Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

Disagree. I am a lifelong member. Jesus, our savior, was a forgiving and loving God. What the strict ones do is chase away many people with their militantantism.
Informing others of the rules of the club is not “militantism” (whatever that is). The rules need to be maintained or else folks like you become heretics by creating a new version. Thus, you’d be an offshoot from Christianity, like the tens of thousands of Protestant denominations out there.

If people telling you required Christian stances is icky to you, it probably means you’re in your feels about God but not upholding his desires. You don’t get into heaven by talking and telling people what you are, you’re called to live a holy life and submit to Him and the church
Then they complain church membership is dropping. The poor will enter heaven well before any rich person will.
You botched that.

Being monetarily rich isn’t evil, but it causes an increase in temptation. Monetarily poor people aren’t automatically given spiritual points.

What your getting wrong is when Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit, as in humble and vulnerable.

You equating it to just money is wrong.. but hey, you don’t appear to want to be correct because it makes you feel bad.
in terms of the First Amendment the Constitution is supreme

States cannot make their own rules

If this were the federal government, you’d be right , this is a state so it’s unclear if it applies.

However, it doesn’t appear they are establishing a religion. They are observing one, and that’s not prohibited. I think people often misunderstand separation of church and state (which doesn’t appear in the cotus)
Trump has never repented or apoligized for anything. He claims he has rights no one else has. If re-elected, he has no intention of giving the Presidency - ever.
Ummmm....that's what I said. But changing behaviors or stopping behaviors is repenting. I didn't say he had remorse or fact I said specifically that he did not. If you are having issues with the English language just say so and I will use more simple terms to accommodate you.

Oh I have no doubts he will try to have himself set up as a shadow presidency through his vice president that he wants to succeed him...just like Obama has done with Biden.
The Ten Commandments influenced western philosophy, thus the constitution.

You demanding direct quotes is just silly pathetic gotcha attempts. Do better

You keep responding with broad statements that you can’t back up when asked

What influence did the Ten Commandments have on western civilization?
How does it influence the Constitution. I see nothing in the Constitution that traces to the Ten Commandments

Not to kill, steal, lie, commit adultery?

Every civilization comes up with that.
You don’t have civilization without it
You keep responding with broad statements that you can’t back up when asked

What influence did the Ten Commandments have on western civilization?
How does it influence the Constitution. I see nothing in the Constitution that traces to the Ten Commandments

Not to kill, steal, lie, commit adultery?

Every civilization comes up with that.
You don’t have civilization without it
You can most certainly have a civilizations without rules against killing, and stealing, Go to third world countries.

That’s why western philosophy is better

And as for lying and adultery, there’s no rules here in the USA against them.
If this were the federal government, you’d be right , this is a state so it’s unclear if it applies.

However, it doesn’t appear they are establishing a religion. They are observing one, and that’s not prohibited. I think people often misunderstand separation of church and state (which doesn’t appear in the cotus)

I can’t understand how Conservatives on this board keep making that statement.

Didn’t you attend school?
When Louisiana became a state, they signed up to the US Constitution and are bound by it.
The Constitution has supreme authority over any laws Louisiana may make
Informing others of the rules of the club is not “militantism” (whatever that is). The rules need to be maintained or else folks like you become heretics by creating a new version. Thus, you’d be an offshoot from Christianity, like the tens of thousands of Protestant denominations out there.

If people telling you required Christian stances is icky to you, it probably means you’re in your feels about God but not upholding his desires. You don’t get into heaven by talking and telling people what you are, you’re called to live a holy life and submit to Him and the church

You botched that.

Being monetarily rich isn’t evil, but it causes an increase in temptation. Monetarily poor people aren’t automatically given spiritual points.

What your getting wrong is when Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit, as in humble and vulnerable.

You equating it to just money is wrong.. but hey, you don’t appear to want to be correct because it makes you feel bad.
It's not "icky" but they have zero business trying to tell me I have to do what they say. What you fail to see in this wrongheaded approach is you don't want to invite others, you want to tell them what they must do so in essence you do the opposite of trying to grow chrits kingdom.
You can most certainly have a civilizations without rules against killing, stealing, lying and adultery. Go to third world countries.

