Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

Really? I missed that. Please state your argument/evidence for how the Ten Commandments and the JudeoChristian Bible have NOT influenced our laws, our culture, our development as a civilization.

I warn you that if you try, there is a mountain of expert opinion to dispute your statements about that.

Here is just one:
True, We have been influenced when one group gets enough power they use it,
with out regard for how any one else feels about it.
Very good, now look at this in context and see what Jesus said after this...

20 The young man said to him, “All these I have kept. What do I still lack?” 21 Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” 22 When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.

Any time Jesus brings up the 10 commandments, He adds to them.
He didn't add to them. Learn your Bible or shut up.
Do you ever get tired of being exposed as the lying sack of KKKanadian vermin shit you are?

You believe the New York Post???

This is from the FOX New story:

"The nonprofit Drag Story Hour NYC, previously known as Drag Queen Story Hour NYC, received approximately $207,000 in taxpayer funding since 2018, the New York Post reported, citing city records.

The total includes a $50,000 contribution from New York State through its Council on the Arts, along with $157,000 earmarked from New York City’s Departments of Education, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Community Development, and even from the Department of Transportation, according to the Post.

Records show that the non-profit received $46,000 from city contracts for appearances at public schools, street festivals and libraries in May alone ahead of Pride month. "

So no they did not get $200,000 from the Board of Education. Most of their performances were in libraries and street festivals.

But once again, you imply there is something morally wrong about having a drag queen read children's stories to children in a library or school setting, even though no drag queen has ever been arrested for harming a child.

But you continue to take children to church, Boy Scouts, and for gymnastics, swimming and dance programs - where 20% of all child sexual abuses continues to occur.

Yep....even though YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND OR KNOW THE LAWS you are put in jail for perjury, ponzi schemes, and committing treason. And if your wife catches you cheating on her she will divorce you and get alimony. And if with a married woman her husband is entitled to a pound of your flesh (monetary compensation) as well.
Sure. Lying is illegal in some very specific circumstances. Like inflating the value of your assets on a loan application. I grant you that.

Cheating on your wife isn’t illegal. She can also divorce you and get alimony without cheating, so it’s not really exclusive. Her husband is not entitled to anything from the man she cheated on. That’s super weird and treats wives more like property than people.

Our laws aren’t a moral code. They’re the bare minimum to maintain a functional society. The Ten Commandments are not compatible with our concept of freedom.
Fuck you back. Come step over the line, asshole.
This poster is demonstrating that this has nothing to do with education policy and is little more than culture war grievances.

They’re just using kids as a weapon. They don’t give a shit about them.
Only one God. All others are a figment of mans imagination.
I believe that and you believe that. But my argument is about whether posting the Ten Commandments in a public school constitutes an establishment of religion. It doesn't.

Again I do not believe in government mandates of that sort at any level of government. But I believe it would be more destructive to forbid the posting than to mandate it. The ideal is to allow the posting if that's what the parents and teacher wants and to not post it if that is what the parents and teacher wants.
He didn't add to them. Learn your Bible or shut up.

Fuck off little man, he expounded on them. The 10 Commandments were about actions, Jesus was about what is in your heart.

The 10 Commandments stopped at murder, Jesus said hate is just as bad.

The 10 Commandments stopped at adultery, Jesus said that lust was just as bad.

This is something an angry 7 year old would say because he is not bright enough to think of anything better.

As if you get your morality from the ten commandments anyway. What a bunch of frauds you people are.
Explain what Any OF those things you posted have to do with OUR rights as AMERICANS.
Face it. The radical left either have hopeless tunnel vision and inability of any kind for logic, reason, critical thinking - and/or -

They are so hate filled they will say any insulting thing, mischaracterize any statement/quote/post or destroy context or whatever it takes to discredit anybody on the right however dishonestly that is done - and/or -

They have such reading dysfunction and inability/unwillingness to honestly research anything they have no clue what they are talking about and don't care what the truth is - and/or -

They are all socks or otherwise organized, perhaps even paid, to disrupt, derail any discussion that doesn't support or conform or fit in with the woke Marxist agenda of the radical left.

Our arguments are not necessarily invaluable those because there are a few who are honestly misguided and can be convinced. We are seeing more and more previous anti-Trump supporters come on board; more and more former Democrats are abandoning a party that supports so many vile and indefensible things and promote dangerous or destructive policy. That does not mean they will ever be strong Republicans or right wingers or solid conservatives, but they have sufficient character to want to get it as right and beneficial as possible. Even some on the right benefit from that kind of adjustment too. I certainly do from time to time.

I respect those willing to at least consider another point of view a great deal and admire those who can make a good argument even if I disagree with them. And they can add a lot to a discussion such as whether the Ten Commandments should be posted in classrooms.

By the way, so far nobody has agreed with my position on this topic. :)
Face it. The radical left either have hopeless tunnel vision and inability of any kind for logic, reason, critical thinking - and/or -

Are so hate filled they will say any insulting thing, mischaracterize any statement/quote/post or destroy context or whatever it takes to discredit anybody on the right however dishonestly that is done - and/or -

They have such reading dysfunction and inability/unwillingness to honestly research anything they have no clue what they are talking about and don't care what the truth is - and/or -

They are all socks or otherwise organized, perhaps even paid, to disrupt, derail any discussion that doesn't support or conform or fit in with the woke Marxist agenda of the radical left.

Our arguments are not necessarily invaluable those because there are a few who are honestly misguided and can be convinced. We are seeing more and more previous anti-Trump supporters come on board; more and more former Democrats are abandoning a party that supports so many vile and indefensible things and promote dangerous or destructive policy. That does not mean they will ever be strong Republicans or right wingers or solid conservatives, but they have sufficient character to want to get it as right and beneficial as possible.

I respect those a great deal. And they can add a lot to a discussion like whether the Ten Commandments should be posted in classrooms.

By the way, so far nobody has agreed with my position on this topic. :)
Empty headed, whiny rant.

It's easy to spot.people who know they just aren't that bright and capable, so they create a boogeyman of "the others" to point at to justify their own dumb and poor behavior.

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