large numbers of American seniors, basically saying, the government has decided what is best for you senior citizens, and we have come to the conclusion that there are more important things than you living. It is not like trump is the leader of a big tent party. Seniors may just be shocked that he is leading a big tarp party and just do not want to be the ones covered by the tarp.
We know who REALLY came up with the idea of death panels.
Yep. His reelection campaign committee.
Going with the Polls again like in 2016?

Or maybe like 2018 when the Republicans lost 40 seats in the House, seven governorships, and multiple state legislative majorities, just like the polls said they would while you clowns had your heads in the sand yelling "Hillary! Hillary! 2016!"

How'd that work out for you?
And this my friends was in the past WEEK. Apparently Grandma and Grandpa been watching Fox News and hearing the rhetoric from Trump and his minions that seniors are expendable. Hasn't gone over well. He was already hemorrhaging educated suburban women and Independents. This will be his epitaph.

“The latest Morning Consult poll found that 65-and-older voters prioritized defeating the coronavirus over healing the economy by nearly a 6-to-1 ratio,” he wrote. “And over the past month, they’ve become the group most disenchanted with Trump’s handling of the crisis. In mid-March, seniors were more supportive of Trump than any other age group (plus-19 net approval). Now, their net approval of the president has dropped 20 points and is lower than any age group outside of the youngest.”​

If this is so then why the fuck don't I know any of them? I'm 73 so of course most of the folks I know are seniors also.
And this my friends was in the past WEEK. Apparently Grandma and Grandpa been watching Fox News and hearing the rhetoric from Trump and his minions that seniors are expendable. Hasn't gone over well. He was already hemorrhaging educated suburban women and Independents. This will be his epitaph.

“The latest Morning Consult poll found that 65-and-older voters prioritized defeating the coronavirus over healing the economy by nearly a 6-to-1 ratio,” he wrote. “And over the past month, they’ve become the group most disenchanted with Trump’s handling of the crisis. In mid-March, seniors were more supportive of Trump than any other age group (plus-19 net approval). Now, their net approval of the president has dropped 20 points and is lower than any age group outside of the youngest.”​

Guess since the democrats didn’t finish them all off infecting their senior living facilities with the virus.. you guys suddenly care what they think?
Guess since the democrats didn’t finish them all off infecting their senior living facilities with the virus.. you guys suddenly care what they think?

How did Democrats infect senior living facilities with the virus? #ThisShouldBeFun :)
You are the ones claiming this virus would be a good “boomer remover”...then suddenly senior living facilities are hardest hit in multiple states? Infact,in my state senior facilities ( where they all have been sheltering in place with no visitors ...ironically) and the reservations make up the majority.
Going with the Polls again like in 2016?

Or maybe like 2018 when the Republicans lost 40 seats in the House, seven governorships, and multiple state legislative majorities, just like the polls said they would while you clowns had your heads in the sand yelling "Hillary! Hillary! 2016!"

How'd that work out for you?

Who is "you"?
Guess since the democrats didn’t finish them all off infecting their senior living facilities with the virus.. you guys suddenly care what they think?

How did Democrats infect senior living facilities with the virus? #ThisShouldBeFun :)
You are the ones claiming this virus would be a good “boomer remover”...then suddenly senior living facilities are hardest hit in multiple states? Infact,in my state senior facilities ( where they all have been sheltering in place with no visitors ...ironically) and the reservations make up the majority.

Where did I state my support for a good "boomer remover"? You're not making a bit of sense. Maybe switch from the Blue Gin to the Clear until at least noon. :wink:
This isn't a jobs vs. grandma's life issue however. We can have both if we are smart.
There is no need to make it a question of one or the other, despite what lying leftists want you to think.
Guess since the democrats didn’t finish them all off infecting their senior living facilities with the virus.. you guys suddenly care what they think?

How did Democrats infect senior living facilities with the virus? #ThisShouldBeFun :)
You are the ones claiming this virus would be a good “boomer remover”...then suddenly senior living facilities are hardest hit in multiple states? Infact,in my state senior facilities ( where they all have been sheltering in place with no visitors ...ironically) and the reservations make up the majority.

Where did I state my support for a good "boomer remover"? You're not making a bit of sense. Maybe switch from the Blue Gin to the Clear until at least noon. :wink:
Stop answering for the democrats and you won’t be mistaken for one. :)
Another poll some brainless, clueless idiot believes?? Anyone who takes polls seriously is one dumb fuck.

Wonder if it the same poll that predicted Hitlery would be the winner in 2016??

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. I'm a senior and Trump will get my vote in November.
What is lost in one place is found in another.
Even if the polling is true, which I always dispute when lying lefties cite obscure sources, how much more popular will Trump be when he successfully gets the nation to get back to work and give non seniors jobs and hope again?
He will be very popular when businesses open back up and people can get back to work and this form of house arrest is over.
Morning Consult is now an obscure source? No one who follows politics should find Morning Consult obscure. If they do, they are highly unqualified as political consultants, reporters, or anything.

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