That’s why western philosophy is better
What country does not have laws against killing and stealing?

In fact, seven of the ten amendments are not even against the law.
And now the age old tactic of using our belief against us.

Spin away from the REAL ISSUE HERE


Use it. PLEASE. See how it works out for ya.

The Ten Commandments ARE what our legal system is ultimately based upon. Just because you wish to deny history (or are ignirant of it) doesn't make it true or some fantastic imagination of what might happen will come to fruition.

And I believe that instructing children in moral turpitude is not a productive use of the public school system because cognitive reasoning is replaced with poor impulse control...and education is pointless.
It's not "icky" but they have zero business trying to tell me I have to do what they say. What you fail to see in this wrongheaded approach is you don't want to invite others, you want to tell them what they must do so in essence you do the opposite of trying to grow chrits kingdom.
Let’s use an example:

If you needed heart surgery, do you want a medical doctor who was taught/told medicine from all of the experts throughout history with tried and proven results and can point exactly to why they do anything? Or do you want an unlicensed surgeon who just found his own way to come to perform heart surgery.

You would be the latter.. and I would say no thank you to one persons vague experiences. Why would you not want to learn from those who know? Sounds like you have a problem with authority or entitlement
We need to remove anything that establishes religion
It doesn't establish a religion.
It's a reiterating the basis of our legal system.
Blacks Law Dictionary explains the legal terms for those of you of the Atheist persuasion.
The Ten Commandments ARE what our legal system is ultimately based upon. Just because you wish to deny history (or are ignirant of it) doesn't make it true or some fantastic imagination of what might happen will come to fruition.

And I believe that instructing children in moral turpitude is not a productive use of the public school system because cognitive reasoning is replaced with poor impulse control...and education is pointless.
I have brought this discussion to where it belongs.


I hope they Push the Hell out of this.

It will PISS PEOPLE OFF because it will force discussions of them pushing the perverted agenda of the left.
I can’t understand how Conservatives on this board keep making that statement.

Didn’t you attend school?
When Louisiana became a state, they signed up to the US Constitution and are bound by it.
The Constitution has supreme authority over any laws Louisiana may make

No, you’re wrong. You all think the federal government has total power and that it rules over the states.

That’s not right. Yes, i went to school, and they taught me to read…if you read the cotus, you’ll clearly see that it says that the federal government has certain things it is allowed to do, and it can make laws, which are the supreme laws, when pertaining to those certain things. All other things are reserved to the states and the people.

You all seem to have this idea that whatever law the federal government creates…no matter what it is, overrules the states.if that were the case, the 10th ammendment would never have been written.

Be careful what you wish for, because governments change hands and by your reasoning, if you get a total republican majority, they could nationalize gun reciprocity, ban gay marriage, and ban abortion, nationwide and all states would have to abide by it.

It doesn’t work that way and that’s a good thing. The founders didn’t want an all powerful government which is why they gave it 18 specific duties ( which we’ve FAR exceeded)
It doesn't establish a religion.
It's a reiterating the basis of our legal system.
Blacks Law Dictionary explains the legal terms for those of you of the Atheist persuasion.
The Ten Commandments are not the basis of our legal system. Most of them aren’t even illegal.

It favors one religion above all others. It has no basis being mandated by government.
You all seem to have this idea that whatever law the federal government creates…no matter what it is, overrules the states

The US Constitution overrules the states

Those states signed up to the US Constitution when they became states. When state legislators take office, they swear to uphold the Constitution
It doesn't establish a religion.
It's a reiterating the basis of our legal system.
Blacks Law Dictionary explains the legal terms for those of you of the Atheist persuasion.

First Commandment
“I am the Lord thy God, you shall have no Gods before me”

That specifically establishes the God of Moses as the only religion

The commandments are not the basis of our legal system. In fact, only three commandments are against the law

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