Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

Name one public school which held a "drag queen story hour" anywhere in the USA. There aren't any. Drag Queen Story hours were held at public libraries and are completely voluntary.

Stop parroting the lies of the Chinese, Russian and Iranian propaganda.

With the challenges of teaching through covid pandemic, declining test scores, teacher burnout, and crazy people trying to teach children that slavery was just another form of immigration, there are enough problems in American schools without all of the insanity, book bannings, and accusations of grooming from right wing agitators with an agenda to end public education.

Republicans have been trying to end public schools since 1981, and they view the pandemic as their best opportunity ever to destroy the public education system. Despite the failure of the New Orleans charter school system, these people will not stop until the US public education system is destroyed, because they fear their children will grow up to be liberals and that cannot be allowed to happen.
I posted that a while back. Go play in traffic
Name one public school which held a "drag queen story hour" anywhere in the USA. There aren't any. Drag Queen Story hours were held at public libraries and are completely voluntary.
Do you ever get tired of being exposed as the lying sack of KKKanadian vermin shit you are?

You continue to demonstrate that you absolutely do not understand the Ten Commandments or know what they actually say. These Law's are an English translation from ancient Hebrew which is a metaphoric language with lots of nuance...and the basis of the Laws of most nations on the planet.

Breaking these Laws gets you punishment just about everywhere in the world....why are you advocating immorality and moral turpitude?
Tell me. In this country, am I punished for:
Committing adultery?
Worshiping another god?
Coveting my neighbors goods?
Not going to church on Sunday?
And what if I don’t want me kids exposed to the Ten Commandments? I have parental rights to control what my kids are exposed to. Religion is so personal it’s best left at home. This will only confuse kids.
SO SAD that FAITH & RELIGION , Has been so trashed by BEING USED as a POLITICAL tool.
The US Constitution is not based and does not endorse the Ten Commandments

In fact, it does the complete opposite

Where the First Commandment says…..I am God and you shall worship no others

The First Amendment to the Constitution says…..You can worship any God you want or no God at all
Modern liberal democracy is incompatible with the 10 commandments.

It’s so incompatible, the first amendment was written by our founders to be incompatible with the first 3-4 commandments.
The US Constitution is not based and does not endorse the Ten Commandments

In fact, it does the complete opposite

Where the First Commandment says…..I am God and you shall worship no others

The First Amendment to the Constitution says…..You can worship any God you want or no God at all
Yet you have openly said you have the right to TEACH MORALITY IN SCHOOLS.

I'm a Christian. I don't have a problem with what they teach. But they don't apply to the public schools for the same reason we don't judge people by them in trials. They are God's rules for God's people--specifically, the Israelites. Why are we posting about the Sabbath and adultery in schools, anyway?
There's a broad range of what these laws mean.(way beyond what is taught by pastors and small group bible studies today) ..they are adhered to by the entire planet. And these laws ARE the Basis of our laws. Our laws just spell them out more completely. Including the ones about Sabbath and the First Law.
Your TDS is showing again.

With all due respect isn't that exactly the same thing? Ah well if the Rainbow people can push their religion why can't we?

Yeah but it looks like they're trying to go for public schools too.

I tire of uninformed idiots.
The men writing OUR CONSITUTION had different beliefs about religion, they saw the damage done by kings and power driven people.
And to protect OUR COUNTRY structured us with the ability to practice our choice of Faith with out being killed, tortured, or banned
for those choices.
It does not specify whose god or what god though. Jewish and Christian people will almost certainly read that differently than will Hindus or Muslims or Buddists and it imposes no requirement on any person who believes it or rejects it or shrugs it off.

Posting the Ten Commandments is not an establishment of religion but rather posts a historical document that is no more coercive than posting Plato's Laws or Hammurabi's laws or any other document that reflects historical influences on U.S. or world cultures/societies. The Supreme Court building is decorated with historical figures who have influenced world cultures over thousands of years. Nobody points to that as an 'establishment of religion.'

To prohibit calling attention to the religious histories that have influenced the development of civilization over time is far more a violation of First Amendment protections than is posting the Ten Commandments or any other historical document.
Only one God. All others are a figment of mans imagination.
Tell me. In this country, am I punished for:
Committing adultery?
Worshiping another god?
Coveting my neighbors goods?
Not going to church on Sunday?
Yep....even though YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND OR KNOW THE LAWS you are put in jail for perjury, ponzi schemes, and committing treason. And if your wife catches you cheating on her she will divorce you and get alimony. And if with a married woman her husband is entitled to a pound of your flesh (monetary compensation) as well.
The point being that passing a LAW that says you must post a document claiming there is ONE AND ONLY ONE GOD is unconstitutional
California teaches Islam in public schools but will restrict Christianity, I bet you think that is ok. There is One and only One one God.

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