Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

You won't answer because you do not have the answer. And FYI, there is no god. Never has been, never will be. Just fools gulible enough to believe in myths and rumors.

As an atheist, I see nothing to fear from schools teaching the Ten Commandments, and also prayer in schools. Kids are faced with mass confusion and ignorance, so they need something to believe in, to hold on to as a guide through their problems. After they get more experience, they can choose whether they still need that help.

Only an anti-theist fanatic would get a thrill out of canceling all manifestations of religion.
Sure. Lying is illegal in some very specific circumstances. Like inflating the value of your assets on a loan application. I grant you that.

Cheating on your wife isn’t illegal. She can also divorce you and get alimony without cheating, so it’s not really exclusive. Her husband is not entitled to anything from the man she cheated on. That’s super weird and treats wives more like property than people.

Our laws aren’t a moral code. They’re the bare minimum to maintain a functional society. The Ten Commandments are not compatible with our concept of freedom.
Apparently you should never be a's called "stealing of affection" and is usually given juries the license to grant huge sums to husband's.

Laws, by definition, are the morality of a society. It doesn't matter if you agree or not....laws are indeed the morality of a society.
As an atheist, I see nothing to fear from schools teaching the Ten Commandments.
*as a short sighted atheist with tunnel vision

The problem arises when non-Christian students push back against the religious indoctrination and face sanctions

Or when our public schools become sectarian. "That one's Mormon. That one is Muslim. "

Or when sectarian teachers show favor based on religion

Or when something else is not taught because class time was wasted on a subject that shouldn't be there
True, We have been influenced when one group gets enough power they use it,
with out regard for how any one else feels about it.
The Constitution was designed so that the people, via their elected representatives, govern themselves, establish what rules/law are necessary and what are not, determine what sort of societies they will be and what quality of life means to them.

When those given power rig the system that only one voice is allowed. . .
When the President or the courts take and use power they are not authorized to have. . .

The Constitution is turned on its head and is piece by piece eroded until we lose the representative republic it was intended to preserve and protect.

The left is doing its damndest to give the federal government totalitarian power. I guarantee you they will not like what they have achieved if they succeed. And they are dangerously close in doing so. I think if the GOP does not regain the Congress and White House in 2024, the left may close the gap and we will be helpless to stop it.

This Ten Commandments issue is just one of the pieces of a much larger puzzle. I think to mandate the posting is not the way to go. I think to encourage posting of historical documents that have influenced our government and history as a people is fine and to ban their posting is unconstitutional and detrimental to the Constitution.
The Constitution was designed so that the people themselves, via their elected representatives, govern themselves, establish what rules/law are necessary and what are not, determine what sort of societies they will be and what quality of life means to them.
The Constitution was established to form a secular government and a secular code for that government. The new nation realized the problem with the Church of England also being the State of England.

It established freedom of religion and freedom from religion (which are equivalent).
Sure, let’s look at that:

I agree with this 100%. All laws made in pursuance (carrying out the plan of) the constitution are the supreme law of the land.

This means any law made that is within the scope of the cotus is the law of the land and takes priority over the states.

So then:

You have this:

What this is saying is that, any law that Congress can make that is authorized for them to make, in the supreme law of the land. What is authorized? Those things that are delegated for Congress to do

I know you all want to think that the federal government has supreme authority in all things, but it just isn’t so…we as citizens have let government get way too big and way too powerful that they have nearly become a dictatorial body. And then dems come along and want to give them MORE power

The federal government was never supposed to be what it is today
Do you believe that setting up ANY one group to have the ability to DICTATE how the WHOLE country should think or act IS GOOD?
Our political party's working together, to establish some sort of more middle ground?
covering the needs /wants of a larger amount of Our population?
NEVER make every one happy,
WE could do better than this angry divided nation.
Sure, teach the Ten Commandments.

Teach them in government class. Discuss the immorality of the idea of "thought crimes", and how ancient people were stumbling through their first and worst attempts at codifying morality. And how democracy was a pipe dream, so a dictatorial, divine authority had to be invented and attributed to the moral codes and used as a cudgel.
Apparently you should never be a's called "stealing of affection" and is usually given juries the license to grant huge sums to husband's.

Laws, by definition, are the morality of a society. It doesn't matter if you agree or not....laws are indeed the morality of a society.
Never heard of it before. Apparently it’s only a trying in 6 states. So weird and archaic.

No. Laws are not “by definition” the morality of a society. That may be true in authoritarian religious states, it hasn’t been true for modern western nations that value freedom.

In fact, I’d say our nation’s innovation was casting off adherence to religious commandments.

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