Donald Trump admits to being a birther,says Obama is hiding something

I really don't know if Obama is a citizen or not. There isn't any evidence to suggest otherwise but since the left seems convinced that anyone who even ask the question is doubting his citizenship status completely I just feel it is pointless to say anything other than he isn't a citizen at all. They simply do t believe you if you say anything else.

I don't even know if the man is black.

Awwww. Poor baby. You don't like it when people view your inability to accept hard evidence as a sign that you are a retard. You think saying that you "don't know" if Obama is a citizen is some lofty position worthy of praise? It isn't, dummy. It's actually a cowardly position if you stop and thnk about it.
i'd like to see some hard evidence, maybe... like the actual birth certificate. if there is one, which i doubt. but so far legally he's gotten away with it, and benghazi too. if he's hiding something, it will eventually pop out, maybe in a scrubbed email, which we know happens a lot.

Of course you're just going to say it's photoshopped, or the doctors aren't real, or whatever nutjobs say when presented with facts.
Yup, the CIA does nice work, don't they?
But it's gotten shoddier since the Muslim Brotherhood took over them.
I really don't know if Obama is a citizen or not. There isn't any evidence to suggest otherwise but since the left seems convinced that anyone who even ask the question is doubting his citizenship status completely I just feel it is pointless to say anything other than he isn't a citizen at all. They simply do t believe you if you say anything else.

I don't even know if the man is black.

Awwww. Poor baby. You don't like it when people view your inability to accept hard evidence as a sign that you are a retard. You think saying that you "don't know" if Obama is a citizen is some lofty position worthy of praise? It isn't, dummy. It's actually a cowardly position if you stop and thnk about it.
i'd like to see some hard evidence, maybe... like the actual birth certificate. if there is one, which i doubt. but so far legally he's gotten away with it, and benghazi too. if he's hiding something, it will eventually pop out, maybe in a scrubbed email, which we know happens a lot.

Of course you're just going to say it's photoshopped, or the doctors aren't real, or whatever nutjobs say when presented with facts.
How about his social security card? From a state he never lived in.

You never learn, do you. Is there any dumb lie you won't fall for? Why stick with a lie after you've been proven wrong?

No wonder Drumpf is leading you fools around by the nose.

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If Trump is wrong on Obama how can we trust him to toss out of the country only non-citizens? And what if he gets it completely backwards, where will we all be - Tijuana?

Is there anything he has been right about?

He once said he would run as a Republican because they are stupid so yeah, there's one thing got right.

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I really don't know if Obama is a citizen or not. There isn't any evidence to suggest otherwise but since the left seems convinced that anyone who even ask the question is doubting his citizenship status completely I just feel it is pointless to say anything other than he isn't a citizen at all. They simply do t believe you if you say anything else.

I don't even know if the man is black.

Awwww. Poor baby. You don't like it when people view your inability to accept hard evidence as a sign that you are a retard. You think saying that you "don't know" if Obama is a citizen is some lofty position worthy of praise? It isn't, dummy. It's actually a cowardly position if you stop and thnk about it.
i'd like to see some hard evidence, maybe... like the actual birth certificate. if there is one, which i doubt. but so far legally he's gotten away with it, and benghazi too. if he's hiding something, it will eventually pop out, maybe in a scrubbed email, which we know happens a lot.

Of course you're just going to say it's photoshopped, or the doctors aren't real, or whatever nutjobs say when presented with facts.
Yup, the CIA does nice work, don't they?
But it's gotten shoddier since the Muslim Brotherhood took over them.

Not really. They have always been pretty much in bed with each other.

Boston-area convicts linked to CIA nexus
portland imc - 2008.03.22 - Boston-area convicts linked to CIA nexus
According to Singh, several intelligence officials flat out told her Ptech was a protected CIA front.

As already mentioned, two Ptech employees, Muhammed Mubayyid and Suheil Laher, were leaders at Care International, an organization with historical ties to the CIA.

Then there was Ptech manager Aldurahman Alamoudi. During the 1990s he headed the American Task Force for Bosnia, which successfully lobbied the U.S. government to support the Bosnian Muslims against the Serbs—an effort, as mentioned earlier, backed by the CIA via al-Kifah, and supported later on by al-Kifah's offshoots, Care International and the Global Relief Foundation.

The government now claims Aldurahman Alamoudi "had a close relationship with al Qaida and had raised money for al Qaida in the United States." In 2004 he was sentenced to 23 years in jail after pleading guilty to charges related to tax violations and illegal dealings with Libya.

Shockingly, this same alleged al-Qaeda moneyman was invited to Austin, Texas in 2000 to meet with then Presidential candidate George W. Bush. At the time, Alamoudi was leading a new lobbying campaign with friends of Jack Abramoff... a story for another time.

