Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

He didn't add to them. Learn your Bible or shut up.

Jesus didn't "add" to the Commandments, He condensed them. His Commandment to Love the Lord thy God with all of your might, condenses the first 4 Commandments into one, and his second commandments - love one another as I have loved you, condenses the last 6 commandments. I love someone, you're not going to lie or steal from them, nor are you going to murder them. You're not going to be unfaithful to your spouse. You are not going to do anything that harms others.

Jesus was really not into material goods and earthly possession saying "The love of money is the root of all evil". Fraud, theft, and scams all stem from the love of money. The young man He was telling to give up his worldly possessions, suffered from a love of money. That advice was specific to this young man, not a Commandment in general.
You don’t seem to realize what religion or morality is
Religion has Morals in it. Morality is in itself a Religion. You have no issues PUSHING PERVERTED ISSUES BASED ON YOUR VERSION OF MORALITY.

But we say GOD. NOOOOOO.

Up yours you Pravda Artist
Never heard of it before. Apparently it’s only a trying in 6 states. So weird and archaic.

No. Laws are not “by definition” the morality of a society. That may be true in authoritarian religious states, it hasn’t been true for modern western nations that value freedom.

In fact, I’d say our nation’s innovation was casting off adherence to religious commandments.

Are you saying that Prohibition, which was an actual amendment to the Constitution prohibiting the sale of alcohol in the USA, wasn't an attempt to inflict "morality" on the American people?

What about the laws which prohibit bigamy??? Gambling??? What about "animal cruelty laws" prohibiting dog fights or cock fights???? Or selling swamp land in Florida. Or homosexuality???? Even the incest laws are an attempt to instill morality on people.
Are you saying that Prohibition, which was an actual amendment to the Constitution prohibiting the sale of alcohol in the USA, wasn't an attempt to inflict "morality" on the American people?

What about the laws which prohibit bigamy??? Gambling??? What about "animal cruelty laws" prohibiting dog fights or cock fights???? Or selling swamp land in Florida. Or homosexuality???? Even the incest laws are an attempt to instill morality on people.
Whether you like it or not the Children learn right from wrong in school.

We have them now preaching TRANSGENDER BS. Drag Queens.

Now Im supposed to OBJECT to a display of the 10 COMMANDMENTS????


Yeah, that's one of the points that I was thinking about for being on the pro-side of it.

You're completely off topic. Start another thread if you want to discuss the two things you cannot even spell but considering where you're from we'll let it slide.

Actually he's completely on topic because he's comparing between the two.

I'm no liberal, so I color you stupid. :rolleyes: Twist that argument however you like.

Riiiiggghhhtttt and a man can be a woman if he feels like it correct?

As have you, likely, and pretty much most sinners.

Don’t throw stones in a glass house here

Well I have never murdered anybody or stolen from anybody but other than that if it wasn't for Jesus I'd be screwed.

Has anyone found "separation of church and state" in the US Constitution yet?

Not in those exact words no and now I'm not even sure what it truly means or where it's from anymore. 😕

Despite the fervor over Trump promoting Christian ideals and morality....the man is not a Christian Evangelical believer.

He has repented of his sins but not sought our forgiveness from God for committing them.

With all due love and respect, how do you actually know that?

Apparently you do NOT understand what they mean. Nobody has a problem with any of the morals that these laws teach.

EVERY RELIGION (including atheists) promote these laws. Why you have a problem with being against lying, murder, marital unfaithfulness, taking a day off from work and etc is something that you need to explain.

True, very good point.

Where is the phrase “separation of church and state” used in the U.S. Constitution?

Again I admit that it isn't and that I was wrong.

Apparently you should never be a's called "stealing of affection" and is usually given juries the license to grant huge sums to husband's.

Laws, by definition, are the morality of a society. It doesn't matter if you agree or not....laws are indeed the morality of a society.

Never heard of it before. Apparently it’s only a trying in 6 states. So weird and archaic.

No. Laws are not “by definition” the morality of a society. That may be true in authoritarian religious states, it hasn’t been true for modern western nations that value freedom.

In fact, I’d say our nation’s innovation was casting off adherence to religious commandments.

Actually I can see where you're both coming from.
Very good, now look at this in context and see what Jesus said after this...

20 The young man said to him, “All these I have kept. What do I still lack?” 21 Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” 22 When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.

Any time Jesus brings up the 10 commandments, He adds to them.
Jesus was just kidding about that part.
Let’s use an example:

If you needed heart surgery, do you want a medical doctor who was taught/told medicine from all of the experts throughout history with tried and proven results and can point exactly to why they do anything? Or do you want an unlicensed surgeon who just found his own way to come to perform heart surgery.

You would be the latter.. and I would say no thank you to one persons vague experiences. Why would you not want to learn from those who know? Sounds like you have a problem with authority or entitlement
Nobody is qualified to tell me how I must worship Jesus as we are all imperfect and as long as I accept him as my savior then the rest takes care of itself.

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