Getting back on track, Ptech's primary investor was a wealthy Saudi named Yasin al-Qadi. Al-Qadi is said to have assisted CIA efforts in Bosnia and Kosovo. He also accompanied U.S. officials during their visits to Saudi Arabia and even claims to have become friends with Vice President Dick Cheney.

Al-Qadi headed the Saudi-based Muwafaq Foundation, named by the Treasury Department as an "al-Qaeda front that receives funding from wealthy Saudi businessmen."

Khalid bin Mahfouz, one of the wealthy Saudis that backed President George W. Bush's first failed oil company, Arbusto, reportedly established and funded the Muwafaq Foundation.

Mahfouz is perhaps best known for being a principal shareholder and director of BCCI, a criminal enterprise exploited by the CIA during the 1970s and 1980s for numerous covert operations, including the financing of the anti-Soviet Afghan jihad.

Mahfouz is allegedly listed on the "Golden Chain" of al-Qaeda financers, reportedly discovered at the Bosnian office of the Benevolence International Foundation in 2002. Benevolence International just happens to be one of the charity fronts the government accuses Care International of illegally supporting.

As if all this was not enough to raise eyebrows, it was revealed at the Care International trial that the Boston charity maintained links to a group of cabbies that received military training together in Afghanistan, apparently with U.S. support.

If Trump is wrong on Obama how can we trust him to toss out of the country only non-citizens? And what if he gets it completely backwards, where will we all be - Tijuana?

Is there anything he has been right about?

He once said he would run as a Republican because they are stupid so yeah, there's one thing got right.

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Looking at your avatar & reading your posts leads one to believe there is a hole in the top of your head.

Get a bigger hat.
Lets say Trump wins and becomes President. Then he exposes that Obama was not eligible to be President.
Does that null and void anything and everything Obama has signed into law and nullifies any pardons?
I guess we can only pray that happens.
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Trump a birfer?

Impossible. This is 2015 and you are required to have BOTH a Democrat Party shoulder patch AND a Cruz-hater credential to be a true birter! Trump has one of the requisites but, so far, only one.
If Trump is wrong on Obama how can we trust him to toss out of the country only non-citizens? And what if he gets it completely backwards, where will we all be - Tijuana?

Is there anything he has been right about?

He once said he would run as a Republican because they are stupid so yeah, there's one thing got right.

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Connecticut social security number, who is duped?
Where's trumps birth certificate ?

Oh he's white, no need to question his background !

The racists and anti-semites and Birthers all do love Trump.

LOL......Donald Trump- the candidate the GOP deserves.

Oh by the way- still waiting for Trump to 'expose' what his crack private investigators found in Hawaii- 4 years ago......still waiting.....
I really don't know if Obama is a citizen or not. There isn't any evidence to suggest otherwise but since the left seems convinced that anyone who even ask the question is doubting his citizenship status completely I just feel it is pointless to say anything other than he isn't a citizen at all. They simply do t believe you if you say anything else.

I don't even know if the man is black.

Awwww. Poor baby. You don't like it when people view your inability to accept hard evidence as a sign that you are a retard. You think saying that you "don't know" if Obama is a citizen is some lofty position worthy of praise? It isn't, dummy. It's actually a cowardly position if you stop and thnk about it.
i'd like to see some hard evidence, maybe... like the actual birth certificate. if there is one, which i doubt. but so far legally he's gotten away with it, and benghazi too. if he's hiding something, it will eventually pop out, maybe in a scrubbed email, which we know happens a lot.

Of course you're just going to say it's photoshopped, or the doctors aren't real, or whatever nutjobs say when presented with facts.
virtual, not worth a pixel. very clever though.

So can you say hypocrisy?

I know I sure can.

Why don't you have a problem with ted cruz? The man was born in Canada. He lived there for a portion of his childhood. He has a Canadian birth certificate and has had citizenship with Canada up until just recently when he decided to run for the presidency.

Yet I hear not one single word from republicans about him.

And trump has no credible and honest evidence that Obama isn't a natural born citizen. If he did, we would have heard about it by now.

Meanwhile Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen.

So again, you republicans LOSE.

I'm having a great time laughing at you birthers and how stupid you are.
Clearly, Obama told his colleges he was born in Kenya
the only thing about that theory, is ivy league institutions putting their reputations at stake. and why all the trouble to produce a virtual set of documents (i think the draft reg is real, and fishy as hell) if it was just foreign aid assistance.

obama has a running set of coincidences and anomalies a mile deep.

Sheriff Joe demands Obama draft registration

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